The last building on earth

Chapter 578 Mother Earth (arrived today)

Several space station staff members could not find out the specific cause of the failure through careful inspection. In fact, even if they witnessed Wang Xuan's appearance, they would probably suspect that there was something wrong with their eyes.

Wang Xuan moved sideways along the atmosphere, constantly sensing the entire earth's ecology and endless life. The familiar feeling became stronger and stronger, which made him understand that this was indeed the earth in front of him.

For the current Wang Xuan, the current earth is too fragile. He may destroy the current earth with just a slight burst of power. This makes Wang Xuan begin to self-seal his own power to avoid causing disaster.

After sealing most of his power, Wang Xuan traveled through the void and reappeared above the city where he lived.

This time, the city is no longer an empty dead city, but full of vitality, with people coming and going and busy traffic on the road.

Wang Xuan looked at the city below. It seemed no different from before he, Zhao Lei, and Gu Manyao drove into the underground parking lot of Longmao Plaza.

The surrounding space was fluctuating slightly, and Wang Xuan was floating in the air and slowly descending. Although there were a large number of humans below, no one could see him.

Wang Xuan soon landed on the top of a building. This building was his home.

He found his home here, unlike when he left the building before, the city that appeared was not only empty, but he could not find the building where his family lived.

Wang Xuan walked down the building and saw a familiar community. Not far away, there were several old people exercising in the community.

Those old people were familiar to him, they all lived in the same community.

Seeing these people, Wang Xuan felt a strange feeling in his heart.

It has been many years since he was trapped in that building. Considering the age of these old people, they are probably gone long ago, but they have hardly changed.

This is completely unreasonable in terms of experienced time, unless the time in the building is different from the time in this space and time.

As he thought, Wang Xuan's consciousness immediately scanned, and he immediately found someone hanging a calendar in the surrounding building and saw the precise date.

This date shocked Wang Xuan.

Because this day turned out to be the day after he, Zhao Lei, Gu Manyao, Wang Qin, and Zhang Qianwen met for an outdoor barbecue and were trapped in Longmao Plaza.

He has grown and evolved from an ordinary human in the building, and now he has reached the limit of a god, and has even become the ruler of the seventh-level world, the God of Order. And now in the time and space of the earth, only one day has passed?

He had scanned almost the entire city with his consciousness for a moment, and found a large number of desk calendars, wall calendars, and time displays on various mobile phones. These dates were all consistent. He clearly remembered that he had been trapped in the underground parking lot of Longmao Plaza. The day was April 23rd, and today is April 24th of the same year.

"Are the times in these two dimensions completely different?" Wang Xuan slowly calmed down. If all this is true, it means that the time in the building is different from the time on the earth.

Or is this another parallel time and space?

Wang Xuan thought of the theory of parallel time and space.

Since coming to this time and space, he has sensed the earth countless times. He has sensed some familiar relatives and former friends. However, among all the people he sensed, he is the only one who does not have his parents.

This confused Wang Xuan.

Everything is correct, the only strange thing is that his parents do not exist on this earth.

He even found a familiar home. Everything in this home was the same as the one he knew before. The only difference was that where the photos of his parents were supposed to be placed, the parents in the photos were replaced by a man and a woman he didn't recognize.

This means that the earth in front of me is probably not the earth I have been on.

"Is this what the Mother Goddess meant? It's just that what did the Mother Goddess want to express by sending me to such an earth?"

Wang Xuan was pondering. He knew that the Mother Goddess must have some intention, but he was still young.

In this world, everything is familiar. The only difference is that there are no parents, and there should be no existence of him. He is just a marginal person, or an observer.

Wang Xuan didn't know whether he should be happy or sad. He thought about the earth he had lived on. With his current divine ability, could he still not find the earth he truly lived on?

He kept using his spiritual consciousness and divine power in the dark, trying to sense the time and space of the world around him. Suddenly, he sensed an energy erupting deep in the earth.

As this energy exploded, the ground above shook and a large number of buildings collapsed.

This was a super strong earthquake somewhere. Although it was not the earth where he actually lived, Wang Xuan noticed it and teleported to another city where the earthquake occurred. In one thought, he teleported to another city. The energy of the earthquake resolved and saved a large number of people who were supposed to die. Of course, for these people, they had no idea what was happening. They who were supposed to be crushed to death by the collapsed building suddenly appeared in an open place, hiding. A calamity passed.

Just as Wang Xuan resolved the earthquake, an unprecedented volcanic eruption occurred in another country on the other side of the earth.

This volcanic eruption is so powerful that it has never been seen before. Several surrounding towns will be reduced to nothing in this volcanic eruption, and all residents in the town will not be able to escape.

Now that Wang Xuan noticed it, he couldn't help but teleport to this country with kind thoughts and appeared at the edge of the volcano. For him, the power of the volcanic eruption could be restrained by just a thought, making it Spur up and dissolve it without destroying several surrounding towns.

"I never imagined that various natural disasters occur almost all the time on this earth."

Wang Xuan calmed down and sensed carefully, only to realize that natural disasters such as volcanoes, tsunamis, and earthquakes were happening all over the world. Of course, these disasters ranged from big to small, and not every disaster would harm human life.

Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions like the ones just now are rare after all.

After Wang Xuan solved the volcanic eruption, he sensed the earth again and suddenly felt a strange feeling.

He felt that the earth seemed to be carrying an emotion, which was an emotion of anger.

Natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis are all explosions of the earth’s anger.

"For a long time, the scientific community has believed that there is a will of the earth, which is called Gaia. Is this the sentiment it is talking about?"

Wang Xuan calmed down, and he vaguely understood that the Mother Goddess might have had other intentions in bringing him here.

Wang Xuan sat down cross-legged and began to feel the earth with his heart. Gradually, he began to wander into the trance. His mind image merged with the entire earth. As the fusion continued, he felt the sadness, anger and other complex emotions of the earth.

At this moment, he seemed to have turned into the earth. He felt as if his blood was being continuously pumped out. When he came back to his senses, he realized that the so-called blood was actually oil.

"It turns out that when oil is extracted, the earth will be so painful..."

The more Wang Xuan sensed it, the more shocked he became. He sensed that a large number of forest trees were destroyed, and the forests on the surface of the earth are the lungs of the earth. With the destruction of large tracts of forest, he seemed to feel the pain of the lungs being eaten away. He saw a large number of Factory sewage was discharged into rivers, he saw nuclear waste being dumped into the ocean, a large number of rivers and oceans were polluted, and he saw the disappearance of various species, and water is the source of life on the earth. Wang Xuan felt the same way, just like his own body Being dumped into the venom, he is suffering from the venom's erosion.

This kind of destruction made his thoughts suddenly become weird. It seemed that for the earth, the various destructive behaviors of humans on the earth were causing the earth to suffer, just like countless viruses were invading and destroying the earth.

The various natural disasters that continue to erupt on the earth are the anger and warning of Mother Earth.

"The earth has nurtured humans, but humans' over-exploitation and various behaviors are now harming the earth, causing various disasters, and want to punish humans..."

Wang Xuan slowly opened his eyes and murmured: "Could it be that what the Mother Goddess wants to express is that the thousands of creatures and major races in the building are now hurting the Mother Goddess? So the Mother Goddess wants to cause a doomsday catastrophe, Want to destroy all races and creatures?"

This thought came to Wang Xuan's mind, causing an unimaginable shock. Based on what he had just encountered, this was the only possibility he could think of.

"It's just that both humans and creatures of all races in the building are following the path of cultivation and evolution. Unlike humans on earth who will destroy the earth's environment, all races will not destroy the building... Why is the Mother Goddess angry? Do you want to bring about a doomsday catastrophe?"

Wang Xuan thought of a new question. He had just assimilated with the earth, felt the earth's emotions, and knew the reasons for the various disasters caused by the earth. However, relatively speaking, the various races in the building did not and did not dare to destroy the building. Or maybe we don’t have the ability to destroy the building. Why would the Mother Goddess, who represents the will of the building, be angry and bring disaster?

"Could it be that in some respects, the major races in the building have harmed the Mother Goddess? Maybe if we find this reason and stop hurting, the Mother Goddess will eliminate the catastrophe?"

Wang Xuan thought of this and stood up immediately. He finally understood the real reason why the Mother Goddess sent him here.

"We must find out the reason, but what is it?"

Wang Xuan looked up at the sky and then at the earth below.

Just now, he assimilated with the earth and sensed that terrifying energy was accumulating inside the earth. Once this energy exploded, it would cause a huge catastrophe. Not only that, the will of the earth was also summoning a planet through energy induction and gravity. Asteroids.

This asteroid hitting the earth will cause the extinction of life.

He has even sensed that the asteroid is approaching the Earth. In about a hundred years, the asteroid will come to the Earth and bring about a real extinction disaster.

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