The last building on earth

Chapter 597 Wang Xuan Divine Kingdom

Wang Xuan didn't know how many years he had been trapped in the reincarnation space of "eternal exile". Sensing the world on the other side, the war between the God-devouring Body and various strange creatures in the distant ocean was still going on.

He once again sensed the drop of divine blood he left in the "Human King's Palace". Wang Xuan was shocked by this feeling, and immediately found that the current "Human King's Palace" had become dilapidated.

This treasure that the human king sacrificed has been damaged.

In shock, Wang Xuan took a step forward, and the heaven and earth shook. A black hole of time and space immediately appeared in front of him. Wang Xuan stepped out of the black hole, leaving the other world, and appeared in front of the dilapidated "Human King's Palace".

The current "Human Palace" has been extensively damaged, and there is no breath of life inside.

Not far from the "Human Palace" is the "Imperial Capital", which was also destroyed.

"Has the doomsday catastrophe that Tie Jun mentioned really happened? The Human King's Palace and the Imperial Capital were all destroyed..."

Wang Xuan murmured to himself, and slowly stretched out his hands. Terrifying power began to envelope this space and time. Behind him, nine wings stretched out one by one.

Jiu Feng's wings appeared, and this space and time were brought under his control. He has not yet fully obtained the power of Jiu Feng's time and space, and cannot truly reverse time, but he can use the fragments of time in the long river of time to make whatever he wants. Looking at what had happened, he wanted to see how the "Human Palace" and the "Imperial Capital" were destroyed.

It's just that Wang Xuan doesn't know how long ago this happened, and he can't retrieve the fragments of time that are too long ago.

As the nine wings appeared, Wang Xuan's eyes shot out two divine lights, and the time fragments in front of him began to appear.

These time fragments stretched out, and it was like going back in time, allowing him to see what happened here before.

In these time fragments, we can see the dilapidated "Human Palace" and "Imperial Capital". This means that the destruction of "Human Palace" and "Imperial Capital" has happened for a long time. It seems that he is trapped in the "eternal exile" time and space. The time is longer than I thought.

In addition to observing time fragments and tracing what happened before, Wang Xuan is constantly sensing the seventh layer of the world, sensing various time and space such as the Eternal God Clan, the Demon Holy Land, the Warcraft Tower and the Chaos God Realm, and found that without exception, the holy lands or sacred places where major forces live All the divine realms were destroyed, and some time and space even turned into chaos.

"Is this seventh-level world really all destroyed?" Wang Xuan's heart was shaken, watching the time fragments in front of him flashing continuously, observing what happened in the past. In the end, the time fragments he could observe reached the limit, and he still couldn't Discover how the "Human Palace" and the "Imperial Capital" were destroyed.

He failed to completely refine Jiu Feng's true body, and his control over the power of time was not perfect enough to see what happened too far in the past.

Slowly folding the nine wings, the fragments of time floating in front of his eyes are disappearing.

The seventh-level world was almost in ruins. Wang Xuan thought of the giant red ghost city in the sixth-level world. Hidden beneath it was a green vine world where the Mother Goddess lived, and a tree representing the source of Gu Manyao.

What's going on there?

Wang Xuannian started to follow, and directly opened the space-time channel from the seventh layer to the sixth layer of the world, and walked in.

Returning to the sixth-level world, what surprised him was that the sixth-level world was not destroyed, and all races and major creatures still existed.

"Does the so-called doomsday catastrophe only target the seventh-level world? Does it not affect the sixth-level world?"

Wang Xuan frowned. If this was really the case, when the catastrophe came, wouldn't it be enough for the creatures of all races to hide directly in the sixth level of the world? Why bother looking for a boat to the other side?

With doubts, Wang Xuan appeared in the Red Ghost City.

I don’t know how many years have passed, but now the Red Ghost Giant City has become more and more prosperous, and has developed into a quite large force of the Kingdom of God.

He has always called this giant city the Red Ghost Giant City, but now the Kingdom of God, which has developed around the Red Ghost Giant City, actually has its own name.

Wang Xuan saw the horizontal plaque hanging above the giant city. There were four large characters on it, which were the current name of the Kingdom of God.

Looking at these four words, Wang Xuan was there.

These four words are exactly the four words "Wang Xuan Divine Kingdom".

Wang Xuan, it was his name. Wang Xuan himself was stunned. Is this a coincidence, or is it that the person who founded this Kingdom of God was named after him?

Although Wang Xuan was suspended in the void, he had always hidden his figure. At this moment, because this name aroused his interest, he began to sense the gods of the entire kingdom.

To his surprise, for the sixth-level world, the power of this Kingdom of God is not weak.

The gods in this "Wang Xuan Divine Kingdom" are naturally dominated by the lowest blue gods, followed by the cyan intermediate gods, and there are also many high-level green gods.

Following the induction, Wang Xuan quickly sensed many acquaintances.

"So it turns out that it's them... They are all still alive, and they all have considerable strength..."

Wang Xuan became a little excited.

These people have all fought alongside him, including Wei Zixuan from the "King Town" among the hundred towns, Long Hao, the master of the Dragon Palace in the giant eastern city, Yue Yehua, the master of the Yaksha Palace, and Yan Songhe, the master of the temple. The Lord of Yan Palace wins.

There are Jiang Mingtai from "Wind Town" among the Hundred Towns, He Jiankui from "Fire Town" and You Kai from "Ghost Town".

There are also Cheng Aiguo, Meng Lian, Mei Xiaosen, Bai Qianxue, Wan Qianying, Xu Jian and others whom he is more familiar with.

Back then, they all experienced the fifth level of the sacred mountain and successively became blue gods.

After that, Wang Xuan gradually stopped paying attention to them. Unexpectedly, after being trapped this time, he only noticed when he came here. These once familiar friends and old friends now have considerable strength.

Among them, those with less talent can become intermediate-level cyan gods, and those with stronger talents can become high-level green gods.

Of course, there are some yellow gods who can become the top level.

Sensing them, Wang Xuan felt a little emotional. It seemed that the catastrophe of the seventh-level world had not affected them. Not only were they becoming stronger and stronger here, but their power was also becoming stronger and stronger, forming a powerful divine kingdom.

Wang Xuan silently sensed for a while and sensed that Meng Lian was meditating cross-legged on a snowy peak.

Meng Lian's talent is not weak. Now she is a green high-level god, and her temperament has become more and more extraordinary.

Around her body, there were shadows of elves flying.

Meng Lian's beast is an elf, one of the ten most powerful beasts among the second generation beasts.

Once resurrected by the Mother Goddess, and later killed by them.

Feeling something in his heart at this moment, Wang Xuan grabbed it from the air, and across the sixth and seventh levels of the world, he grabbed out all the flesh and blood of the dead elf, and then sent it to meditate to listen to Meng Lian's surroundings.

Meng Lian has fused the soul of the elf and can refine the flesh and blood of the elf. Once completely refined, she will not only be a high-level god, but also can fully obtain the power of the elf beast, enough to rival the existence of the supreme god.

At this moment, Meng Lian was looking for a snow mountain. She had been meditating and practicing on this snow mountain for many years, and she wanted to break through to the high level god.

Suddenly, she sensed an unusual change in the airflow around her. She quickly opened her eyes and saw a large number of space-time cracks appearing around her. There were stumps of limbs and pieces of meat falling down from these space-time cracks.

Meng Lian was shocked and quickly stood up. Immediately afterwards, she felt the elf in her body jumping for joy. These stumps of flesh and blood turned out to be the real remains of a real elf beast.

"This is……"

After all, Meng Lian was a high-level god, and she immediately understood that someone was using supreme magical power to give her the flesh and blood of the elf beast.

"Which senior..."

Meng Lian immediately raised her voice and spread the word far away. For a moment, she never imagined that Wang Xuan was secretly helping her.

Hearing Meng Lian's voice, Wang Xuan, who had never wanted to meet her, was moved in his heart. He couldn't help but walked out of the rift in time and space and appeared in front of her.

Suddenly seeing Wang Xuan, Meng Lian opened her beautiful eyes wide and almost couldn't believe her eyes.

Over the years, even she has cultivated and become a high-level god. As for Wang Xuan, although they will think of him every time they see the name of Wang Xuan's divine kingdom, almost no one thinks that Wang Xuan will really appear again.

They were able to become gods and reach this stage thanks to Wang Xuan. Therefore, when they established the Kingdom of God, in order to commemorate Wang Xuan, they named the Kingdom of God after Wang Xuan.

"Wang...Wang Xuan?" After Meng Lian was stunned, she couldn't help but screamed.

Wang Xuan showed a smile, nodded towards her and said, "Meng Lian, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Meng Lian gave a dumb hum and nodded: "Yes, I haven't seen you for a long time."

"How many years has it been?" Wang Xuan was trapped in the "eternal exile" space and time, not knowing the passage of time, and couldn't help but ask Meng Lian.

Meng Lian smiled awkwardly when she heard this. She didn't pay attention to the passage of time during her meditation practice. She also didn't know how many years had passed. The only thing she was sure of was that they had not seen each other for many, many years. See you.

Seeing Meng Lian's reaction, Wang Xuan understood. He couldn't help but smile softly and said: "You are very good. You have all made great progress. These are the flesh and blood of the real body of the Elf Beast. You just need to completely refine it." , you can gain the true power of the elf beast and be able to resist the supreme god."

"Yes...and they..."

As Wang Xuan spoke, he stretched out his hands again. Since he helped Meng Lian, he didn't mind helping those he knew and knew.

With his now extremely powerful consciousness, he could sense the remains of those beasts, and they were all captured by him across time and space.

Among them was the most powerful King Beast among the second-generation beasts, whose true body was captured by him and given to Wei Zixuan.

Wei Zixuan is a genius. With the King Beast, he is now the top yellow god. If he refines the flesh and blood of the King Beast, he will become even more powerful.

Then the remains and flesh of the dragon beast were given to Long Hao by Wang Xuan, the flesh and blood of the fire demon was given to He Jiankui, the rock demon was given to You Kai, the sun-shielding beast was given to Mei Xiaosen, and the rune king gave it to The remains of Bai Qianxue and the snake beast were given to Qiu Yuanfeng...

On this day, the gods of the entire Wangxuan Kingdom were in a state of excitement. While they were practicing or resting, they suddenly noticed a large number of space-time cracks appearing around them.

Bones and flesh are constantly falling down in these cracks in time and space, and these bones and flesh are exactly the true remains of the beast they need.

They were so shocked that they went crazy.

You know how powerful you would become if you could refine the true bones of the beast in your body?

Things that they could not imagine before suddenly appeared in front of them. They almost thought they were dreaming.

Wang Xuan did not meet with them again, and he also knew that Meng Lian would tell the story, and everyone would know that it was him who did it. From this day on, Wang Xuan's status will probably change again, and he will become the most important person in their hearts. The true one supreme god.

Meng Lian stared blankly, it was unimaginable. In her opinion, this was a real miracle.

What kind of powerful force is needed to capture all the real remains of these beasts and then give them to everyone.

She understood that Wang Xuan was now so powerful that it was difficult for her to understand.

"Practice well, I believe we will meet again next time."

Wang Xuan gave all the flesh and blood of the beasts to everyone, then put away his hands, ignored the people who were excited from all sides, smiled at Meng Lian, and then disappeared in a flash.

He did not leave the red ghost giant city, but entered the green vine world below the giant city.

Before he entered the green vine world below, the green vines would automatically make way for him.

But this time it was obviously different. When he entered below, the green vines did not give way. Instead, they began to squirm, vaguely trying to block him.

"Mother Goddess...I am Wang Xuan..."

Wang Xuan released the original aura of the four beasts in his body. When he saw the green vine blocking him, he was not polite. He stretched out his hands, and the power of nothingness came out.

He was no longer polite to the current "Mother Goddess" and directly returned these green vines to nothingness. Otherwise, these green vines would be endless and once blocked in front of him, he would not be able to enter at all.

The ability of nothingness is simply terrifying. Once it is used, the green vines in front of him disappear one after another. Wang Xuan drives straight in, goes deeper, and keeps getting closer.

Now he has enough power, and his strength has even surpassed the realm of "Great Heaven". Even if he faces the Mother Goddess, Wang Xuan is not afraid at all.

The "eternal banishment" that combines the power of the Arhat and the Mother Goddess can no longer trap him. This is Wang Xuan's current confidence.

Soon, he saw the tree of origin.

Seeing this tree, he thought of Gu Manyao. Wang Xuan took a deep breath, and suddenly there was a surge of anger in his heart.

He once thought that the Mother Goddess helped him save Gu Manyao, but now he understands that Gu Manyao is just the Mother Goddess's hostage.

Perhaps, the Mother Goddess had anticipated this day a long time ago, so she had always had Gu Manyao in her hands.

"Mother Goddess, your plan has failed. It is absolutely impossible to control me through her."

Wang Xuan whispered softly, and the terrifying power of nothingness exploded, immediately turning all the green vines around him that wanted to get close to the tree of source into nothingness. He stepped to the tree of source in one step. In addition, no green vines could Close to the Source Tree.

"Mother Goddess, let me see your true face today." Wang Xuan whispered softly.

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