The last building on earth

Chapter 509 Pregnancy

The green vines in front of them all moved away, and they continued to run rampant, attacking the white tadpole monsters that broke through the obstacles of the green vines and rushed towards them.

The mechanical god let out a low roar, and his whole body was shrouded in red light. Every piece of mechanical metal was rendered red. It also began to help the green vines and attack the white tadpole monsters that had slipped through the net.

Without the obstruction of the green vine, Wang Xuan came directly to the divine egg.

This divine egg is much larger than him, with a diameter of more than a hundred meters. Wang Xuan can feel the violent fluctuations of energy in the divine egg. This energy is so powerful that it is difficult to estimate it based on his current ability.

"According to what the Machine God said, this divine egg is where the Mother Goddess can give birth to innate gods. Including the ten most famous first-generation beasts, they all come from this divine egg. If I can really fuse with the divine egg, will I also be able to give birth to innate gods?" Can it rival these first-generation beasts?”

Wang Xuan was thinking wildly as he approached the divine egg. When he stretched out his hand to touch the divine egg, he immediately felt a suction force coming from the divine egg, which directly swallowed his right hand and then pulled it in.

Wang Xuan was slightly startled, but he did not resist. He let the divine egg pull him, passed through the egg membrane on the surface of the divine egg, and entered it.

Terrifying roars and sharp howls sounded. When those white tadpole monsters saw that Wang Xuan was about to enter the divine egg, they became very impatient. They all became crazy and rushed towards the divine egg desperately.

With a "boom", the red mechanical god was hit by one of the white tadpole monsters, and he immediately fell out with a groan.

In terms of strength, even if it is a mid-level true god, it is difficult to match a white tadpole monster.

These white tadpole monsters that rushed towards me encountered green vines that were twitching all over the sky. In order to stop these white tadpole monsters and allow Wang Xuanneng to successfully enter the divine egg, these green vines also fought for their lives and twitched crazily. Many times, the green vines twitched. The middle white tadpole monster exploded together with it.

At this moment, Wang Xuan was completely integrated into the divine egg. All interference and disputes from the outside world disappeared in his mind. He felt that the clothes he was wearing were melting and disappearing. The inner world of the divine egg was like a small universe. Wang Xuan felt like entering. It feels like the starry sky in the universe, but this cosmic nebula contains unimaginable essence. It is filled with an almost transparent liquid. This liquid is completely transformed by essence. You can imagine what a huge amount of essence this is. Qi Shenhua.

As his clothes disappeared, his body was completely immersed in this essence. This feeling was wonderful and extraordinary.

Wang Xuan lowered his head slightly and looked at his body, watching as his naked flesh and blood skin was merging with these essences. As he entered the divine egg, an incredible scene appeared.

His body is slowly melting, and gradually, his consciousness is expanding, and he and all the essence and essence in the divine egg are gradually merging into one.

Wang Xuan understood that this was a real transformation, and he was reborn.

Once he succeeds, he will seize the heaven and earth, replace the body of the true god that he has acquired through cultivation, and become an innate god.

Compared with the gods who come from cultivation, the innate gods are truly powerful, or in other words, these innate gods can be regarded as the real gods.

Wang Xuan slowly closed his eyes, and his whole body was immersed in the essence of the divine liquid, floating and immersed in it. His body was constantly melting and seeping in all directions.

Earth-shaking changes were taking place inside the divine egg, and outside the divine egg, the white monsters were almost crazy. They saw that Wang Xuan had entered the divine egg and understood that their chance was gone.

They howled continuously, like a madman, and more and more white tadpole monsters came out from behind, and these green vines gradually became unable to resist them.

Finally, a white monster broke through the obstacle of the green vines and was the first to rush in front of the divine egg. It plunged into the divine egg. It didn't expect that the outer membrane of the divine egg, which was originally extremely soft, had now become extremely hard. With the strength of the white monster, No amount of force can break it open.

The white monster was blocked by the divine egg. Two green vines extended from both sides to tie it up. Then with a sharp tug, the white tadpole monster was torn apart, and the transparent juice in its body splashed everywhere.

These transparent juices are also essences and divine liquids. Unfortunately, they are flowing down now and have returned to nature.

One after another, white monsters broke through the obstacles and approached the divine egg, but strangely enough, as Wang Xuan entered the fusion, the shell of the divine egg became stronger and stronger. It was simply impregnable. No matter how these white tadpole monsters collided, they could not easily destroy it. It broke open, and the surrounding green vines appeared immediately, killing these white monsters.

The white monsters died one after another, and the essence and divine liquid in their bodies gathered together and slowly flowed to the divine egg. Although the divine egg resisted the entry of these white monsters, the remaining essence and divine liquid after its death did not resist. Instead, it is absorbed into the divine egg and turned into part of the essence of the divine liquid in the divine egg.

Wang Xuan merged with these essences and divine liquids, and his consciousness had slowly entered into deep meditation to absorb the essence. He had a slight sensation. In his perception, the energy of the essences and divine liquids in the divine eggs changed. Got to get stronger.

As the body merges with these divine fluids, the divinity in Wang Xuan's body appears in the divine fluids.

His current divinity belongs to the lower level of true gods. It is orange in color and releases orange divine light. It is spinning endlessly, causing fluctuations in the essence of these divine fluids.

As the fluctuations became more intense, Wang Xuan's divinity continued to absorb and digest the essence of these divine fluids. Gradually, the originally orange color of the divinity was gradually deepening, and a faint red circle slowly appeared on the surface.

Once the divinity completely transforms into red, it means that Wang Xuan's divinity has broken through from the lower level of true god to the middle level of true god.

The color of a true god like the Machine God is red.

The surrounding gears are constantly shrinking, and the Mechanical God has retreated to the egg. With the final madness of these white monsters, it can no longer intervene, and can only see these green vines and white monsters engaged in the final fight.

The ground was filled with white monster corpses and broken green vines, and as the surrounding gears shrank, this huge passage was shrinking.

The Mechanical God knew that the Mother Goddess was reacting, and the boat-shaped cracks that were originally open should be closing.

Obviously the Mother Goddess also understands that if she doesn't think of a way to let more and more white monsters rush in, the divine eggs will be in danger.

Obviously, the surface of the divine egg has become extremely hard now, but it cannot withstand the continuous impact of the white monster.

The mechanical god watched as the shrinking gears began to cut into these white monsters.

Although the gears can be destroyed by giant beasts, it is not difficult to deal with these white monsters. These white monsters alone are not enough to destroy the gears.

Seeing a large number of white monsters being cut apart by the shrinking gears, the Mechanical God was relieved and understood that although the number of white monsters coming in was large, they should not be able to destroy the divine eggs and interfere with Wang Xuan.

"Wang Xuan was really lucky. He actually obtained the divine egg. Speaking of which, we were able to enter here only because we were knocked out of the building by a blow from 'Heaven'. Only then could we enter here and obtain the divine egg. I don't know if all this was a coincidence or not. Did 'Heaven' intend this?"

The Mechanical God slowly sat down leaning on the divine egg. He looked at the white monsters that rushed towards him and were quickly cut or torn into pieces by the shrinking gears or green vines. He understood that the overall situation had been decided, but he also felt a surge of emotion in his heart. Some doubts and curiosity about whether "Heaven"'s behavior was a coincidence or whether it had some deep meaning.

If there is a profound meaning, what is the meaning of "Heaven" sending Wang Xuan this good fortune? In principle, "Heaven" and Wang Xuan are enemies rather than friends.

"It's hard to understand..."

In the end, the mechanical god shook his head. He understood that he could not understand it.

As the gears continued to shrink, eventually, the originally open passage was completely closed, so all the white tadpole monsters that rushed in died, leaving only monster corpses and broken green vines on the ground.

As time went by, the white monster corpses and broken green vines all over the ground melted and disappeared, and were slowly absorbed by the surrounding gears.

The Mechanical God could only guard outside silently, with a layer of red light covering its whole body. It would occasionally look at the divine egg, and found that Wang Xuan could be vaguely seen in the divine egg. In the end, it became like a ball of chaos inside, and nothing could be seen. It's unclear. The only thing that can be determined is that the life essence in the divine egg is getting stronger and stronger, and there are signs that life is gestating inside.

"Once the pregnancy is successful, he will be an innate god." The Machine God murmured, his tone full of envy.

It is a mechanical god and cannot be fused with the divine egg. Even if it encounters such a chance, it still understands that only Wang Xuan can be accepted by the divine egg, and it does not have the qualifications.

The Mechanical God understood that the fusion of Wang Xuan and the divine egg could not be completed in a short time, and his consciousness gradually entered into meditation. In meditation, there is no need to perceive the passage of time, otherwise it would be boring to just sit here. To go crazy.

After an unknown amount of time, the Machine God sensed something, and two red dots appeared in his eyes again, only to see that the originally closed passage was opened again.

The Mechanical God turned his head and glanced at the divine egg behind him, and found that the divine egg looked very dark, but the life breath inside was getting stronger, and a layer of red light appeared faintly on the surface.

"Red... divinity, he has reached the level of the intermediate true god. It is indeed incredible. He is worthy of being an innate god."

The mechanical god murmured, swayed, and walked out through the opened passage.

It wanted to take another look at what's going on outside the building.

The dark passage that was originally closed has been reopened. It went out along the passage, and soon came to the exit of the passage again. The dark column that originally penetrated had disappeared, and the Mechanical God stood under the boat-shaped crack. , with two green lights flashing in his eyes, he kept looking around.

There is still darkness and nothingness outside, but in the distance of the darkness and nothingness, there is a huge black shadow that is moving slowly. The black shadow is as big as a mountain. The God of Machinery recognizes it. It is the giant beast that attacked the building before. Now for some unknown reason. Appeared in the distance, slowly walking in the darkness and nothingness.

Seeing the giant beast, the Mechanical God did not dare to show his face, knowing that compared with the giant beast, even though he was a true god in the middle position, he was still as weak as an ant and not worth mentioning.

"What a terrifying world there is outside the building. Even if the true god comes here, he is nothing more than a mote of dust..."

The Mechanical God was sighing, and suddenly a vague beast roar came from the distance. Listening to the sound, it was the sound made by the giant beast.

This beast's roar was full of anger, and the mechanical god was a little curious. What made it angry?

At this moment, a dazzling white light lit up in the dark void in the distance.

This white light tore through the dark shadow, and gradually formed a pattern of a seven-pointed star.

"Heaven?" The God of Machinery shook violently, and two red lights shot out from his eyes as he looked into the distance.

The seven-pointed star pattern representing the sky appeared in the dark void in the distance, and even attracted the roar of the giant beast. Could it be that "heaven" is on the opposite side of the giant beast?

Could it be that "Heaven" blasted Wang Xuan out of the building mainly to target the giant beast?

Or is it targeting someone behind the giant beast?

This idea shocked the mechanical god, and he was busy looking at it with concentration.

Because it was far away, it could only vaguely see the huge blurry black shadow that seemed to have raised its claws and swung towards the seven-pointed star pattern that appeared.

The seven-pointed star pattern shattered and disappeared, but a stronger white light rose from below, and the light penetrated the darkness and nothingness for a long time.

"What is the true purpose of Heaven?" The God of Machinery was pondering, and suddenly he felt that deep in the passage behind him, there was a strong life essence reviving.

"Wang Xuan is awake?" The Mechanical God immediately stopped looking at the conflict between "Sky" and the giant beast, and hurriedly turned around and ran towards the depths of the passage.

Its silhouette was like lightning, and it rushed forward quickly. Soon it reached the end of the passage and saw the divine egg.

At this moment, the divine egg is slowly vibrating, and its surface is completely shrouded in red light, while the breath of life inside is awakening. This breath of life is getting stronger and stronger, and begins to spread through the channel into the dark void.

"Not good." The Mechanical God suddenly thought of something. Such a strong breath of life might attract terrifying existences in the dark void.

As soon as it had this idea, it heard a huge beast roar coming from outside the passage. Listening to the sound, the beast roar was very close to the passage.

"What's going on? Is the giant beast here again?" The mechanical god was startled, but then he breathed a sigh of relief, because this passage was not enough to accommodate the giant beast, and the giant beast could not enter the passage.

On the surface of the divine egg in front of him, vague spider web-like cracks gradually began to appear. When the mechanical god saw this, he understood that Wang Xuan's transformation was coming to an end. Of course, he wanted to truly break open the divine egg and come out. , it will take some time.

At this moment, the passage suddenly contracted violently and shook violently, as if the building was under attack.

"Is it really a giant beast attacking the building?"

The Mechanical God turned around again and rushed out of the passage. When it rushed to the exit of the passage, it found that the giant beast was still in the dark and empty distance. Above the head of the giant beast, there was a seven-pointed star pattern that was constantly releasing white light. , obviously the giant beast and "Heaven" are having some kind of battle.

And around the exit of the passage, on the outer wall of the building, a large number of ugly monsters with dark bodies appeared at some point.

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