The last building on earth

Chapter 562 Treasure

When the Saint of the Human King saw the King of Sin barging in uninvited, a trace of anger flashed across her face and she was about to speak.

The Sin King has placed the energy cocoon formed by Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei and five others on the ground, and said loudly: "Everyone should enter the 'Human King's Palace' first, and then think of a solution!"

Those members of the Demon God clan who had escaped from the Demon Holy Land were already rushing toward the magnificent palace.

"The people from 'Now City' also immediately entered the 'Human Palace'——"

Immediately afterwards, the voice of Maitreya Light King Buddha also came over, ordering Renshecheng in the "now Buddha City" to enter the "Human King Palace".

An immortal ancient Buddha is difficult to resist. Now among the ancient demons, the "Duke of Thieves" and the sixth demon, Walliver, have appeared. If they don't hide in the "Human King's Palace", they will all be in great danger.

The people of "Now City" headed by Dharma King Lankavatara rose into the sky one after another, heading towards the "Human King's Palace" at full speed.

Everyone in the Human King Palace is looking at the Human King Saint. As long as she gives an order, they can completely close the magnificent palace and no one can enter.

The biggest trouble now is the King of Sin who just rushed in while everyone was unprepared.

There was a hint of hesitation on the face of the Human King Saint, and the voice of Maitreya Light King Buddha followed closely in her mind: "Human King Saint, please rest assured, we will leave the Human King Palace as soon as we get through this crisis."

Following the sound, Maitreya Light King Buddha appeared silently beside her.

The Human King Saint sighed secretly and understood that it was too late even if she disagreed. King Maitreya Light was a Buddha and she was no match for him. Now that he was approaching her, she had to agree even if she disagreed.

Maitreya King of Light Buddha was seriously injured just now, and now he seems to have recovered, but his face is still a little ugly, and the Ancient Vajra Buddha on the other side also suffered some damage, and its golden bell was shattered. He seemed to have been severely injured, huge The body is shaking and retreating.

"Everyone enters the 'Human King's Palace'——"

The voice of Lei Zun Puhua Tianzun also spread far away, and the thunder god from the "Imperial Capital" was also approaching quickly.

Tang Ruoyu and the Mechanical God saw that the situation was not good, and immediately took the energy cocoon formed by Wang Xuan and headed towards this magnificent palace.

The remaining Bai Ze and the gods from the Land of Order also followed closely.

From the outside, this magnificent palace is just a huge palace that looks very grand. There is something else inside, like a small world. Entering from the front door, you can see countless buildings and forests, like the city of an ancient city. In terms of internal area, it is larger than the Third Buddha City.

Now that Maitreya Light King Buddha, Sin King and others have come in, the Human King Saint will no longer refuse everyone entry.

Soon Tang Ruoyu, the Mechanical God entered it with Wang Xuan's energy cocoon, as well as Bai Ze and other gods from the Land of Order.

There was an earth-shattering roar, and now the city was struck by a giant palm falling from the sky. Amidst the loud roar, it began to shatter and collapse.

Everyone who hid in the "Human King's Palace" was watching silently. The current lord of the Buddhist city, Dharma King Lankavatara, had an ugly face. He was full of helplessness and could only watch the current Buddhist city being destroyed.

With the destruction of the current Buddhist city, all the Buddhist cities of the three generations have ceased to exist.

A beast roar sounded, and the "Duke of Thieves", the resurrected ancient demon god, finally appeared and launched an attack on this magnificent palace.

Under the command of the Saint of the Human King, the defense of the "Human King Palace" was activated. The surface of this magnificent palace was covered with a layer of gleaming white light. Walliver's paw took a picture and was blocked by this layer of gleaming white light. Everyone looked up and could see , staying in the "Human Palace", I couldn't even feel the vibration.

"It is worthy of being the defensive treasure left by the Human King." This time, even Maitreya Light King couldn't help but marvel. With his ability, he can easily recreate the Buddhist city of the third generation, but a city like the "Human King Palace" that even the ancient demon gods cannot destroy, It's beyond his capabilities.

Outside the palace, thunder and lightning in the sky were still flashing.

Maitreya Light King Buddha entered the "Human King's Palace", but Lei Zun Puhua Tianzun did not follow him and retreated. He was still blocking the Ancient Buddha Vajra.

Just after injuring the Ancient Vajra Buddha with one blow, Lei Zun Puhua Tianzun manifested thousands of thunder and lightning spears and continuously attacked the Ancient Vajra Buddha.

Many gods looked at the performance of Lei Zun Puhua Tianzun, and then looked at Maitreya Light King Buddha hiding in, and felt a little disdainful.

Maitreya Light King Buddha ignored everyone's expressions. He swayed and reached one of the energy cocoons brought in by the Sin King. He stretched out his hands and landed on the energy cocoon.

After confirming that the "Human King's Palace" would not be breached for the time being, Maitreya Light King Buddha was relieved and could finally help the few people in the energy cocoon to refine and break out of the cocoon.

The Sinful King also understood that Maitreya Light King Buddha entered the Human King's Palace not because he was afraid of death, but even if he joined forces with Lei Zun Puhua Tianzun, they might not be able to stop the ancient Buddha or the ancient demon god. The most important thing now is to help these few The most important thing is that the people in this energy cocoon can complete the refining and break out of the cocoon as soon as possible.

The Buddha's light rose up all over the body of Maitreya Light King Buddha, and began to flow continuously towards this energy cocoon.

Transferring one's own divine power into the energy cocoon would be a great loss of divinity, but the situation was critical at the moment. Although the "Human Palace" was a defensive treasure, no one knew how long it could last.

Once the "Human Palace" is breached, countless lives gathered here will be wiped out.

Another earth-shaking loud noise came. Although everyone in the "Human King's Palace" could not feel much shock, they could see the continuous attack from Walliver's claws above.

The Human King Saint controlled the "Human King Palace" and decided to escape from the place of order first. Unexpectedly, the "Human King Palace" began to shake, as if it was stuck in a quagmire, and it was impossible to escape for a while.

Although Valiver was temporarily unable to break through the defense of the "Human King's Palace", he was now lying on top of the "Human King's Palace". The terrifying power of the demon god completely entangled the Human King's Palace. Although it was blocked by the defense shield, the "Human King's Palace" was now "I can't shake it off and escape from here.

Everyone's expressions changed as they looked at the giant beast-like ancient demon god covering the top of the palace. The continuous attack caused the "Human King Palace" to shake violently. This sign seemed to everyone that this magnificent palace might collapse at any time.

Suddenly there was a rumbling sound of the void being crushed in the distance. Everyone looked into the distance and saw four huge spheres appearing in the distance. These four spheres were divided into gold, silver, bronze and black iron.

Seeing these four kinds of balls, everyone immediately understood that this was the arrival of the Tai Lao, one of the four elders of the Eternal God Clan.

Tai Lao controls the four powers of gold, silver, bronze, and black iron. He is a supreme god. At this moment, the appearance of the ball formed by these four powers represents the arrival of Tai Lao and takes action against the Ancient Vajra Buddha.

The four kinds of spheres came into contact with the Vajra Immortal Mantra of the Ancient Vajra Buddha and began to shatter. The Tai Lao appeared in the void. Behind him were three old men who also looked very old. They were among the four elders. The other three elders are Shanglao, Yuanlao and Gugu.

After the Four Elders, groups of Eternal Protoss appeared. Apparently they were also attacked. Now they abandoned the Eternal Protoss' territory and fled to the Land of Order.

When Tai Lao saw the situation in the Land of Order, he immediately took action to help Lei Zun Universal Transformation Tianzun and attack the Ancient Vajra Buddha.

The Ancient Vajra Buddha once again used the Immortal Mantra, forming a golden bell that covered his body and withstood everyone's attacks.

Behind Tai Lao, Shang Lao, Yuan Lao and Gu Gu all took action together. Although their strength failed to reach the level of the supreme god, they were still half-stepped into the highest threshold. The three elders joined forces to transfer their power into Tai Lao's body. Help him improve his strength.

The combined power of the four elders has vaguely reached the level of an intermediate supreme god.

They joined forces with Lei Zun Puhua Tianzun to smash the golden bell again, and the Ancient Vajra Buddha was injured again.

Walliver was still attacking the "Human King's Palace". Everyone in the Human King's Palace saw Tai Lao and a group of Eternal Gods appearing, and they breathed a sigh of relief. Tai Lao and Lei Zun Puhua Tianzun joined forces to obviously suppress As long as they can suppress the Ancient Vajra Buddha, it will not be difficult for them to join forces to deal with Walliver.

Unfortunately, just as everyone breathed a sigh of relief, the powerful aura of the ancient Buddha appeared again in the distance.

The expressions of the World Honored Monk King, Mani and others in the "Human King's Palace" changed. They recognized that the person who appeared this time was none other than Biboshi Buddha among the ancient Buddhas.

The target of Pibo Corpse Buddha was the Eternal God Clan, forcing the Eternal God Clan to abandon their original divine domain and come to the Land of Order, and Bibo Corpse only arrived here a little later than them.

The descending body of Pibo seemed to want to show his strength and means. He opened his big mouth and suddenly blew out a breath. This breath was blown out by him, and the wind howled immediately, forming a huge tornado, heading towards this place. A group of eternal gods swept over.

The old man was forced to stop and led the Eternal God Clan people towards the direction of the Human King's Palace.

He had also heard about the legend of the "Human Palace", but he had never had the opportunity to test its power. It was not until today that he saw it with his own eyes.

Now, in addition to the ancient Buddha Vajra, there are also the Buddha Vibo and the ancient demon god Walifu.

If it were just these three, they would not be afraid. What was really scary was that if they stayed any longer, more and more ancient Buddhas and demons would appear.

"Let's go." The old man immediately took the opportunity and stopped fighting. He came towards the Human King's Palace. When he saw Wariver lying on it, the old man immediately attacked, trying to repel Wariver first.

The Vajra Immortal Ancient Buddha and the corpse of Pibo join forces, and Lei Zun Puhua Tianzun has no way to escape and can only hold on for the time being.

The Ancient Vajra Buddha moved forward, with the Vipo Corpse Buddha following closely behind. Knowing that he was outmatched, Lei Zun Puhua Tianzun turned into a bolt of lightning and suddenly landed on the top of the "Human King's Palace" palace, on his left hand side. Tai Lao, who had released a lot of energy, had to retreat. If he continued, he felt that his body would not be able to bear it.

The Ancient Vajra Buddha and the Biboshi Buddha are both approaching. Once they join forces with Walliver to attack, even though the "Human King's Palace" is known as the most powerful defensive magic weapon in the world, it may not be able to stop them.

"Go away -" the Tai Lao let out a majestic roar, followed closely by the three elders. The Tai Lao combined the power of the four elders into one, which was enough to help the fallen Ye Qing.

The Ancient Vajra Buddha and Pibo's corpse joined forces to attack, and Tai Lao found that even the combined power of everyone could not withstand it.

Walliver was originally trying to destroy the "Human King's Palace". Gradually, it stopped being impatient. Instead, it identified a point and continued to destroy it.

As expected, this move worked. The defensive barrier on the outside of the "Human King's Palace" was somewhat unable to withstand Wariver's situation.

Maitreya Light King Buddha is already sitting cross-legged behind the energy cocoon, concentrating on helping the energy cocoon and not paying attention to what is happening in the outside world.

Soon people from the Chaos God's Realm also came, but the Supreme God did not appear in the Chaos God's Realm. The legendary Lord of Chaos who was the Supreme God's strength did not appear.

Only the Chaos King and other Chaos gods are fleeing here.

A bolt of lightning fell from the sky, turned into a spear, and stabbed towards Walliver who was lying on the "Human King's Palace".

Walliver was shocked. The power contained in this thunder spear scared even him, let alone other people.

Lei Zun Puhua Tianzun finally abandoned the Ancient Vajra Buddha and suddenly took action to attack Walliver who was lying on the "Human King's Palace".

Wariver stretched out his claws and grabbed the falling lightning spears, not wanting to be followed by thousands of lightning spears, completely blocking the sky above, and then launching indiscriminate attacks.

Wariver roared with some dissatisfaction, but was soon attacked by more thunder and lightning, and it couldn't bear it anymore.


Lei Zun Puhua Tianzun finally forced Walliver away who was lying on the "Human King's Palace". The Yonghun God Clan and others seized this opportunity and fled to the "Human King's Palace" at full speed.

There are more and more people in the "Human King's Palace" now. There are people from the "Human King's Palace" as well as people from the Eternal God Clan, the Demon God Clan, the Third World Buddha City, and the Chaos God Realm.

Although more and more people gathered, the situation became more and more dangerous. With the appearance of the Ancient Vajra Buddha, the Vipo Buddha and Walliver, another ancient demon appeared.

It chased the people of the Eternal God Clan and came here.

This ancient demon god has a horse head and body, and is full of muscles. Wherever he goes, flames burn. He is none other than Samikina, the fourth demon among the ancient demon gods.

Samikina's strength is obviously stronger than them all. If the strength of the Supreme God is used to judge the logo, Samikina is at least an intermediate Supreme God, and the others are a little behind.

Lei Zun, Puhua Tianzun and Tai Lao both retreated to the edge of the white energy wall of the "Human King's Palace". Although they were unwilling to give in, they still sighed helplessly to each other when they saw the appearance of four ancient Buddhas and demons who were comparable to the supreme gods.

Now in the entire human palace, there are Maitreya Light King Buddha, Lei Zun Universal Heavenly Lord, Tai Lao and others who have reached the highest level of gods. They are simply unable to resist the increasing number of ancient Buddhas and demon gods.

We can only watch them approaching the "Human King's Palace", and now even Lei Zun Puhua Tianzun has retreated into the city, watching them attack.

In the "Human King's Palace", Maitreya Light King Buddha wholeheartedly transports his divine power into the energy cocoon, and the powerful Buddha nature completely covers the energy cocoon.

Lei Zun Puhua Tianzun's eyes suddenly glanced at the five energy cocoons placed aside. On one of them, small cracks suddenly appeared on the surface.

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