The last building on earth

Chapter 526 Battlefield Cleaner

Thinking of Yao Chi, Wang Xuan felt hot in his heart. The purple energy in his body surged out, merged with the red flames outside his body, and turned into purple-red divine power. This meant that he was once again at the level of the true god. step.

It can be said that after emerging from the divine egg and obtaining the body of an innate god, Wang Xuan became stronger every day. The power of this innate god was simply unbelievable.

Breaking through the confusing chaotic material below, Wang Xuan saw the body of the monster Chi. This beast of unknown generation belonged to a monster whose mouth was full of blood. The originally open bloody mouth became bloody and tattered, with half of its head It's all rotten.

Its huge body rolled close to the ground, revealing the dragon claws under its belly. Its body suddenly rose up, and its two dragon claws grabbed Wang Xuan.

Wang Xuan turned into a purple-red rainbow light, fell downwards, and collided with one of its dragon claws. With a harsh sound, one of Yao Chi's dragon claws exploded, and its mouth cracked like rags. There was a scream, and the huge dragon behind him raised its tail and swept over.

Wang Xuan was like a purple-red rainbow light, rotating downward around the erect dragon tail. Wherever it turned, the dragon tail exploded and cracked.

When he landed below, he noticed that there was a dark land deep in the chaos below, and the demon chi was entrenched on the ground below.

There was another loud noise, and Wang Xuan landed on the remaining half of Yao Chi's head, driving it and its head into the ground below, and then exploded.

A large amount of blood splattered turned into billowing essence and disappeared. The remaining obsession in the demon chi was dispersed by him. The body of the demon chi that had appeared quickly disappeared. In the end, in the deep pit of the earth below, there was only There is only one head left.

This head is the remains of Yao Chi's true body, and it is the remaining obsession in it that manifests Yao Chi's body and wants to continue fighting.

"Sure enough, I can no longer feel Yao Chi's residual thoughts inside."

After Wang Xuan sensed the monster's head, he waved his right hand, and a space crack appeared, and he put it into the independent space he created and put it away.

With the real head of the monster Chi, when Gu Manyao is resurrected in the future, she can use it to refine it into her body to increase her strength.

The figure beside her flashed, but it was Tang Ruoyu who fell down. She looked around, showing a trace of curiosity. She didn't expect that such a tragic battle had happened here, but the land below was well preserved and not a single piece was broken.

Seeing Tang Ruoyu's doubts, Wang Xuan muttered: "This land may have been formed later. I don't know how many tens of thousands of years it has gone through, and the chaotic material has slowly fallen."

Tang Ruoyu hummed and said: "It seems that there may be many real remains of beasts like Yao Chi and Mountain God here, but I don't know if I can find the remains of White Tiger."

Wang Xuan knew that Tang Ruoyu's beast was the white tiger. Although she later awakened part of her power as the leader of the heavenly army, the power of the white tiger still existed in her body.

If she could find the bones of White Tiger's true body and refine them into her body, she could also improve her strength.

"It is said that many beasts have fallen here. As long as we look carefully, there may be hope." Wang Xuan said as he walked along the land. When he actually entered this place, he basically had no direction. Wherever he looked, everything was there. It was endless. Wang Xuan thought for a while and walked towards the place where the tragic atmosphere was the strongest.

The aura of tragedy is the strongest, and perhaps the fallen beast is more powerful. As one of the ten most powerful first-generation beasts, Warcraft must enter the most dangerous area if you want to find its true body.

There was a faint roar of beasts from deep in the distance. This was the roar of the unyielding undead.

Soon they were attacked by an undead beast again. Wang Xuan dispersed his obsession and left a section of his bones here, waiting for the destined person in the future before moving on. This time he did not leave. After a while, Wang Xuan suddenly let out a light sigh and stopped.

"What's wrong?" Tang Ruoyu also stopped, knowing that Wang Xuan must have discovered something.

"Look, there is a wooden house there." Wang Xuan looked into the distance curiously.

Tang Ruoyu looked at it, but couldn't find it, and frowned.

Wang Xuan soon understood that Tang Ruoyu was not as strong as him now. He could notice it, but she couldn't.

"Let's go." Wang Xuan waved his right hand and immediately teleported forward with Tang Ruoyu. Soon Tang Ruoyu appeared. In the distant land, there was really a wooden house standing. There was a courtyard around the wooden house. It looked like There is nothing ordinary about it, but appearing in this battlefield of the gods, which is full of dangers and where the undead may appear at any time, is not normal.

The two people's consciousness quietly enveloped the past, and they did not notice that the two of them looked at each other with a trace of doubt in their eyes.

He quietly approached the wooden house and stopped outside the courtyard.

This courtyard is made of a large number of wooden piles. Through the wooden piles, you can see that there is a big stone in the courtyard with a chess board carved on it. There are several wooden benches placed beside the stone. Everything looks so harmonious. It was ordinary, but in the eyes of Wang Xuan and Tang Ruoyu, it was indescribably weird.

Although Wang Xuan could not sense the breath of life in the wooden house, he did not enter immediately. Instead, he observed around the courtyard and soon discovered that there were some broken bones piled up in the backyard. These broken bones were numerous and piled up like hill.

Feeling these broken bones carefully, Wang Xuan showed a look of surprise on his face.

It is certain that these broken bones should all be the remains of beasts. Of course, most of the bones of beasts are very large, so these are all broken bones. It is difficult to tell which beast these bones belong to. .

"It seems that there may be a not-so-simple person living here. Could it be that the high-level true gods that Mo Bing mentioned came here to look for opportunities? This was once a place where a certain true god temporarily lived?"

With deep thought, Wang Xuan turned back to the front yard again and looked at the wooden house. Just as he was about to enter the house, there was a sudden sound and the door of the wooden house opened.

Neither Wang Xuan nor Tang Ruoyu thought that there was anyone else in the wooden house, so they were startled and instinctively retreated.

Wang Xuan was sure that he had just sensed the wooden house, and there was no breath of any living beings. Unexpectedly, the door of the wooden house was opened now, and a person walked out of it.

The person who walked out was a middle-aged man in a green robe. He was dressed like an ancient person, but he had an extraordinary bearing. He looked like a god coming out of a painting. He suddenly saw Wang Xuan and Tang Ruoyu, and was a little surprised, and then He smiled toothily.

The middle-aged man in green robe was smiling, but both Wang Xuan and Tang Ruoyu could not hide their shock.

Reluctantly restraining his shock, Wang Xuan looked at the middle-aged man in green robes and quietly sensed it again. He still couldn't sense the anger in the man in front of him. There are only two possibilities for this situation.

One is that everything in front of him is an illusion, and the person walking out in front of him is not a real creature. The other is that the opponent's strength is beyond his imagination. Confining his breath can prevent him from feeling the slightest anger.

The middle-aged man in green robe took the initiative and said with a smile: "Rare guest, it's rare for someone to come, please." With a wave of his right hand, the door of the courtyard opened automatically.

Wang Xuan guessed the identity of the other party. It was most likely a certain true god who lived in seclusion here. From the current observation, he was afraid that his strength was far higher than that of Mo Cing.

Although Wang Xuan knew that the opponent's strength was unfathomable, he was not afraid and walked in with Tang Ruoyu.

"My name is Wang Xuan, this is Tang Ruoyu, I just don't know what to call him?"

The middle-aged man in green robe sat down on a wooden bench, motioned for the two of them to sit down, and said with a smile: "Me, you can call me Qingmu."

Wang Xuan sat down opposite him, but Tang Ruoyu stood beside him without sitting down, maintaining a vigilance.

Qingmu looked at Wang Xuan with great interest and said: "There have been a few outsiders before, but when they came to me, they were all frightened and confused. It is rare to see someone as calm as you. Judging from your age, you have This kind of calmness is rare, haha.”

Aoki smiled while flicking his sleeves. Suddenly, as if by magic, a pot of tea appeared on the stone platform. He grabbed it from the void, and two teacups appeared.

He lifted the teapot and poured out the steaming and fragrant tea. He poured two cups, one for himself and one for Wang Xuan. Seeing that Tang Ruoyu didn't sit down, he didn't prepare her portion.

Wang Xuan watched quietly, looking at the cup of tea that was pushed in front of him, but did not pick it up to drink the tea.

Aoki didn't take it seriously, he just picked up the cup in front of him, brought it to his lips, took a sip, and squinted his eyes slightly, as if he was tasting and enjoying it.

"It's really good tea, it smells so good..." Aoki said, shaking his head, then opened his eyes and smiled: "What, don't you like tea?"

Wang Xuan shook his head and said, "Mr. Aoki, why do you live here alone?"

Looking outside the courtyard, the sky and earth are dark, the chaotic mist above is turbulent, and the roar of the undead is heard from time to time in the distance. It seems that the environment here is harsh and dangerous, and it is not a good place to live anyway, but look at Aoki's appearance , but seems to enjoy everything here.

"This is a long story." Qingmu heard Wang Xuan's inquiry and smiled slightly again, saying: "The outside world calls this place the battlefield of the gods. I don't know how many gods have fallen here, but it can be called a battlefield. We need someone to clean up the battlefield.”

Wang Xuan was startled and said: "So, Mr. Aoki is the one who cleans the battlefield?" What he was thinking about was that this battlefield of gods was also called. This battlefield had been shattered long ago, and the entire time and space was almost formed. There is chaos. Why does such a battlefield need to be cleaned?

"Haha..." Aoki laughed and said: "You are very smart, I am the one who cleans this battlefield of the gods."

Tang Ruoyu finally couldn't help it anymore and asked: "I don't understand. This battlefield of the gods is completely barren. What can be cleaned?"

Aoki smiled and did not answer this time. He just poured another cup of tea, drank it in one gulp, and said with a slight smile: "You will know soon."

Both Wang Xuan and Tang Ruoyu were puzzled, but they saw that the surrounding fog suddenly surged, and it was all chaotic fog. These fogs surged around the wooden house, gradually forming a huge chaotic vortex, which looked a bit scary.

Aoki smiled lightly and said: "Here it comes, it's time to clean again."

Purple-red divine power rises from the surface of Wang Xuan's body, which means that he is getting closer and closer to completely transforming into a superior divinity. He uses his spiritual consciousness to sense the surroundings, but all he senses is nothingness. , unable to feel any life breath in this chaotic mist.

Strangely enough, although the surrounding chaotic mist was raging and roaring, it only surrounded the wooden house and would not invade. A faint roar of beasts rang out.

Aoki, who had been sitting still, finally stood up and said: "You guys sit down for a while, I will clean the battlefield and I will be back soon."

Immediately after his figure flashed, Qingmu disappeared in front of Wang Xuan and Tang Ruoyu. Even Wang Xuan couldn't see clearly how he left.

This made Wang Xuan's heart tremble, and he had another layer of suspicion about Qingmu's strength.

In the surrounding chaotic mist, huge black shadows appeared. These black shadows should be those undead souls with obsessions. At this moment, they are manifesting in the chaotic mist, hoping to regain their former glory.

These huge black shadows that had just appeared were quickly destroyed again, with earth-shaking roars, full of unwillingness.

Wang Xuan vaguely understood in his heart. Is this battlefield cleaner whom Aoki mentioned meant to clean up these undead souls with obsessions and let them find true rest?

Taking action at this moment, it should be Aoki who destroys these undead souls.

"Ruoyu, who do you think he is? And who asked him to be the cleaner of this battlefield?"

Wang Xuan pondered, watching the black shadows appearing in the chaotic mist around him continue to be destroyed, and new black shadows were born.

"I can't guess. I just feel that this Aoki is so weird. Why can't I sense the slightest breath of living things? If I hadn't seen his existence, I almost thought that all this was illusory."

When Tang Ruoyu said this, he couldn't help but reach out to hold the cup of tea that Qingmu had just taken out, but found that his fingers had passed through the teacup and he could not pick it up.

"Huh?" Tang Ruoyu was stunned.

Wang Xuan was also shocked and hurriedly reached for the teacup. He was shocked to find that like Tang Ruoyu, his hand had also passed through the teacup. This teacup turned out to be an illusory object?

"How can this be……"

Wang Xuan was shocked and quickly reached out to touch the teapot. He found that just like the teacup, his hand passed through it easily and could not touch the teapot at all.

"What's going on? Everything he manifests is illusory? Does this Aoki not exist at all?"

Wang Xuan was a little confused.

"Impossible, this Aoki is so real, and his obsession to destroy these beasts, how can it be illusory? Maybe it's just that the teapots and teacups he manifested are illusory?"

Wang Xuan explained this in his heart, and then watched the black shadows in the surrounding chaos continue to shatter, and finally disappeared one after another, and the surroundings became quiet again. Suddenly, a figure flashed, and the Qingmu appeared again, slowly walking towards them. .

"Now do you understand what my job as a cleaner is?"

Aoki remained elegant and smiled lightly.

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