The last building on earth

Chapter 580 The World of the Mother Goddess

Zhao Lei said: "And I still have a doubt."

As he spoke, he looked at Wang Xuan and said, "You just said you communicated with the Mother Goddess. Then you left the building because of the Mother Goddess and saw the earth in another time and space. Except for you and your family, everything else does not exist." They are all exactly the same as the earth we lived on before, right?”

Wang Xuan nodded slightly.

Zhao Lei said: "I think this is not the earth in another time and space, but a man-made one."

Yu Shanshan also responded: "Yes, this is too coincidental. How can there really be another earth? And they are all exactly the same."

Wang Xuandao: "What do you mean, the earth I saw before may have been created by others? What is the purpose of that?"

Zhao Lei smiled and said: "You are a fan of the authorities. Their purpose is to make you feel the pain of the earth, and then draw the current conclusion, so that we all think that the various tribes have hurt the Mother Goddess, so the Mother Goddess is going to bring disasters and catastrophe."

Wang Xuan had a thoughtful look on his face.

Zhao Lei said: "When you said it just now, I didn't think deeply about it, but now that I think about it carefully, I feel something is wrong. I wonder if you still remember the stories we often heard when we were children, thinking that nuclear weapons created by humans can destroy many parts of the earth." Second-rate."

Wang Xuan hummed, already understanding what Zhao Lei wanted to say.

Yu Shanshan laughed and said: "Yeah, I've heard it too, but later I learned that all the nuclear weapons created by humans may only be able to destroy humans themselves, but for the earth, this energy is nothing at all. .”

Zhao Lei nodded and said: "Yes, so Wang Xuan, what you just said about oil extraction, deforestation, water pollution, etc. can only affect humans themselves. For the earth with its strong self-healing ability, these are not considered at all." What."

"I think the pain you feel on the earth is what this power intentionally makes you feel. All this is to deceive you."

Wang Xuan didn't speak, because according to Zhao Lei, it was obvious that the Mother Goddess had deceived him. The earth he had seen before, including the pain on the Earth, was all intentional by the Mother Goddess.

So what's the purpose? Does the Mother Goddess hope that she can understand the catastrophe caused by "her"?

Wang Xuan shook his head slightly, feeling that he should not be of such importance yet. He was increasingly confused about the Mother Goddess. What kind of existence was the Mother Goddess who represented the will of the building?

With this idea, Wang Xuan left the "Human Palace" again and went alone to the green vine world under the Red Ghost Giant City.

He wanted to see the Mother Goddess again.

Just like the last time he came, as soon as he appeared, the green vines automatically gave way, allowing him to go straight in.

When he saw the tree of origin, Wang Xuan stopped.

This time he did not summon the Mother Goddess again, but sat down cross-legged under the Tree of Origin.

He was sensing the Tree of Origin and the green vines around him. He wanted to truly communicate with the "Mother Goddess" in soul consciousness.

He didn't have such ability before, but now he has reached the limit of god, and he is confident that he should be able to truly communicate with the "Mother Goddess" in soul consciousness. Of course, his real purpose is to take a peek at the "Mother Goddess" and want to understand , what kind of existence "she" is.

The green vines around him were swaying slightly. As Wang Xuan's soul consciousness was released, these green vines were gathering towards Wang Xuan and soon covered his whole body. He was completely wrapped into a cocoon by the green vines.

Countless green vines began to glow. Wang Xuan opened his eyes and found that he was surrounded by glowing green vines, but the tree of origin that represented Gu Manyao was missing.

Wang Xuan stood up happily, but found that he was not an entity, but a human-shaped light and shadow.

He understood that he had entered the spiritual world of the "Mother Goddess".

The countless glowing green vine worlds in front of us represent the spirit of the "Mother Goddess".

"This is an opportunity. I want to see what the 'Mother Goddess' is..."

This realization flashed through Wang Xuan's mind, and he found that the green vines around him were merging with each other. Gradually, the green vines disappeared and turned into pure green light.

Wang Xuan was floating in the green light and kept moving forward. Soon he saw a blurry figure in the green light ahead. As he continued to approach, the originally blurry figure gradually became clearer. Soon Wang Xuan discovered This is a woman's back.

"Could this be the 'Mother Goddess'?" Wang Xuan's heart was slightly shaken, and he immediately accelerated forward, wanting to get closer to see what was going on.

The woman was walking slowly forward in the green light. It seemed that she was walking very slowly, but no matter how Wang Xuan accelerated, the distance between the two parties did not shorten much.

Not only that, the more Wang Xuan looked at her, the more he felt that her back looked familiar, as if he had seen her before somewhere.

In doubt, Wang Xuan was suddenly shocked and couldn't help shouting: "Man Yao?"

He finally remembered that the woman's back looked exactly like Gu Manyao's.

Following his cry, the woman seemed to hear his cry. When she turned around, the two of them looked at each other. Isn't the other person Gu Manyao or someone else?

Wang Xuan was surprised and happy: "Manyao, why are you here?"

This should be the spiritual world of the "Mother Goddess". How could Gu Manyao appear here? Wang Xuan was shocked. Could it be that the "Mother Goddess" imprisoned Gu Manyao's spirit and soul in her own spiritual world? So the so-called turning Gu Manyao into the Tree of Origin was just a way to deceive him?

This discovery shocked Wang Xuan's heart, and Gu Manyao looked at him, as if she wanted to say something, but the look on her face was full of anxiety. Wang Xuan watched her lips move, as if she was saying something, but he But nothing was heard.

"Manyao, what do you want to tell me?"

Wang Xuan asked again, while trying his best to move forward, trying to get closer to Gu Manyao.

Suddenly, behind Gu Manyao, a big hand made of green light appeared, grabbed Gu Manyao suddenly, shrank back, and disappeared in the green light in front of him.

Wang Xuan watched helplessly, but there was nothing he could do, and he couldn't even get close.

Seeing the big green hand grabbing Gu Manyao and disappearing into the oncoming green light, Wang Xuan stopped and no longer tried to get closer. He already understood that in the spiritual world of the Mother Goddess, she was an absolute existence. Without her, With permission, I can't do anything.

"Mother want to tell me that Manyao's life and death are in your hands, so I shouldn't continue to investigate?"

Wang Xuan slowly raised his head and looked directly at the green light world in front of him. Suddenly, an eye suddenly opened in this green light world. This eye was so big that it was unimaginable, as if the sky above this world suddenly split from it. , a huge eyeball rolled out of it, and Wang Xuancai understood that it was an eye.

This eye is looking at Wang Xuan below.

Wang Xuan, who originally looked up into the sky, slowly lowered his eyelids and lowered his hands.

This eye quickly disappeared, and the surrounding green light also converged, turning into green vines again.

This place changed again into a world of green vines. Wang Xuan sat cross-legged under the tree of origin, motionless. Everything he had just experienced was like a dream.

Wang Xuan understood that this was not a dream, but the spiritual will of the "Mother Goddess".

Opening his eyes again, Wang Xuan stood up straight this time, suddenly rose into the sky, turned into a rainbow light, left the green vine world, bypassed the giant red ghost city above, and took another step in the void. This step , the space-time below collapsed and revealed a crack. He stepped into the crack in one step, and when he reappeared, he had reached the seventh level of the world.

Wang Xuan sensed the "Imperial Capital" and "Human Palace" in the distance. Now in the entire seventh-level world, almost all living creatures have gathered in the "Imperial Capital" and "Human Palace". The catastrophe that Tie Jun said is not yet here. appeared, and the Iron Army who went to find the boat on the other side did not return.

Wang Xuan did not go to the "Human Palace" to meet everyone. While there was still some time, he entered the battlefield of the gods and decided to continue looking for the true remains of the four beasts.

Having just entered the spiritual world of the "Mother Goddess", Wang Xuan understood that the opponent they were about to face might be stronger than ever before. The only thing he could do now was to improve his strength as much as possible.

Not only him, but also Zhao Lei, Bai Yan, Zhang Haofei, Yu Shanshan and others, after all the tribes gathered in the "Human Palace", they also began to enter the battlefield of the gods. Although they refined the remains of the ancient demon god, the beast inside them The real body's remains were not completely refined.

They had the same idea as Wang Xuan, and wanted to find the beast's true body, further improve the breakthrough, and become stronger.

Wang Xuan entered the battlefield of the gods and sat cross-legged. Huge shadows of the four beasts immediately appeared around him. The boundless power radiated in all directions. Soon he made a discovery. He stretched out a hand in the air and pointed towards the oncoming enemy. Caught out of the void.

The void opened, and a red claw appeared, which was the right claw of the red ghost among the four beasts.

With his current ability and means, he can directly capture the true body of a beast found in another time and space across time and space. Such a method is extremely powerful.

Wang Xuan reached out with both hands and grabbed out the surrounding void. Each time he grabbed something, he gained something. Among them were Chi Gui's left arm and one right leg, Jiu Feng's fourth and fifth wings, and Huang Quan's. Left foot...

What was discovered among them were basically the true remains of Chi Gui, Jiufeng and Huang Quan, but the true remains of Warcraft had never been found.

"It seems that their remains were not completely left on this battlefield..."

With Wang Xuan's current ability, he can completely sense the entire battlefield of the gods. As long as their remains fall in this time and space, they cannot escape his sensing. But in fact, there are not many remains of the four beasts that he can sense.

He grabbed these body fragments across time and space and began to refine them into his body.

Now he no longer knows how to practice and break through. The only way to continue to become stronger is to refine the true remains of the four beasts.

Wang Xuan's power was fully activated, and he was refining the true bodies of these beasts at the same time. An endless stream of power was refined into this body by him. The power in his body was further improved, especially the true body of Jiu Feng. He had already found it. It can be said that half of the head, neck and five wings have been found, which makes the Nine Phoenixes the most powerful among the four beasts in his body.

He quickly refined the found real remains into his body. Wang Xuan stretched out his hands again and grabbed them from the air. This time he grabbed the real remains of Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei, Tang Ruoyu and other humans and beasts. Then help them transport these real bodies.

For Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei and others who were practicing, they only saw the time and space in front of them suddenly crack, and then the remains of their beasts fell out of the cracks.

They understood that Wang Xuan was helping them.

Although they all possess the strength of the Supreme God, they are still not as powerful as Wang Xuan in terms of divine consciousness.

Wang Xuan soon discovered that the more ordinary the beast, the more complete the true body remains left on the battlefield of the gods. He quickly helped Tang Ruoyu find the complete white tiger body. As long as Tang Ruoyu completely refined Bai Xu's true body body, She has completely mastered all the power of the white tiger.

"Most ordinary beasts died here. Their remains are easy to find, but the true remains of the ten primary beasts are difficult to find."

After Wang Xuan helped them find all the true remains, he got up and left the battlefield of the gods.

Since he couldn't find the remains of the four beasts he needed here, he decided to expand the scope and began to sense the entire seventh-level world. With the special authority of the God of Order, he hoped to find something.

This seventh-level world is so vast that it is almost boundless. If it were not for the fact that he had the special authority of the God of Order and relied on the power of order in this seventh-level world to sense it, even he would not be able to perceive the entire world.

Order maintains the operation of this world and is everywhere. With the help of the power of order, every place in time and space can be sensed. Wang Xuan sensed it with his heart and soon made a discovery.

He discovered the aura of Chi Gui, and as expected, there should be Chi Gui's true body there.

With a thought, Wang Xuan broke through time and space, walked in, and performed a space jump, heading to the time and space where he captured the breath of the red ghost.

The distance between the two sides was too far, and Wang Xuan could not capture it directly, so he had to go there in person.

When he traveled through time and space and came out of another space-time rift, he immediately sensed the aura of Chi Gui. In front of him was a vast ocean. In the ocean stood a huge statue. This statue was none other than Chi Gui. .

Wang Xuan was also surprised. He didn't expect that there is such a place in this seventh-level world. If he hadn't borrowed the power of order and sensed it with his heart, it would be difficult for even the Supreme God to discover this place.

This place is too far away from where the ten major forces live, so far away that Wang Xuan had to travel through time and space to come here in person.

Looking at the red ghost statue standing in the ocean, Wang Xuan's figure moved and landed next to the head of the red ghost statue. At the same time, his eyes fell on the ocean below. The red ghost breath he sensed came from the depths of the ocean below. spread out.

As soon as he stretched out his right hand, Wang Xuan immediately locked on the true body of the red ghost deep in the ocean, and grabbed it downwards to take out the body.

At this moment, he felt the ocean below him shake violently.

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