The last building on earth

Chapter 559 Ancient Demon God

"How is that possible?" The majestic Buddha, King Maitreya Light, trembled slightly and took a step back.

The Buddha Vipa died a long time ago and became an undead spirit. Because of Manzhushahua, he came back to life, but he no longer had the Buddha nature of the ancient Buddha and completely became an undead spirit.

In the end, he teamed up with Wang Xuan and the God of Machinery to kill the Buddha Pibo and buried him in the past years. Now he suddenly saw the phantom of the Buddha Pipo appearing in the depths of the future city.

When everyone saw this, their hearts were shaken and a chill arose.

Without saying a word, Maitreya Light King Buddha approached the phantom of the Vipo Corpse Buddha whose vitality was rising. The World Honored Monk King and others followed closely behind.

Suddenly, the "Future City" shook violently, followed by buildings shaking. This "Future Buddha City" seemed to have suddenly triggered a major earthquake.

"Stop—" Maitreya King of Light Buddha shouted majesticly, stretched out his right hand, and the Buddha's light spread out, covering the entire future Buddhist city.

The Future Buddha City, which was shaking violently, suddenly became quiet, but this silence only lasted for a second. Only the sound of "cracking" could be heard endlessly. Cracks appeared on the ground of the Future Buddha City, and buildings were crumbling one after another. It collapsed to pieces, and the Buddhist disciples living inside fled desperately.

King Yoleguang Buddha's face turned livid, and even the power of other Buddhas could not prevent the collapse of the Buddha city. He watched the earth shatter with a loud "rumbling" sound, and countless gravels rolled up and flew up. A giant hand is stretching out along the crack.

The Buddhist character "卍" is engraved on the palm of this giant hand, which represents that the owner of the giant hand comes from Buddhism.

As the giant hand stretched out from under the Buddha City, it suddenly reached the edge. Wherever it went, a large number of buildings could not withstand the force and collapsed one after another.

Maitreya Light King Buddha shouted the Buddha's name in shock, put his hands together, and suddenly struck out in the air. A huge Buddha's light rose up, and then turned into a light knife and slashed towards the giant hand.

The giant hand flipped over and grabbed the light knife chopped off by Maitreya Light King Buddha.

With a crackling sound, Maitreya Light King Buddha's face changed drastically, but he saw that the light knife he had hit was shattered by this one, and the surface of this giant hand showed a golden light, with countless "swastika" characters floating in it, Under the seal, this giant hand seemed to be made of gold.

"The Immortal Vajra Divine Curse? Is this the Ancient Vajra Buddha?" Maitreya Light King couldn't help shouting.

Among the legendary ancient Buddhas, there is an ancient Buddha who has an immortal golden body and is proficient in the Immortal Vajra Mantra. It is said that he has magical powers that can destroy the heaven and the earth. King Maitreya Light has also heard about it and knows that this Vajra Immortal Mantra is activated. At this time, the surface of the body will show golden light, and countless "Swastika" characters will float. The essence of this immortal curse lies in the countless Buddhist "Swastika" characters.

Seeing this scene at this moment, King Maitreya Light screamed in horror. All the ancient Buddhas have fallen. If this giant hand really belongs to the Ancient Vajra Buddha among the ancient Buddhas, then...

In his shock, he saw that the earth continued to break, and a huge crack opened below. A Buddha was moving up along the crack below. There were countless "swastika" characters flowing on the surface of this Buddha, and it turned out to be The legendary Vajra Buddha.

"The ancient resurrected?"

King Maitreya Light looked at the ancient Vajra Buddha that was climbing out. Not only did he not feel happy, but he also felt fear. Even the ancient Buddha fell and could not be resurrected like this. The Thunder Emperor, who was as powerful as the strongest, now He was just reincarnated as a baby.

Although the ancient Vajra Buddha that crawled out was covered with "swastika" characters and possessed the power of the ancient Buddha, his eyes were glowing with blood and he could no longer feel the nature of the Buddha. Obviously, he was just a corpse. This is the resurrection of the dead.

"The catastrophe is really coming..."

King Yoleguang murmured to himself, trembling slightly. According to the prophecy left by the ancient Buddha, once order does not exist, a catastrophe will come. The dead ancient Buddha has reappeared and is destroying the future Buddhist city. All of this is It is a sign, which means that the world will collapse and the catastrophe is coming.


King Maitreya Light woke up from his brief gaffe and gave a sharp shout, telling everyone in the "Future Buddha City" to evacuate and escape here first.

Although King Maitreya Light has become a Buddha, he has no confidence that he can stop this resurrected ancient Buddha. He can't even resist the former Buddha Vipa who became an undead.

It’s not just the Ancient Vajra Buddha that comes to life in front of you. Behind the Ancient Vajra Buddha, the Vipo Corpse Buddha, who was originally just a phantom, gradually turns into a physical entity. Like the Ancient Vajra Buddha, he also has eyes filled with terror. The blood was shining, and the face was distorted. It no longer had the kind eyes and brows of the Buddha, but was full of ferocity.

The "Future Buddha City" continues to collapse, and everyone in the Buddha City is fleeing. Those who are slow to escape are immediately involved in the terrifying power, and are instantly wiped out.

In the power of the ancient Buddha, no matter what god he is, once he is swept away by this power, his body and soul will be destroyed immediately, and his soul will be too late to escape even if he wants to.

Although King Maitreya Light was heartbroken, he could only watch helplessly as the two ancient Buddhas came to life. He was powerless. The only thing he could do was to take as many people as possible to escape from here.

The "Future Buddhist City" was finally shattered and sunk amidst the earth-shattering noise. It lost its future and became the past.


Demonic holy land.

The Demon Holy Land was created by the Demon God Clan. In this building, there is not only the Demonic Holy Land on the sixth floor, but also on the seventh floor.

And the scale is far beyond the sixth floor.

At this moment, in the Demon Holy Land, there are five phantoms looming in the void.

The current leader of the Demonic Holy Land, the Sin King left the Land of Order with several gods and returned to the Demonic Holy Land.

The King of Sin is a powerful peak god, but he has not yet reached the highest level. He is not even qualified to intervene in what happens after the Land of Order.

But after witnessing what happened, he still felt extremely stressed.

He had also heard the prophecy about the great catastrophe and destruction of the world.

It wasn't until he returned to the Demonic Holy Land and saw the five looming shadows in the void that he slowly calmed down.

"Although the Demon Holy Land of our generation has not been able to produce the Supreme God, it does have the remains of the ancient Demon God. As long as the five of them completely digest the Demon God's remains, they will have the power of the real Ancient Demon God. Even the ordinary Supreme God will not Their opponents."

The Sin King was pondering: "I don't know what kind of catastrophe it is, but with them here, at least our Demon Holy Land will not be weaker than other forces..."

The Sin King was pondering as he prepared to return to the palace where he was resting. Suddenly he felt the earth shaking slightly, followed by a dull rumbling sound.

"What's going on?" The Sin King frowned, and immediately shot out two divine lights from his eyes, passing through the ground below, trying to see what was going on.

At this moment, there was only a loud bang, and the ground below suddenly split in half. From the crack in the split earth, a huge horse face protruded.

The eyes of the horse's face were glowing with blood, and it stretched out from the cracked earth below. Its body climbed upwards, power surged, the earth was shattering, and the buildings on both sides were collapsing.

This is a giant with a horse head and a human body, his whole body is covered with muscles, and he is surrounded by terrifying demonic power.

When the Sin King saw it, he was shocked and couldn't help shouting: "Samikina?"

Samikina is the fourth demon god among the legendary seventy-two ancient demon gods. His image is this kind of giant with a horse head and human body. Of course, he sometimes manifests as a mule or completely transforms into a human body.

The Sin King was shocked because the true remains of these ancient demon gods were buried under the Demon Holy Land. However, these demon gods had fallen since ancient times. How could they suddenly resurrect and rise from the ground at this moment?

In the shock of the Sin King, the ancient demon god opened his bloody mouth and suddenly spurted out a stream of blood-red flames. The flames were monstrous and burned in all directions, immediately engulfing a large number of buildings in the sea of ​​​​fire. People were frightened and wanted to flee, but unfortunately it was already too late.

Once contaminated by this flame, they will immediately fight to the death and burn their bodies and souls to ashes.

In the midst of his shock, the Sin King saw that closely behind the horse-headed giant Samikina, there was another huge demon god crawling up from the ground. The cracks on the ground were becoming more and more serious, and the entire demon holy land was shattered. Crushing.

When the King of Sin saw the demon god crawling out, the upper body was a mule and the lower body was a lion. He immediately understood that this was Walliver, the sixth demon among the seventy-two demon gods. Among the seventy-two demon gods, he was also known as the Duke of Thieves.

Now he could finally be sure that the ancient demon god buried under the Demon Holy Land was really resurrected.

It's just that the resurrected ancient demon god no longer has divinity, but is full of cruelty, with blood in his eyes, and is destroying the possessed sacred place.

"Escape quickly——"

The King of Sin became anxious and roared continuously. Although he had the strength of the peak Lord God, looking at these resurrected ancient demon gods, he was unable to do anything. He could only anxiously let the demon clan of the Demon Holy Land escape while heading towards the Demon Holy Land at full speed. Rushing away from the end.

Deep at the end of the Demonic Holy Land, there is a magnificent palace hidden underground. In this magnificent palace, five people are sitting cross-legged. These five people have entered deep meditation. The five looming voids appear in the sky. Shadow is their reason.

These five people are Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei, Bai Yan, Yu Shanshan and Lin Baiyu.

Back then, they were discovered by the people from the Demon Holy Land in the sixth level of the world. They knew that the power of the five ancient demon gods was hidden in their bodies, and they had merged with the soul consciousness of these five ancient demon gods. It can be said that they were equivalent to these five demon gods. .

Later, King Solomon took them to the Demonic Holy Land in the seventh-level world. The ancient demonic god was buried in the Demonic Holy Land in the seventh-level world. Zhao Lei and Zhang Haofei each obtained the true remains of the demonic god hidden in their bodies.

Over the years, they have been hiding here, refining the remains of these five ancient demon gods.

Once fully refined, they will truly gain all the power of these five ancient demon gods, and even add the power of the beasts in their bodies. When combined, they will faintly surpass the ancient demon gods.

These days, the shadows of these five demon gods appear from time to time in the sky above the Demon Holy Land. This means that Zhao Lei and the five of them are about to succeed in refining the demon gods' remains.

This is the most important trump card of the Demon Holy Land. Before leaving, the Sin King wanted to take the five of them away with him.

When the Sin King broke in, he found that energy cocoons had formed on the outside of the bodies of Zhao Lei and the five others, which meant that they had already refined the ancient demon god's true body into their bodies and were just waiting to break out of the cocoons. At that time, they You will have all the power of the ancient demon god, even stronger.

"This is the hope of my Demon God Clan."

The Sin King was excited. With a wave of his right hand, an invisible force swept the five energy cocoons, then rose into the sky and took them away from here.

The earth beneath the Demonic Holy Land is becoming more and more fragmented. The remains of the ancient demon gods that were once buried here are being resurrected one after another. They make earth-shattering roars, and the terrifying aura of the ancient demon gods sweeps across the world and shakes time and space in all directions.

On the same day, the ancient Buddha in the "Future Buddhist City" and the ancient demon god in the "Sacred Land of Demons" were resurrected one after another, destroying the Buddhist city and the holy land, shocking all parties. Everyone understood that this was a sign of the coming catastrophe of the world.

The Eternal God Clan, Now Buddha City, Warcraft Tower, Chaos God Realm, Human King Palace and Imperial Capital all launched the most powerful defensive formations on the same day, preparing to welcome the arrival of the ancient Buddha and the ancient demon god.

In the Land of Order, Tang Ruoyu and the Mechanical God were silently guarding the side. Wang Xuan was in an energy cocoon, slowly integrating and digesting the energy left by the God of Order in his body.

In deep meditation, his divinity is constantly transforming, from the original white jade-like aura to formless and colorless, which means that his divinity is slowly transforming into the level of the supreme god.

In this deep level of meditation, Wang Xuan was unaware of the major events happening in the outside world. During his meditation, he felt the transformation of his divinity. This transformation was unprecedented. From the Lord God to the Supreme God, this step can be said to be the difference between heaven and earth.

Gradually, in his sea of ​​consciousness, everything around him seemed to disappear, and his soul seemed to be out of body. Suddenly he found that he was wandering in the void and had appeared above the endless void. Below, he could see Energy cocoon, his true body is in the energy cocoon, waiting to break out of the cocoon. Outside the energy cocoon, Tang Ruoyu and the Mechanical God are guarding on both sides, and further away are Bai Ze and other gods.

"This is……"

Wang Xuan was slightly surprised. This was the first time he had seen this situation. He knew that he should belong to a special consciousness now and did not really exist.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Xuan found that the surrounding time and space was shrinking in front of his eyes, or that his consciousness was constantly expanding. Soon he could no longer see the energy cocoon below, nor could he see Tang Ruoyu and the Mechanical God. Instead, he could see Countless green vines appeared all around, already appearing in the world of green vines. "This is... the Mother Goddess?"

Wang Xuan was startled and then thought about it. This was the green vine world below the Red Ghost Giant City, where part of the Mother Goddess was hidden.

Wang Xuan suddenly became a little excited, thinking that the Tree of Origin that Gu Manyao turned into was also here. In the future, he would be able to open the door of origin and find Gu Manyao's true spirit, and he would need to rely on this Tree of Origin.

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