Seeing Ming's true appearance, Wang Xuan looked at the radiance of the "celestial" human form formed by countless angels, and couldn't help but have some guesses in his heart.

Before, Tian and Ming were like life and death enemies, and they would fight each other when they met. However, Ming really fell. Tian tried his best to bring Ming back to life.

This made Wang Xuan inevitably guess what the relationship between heaven and the underworld was.

Wang Xuan stayed at the edge of the dark giant door, he could escape at any time and watched Ming coming from a distance.

At this moment, Ming didn't pay attention to Wang Xuan at the edge of the dark giant door. Her eyes were staring at the "sky" formed by countless angels. She suddenly raised her right hand and grabbed the glorious human form from the air.

The fully resurrected Ming, one of the real three giants, was just a simple hand in the air. The space and time collapsed and twisted in her direction, and there was no power to resist it.

Countless angels collapsed and distorted along with time and space, and were destroyed one after another. With the power of "heaven", this glorious human form was somewhat vulnerable.

Wang Xuan's eyes widened, and at this moment he truly saw how powerful the three giant gods were when they were fully resurrected.

The radiant human form formed by countless angels was completely destroyed and disappeared as Ming grabbed it from the air. Ming grabbed it from the air again, only to see that Tang Ruoyu didn't even have the strength to resist, and was pulled in front of Ming together with the divine throne.

"not good--"

Wang Xuan saw Ming's eyes looking at Tang Ruoyu and knew that she was going to kill Tang Ruoyu.


Without any time to think, Wang Xuan shouted loudly and rushed towards Tang Ruoyu and Ming with all his strength.

Even though he knew that he could not be Ming's opponent now, Wang Xuan still rushed forward without hesitation, trying to stop Ming from killing Tang Ruoyu.

In Ming's power, Tang Ruoyu didn't even have the consciousness to struggle and resist. It can be said that wanting to kill the current Tang Ruoyu was just a matter of consciousness for Ming.

Ming raised her right hand and was about to grab it when Wang Xuan's scream caught her attention.

She raised her eyes slightly and saw Wang Xuan rushing over desperately.

Her eyes flickered slightly, and she didn't know if she recognized Wang Xuan, but the right hand that was about to grab and kill Tang Ruoyu stopped.

"Ming, I am Wang Xuan, please don't kill her -"

Wang Xuan screamed repeatedly, unable to fight against Ming with his strength. The only thing he hoped for now was that she could spare Tang Ruoyu's life because of her previous fate.

Ming's eyes flickered, looking at Wang Xuan and then at Tang Ruoyu, seeming to hesitate.

At this moment, the seven-pointed star pattern was released again from the throne below Tang Ruoyu.

The pattern releases white light and rises upwards.

A radiant humanoid appears again.

However, the radiant human form that appeared this time was no longer formed by countless angels, but a human form purely composed of white light.


The glorious human form fluctuated, and Tian's consciousness appeared. Unfortunately, Tian's consciousness had just appeared, and Ming's right hand suddenly struck through the air.

With a "boom", the void trembled violently, and the glorious human figure representing "heaven" immediately appeared from it and a huge black hole was penetrated by the power of Ming.

The radiant humanoid was full of unwillingness and seemed to want to say something. Unfortunately, Ming's right hand grabbed it again and shattered the radiant humanoid.

"Traitors... are not qualified..."

Ming opened his mouth slightly and made a cold sound, then lowered his right hand and suddenly hit Tang Ruoyu.

Wang Xuan was horrified. With Ming's power, with this blow, Tang Ruoyu couldn't be destroyed in body and soul instantly?

Fortunately, when this palm fell, Tang Ruoyu did not turn into flesh and disappear. Instead, the throne below her made a crisp sound and cracked into countless pieces.

Tang Ruoyu had a look of panic on her face, and she felt how lonely and helpless she was in the face of absolute power.

"Give your friend... back to you..."

Ming raised his right hand slightly, and Tang Ruoyu suddenly flew out, flying towards Wang Xuan.

Wang Xuan breathed a sigh of relief. Ming Neng said this, obviously showing mercy and not killing Tang Ruoyu.

It seems that she really remembers herself and remembers her previous fate.

Wang Xuan was a little touched that Ming was able to do this as one of the three supreme gods.

He hurriedly stepped forward to hug Tang Ruoyu who was flying over, but saw Tang Ruoyu's face, as if he had just woken up from a dream. When he saw Wang Xuan, he couldn't help but whisper: "Wang Xuan?"

Then she turned around and looked around, with a confused look on her face: "Where is this?"

Then, she saw Ming, and her face immediately showed a look of shock and fear.

"This is..." She didn't know Ming.

When Wang Xuan saw this, his heart moved, and he suddenly thought of the true meaning of what Ming just said about returning his friend to him.

It seems that Ming Zai's palm has once again sealed all Tang Ruoyu's memories of "Heaven" and the Heavenly Army, turning Tang Ruoyu back into the Tang Ruoyu he knew before.

So Tang Ruoyu didn't know where this place was, or who this Ming who suddenly appeared was?

However, she was able to recognize Wang Xuan.

"This is the best." Wang Xuan thought silently in his heart. Tang Ruoyu was back to the way he knew him before. Nothing made him happier than this.

"We'll talk about it later." Wang Xuan whispered softly, let go of Tang Ruoyu, protected her with invisible power, and then looked up at Ming.

"Thank you -" Wang Xuan was busy thanking him, but he saw Ming's figure starting to walk towards the outside of the dark giant door.

With one step, she disappeared here. Wang Xuan caught her appearing outside the dark door.

"Let's go." Wang Xuan took Tang Ruoyu and chased him out curiously.

He can't find his way back to the building now. If he follows Ming, he might be able to find something.

Wang Xuan led Tang Ruoyu and rushed out of the dark gate at full speed, only to find that in the dark void, Ming's figure was looming, and soon a beast's roar came from the depths of the dark void in the distance.

This is the sound made by the Sky Beast.

Originally, the Dome Beast was chained to the dark giant door. Now it broke free from the chains and disappeared somewhere. And now hearing the roar of the beast in the distance, Wang Xuan immediately understood that Ming had found the Dome Beast.

He immediately rushed towards the direction of the beast's roar at full speed, only to see the huge figure of the Dome Beast swaying in the dark void. As expected, Ming intercepted it and was suppressing the Dome Beast.

The dome beast looked very angry and kept roaring. Unfortunately, its vitality was severely damaged. How could it be the opponent of the truly resurrected Ming? It was suppressed by Ming's left hand from a distance.

Under the terrifying power of Ming, the huge body of the sky beast was suppressed and slowly fell to its knees.

Wang Xuan saw Ming stretch out his right hand, grab the Qiong Beast's chest, grab it with five fingers, and then cut open the Qiong Beast's chest with a sudden movement.

The dome beast let out an earth-shattering roar, but under the suppression of Ming's power, it could hardly move.

Wang Xuan's heart moved slightly when he saw this. It seemed that Ming didn't want to kill the dome beast, but wanted to open the metal door in its chest.

Sure enough, Ming tore open the Qiong Beast's chest, revealing the metal door inside again.

"What is the purpose of meditation? Open the door of origin again..." The voice of the Mechanical God sounded in Wang Xuan's mind, and it was guessing.

Tang Ruoyu opened her eyes wide. In this darkness and nothingness, she looked at the scene in the distance with an expression of disbelief.

Although all her memories of "heaven" and the heavenly army have disappeared, her power has not completely disappeared. Now, her weakest strength is at the level of a mid-level true god, or even stronger.

Wang Xuan was also looking into the distance. He didn't know what Meditation wanted to do when he opened the metal door again.

Does she also have someone she wants to resurrect?

The Qiong Beast's chest was opened by her, revealing the metal door inside. Following a blow, the metal door shook, but it was not opened.

"It's useless, without my... call... this door... won't open..."

The sky beast's spiritual consciousness is fluctuating. It is trying its best to resist the power of Ming while emitting its spiritual consciousness intermittently.

Even if Ming is stronger than it now, it is obvious that the metal door cannot be opened without its permission.

"Sky Beast, if you want to survive, open it."

Ming ordered coldly.

"Don't even think about it..." Qiong Beast's eyes were almost crazy: "This is my mission..."

"Even if you kill me...I won't turn it on..."

"What's more...Ming, you can't possibly...kill me completely..."

The Sky Beast controls the metal gate. If any creature dies, its true spirit will enter the river of the origin of life. With its almost immortal existence, even if it is really killed, it can still revive its true spirit, and then Resurrected again like Hades.

Therefore, Ming's threat cannot scare the Sky Beast at all.

"Really..." Ming responded lightly, the strength in his hand increased, and Wang Xuan noticed that the chest cavity formed by the metal machinery in the Qiong Beast was slowly being peeled off by Ming.

"What do you want to do?"

The dome beast roared, with a hint of panic in his voice.

"You are just a puppet. Your only value is to protect this door. As long as the door is stripped away from you, you will be useless and will be abandoned by your master!"

Ming's words seemed very indifferent, but in the ears of the Qiong Beast, it was like hitting its vital point. It roared, but no matter how hard it struggled, it could not stop Ming.

He watched helplessly as his body was being peeled off, and its chest cavity formed by metal machinery and the metal door inside were slowly being pulled out by Ming.

"Since you are looking for death, then I will grant your wish——"

The dome beast suddenly let out a crazy roar, and the metal door in its body suddenly opened with a loud bang.

As the metal door opens, the vast starry sky is immediately revealed inside. There is a Milky Way in the starry sky. This is a starry sky Milky Way formed by countless soul light points. This is the origin of all living things.

When Ming saw the metal door open, he ignored the dome beast and stretched out his right hand to grab inside the metal door.

Just as Ming's right hand grabbed it, the metal door suddenly went dark, and then the stars and the Milky Way disappeared, leaving only endless darkness.

Everything inside the metal door also turned into darkness and nothingness.

"I knew you were hiding inside -" Ming suddenly raised his voice, with a hint of anger in his voice.

Immediately following the darkness inside the metal door, a faint sigh suddenly came.

This sighing sound seemed to come from ancient times. Wang Xuan didn't know why. Hearing this sound, his heart suddenly shivered, and he felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

It seems that I should have heard this sigh somewhere.

But for a moment, I couldn't remember it.

"Who is sighing here? According to what Ming just said, is this the master of the Sky Beast? But why do I feel a sense of familiarity?"

Wang Xuan guessed in his heart, which was a little difficult to understand. The mechanical god in his mind suddenly whispered softly: "Father God..."

Wang Xuan's heart was slightly shaken. He also guessed that the person who sighed was most likely the owner of the Sky Beast, the mysterious "Father God" who was said to dominate everything outside the building.

Now it seems that what Ming is looking for is "Father God".

Ming began to step towards the metal door that turned into darkness and nothingness.

She, who was originally huge, began to shrink her figure, trying to enter the metal door.


A faint voice came from inside the metal door, and there was a hint of sarcasm in the voice.

"What about me?"

Suddenly, another voice sounded.

The sound came from the dark giant door in the distance.

As the sound came, a bright six-pointed star pattern lit up in the dark giant door.

Wang Xuan was shocked when he saw it.

The six-pointed star represents Brahman among the three giant gods.

But, how could it appear in the giant dark door?

Wang Xuan immediately thought of the black coffin.

Previously, the bottom of the black coffin was engraved with patterns representing the three giant gods of the five-pointed star, the six-pointed star, and the seven-pointed star, but only Ming's body was placed in the black coffin.

Wang Xuan has always been strange about this matter, but after Ming was resurrected, Wang Xuan did not think about it. At this moment, he suddenly saw the pattern of a six-pointed star appearing and heard the sound.

Wang Xuan immediately thought of a possibility.

Could it be that it wasn't just Ming's body that was buried in the black coffin?

Following this sound, the metal door became silent, and the faint sound stopped ringing again.

The pattern of the six-pointed star inside the dark giant door became more and more intense. Wang Xuan had a feeling that something was approaching, but he could not see it.

Finally, when this feeling became stronger and stronger, and he could sense something infinitely close, and when his spiritual sense feeling reached its limit, Wang Xuan suddenly understood.

Unlike Ming's body, which is a honeycomb, Brahman's body cannot be seen.

The pattern of the six-pointed star that originally lit up in the dark giant door has converged and disappeared. Brahman, one of the three giant gods, has arrived. However, except for the words just now, no one can see Brahman.

It is like dark matter in the universe, it clearly exists but no one can see it.

Compared with Ming, who can actually see and touch, Brahma among the three giant gods is much more mysterious. If it is fully resurrected like Ming, it means that two of the three giant gods have truly arrived here.

And seeing that Ming's current attitude is completely different from his previous attitude towards "Heaven", it is obvious that the two giant gods are currently on the same side.

You must know that Brahma is different from Ming. Its true spirit has not perished like Ming. As long as its true body reappears, its true spirit can immediately return to resurrection.

"You and I join forces... there is hope for a fight..."

In the darkness and nothingness, the voice from Brahman sounded again. Although no one could see it, no one dared to ignore this supreme existence.

In Wang Xuan's mind, apart from the legendary "Father God" and "Mother God" whose existence is difficult to understand, the three giant gods should be the strongest.

"It seems that Ming and Brahma want to join forces to challenge God Father?" Wang Xuan felt an indescribable tension and excitement.

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