The last building on earth

Chapter 546 Vibo Corpse Buddha

"Let's go, I'll take a few of you to see King Maitreya Light."

The World Honored Monk King smiled and headed towards the tallest building.

Wang Xuan was also somewhat curious about the Lord of the City of the Future, Maitreya Light King, and followed the World Honored Monk King with Tang Ruoyu, the Mechanical God and the baby.

But Moni Nu still followed silently at the back.

She had always been a little dissatisfied in her heart. She felt that with their status and background, there was no need to be so polite to Wang Xuan and the others. However, the two monk kings were so polite, and it was hard for her to break out.

Arriving at the tallest building, Wang Xuan found that this tall building was also shrouded in a faint layer of Buddha's light, but the flow of time and air around it was obviously different. His heart moved and he immediately understood.

Although this building appears to be in this future city, it actually stands in another independent time and space.

This building was very extraordinary, and Wang Xuan understood that this should be where the future Lord of the Buddhist City, Maitreya Light King, lived.

The Bhattacharya Monk King had already entered first with the Manzhushahua Fruit, and the World Honored Monk King took Wang Xuan and others to enter the Buddha's light. Wang Xuan found that the surrounding buildings were disappearing, as if they were changing from solid to imaginary. The building in front of me becomes more and more real, as if this is the only building left in this space and time.

Tang Ruoyu also had a look of surprise on his face. He looked around and felt what was special about this building.

Soon, rays of Buddha's light emerged in front of us. A large number of Buddha lotuses appeared in this emerging Buddha's light. In the flash of golden light, a gentle voice sounded: "World Honored One, are these four distinguished guests you mentioned?"

"Yes." The World Honored Monk King immediately bowed respectfully from afar, and the mani behind him also bowed and bowed.

Although she was disdainful of Wang Xuan and others, she did not dare to be rude at the moment.

Just because the other party is the future master of the Buddhist city and the leader of them all, King Maitreya Light.

Wang Xuan looked at the countless golden lotuses emerging in front of him, and figures one after another appeared on these golden lotuses.

These golden lotuses were like a lotus platform fixed in the time and space facing him. Wang Xuan looked at them one by one, and seventy-two figures appeared on these golden lotuses.

These figures are sitting cross-legged on the golden lotus, or they have their eyes closed, in meditation, or they are making seals with their hands, meditating on something, some of them have wide-eyed eyes, piercing through the sky, or they have a look of compassion on their faces, and their ears are bent. Listening to something.

"These are the seventy-two Bodhisattvas beside the city lord. I will introduce them to you one by one when I have the opportunity." The World Honored Monk King introduced with a smile. Wang Xuan looked at the seventy-two Bodhisattvas sitting cross-legged on the golden lotus and found that most of them were They are at the level of high-level true gods, and of course some have reached the realm of main gods. With so many high-level true gods and main gods gathered together, one can imagine how powerful the hidden forces in this future Buddhist city will be.

Seeing so many high-ranking true gods and main gods appearing, although Wang Xuan did not take them seriously, he could more and more imagine the extraordinaryness of this future city lord.

As the golden lotus surged, seventy-two Bodhisattvas appeared. Among them appeared the largest nine-petal golden lotus, which released the strongest golden light. In this light, there was a figure with a smile on his face. They were staring at Wang Xuan and Tang Ruoyu.

Wang Xuan understood that this man must be the Lord of the "Future Buddha City", King Maitreya Light.

"This is our city lord, King Maitreya Light."

The World Honored Monk King then introduced Wang Xuan and the four others.

Wang Xuan bowed slightly as a salute.

If the other party can make a group of main gods become his subordinates, he must be extraordinary. Wang Xuan did not underestimate this King of Maitreya Light.

Maitreya Light King's face was white and fat, he looked kind-hearted, and with a smile on his face, he said: "You're welcome, I have heard the World Honored One say about what happened, and what the World Honored One represents is what I mean, regarding the machinery. Heart, I will give it to a few now."

When King Maitreya Light said this, he stretched out his right hand and grabbed it from the air. Wang Xuan saw that the time and space not far from everyone suddenly collapsed inward, and immediately after the collapsed time and space, two stone doors appeared. There is a Buddha statue carved on the stone door. At this moment, as Maitreya Light King slowly puts away his right hand, the two stone doors make a buzzing sound and slowly open from the middle.

Wang Xuan, Tang Ruoyu and others were watching silently, and the most excited one was undoubtedly the Mechanical God.

Now it seems that the World Honored Monk King really did not deceive them. What he said before was what Maitreya Light King meant.

The face of Mani behind was a little ugly. She now understood that the previous decision of the World Honored Monk King actually represented the King of Light Maitreya, but she was full of dissatisfaction. In this way, it was not King Maitreya Light that she was dissatisfied with?

Such thoughts made her a little uneasy.

She didn't even think much of the World Honored Monk King and the Bhadra Monk King, so she dared to show her dissatisfaction, but she didn't dare to show her dissatisfaction with Maitreya Light King.

However, Maitreya Light King obviously did not care about her reaction. Instead, he opened two stone doors across time and space, and something flew out immediately. Wang Xuan noticed that the flying object was shrouded in a ball of light. The power of the Buddha is faintly fluctuating.

Immediately after the collapsed time and space converged, the two doors that had just appeared disappeared, and the time and space returned to normal, but there was already something on Maitreya Light King's right hand.

The Mechanic God seemed very excited and couldn't help but take two steps forward. Fortunately, it was tough-minded and resisted the urge to rush forward and stopped.

"Mechanical Heart..." The Mechanical God murmured. It had already figured out that the treasure that Maitreya Light King took out from the air was the mechanical heart left behind by the robot that became a Buddha.

This mechanical heart is of little use to them, so it has always been placed in the treasure house of Future City, but has almost never been taken out.

Only for the Mechanical God, who also belongs to mechanical life, this meaning is of great significance.

"This is the mechanical heart. We don't know exactly how to understand it. Everything can only be determined by yourself."

After King Maitreya Light finished speaking, he flicked his right hand. This mechanical metal, which seemed to be formed by the heart, was still faintly emitting golden light, and it looked even more magical.

Although the Brahma Mechanical Heart is a relic of the Buddha, for everyone in the Buddha City, there is no chance to see it with their own eyes, but at this moment, Maitreya Light King casually threw the Mechanical Heart away.

The Mechanical God stepped forward and hurriedly caught the mechanical heart. His voice was full of excitement: "Wang Xuan, this is the mechanical heart that has become a Buddha. This opportunity is rare."

Wang Xuan saw its excited expression and was also happy for it. He whispered secretly: "Mechanical God, if you get this mechanical heart, you may be able to surpass the main god in strength."

Mechanical God said: "It's hard to say, but it's much more powerful than ordinary gods."

As he spoke, he carefully held the mechanical heart to his chest and abdomen. Wang Xuan saw that the metal on its chest was open one by one, revealing a hole inside, and he installed the mechanical heart in it.

The machine was installed into the body, and the metals on the surface were put together. The God of Machinery exhaled a long breath, and a circle of Buddha's light gradually shimmered all over his body.

Wang Xuan noticed rounds of Buddha light appearing behind the Mechanical God. In this Buddha light, it looked like a Buddha, and he couldn't help but feel a slight movement in his heart.

It seems that this mechanical mind is indeed not simple.

Since the other party had already given the mechanical heart and exchanged Manzhushahua for the mechanical heart, they were not at a loss. Wang Xuan was about to say goodbye and leave. As for whether they really used Manzhushahua to awaken some undead Buddha, he Not particularly interested.

Just as Wang Xuan was about to say goodbye and leave, King Maitreya Light smiled and nodded, and was about to say something when suddenly the building below shook violently.

The building shook, and a crack suddenly appeared on the surface. It can be imagined that the power of this earthquake is not trivial.

The smiling face of King Maitreya Light was slightly frozen, and the seventy-two Bodhisattvas sitting cross-legged on golden lotuses all around also opened their eyes and looked towards the building below.

However, the building shook violently again, this time even more violently. Amidst the shattering sound, cracks appeared on the surface of the building, and a large amount of Buddha's light poured out from the cracks.

"This is this?" The World Honored Monk King showed a surprised look on his face.

Wang Xuan, who was about to leave, also stopped and looked at a large number of Buddha lights appearing in the cracks on the surface of the building. The Buddha lights were faintly mixed with the aura of the undead.

The source of the violent shock just now lies in these undead spirits.

Wang Xuan's heart moved, and he immediately understood that this was caused by the Buddha who had fallen and became an undead spirit.

It seems that Monk Bhattacharya has already used Manzhushahua, but the current situation seems a bit unusual.

"Since the four of you want to leave, please come with me." The World Honored Monk King hurriedly spoke, wanting to take Wang Xuan and the four of them away.

Obviously, he also knew that something had happened, but he just didn't want Wang Xuan and the others to stay and see it.

Wang Xuan nodded slightly, took Tang Ruoyu, the Mechanical God and the baby, and followed the World Honored Monk King towards the outside of the "Future City".

The seventy-two Bodhisattvas sitting cross-legged on the golden lotus had already stood up and started to move towards the building with a large number of cracks on the surface.

Just as Wang Xuan and the others were about to leave the "Future City", there was suddenly an earth-shaking loud noise, and they saw the tallest building suddenly collapse.

"How is that possible?" The World Honored Monk couldn't help but screamed. He turned his head and looked behind him, only to see the terrifying aura of the undead rising into the sky from the tallest building that collapsed.

"How could this happen?" The World Honored Monk King seemed a little flustered. He had just sent Wang Xuan and the others out of the "Future City". He didn't care to say goodbye to the four Wang Xuan people again. He immediately turned around and rushed towards the collapsed building.

Although Wang Xuan left Future City, he did not go far away, but watched from a distance.

"It seems something happened." Tang Ruoyu said softly.

"Well, they wanted to use Manzhu Shahua to awaken the Buddha who became an undead, but now it seems that the effect may not be what they thought." Wang Xuan pondered.

"Maybe they awakened a terrible monster." Tang Ruoyu watched the monstrous undead energy surge out, submerging the entire future city in a short time, followed by roars and huge roars. Buddha's name, it was obvious that someone was already taking action in the collapsed building.

Although the building seems to be in the future city, it is actually independent of another time and space. Now in that other time and space, the two sides have already fought.

Huge golden lotuses emerged one after another. Wang Xuan looked at the golden lotuses covering the collapsed buildings and knew that the Seventy-Two Bodhisattvas had taken action.

Most of these Bodhisattvas are high-level true gods, and there are a few main gods. Their strength alone is nothing, but they can be collectively called the Seventy-Two Bodhisattvas. They must be proficient in the art of joining forces. If the strength of these Bodhisattvas are combined, it will be enough. Shake the supreme god.

A loud rumbling explosion sounded. Although it sounded from the center of the future city, Wang Xuan and others heard it as if it came from another time and space. Suddenly, a big hand appeared in the monstrous undead aura.

Although this big hand is covered with the strong aura of the undead, the palm is engraved with a swastika representing the Buddha. The aura of the undead is mixed with the strong light of the Buddha. The power of the undead and the power of the Buddha are mixed together, making it look very powerful. Weird.

A big hand appeared and slammed down, and there was a faint scream from the loud rumbling sound.

Wang Xuan understood that this big hand should be the Buddha they wanted to awaken.

"It seems that the Buddha really woke up, but... he took action against them."

Wang Xuan narrowed his eyes slightly and shot out two rays of divine light. With the help of his spiritual consciousness, he wanted to see through the true situation inside.

With careful observation, Wang Xuan soon saw a huge fuzzy figure swaying and struggling in the monstrous aura of the undead, as if trying to break free from the restraints.

The surface of this blurry figure is covered with a large number of golden lotuses. Together, these golden lotuses are trying their best to suppress this blurry figure.

Then he saw the World Honored Monk King, the Bhadra Monk King, and the Mani goddess, and then the Bodhisattvas. Among them was the Maitreya Light King whose whole body was enveloped in the Buddha's light.

"Although the Buddha is awake, he has lost his mind. What should we do now?" The World Honored Monk King was asking Maitreya Light King anxiously.

Among these gods and Buddhas, only Maitreya Light King is still calm. The golden lotus arranged by the seventy-two Bodhisattvas is barely suppressing the vague figure that wants to struggle out. However, they are becoming more and more difficult to hold on. .

"It seems that we cannot go against nature. The Buddha has fallen, but we are trying to use the legendary Manzhu Shahua to awaken him... Sure enough, now we have encountered a backlash."

Maitreya Light King murmured, clasping his hands together and showing a trace of compassion on his face.

"Buddha Vibo, please rest in peace..."

When King Maitreya Light said this, he suddenly stepped forward in the void, squeezing away all the monks, kings and Bodhisattvas around him, and strode towards the blurry figure suppressed by countless golden lotuses.

Wang Xuan observed from a distance, with a strange look on his face. He watched the figure of Maitreya Light King expand as he spoke. The Buddha's light released from the surface became more and more intense, and gradually he turned into a huge light Buddha.

"Maitreya Light King Buddha——" The mechanical god suddenly shouted.

Wang Xuan's heart was slightly shaken. Has this Maitreya King of Light already become a Buddha?

Almost at the same moment, the golden lotuses that suppressed the blurry figure could no longer hold up and collapsed. The blurry figure let out a terrifying roar, and a giant face suddenly appeared. The revealed giant face no longer had the mercy of the Buddha. Instead, it was full of ferocious distortion and darkness, opened its bloody mouth, and slammed into Maitreya Light King who had transformed into a Light Buddha.

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