The last building on earth

Chapter 565 The boat on the other shore

The "Human Palace" suddenly became dark, and everyone turned to look.

But in just an instant, the world became pitch black.

The Sin King, the Chaos King, the Human King Saint, the World Honored Monk King, the Thunder King, etc. all looked towards the distance, with a solemn expression on their faces.

They could all feel that the pitch-black sky and earth were slowly being filled with an indescribable aura of terror.

Then a glazed light lit up in the darkness, tearing open the darkness like a canvas.

In the torn darkness, a treasure ship appeared. It looked like jewels, shrouded in colorful divine light. There were a large number of flowers carved on the bow. This flower was the legendary flower of hell, Higanbana.

This treasure ship breaks through the darkness and travels in the sky. It is approaching the "Human King's Palace". As it approaches, the darkness of the world is gradually enveloped by the colorful divine light, and the entire time and space is shaking.

Many people had confused looks on their faces and could not tell the origin of this treasure ship. However, Dharma King Lankavatara and the World Honored Monk King suddenly changed their expressions. As if they had thought of something, they almost shouted out loud at the same time: "The ship on the other shore - —”

"What is the boat on the other side?" Many people immediately looked at them.

The Sin King immediately said: "Are you talking about the legendary boat on the other side?"

He had obviously heard of it.

Dharma King Lenga's face was a little solemn, and he said with some excitement: "Yes, the legendary boat from the other shore, with the flower of the other shore engraved on the bow, shrouded in seven-color divine light, on the day when the world ends, the boat from the other shore will appear, carrying The selected transcendents enter the final shore..."

The more he spoke, the uglier his face became, and finally his whole body started to tremble slightly.

The World Honored Monk King said: "But except for the chosen ones, all remaining time and space and all living things will be extinct. The boat on the other side will only carry the chosen ones, leaving the last fire..."

Everyone paled slightly when they heard this. Although they didn't know whether the legend was true or false, the boat on the other side really appeared in front of everyone's eyes, which still made people feel a kind of fear coming from the depths of their souls.

The boat on the other side was getting closer and closer, and the invisible terrifying pressure was getting heavier and heavier. The Human King Saint felt that something was wrong, and immediately took control of the "Human King Palace", trying to escape from here first.

However, she found that the "Human Palace" seemed to be stuck in an endless quagmire, sinking continuously. No matter how she controlled it, she could not escape.

The boundless darkness below seems to be slowly eroding the "Human King's Palace", while the seven-colored divine light above is becoming more and more dazzling, and is constantly covering downwards, shrouding the top of the magnificent palace, causing a strange scene to appear in the "Human King's Palace".

The darkness below is swallowing, and the colorful divine light below is pulling, as if to tear the "Human King's Palace" apart from it.

Soon, everyone felt the "Human Palace" shaking.

"No, the Human King's Palace will not be able to support it if this continues -" The Saint of the Human King could feel the situation in the Human King's Palace, and couldn't help but cry out, her face turning pale.

She had never been so panicked before when those ancient Buddhas and demon gods jointly attacked her.

This legend is a treasure left behind by the King of Humans. At this moment, it is difficult to resist the power of the boat on the other side.

Almost at the same moment, there were crunching sounds one after another, and an energy cocoon shattered, revealing Yu Shanshan's figure. Just now, Maitreya Light King Buddha, Tai Lao and others joined forces and finally succeeded in helping Yu Shanshan. Shan refined the ancient demon god in her body.

Maitreya Light King Buddha's face was a little gray. He raised his head and looked at the seven-colored divine light above. He suddenly stood up with a shock.

He knew more about the legend of the Boat on the Other Shore than Dharma King Lanka and the World Honored Monk King, and he was more horrified.

Tai Lao, Yuan Lao and Gu Gu also stood up one after another, and Yu Shanshan also stood up quickly. She looked around and then at the seven-colored divine light above, with some confusion on her face.

What she was refining was Malbus, the fifth demon among the ancient demon gods. Malbus was the god of discovery and healing. She stared at the seven-colored divine light above, and her body began to slowly float upwards.

Lei Zun Puhua Tianzun followed closely.

The shaking in the "Human Palace" is getting more and more violent. If they don't take action, the "Human Palace" may not be able to support it, and everyone will be in danger by then.

Because they didn't know the true situation of the boat on the other side, everyone was very cautious.

Maitreya Light King Buddha and Tai Lao also followed closely. They both possessed the strength of the Supreme God, and followed Yu Shanshan up.

After leaving the "Human Palace", they faced the seven-colored divine light covering it head-on. They all felt their hearts trembled, and there was an unimaginable sense of oppression.

Yu Shanshan left the "Human King's Palace" and stopped above. Light gradually rose around her body. In addition to refining the true body of the fifth ancient demon god Malbus and gaining its full power, she also had her own The power of the "light mirror" in the body, this "light mirror" possesses a very special ability, that is, the power of "mirror reflection", which can reflect various forces.

At this moment, Yu Shanshan relied on the power of the demon god of Malbus and combined with the power of the "Light Mirror" beast, she began to use "mirror reflection" to bounce back the colorful divine light that suppressed the "Human King's Palace".

Amidst the colorful divine light, the treasure ship did not stop, but was slowly approaching the "Human King's Palace".

A mirror centered on Yu Shanshan began to extend in all directions. The colorful divine light shone on the mirror and immediately began to rebound.

The rebounding seven-colored divine light spurted into the sky, and the seven-colored divine light released from the treasure ship reflected each other, surging and impacting each other, creating a spectacle.

The Maitreya Light King Buddha, Tai Lao, and Lei Zun Puhua Tianzun who were following behind Yu Shanshan were all stunned. They all concentrated their strength, moved their eyes, and shot two divine lights, trying to see through the seven-colored divine light in front of them. , wanting to get a glimpse of the reality inside the treasure ship.

They all knew the legend of the Boat on the Other Side, but even they, the supreme gods, didn't know what the truth was. Being able to see it with their own eyes at this moment was both exciting and shocking.

What is shocking is that the boat on the other side only appears when the world of the heavens and all living beings are about to end. The appearance of this boat represents the beginning of the great destruction of the heavens, time and space.

What's exciting is that if you can board this boat, it will mean the final transcendence, entering the other shore, and true eternity. Only then will you be truly immortal, and even the final great destruction cannot harm them.

At this moment, the treasure ship was in the colorful divine light, and there were heavy divine lights trembling all around. They were all trying their best to observe, trying to find opportunities to board the ship. In the "Human Palace" below, Bai Ze, the Sin King, the Chaos King, and the Human The Holy Lady Wang, the World Honored Monk King, King Lankavatara, Mani, the Thunder King and the Thunder God King were also rising into the sky at this moment, also eager to get the opportunity and get the chance to board the treasure ship.

Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei and Lin Baiyu are still helping Bai Yan in the final refining and fusion. There are countless small cracks in the energy cocoon outside Bai Yan's body, which may break out at any time.

They also sensed the changes in the outside world and knew about the treasure ship appearing in the sky, but they did not move for the time being. They only waited to help Bai Yan successfully break out of the cocoon and then take a closer look.

Yu Shanshan's face at the top is getting paler and paler. The "Mirror Reflection" she used is continuously bouncing off the seven-colored divine light. She then uses the power of the seven-colored divine light to fight against the seven-colored divine light released by the treasure ship, trying to tear the divine light apart. Open it and see clearly the inside story of the treasure ship.

But the colorful divine light released by the treasure ship became heavier and heavier, and Yu Shanshan gradually felt a little unable to support it.

But the treasure ship is constantly approaching, and the power of the colorful divine light is increasing.

Lei Zun Puhua Tianzun took action. His figure stretched and turned into a huge thunder and lightning figure. He took a step and stepped out from behind the mirror. He raised his right hand and thousands of thunder and lightning rose up in dense rows towards the treasure ship. He slashed at it, wanting to split open the colorful divine light surrounding the treasure ship and get a glimpse of what was inside.

Seeing Lei Zun Puhua Tianzun take action, Tai Lao and Maitreya Light King Buddha also took action to help.

The power of gold, silver, bronze and black iron controlled by Tai Lao turned into four pillars of light, which struck together with thousands of thunder and lightning from Lei Zun Puhua Tianzun.

Maitreya Light King Buddha put his hands together in the "Light King Mantra" and cast a huge white light like a rainbow.

The three supreme gods joined forces to attack, blasting into the colorful divine light, but not even a wave was set off. The three supreme gods all felt their hearts sinking, but the treasure ship was one step closer to the "Human Palace". The entire "Human Palace" The "palace" shook slightly again, Yu Shanshan's face became paler and paler, the "mirror" above shook slightly, and blood slowly seeped out from the corners of her mouth.

The power of the demon god and the power of the "Light Mirror" beast in her body have reached their limit, but at this moment they can no longer withstand the pressure brought by the colorful divine light. Cracks gradually appear on the surface of the "mirror mirror" and may collapse at any time.

Suddenly, she felt the pressure lighten, and a man appeared next to her.

This man was Zhao Lei. He came to Yu Shanshan's side, flipped his right hand, and a cross of holy light was released from the palm of his hand. It immediately magnified infinitely and ripped through the seven-colored divine light.

As soon as Zhao Lei made a move, Yu Shanshan felt that the pressure was relieved, and she immediately shouted. With a push of her hands, the "Light Mirror" beast merged with the power of the devil in her body and flew out, forming a ray of light and shooting into the seven-color divine light.

Immediately afterwards, a man with flying hair who looked like a demon came from the other side and let out a wild laugh. He was bolder than everyone else and rushed straight into the colorful divine light. A huge giant skeleton appeared and walked out of his body. When he came out, he rushed towards the colorful divine light first.

Zhang Haofei also took action.

The giant skeleton kept hitting the colorful divine light, and when it approached the treasure ship, its body made a crunching sound. When it got close to the treasure ship, it finally shattered.

Although the giant skeleton was shattered, the seven-colored divine light was finally torn apart by their joint efforts. In the gap, they saw the ancient Buddha of Treasure Moonlight that had appeared before.

The Ancient Buddha of Treasure Moonlight chose to leave and disappeared before. Unexpectedly, he appeared on the treasure ship at this moment.

Could it be that this treasure ship came because of him?

But then everyone felt something was wrong. The Ancient Treasure Moonlight Buddha appeared at this moment, his face was stiff and sluggish, his body was straight, and he looked like he was hanging on the treasure ship by an invisible rope.

"what happened?"

Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei and others were shocked when they saw this scene. They had just fought against the ancient Buddha Bao Yueguang and knew how powerful this ancient Buddha was. They would not be surprised if he boarded the treasure ship, but now it seems that his Something was clearly wrong.

The seven-colored divine light that originally opened a gap quickly closed, and the treasure moonlight ancient Buddha disappeared, and the treasure ship was already approaching in front of them, very close to the "Human King's Palace". If it got closer, it would hit the "Human King's Palace".

The seven-colored divine light completely covered the Human King's Palace, and all the creatures staying in the Human King's Palace felt palpitations, as if some disaster was about to come.

Above the "Human Palace", figures flashed, and Lin Baiyu also appeared.

Just now, they teamed up to successfully help Bai Yan refine the demon god in his body. They immediately left the "Human King's Palace" to see what was going on outside.

Above the current "Human Palace", Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei, Yu Shanshan, Lin Baiyu, Lei Zun Puhua Tianzun, Tai Lao, Maitreya Light King Buddha, etc. are all hanging down. These are all existences with the power of the supreme god. Under their Below, there are a group of main gods headed by the Sin King and Bai Ze.

Knowing the strangeness of the treasure ship, although these supreme gods did not attack easily, their power was faintly combined to form the strongest defense, protecting the "Human King's Palace" below.

"This ship is really a bit evil. Please cooperate with me and I'll go up and have a look." Zhang Haofei shouted and signaled Zhao Lei and Lin Baiyu to help him. He stepped forward first and walked out of a giant skeleton again. Test and approach the treasure ship.

The treasure ship approached the Human King's Palace and slowed down.

The giant skeleton approached the treasure ship in the colorful divine light. The closer it got to the treasure ship, the more destruction appeared on the surface. Zhang Haofei followed closely behind the giant skeleton, and a second giant skeleton walked out of his body again.

Zhao Lei, Yu Shanshan and Lin Baiyu saw this and followed closely. They all released the power of the demon gods, combined the powers of these demon gods, and finally forced the seven-colored divine light away.

As the divine light was forced away, they once again saw the ancient Buddha of Treasure Moonlight above the deck of the treasure ship.

The ancient Buddha of Precious Moonlight stands tall and straight in the air, looking indescribably weird.

His face was stiff, as if the muscles on his face could not move. The strangest thing was that his two eyes could move slightly. In his eyes, everyone seemed to see a faint sense of fear and despair. For some reason, everyone caught his eyes and felt their scalps tingle, as if they had a kind of fear coming from the depths of their souls. The two giant skeletons shattered with a crackling sound, and the Bao Yueguang Ancient Buddha A hole suddenly appeared on the somewhat stiff face. There was something sticking out of the hole.

"Green vine?" Zhao Lei was slightly surprised to find that there was a green vine protruding from the face of Bao Yueguang Ancient Buddha's body. Then the second green vine stretched out from his chest, then the third, the fourth...

The suspended statue of the ancient Buddha Bao Yueguang was frozen there, motionless, with only his eyes moving, which seemed to represent his current fear and pain.

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