The last building on earth

Chapter 549 The Five Decline of God

As the two palace doors opened, two rows of men and women in black robes walked out with solemn faces.

Wang Xuan noticed that these two rows of men and women in black robes were all high-ranking true gods.

Although this place of order has not been ranked among the top ten forces, it now seems that this force is even above the top ten forces.

These two rows of men and women in black robes walked out of the palace and lined up on the left and right. After them, four more people walked out. These four people were all wearing white robes, three men and one woman. Wang Xuan saw that these three men and one woman were all the main gods.

One of the bald men in white robes had a tattoo of a strange beast on his head. Wang Xuan saw that among the four main gods, his coercion was the most powerful and he should be the peak-level main god.

The bald man in white robes came out and said in a deep voice: "I believe you all know the reason for coming here today. The God of Order has entered the stage of 'reluctant to leave his position and unhappy with himself' in the Great Five Decline. Originally, he wanted to surpass Encountering the best, the most extraordinary and supreme, I hope there is a possibility of a turning point, but the last sign of decline appears, and everyone understands that there is no turning point..."

When he said this, he paused slightly and continued: "According to the order of the God of Order, a successor must be selected among all of you to become the new God of Order."

These words came from afar. The faces of the powerful men from the major forces in the seventh-level world had different expressions. Some were sad because the God of Order was about to fall, and some had a faint excitement in their eyes, feeling that they had hope for the competition. This new God of Order knows the prophecy like Maitreya Light King, and the fear that "order will not exist" is confirmed by the fall of the God of Order, and his heart is inevitably full of uneasiness.

"Bai Ze, are there any restrictions on participating in the competition?" Thunder King from the Imperial Capital asked.

The Thunder King is one of the three Thunder God Kings in the Imperial City. He was once a high-ranking true god, but now he has broken through and been promoted to the Lord God. In order to fight against the six-armed undead giant who walked out of the battlefield of the gods, he and the Thunder God King took action together. He is also a member of the Lord God. A powerful being.

The white-robed bald man whom he called Bai Ze glanced at the Thunder King and said: "According to the rules of the past, there are no conditions. As long as you can defeat all competitors and get the approval of the God of Order, you can succeed this new generation. The god of order."

When Wang Xuan heard the name Bai Ze, his heart moved slightly. He thought that Bai Ze was the name of a legendary mythical beast. He never thought that this white-robed bald man was also called Bai Ze. Could it be that his true face was that legendary mythical beast? White Pond?

"I know." Thunder King nodded.

After Bai Ze finished speaking, he looked around at the people around him and said in a deep voice: "Everyone can start now. Those who are interested can come forward now. The final winner will be the new God of Order."

After he finished speaking, everyone around looked at each other in silence. For a while, no one came out.

After a short period of dead silence, the Thunder King walked out first, broke the dead silence, and said loudly: "I know that I don't have the ability to win and become the new God of Order, but seeing that everyone is so reserved, then I will... When one comes out, it can be regarded as a good start."

The Thunder King broke the silence, and then someone swayed and appeared in front of the Thunder King. Wang Xuan looked over and saw that it was the Chaos King from the Chaos God Realm. Like the Thunder King, he was a main god-level existence.

Wang Xuan remembered that the Chaos King was already the peak-level Lord God, and the Thunder King was no match for him. However, the Thunder King did not show weakness. Instead, he laughed and took the initiative to fight.

The two sides fought in the middle of the square in front of the powerful forces.

There are powerful beings gathered all around. They can fight without any worries, and they are not afraid of affecting the strong people around them.

The Thunder King stamped his feet and turned into a light man formed by thunder and lightning. Countless thunder and lightning exploded on the surface of the light man's body, forming arc lightning in the air, gathering with the Chaos King as the center.

With the power he currently possesses, any weaker true god would be instantly destroyed by these arc lightning.

However, the King of Chaos did not dodge the attack of the King of Thunder. Instead, he allowed himself to be hit by countless arc-shaped lightnings and placed himself in the midst of these countless lightnings. After that, his body began to release the power of chaos, and these powers eroded The thunder and lightning spread out in all directions, and soon eroded the Thunder King's body.

This time, the people who came to the Land of Order were basically big shots from all sides, and there were even very few high-ranking true gods. Everyone had extraordinary experience, and they immediately saw that there was a big gap between the Thunder King and the Chaos King.

If the Thunder King does not stop, once the chaos power of the Chaos King completely invades his body, it will cause fatal damage to him.


Suddenly there was a deep shout, but it was the Thunder God King of the Imperial City who took action. His figure disappeared on the spot, turned into a bolt of thunder and lightning, soared into the sky, and then suddenly turned down, like a steel blade, cutting into the power of the Chaos King.

The Thunder King roared and jerked back.

He knew that he was defeated by the King of Chaos, but he was unwilling to attack the King of Chaos at the same time as the King of Thunder. Seeing that the King of Thunder had taken action, he took the initiative to retreat.

Several powerful men from the Chaos Clan from the Chaos God Realm originally took a step forward to see the Thunder God King take action, showing signs of wanting to take action, but when they saw the Thunder God King retreating, they all stopped.

The Thunder God King is obviously stronger than the Thunder King.

Wang Xuan saw the lightning humanoid formed by the Thunder God King falling in front of the Chaos King. The arms of both sides were entangled, and the power of thunder and lightning and the power of chaos were intertwined and repelled.

The Thunder God King let out a violent roar, grabbed the Chaos King's arm, and suddenly lifted his body up.

Wang Xuan was a little surprised. He originally thought that there was not much difference in strength between the Thunder God King and the Thunder King, but now he saw that the Thunder God King was much stronger than the Thunder King, and there were faint signs of being able to fight against the Chaos King.

With a loud "boom", the Chaos King was lifted up by the Thunder God King and hit the square ground below.

The ground of this square is not an ordinary material, but a specially made material. Its toughness goes without saying. The most important thing is that there are a large number of runes engraved on it. These runes have special effects of protecting the material and counteracting power.

Everyone understands that every plant and tree here is protected by the power of the God of Order, but now the God of Order is about to fall, and its power has faded. The King of Chaos was lifted up by the King of Thunder and hit the ground heavily, and cracks appeared faintly on the ground.

When King Maitreya Light saw the spider web-like cracks on the ground, he couldn't help but clasping his hands together and sighing slightly.

He understood that the power of the God of Order was losing. Otherwise, it would be difficult for main gods like the King of Thunder and the King of Chaos to destroy the square protected by the power of the God of Order.

At the same moment that the Chaos King was knocked to the ground by the Thunder God King, a force of chaos shot out from the Chaos King's body. It also looked like thunder and lightning, and hit the Thunder God King's chest solidly.

The light man's chest formed by the Thunder God King was directly penetrated by this power of chaos, forming a huge transparent hole.

The Thunder God King roared, and thunder and lightning erupted from his seven orifices. Although the thunder and lightning power erupted from his body increased to another level, it still could not suppress the Chaos King. The Chaos King who fell on the ground flipped over and overturned the Thunder God King. Soaring into the sky.

Wang Xuan saw this and shook his head secretly, understanding that in terms of combat consciousness or combat skills, King Thundergod surpassed King Chaos, but there was an essential gap in the power possessed by the two sides.

The King of Chaos defeated ten enemies with one force. In the face of absolute power, even better combat awareness and skills could not defeat the King of Chaos' more powerful power of chaos.

Even if the Thunder God King can overthrow the Chaos King, the explosion of Chaos King's power can penetrate the Thunder God King's body in an instant and send him flying.

The body of King Thunder God flew high, and then fell like a kite with a broken string. The King of Chaos had stood up again silently. The power of chaos on the surface of his body was rising, shaped like streaks of thunder and lightning, ready to attack at any time. The fallen Thunder God King took action.

"Chaos King, you win!" The retreating Thunder King suddenly spoke. He also understood that although the Thunder God King was much stronger than him, he was still no match for the Chaos King.

Hearing King Thunder admit defeat on behalf of King Thunder God, King Chaos did not take action again, but took a step back and then glanced around again.

He is waiting for the next challenger.

The two main gods representing the imperial capital, Thunder God King and Thunder King, both failed. It can be said that one of the ten major forces has died.

Among the major forces that appeared this time, the Imperial City was the weakest, with only two main gods coming. The Thunder King also knew that he was not destined to be the God of Order, so he had to take action first and then talk about attracting others. He also understood that now he could only be regarded as the God of Order. From the beginning, there will be stronger ones who will take action later.

Although the King of Chaos is a main god close to the peak level, the King of Thunder is not optimistic about him either.

Wang Xuanze glanced at Maitreya Light King. Maitreya Light King is very hidden. It seems that all major forces may not know that he has become a Buddha. If he takes action to participate in the competition, with his current strength, who can fight against him? ?

What Wang Xuan is now curious about is whether King Maitreya Light will take action.

After the King of Chaos finished speaking, he looked at the people around him. Those who thought they were not as powerful as the King of Chaos all gave up their thoughts. After witnessing the two events just now, everyone understood that without the power of the peak-level Lord God, it would be difficult to defeat Chaos. king.

Finally, among the gods from the Demon God Clan, someone's figure flashed and came out.

It was the King of Sin who came out.

The King of Sin is a veteran main god, and now he has reached the level of a true peak main god. Seeing the King of Sin step out, the King of Chaos' heart sank.

Among the people at present, except for the old gods who are hidden in the world, and the King of Chaos does not know their depth, among the remaining gods, there are only two that he is really afraid of, and one of them is the Sin King of the Demon God Clan. .

"The King of Sin, I knew you would take action."

The Chaos King gave a faint smile and said: "It seems that you also want the position of the God of Order."

The Sin King stared at the Chaos King without saying a word, but there was a shadow rising behind his body.

This was the phantom of a demon god, but Wang Xuan could not recognize who this demon god was. It was not one of the famous seventy-two demon gods. The phantom of the demon god that appeared covered the sky above. Then he leaned down and stretched out a A big hand reached towards the Chaos King below.

In the eyes of everyone, the Sin King just stood there, even folding his arms, standing motionless, allowing the phantom demon god expanding from his body to attack.

Not to be outdone, the Chaos King blasted out streaks of Chaos Power from his body, which resembled streaks of lightning, and focused on the phantom of the Demon God's hand caught above.

These powers of chaos struck in the void, passing through the shadow of the demon's big hand, and all came to nothing.

The phantom of the demon's big hand that appeared turned out to be just a phantom, with no power in it at all.

"Not good." The Chaos King immediately understood something was wrong with his heart, and he suddenly moved sideways to dodge.

He reacted quickly and narrowly avoided it, but he saw a dark shallow pit appearing where he had just stood. Just then, the King of Sin suddenly took action himself and struck a volley in the air. He was only one step away, but was avoided by the King of Chaos. A blow hit the ground below, and the ground protected by the God of Order was hit into a shallow pit, and a large number of cracks appeared on the surface.

The Sin King landed on the ground, and the power of the devil surged out of his body, and what greeted him was the power of chaos from the King of Chaos.

The powers of both sides collided with each other, but they were very restrained. Their power did not spread out and did not affect the people around them. Instead, they suppressed their power within a small area in the center of the square.

Therefore, their fight seemed to everyone to be less powerful and even inferior to the battle between ordinary gods. However, only the main gods of the same level could see that their fight this time was quite dangerous.

Both the King of Sin and the King of Chaos knew that the other party was a strong enemy and did not dare to hold back, otherwise they might lose.

It would be a lie to say that I am not at all impressed by the position of the new God of Order.

After all, once they obtain any of the God of Order and are promoted to the new God of Order, they have the hope of breaking through the current level of the main god and becoming the supreme god.

The Most High God tempts them above all else.

For the sake of the Supreme God and the God of Order, they were unwilling to lose. The palms of the two people were quickly glued to each other. Outside their bodies, the power of the Demon God and Chaos repeled each other, and continued to make sizzling sounds. The palms of both sides were glued together. Together, a muffled thunder-like sound continued to be heard.

Every time a muffled thunder sounded, the bodies of both parties would shake violently, and they would take a step back, leaving footprints on the ground.

As the two of them slowly retreated, the footprints they stepped on grew from shallow to deep, and the sound of muffled thunder became louder and louder, causing the entire square to faintly shake.

But in the eyes of everyone, the King of Sin and the King of Chaos in front of them just raised one palm and held it at a distance from each other. There was no sign that they were making a move.

Wang Xuan could see through his spiritual consciousness that the two sides were not satisfied with being limited to the square here, but transcended this time and space and entered a higher dimension. Both sides fully demonstrated their divine power and priesthood. Ability, real fire, each wants to completely defeat the opponent.

"As expected of the peak-level Lord God." Wang Xuan whispered to himself. He saw that the sin king's priesthood was the Lord God of Sin. He could borrow the negative emotions of sin and evil from all living beings in the world, and use these negative emotions as an endless source of energy. Gather around.

The King of Chaos is not bad either. He controls the original power of Chaos of the Chaos Clan. Now that his own power of Chaos is no match for the power of the priesthood borrowed by the Sin King, he begins to use his own power of Chaos to borrow the power of the major Chaos Clan. The power of chaos.

It can be said that the current Sin King is not fighting against the Chaos King in a higher dimension, but the Chaos Clan.

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