The last building on earth

Chapter 606 World Tree

"Xuanniao, do these law enforcers also have levels?" Wang Xuan thought of the law enforcers he had killed before and passed his message to Xuanniao.

"Yes, the law enforcers are a terrorist organization. They consider themselves to be the maintainers and enforcers of the laws of heaven. All immortals are their targets. The weakest among them are the 'Great Heaven' level, which can be regarded as the most common law enforcers. .”

Wang Xuan was a little surprised that Xuanniao knew about the "Great Heaven" level. It seemed that the elder he was talking about taught him a lot of things.

"As for the law enforcer with a pair of wings that you just met, he is the captain of the law enforcement officers and the leader of a team of law enforcement officers."

"Oh, are the law enforcers divided into many teams?" Wang Xuan became more and more curious about the organization of the law enforcers.

"Yes, there are a large number of law enforcers in this world. They are divided into small teams. Each team has five to ten law enforcers and a leader. Each team of law enforcers is responsible for managing and patrolling an area. Their The only thing is to monitor every living thing to prevent the emergence of immortals."

"As long as an immortal appears or is suspected of appearing, they will kill each other after discovering it. Other than that, they will not interfere with anything else."

"Hmm..." Wang Xuan nodded slightly and said, "Then where do these law enforcers usually stay? There must be some kind of headquarters, right? What does the supreme leader of these law enforcers look like?"

Xuanniao shook his head and said: "I heard from my elder that the supreme leader of the law enforcers is the Mother Goddess, who is the origin of all living things in this universe, time and space. The place where the Mother Goddess lives is called the Mother Goddess's Nest."

Wang Xuan was stunned.

The supreme leader of the law enforcers is the Mother Goddess? This should be the most ridiculous thing he has heard since entering this eighth level world.

"You said that the supreme leader of the law enforcers is called the Mother Goddess. The Mother Goddess's Nest where the Mother Goddess lives? Do you know where the Mother Goddess's Nest is?"

In Wang Xuan's concept, the Mother Goddess is the highest will of the entire building. Legend has it that this highest will exists in the ninth layer of the world. How could she now become the leader of the law enforcers and live in the Mother Goddess's nest?

Could it be that the ninth floor of this building is called the Nest of the Mother Goddess?

Xuanniao said: "I don't know the specific location of the Mother Goddess's Nest. I can only know that the Mother Goddess's Nest is at the top of the World Tree. The Mother Goddess sleeps there and is guarded by countless powerful law enforcers. No one can If you get close at will, you must not wake up the Mother Goddess, because as soon as the Mother Goddess wakes up, the world will be destroyed, and all living things will be destroyed. Then the Mother Goddess will recreate a new world and create new creatures. After that, she will fall asleep again when she is tired. Every time she wakes up, it represents the end of the old world and the birth of the new.”

The more Wang Xuan listened, the more strange he said: "Is this what your elder told you? Your elder knows a lot, so where is the world tree?"

Xuanniao said: "We are on the World Tree now. This is a leaf on the World Tree."

Xuanniao pointed to the green land in front of him.

Wang Xuan looked at it in astonishment.

He had sensed the green continent he passed before and knew that the shape of the green continent resembled a green leaf. At that time, he had been curious and even guessed whether it was really a leaf on a big tree, but after all, it was just a leaf. Just thinking about it, I didn't think it could be true.

But when he heard Xuanniao's words, he realized that his casual guess was actually true. This green continent that took him many days to cross was actually just a leaf on a big tree, and this tree, It's the World Tree.

The Nest of the Mother Goddess is at the highest point of the World Tree.

"This continent is a leaf on the World Tree. The Nest of the Mother Goddess, isn't it just a bird's nest on this tree..."

Wang Xuan murmured to himself, becoming more and more curious about Xuanniao's elder.

"Who is your elder and why does it know it?"

"My elder, it is very powerful and has nine wings..."

While Xuannio was making gestures, Wang Xuan was stunned because the elder Xuanniiao was making was exactly the same as the Jiufeng he knew.

"You wouldn't say that Jiu Feng is your elder, right?" Wang Xuan was surprised. He had fused Jiu Feng's soul consciousness. It can be said that Jiu Feng is a part of him. The black bird in front of him turned out to be Jiu Feng's. No descendants?

"It's impossible. Jiufeng should have died a long time ago, and it's impossible for Jiufeng to be killed by law enforcers."

Wang Xuan immediately rejected this idea. Among the ten first-generation gods, Jiufeng ranked eighth. He should be more powerful than the Green Dragon and Red Ghost. However, Wang Xuan then thought about the death he had just killed. The winged law enforcer has strength that surpasses "Big Sky". It would not be surprising if there is a more powerful law enforcer who can kill Jiufeng.

"Yes, the elder I am talking about is Jiufeng." Xuanniiao nodded hurriedly and asked curiously: "Do you know my elder?"

Wang Xuan looked at the giant bird in front of him speechlessly, thought for a while and then said: "How long have you lived?"

Xuanniao thought for a while, then shook his head and said: "I don't remember. When I followed my elders, I was still very young. My elders taught me a lot of things, but unfortunately many of them were difficult to understand. Later, they died, and I just Wandering alone, I cultivated my soul according to the methods taught to me by my elders and protected myself from the erosion of life energy. As for how long I lived, I don’t know..."

Wang Xuan silently looked at the black bird in front of him. From its appearance, it didn't look like he was lying. Could it be that it was really the descendant of Jiufeng, and that Jiufeng's death should not have been as long ago as he imagined?

So, Jiufeng was really killed by a powerful law enforcer?

"So, these law enforcers are all proficient in the power of time, just because the law enforcer who killed Jiu Feng robbed Jiu Feng's original power?"

Wang Xuan thought that if there was a powerful being that could really kill Jiufeng and steal part of its original power, it was entirely possible.

"I have always thought that the ten first-generation gods were very ancient and should have died very early. It was just my preconception. In fact, when did they die? Or maybe the time before and after death was different... Thinking about it this way, this kind of The possibility really exists..."

Wang Xuan murmured, took a deep breath, and said, "Xuanniao, do you still remember the place where the elders you mentioned were killed?"

If the place where Jiufeng died can be found, will the remaining true remains of Jiufeng be found?

As long as Jiufeng's true remains can be collected and refined, Wang Xuan is confident that his strength will be horribly improved.

Xuannio nodded continuously and said: "Of course I remember, I will not forget it even if I die."

Wang Xuan came to his senses and said: "Xuanniao, then take me to the place where Jiufeng was killed."

There was a look of fear in Xuanniao's eyes, and he said, "That place is scary... Are you sure you want to go?"

Wang Xuan was silent and stared at Xuanniao. Suddenly, the phantom of Jiufeng appeared behind him, and soon transformed into the complete form of Jiufeng.

Suddenly seeing Jiufeng's appearance, Xuanniao was so frightened that he suddenly fell to the ground with his wings and cried out: "Elder?"

Wang Xuan said in a deep voice: "Although Jiu Feng has fallen, his soul has not been destroyed. Now he has assimilated with me. I am Jiu Feng, Black Bird. I need to find all my true body remains. You should help me, do you understand?"

"Understood, understood, Xuanniiao understands." Xuanniiao kept knocking his head to the ground, his whole body was shaking with excitement, and tears were already welling up in his big eyes. This kind of true expression was definitely not a disguise.

"Okay, Xuanniao, now take me to the place where Jiufeng fell, and tell me how dangerous it is there."

"I understand, please get on my back, elder." Xuanniiao has completely regarded Wang Xuan as Jiufeng. When he learned that his elder was reborn, Xuanniiao was more excited than anyone else.

Wang Xuan knew that although Xuannio's strength was not as good as his own, his flying speed was astonishing, so he was not polite and sat on Xuanniao's back.

The black bird flapped its wings and flew towards the sky with him.

"That place is the place where the elders died. It is soaked in the blood of the elders. Keep strangers away. The most important thing is that law enforcement officers will always pay attention to it. So entering there is tantamount to throwing yourself into a trap, which is very dangerous."

Hearing what Xuanniao said, Wang Xuan snorted lightly and said, "I understand, then you should approach as close as possible first, but don't enter immediately."

He decided to approach the place where Jiu Feng once died, and then rely on induction to capture whether there was Jiu Feng's true body. If there was a body, he could take the body away from the air and leave. This way, he would not have to enter that dangerous place or be alarmed. The law enforcers who guard there.

According to Xuanniao, this is a huge World Tree. The so-called green continent is actually a leaf of the World Tree, and at this moment, Xuanniao is walking between these leaves.

Wang Xuan could see a new green continent appearing from a distance, but his spiritual sense's sensing range was too weak compared to this world. He couldn't even fully sense a green continent, let alone how many green continents there were around him. Or this legendary World Tree.

"Almost there." Xuanniao suddenly spoke, looking very nervous. Wang Xuan sat on Xuanniao's back and saw a gray continent appearing in front of him.

Xuanniao stopped when he was about to approach the gray continent. Obviously, the gray continent in front of him was the place where Jiu Feng once fell.

Wang Xuan hummed, sat cross-legged on Xuanniao's back, activated the power of the Nine Phoenixes, and began to sense the breath of the Nine Phoenixes from the gray continent. If there were really Jiufeng's remains on this continent, he should be able to sense them.

Following the induction, Wang Xuan soon opened his eyes, with a look of joy and shock on his face.

He really sensed Jiufeng's true body.

"The wings, body, and feet of the three Nine Phoenixes...except for the head, neck, and six wings that I refined, the remaining remains of the Nine Phoenixes are all on this continent."

Wang Xuan was so excited that he almost rushed in immediately, because this meant that he only needed to find these real remains of Jiu Feng and refine them into his body, and the Jiu Feng remains he refined would be complete.

Jiufeng's strength is not weaker than that of Red Ghost. At least he is a "big heaven" being, or even stronger. If he can really completely refine Jiufeng's body, how terrifying will his strength be?

No need to think about it, it must have completely surpassed the "Great Heaven" level immediately, and even become stronger.

"According to the memories left by the four beasts, the existence beyond the big sky is called Dahuatian... This is an indescribable mysterious realm. Before I gained life energy, I briefly broke through the realm of the big sky. Becoming Dahuatian, you can instantly sense the entire green continent. Unfortunately, this life energy can corrode the soul and cannot be absorbed. It can only be removed from the body again, and then fell from the 'Dahuatian' to the 'Datian' again... "

Wang Xuan understood that if he could really obtain the remaining half of Jiufeng's true body, he would immediately achieve the "Great Transformation of Heaven", and even reach the limit of "Great Transformation of Heaven" or even the highest level that is unimaginable.

However, the premise of all this is that he first needs to obtain the remaining half of Jiufeng's body and refine it.

Wang Xuan stretched out his hands in the air without hesitation, trying to grab the remaining half of Jiufeng's body that he sensed. Unfortunately, his use of strength and physics reached its limit, and the time and space in front of him only fluctuated slightly, with an unimaginable wave. The power blocked everything, preventing him from grabbing the remaining half of Jiufeng's body from the air.

This means that if he wants to obtain Jiufeng's body, he must enter the gray continent in front of him.

"Xuanniao, go in." Wang Xuan's eyes shot out two strange lights. He vowed to get Jiufeng's true body. Even if he knew the danger, he would take the risk.

The black bird now completely regards him as an elder. Wang Xuan's words are orders. No matter how dangerous it is, it rushes in without hesitation.

This gray continent is not unusual from the outside. If the green continent is equivalent to a green leaf on the World Tree, then this gray continent is equivalent to a gray withered leaf on the World Tree. Other than that, there is no What's special.

But for Wang Xuan and Xuan Niao, it was completely different.

The moment they rushed into this gray continent, they immediately felt the undercurrent surging around them, the howling wind, and the waves of chill. With their strength, they all shivered cleverly.

"This is..." Wang Xuan's expression changed slightly, but he saw dark clouds rolling in front of him, with a terrifying cry coming from them, and then a huge black bird appeared and approached them along the dark clouds.

This black bird has nine wings, and its appearance is somewhat similar to that of Jiu Feng. Of course, the black bird that appears in front of it is not the real Jiu Feng. The surface of its body is also tattered and rancid, and there are many signs on its body. of carrion and bones.

"This is a corpse bird." Xuanniao knew a lot, and said: "After the death of the elders, the resentment turned into a large number of corpse birds. These corpse birds absorbed the life energy of some unintentionally intruding creatures, and became more and more... It is so powerful that it makes this place more and more dangerous. Once a creature falls into it, there is basically no way back, making this place a forbidden place."

Wang Xuan grunted and looked at the corpse bird rushing towards him. Although the corpse bird was powerful, it could not scare him. The red ghost behind him appeared and rushed towards the corpse bird first. A pair of red ghost claws stretched out. Come out, grab the two wings of the corpse bird, and tear them to both sides.

A harsh sound was heard, and the two wings of the corpse bird were torn open. The rotten stench rose into the sky, and a large amount of corrosive juice splashed everywhere.

Facing the red ghost at its peak, this corpse bird seemed a little vulnerable.

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