The last building on earth

Chapter 507 The Last Building

"Let's go and have a look." Wang Xuan felt shocked, and he and the Mechanical God rushed into the distance in this dark void.

Both he and the Machine God sensed through their spiritual consciousness that in the dark and empty distance, there stood a building whose majesty was difficult to describe in words.

This building existed in this dark void, with no end or end visible. Wang Xuan knew at the first glance that this must be the building they were in.

Just now, he and Warcraft were knocked out of the building by the power of "heaven". It turned out that there was such darkness and nothingness outside the building.

In this void, nothing exists but darkness and this building.

At the current speed of Wang Xuan and the Machine God, they still shuttled through this dark void for a while before gradually approaching the building.

As it continued to approach, Wang Xuan began to see the building in the darkness.

The appearance of the building looks very strange. It looks like it is connected by countless gears of different sizes. The number of these gears can be calculated by the number of sands in the Ganges River.

These gears, as small as dust and as large as stars, no matter how big or small, are all rotating at different speeds.

The bigger it is, the slower it turns, and the smaller it is, the faster it turns.

Wang Xuan remembered that the building had nine floors in total, but from the outside of the building, he could not tell how many floors the building had because he could not see the end of the building.

Even with the powerful consciousness of his true god, combined with the Eye of Zhou Tian that has grown and evolved to become more powerful, he still cannot get a full view of the building.

The closer he got, the more he felt the majesty of this building that seemed to be made up of countless gears. It was hard for Wang Xuan to imagine that such a building would be born naturally.

"So many gears look more like man-made creations than natural births. Is this building a masterpiece of the Mother Goddess? Is that why the Mother Goddess has the highest authority in this building?"

Wang Xuan spoke as he approached.

Red light continued to spread from the body of the mechanical god who was following him. Hearing Wang Xuan's words, he said in a deep voice: "No, this building was definitely not created by the mother goddess."

"Why?" Wang Xuan was a little curious. He didn't expect the God of Machinery to be so sure, so he couldn't help but glance at it.

Mechanical God said: "You think so because you haven't figured out what the Mother Goddess is yet."

"Huh?" Wang Xuan slowed down and said, "What do you mean by this?"

In his understanding, the Mother Goddess gave birth to the ten first-generation beasts, which should be a god even older than the ten first-generation beasts. The power of such a god is naturally immeasurable, so she can create such a god. building is not impossible.

The Mechanical God seemed to know what Wang Xuan was thinking, and said: "The Mother Goddess is not a certain god as you understand it. She is different from the ten first-generation gods, or giant gods such as Hades, Brahma, and Heaven. The Mother Goddess represents The building itself, and God the Father, who is opposite to it, is outside the building.”

Wang Xuan frowned and said, "You mean, this building itself, these countless gears, represent the Mother Goddess?"

"It can also be understood in this way. Of course, this understanding is not completely correct. I cannot use specific language to describe the Mother Goddess. She is different from some of the gods that you understand. If you want to understand it simply, just like me As I just said, everything inside the building can be regarded as the Mother Goddess, and everything outside the building can be regarded as the Father God."

Wang Xuan thought for a while and then said: "If you put it this way, then the darkness and nothingness we are in now is God the Father?"

"You can understand it this way. You can understand that we are now in Father God's body. If Father God is a human being, then we are some bacteria in this human body that is too small to be mentioned."

Wang Xuan showed a wry smile. Although he has become a true god, in terms of pure power, it is unimaginable that he can control the arms of monsters and the skull of Nine Phoenix.

Soon, they stopped, and in front of them, a barrier formed by countless combinations of large and small gears appeared.

This barrier is the outer wall of the building, but because the building is too huge, once they get close, the outer wall they see is like a wall that isolates the dark void.

If they didn't use their spiritual senses, they wouldn't even be able to see where the four boundaries of the wall were.

Only by using the divine sense of the true god can we barely sense that this is the shape of a building.

"God of Machinery, you said that Heaven knocked us out of the building. What's your intention?"

Wang Xuan couldn't understand. The terrifying ability displayed by the last blow of "Tian". Since he could blast them out of the building with one blow and break through the outer wall of the building's gears, this ability should not be impossible if he really wanted to kill them. possible.

"I don't know, maybe it wants us to go outside the building and see something."

"Heaven and Ming are in a state of hostility. I just don't know what the relationship between heaven and the monsters is. Is it because of the monsters that they are merciful?" Wang Xuan was pondering, and it was difficult to understand. Or maybe it was just as the God of Machinery said, "Heaven is merciful." "By pushing them out of the building, you want them to see something outside the building?" However, outside this building, there is darkness and nothingness. Is there anything to see?

"Let's go down there and see what's underneath this building."

Wang Xuan took the Mechanical God and began to go down the huge wall of gears that looked like a vast expanse.

The building is divided into nine floors. Now he has entered the seventh floor of the building from the novice area. Of course, he has only entered the seventh floor not long ago and has just arrived at the Eternal Protoss. However, because he witnessed the heavenly army invading the Eternal Protoss, "Heaven" Suddenly, with the help of Tang Ruoyu's body, he came and blasted him out of the building with one blow.

The seventh floor is called the world of the True God, and the True God is also divided into upper, middle and lower levels. So, who lives in the eighth or even ninth floor of the building?

The building was too majestic. At their speed, as they continued down the gear wall, they could feel that the gear wall was almost endless and seemed to have no end.

Wang Xuan and the Mechanical God flew downward for half an hour, and they didn't know how far they traveled. Finally, Wang Xuan began to see gelatinous objects appearing in the darkness, shaped like chaos.

The building emerged from this chaos and penetrated this endless darkness and nothingness. In this entire time and space, there was only this one building.

"Incredible. If this was not created by man, but was born naturally, what a great miracle it must be." The closer Wang Xuan got, the more he felt the magic of the building. As he approached the bottom, he began to notice the bottom of the building. There is a huge gap.

This gap is like a boat-shaped crack, with layers upon layers inside, like a dark passage. When Wang Xuan saw it, his heart moved. Could this be the passage into the building?

"Let's go over and take a look." Wang Xuan immediately headed towards the boat-shaped crack.

The Mechanic God hummed and followed closely.

"Since there is a passage into the building here, why did the unknown giant beast break through from other parts of the building that day?" Wang Xuan was a little hard to understand, thinking of the giant beast that Tang Ruoyu had misunderstood as the source of the hatching beast.

That day, the giant beast broke through the outer wall of the building and tried to enter the building. It was later sealed by the gods. The giant beast was wrapped in iron chains and seemed to be raised by some kind of being.

"You don't think this crack looks like anything?" The mechanical god who was following behind suddenly said.

"What does the crack look like?" Wang Xuan was startled, then carefully looked at the boat-shaped crack that was gradually getting bigger in front of him, and his heart moved slightly.

Mechanical God said: "I thought of a legend."

"What a legend."

"It is said that the Mother Goddess is this building, and outside the building is the Father God. The Father God never wants to invade the building. I am thinking, if this building is really the Mother Goddess, then is the shape of this crack? Like some kind of organ?”

Wang Xuan already knew what the God of Machinery was talking about, and his heart was a little shaken. As he got closer, he noticed that there were gears everywhere in the crack, and the boat-shaped crack showed signs of shrinking slightly.

"Everything we say now is just conjecture. Some truths will be known sooner or later. Let's enter this crack first to see if it really leads to the inside of the building."

Wang Xuan was about to enter the ship-shaped crack facing him when he suddenly felt a terrifying vibration coming from behind.

The situation was not good, so he immediately took the mechanical god and went down quickly.

Almost at the same moment, a huge dark object appeared in the void, resembling a sky-reaching column. This column came from the sky and hit the ship-shaped crack.

When Wang Xuan saw this scene, his heart was shaken. What is this giant dark cylinder, and where did it come from? Judging from its layout, it is prepared to destroy the boat-shaped cracks entering and exiting the building.

With an earth-shattering bang, the dark column did not crash into the boat-shaped crack, just because the boat-shaped crack shrank and closed at the moment the dark column was about to enter, blocking the dark column from the outside.

The dark cylinder slammed into the closed ship-shaped crack, causing an earth-shattering loud noise. Even powerful people like Wang Xuan and the Mechanic God had to stay away.

But it is a pity that once the disk-shaped crack is closed, it seems that the outer wall of the building formed by countless gears is indestructible. Even the dark column that hits it cannot break a gap.

The dark columns continued to hit the closed cracks, and the building was shaking endlessly. The countless gears combined together became indestructible.

Wang Xuan could feel the power of the collision of the dark column. This was beyond the level of a true god, but he could not destroy the outer wall of the building. But what was this dark column? Does it represent God the Father?

When this thought passed through Wang Xuan's mind, the dark column retracted into the endless darkness and void, and disappeared out of thin air. Even if Wang Xuan had been sensing it through his spiritual sense, he could not capture it.

As the dark column disappeared, the originally closed crack slowly opened again, forming a boat shape again.

When Wang Xuan saw this, he no longer hesitated and was about to enter the crack to see what was going on. At this moment, a huge claw appeared and grabbed at the crack.

Wang Xuan was startled when something happened suddenly. He was busy teleporting sideways with the God of Machinery to avoid it, but he saw the beast's claws fell and caught heavily on the outer wall of the building formed by countless gears.

An earth-shattering roar sounded. Wang Xuan turned his head and saw the sound of shaking iron chains in the dark void. A huge face was revealed, with an iron chain locked on the neck below. At this moment, it was It let out a terrible beast roar, pulled the chains, made a loud noise, and approached the building step by step.

Wang Xuan took a deep breath. The giant beast he saw in the building finally appeared again.

When he was in the building, the giant beast found a weak point in the outer wall of the building, opened a gap in it, and tried to enter the building. Later, the gap was sealed by the gods, and the giant beast failed to enter the building.

Wang Xuan has been curious about the origin of this giant beast, but he never expected that after being knocked out of the building by "Sky", he would actually see this giant beast again in the darkness and nothingness outside the building.

At this moment, the giant beast finally showed its full posture. It was no longer restricted by the building and unable to fully display its power as before.

The terrifying claws of the beast stretched out and grabbed the outer wall of the building. Amidst the harsh sound, Wang Xuan saw sparks emerging from the gears of the building. Some gears began to deform or crack, and continued to fall down.

The gear fell into the chaos below and was immediately swallowed by the chaos and disappeared.

In the eyes of the giant beast, Wang Xuan and the Mechanical God were like dust and were not paid attention to. Its goal seemed to be just to destroy the building. It let out an earth-shattering beast roar, and soon another beast claw stretched out and clawed at the building. Come.

The boat-shaped crack in the center of the building had long been tightly closed. The giant beast's claws continued to claw towards the surface of the building, leaving terrifying gaps. A large number of gears broke and fell, and the true form of the giant beast appeared. Appearing more and more, and becoming larger and larger.

Wang Xuan avoided it from a distance and was horrified to see it. Although he was already a true god and had mastered the power of the Warcraft's arm, which was beyond the power of ordinary true gods, he still felt horrified when he saw the power displayed by the unknown giant beast in front of him.

"God of Machinery, do you know what this monster is?" Wang Xuan asked the God of Machinery secretly in shock.

"It should be related to Father God, and may even be the incarnation of Father God. The column that just appeared from the darkness and nothingness may represent Father God. It seems that Father God wanted to enter the body of Mother God, but was rejected by Mother God. ”

The God of Machinery pondered while guessing: "In this case, the giant beast appeared and attacked the building crazily. I was thinking that maybe this was the anger generated after being rejected. This giant beast must represent God the Father. "

Wang Xuan nodded slightly. What the Machine God said was pretty much what he had guessed. Otherwise, he would not be able to explain the situation in front of him. He just smiled slightly and said: "It seems that compared with the Father God and the Mother God, we are really just a small person on the earth." Bacteria, did 'Heaven' knock us out of the building just for us to see these? Or is there something else..."

Wang Xuan was pondering, watching the giant beasts continue to attack the building. Scars continued to appear on the surface of the building, but fortunately they healed completely quickly.

The figure of the giant beast became larger and larger. It appeared from the dark void and approached the building. A pair of beast claws rested on both sides of the building and began to shake.

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