The last building on earth

Chapter 616: Great Transformation in the Sky (Arrival)

Above the void, a large number of law enforcers gathered, and then these law enforcers formed by gears began to swoop down. It was obvious that their target was the hungry ghost who was protected and wanted to break through.

Groups of law enforcers rushed down, and the gathered hungry ghosts roared and came forward.

A brutal fight broke out instantly between the law enforcers and these hungry ghosts.

Wang Xuan was resting while observing the battle situation from a distance. What he was most curious about now was the hungry ghost in the center. He wondered whether it could successfully break through the "Great Transformation Heaven".

"Once you break through the 'Great Transformation in the Sky', you can become the 'Great Transformation in the Sky'. In myths and legends, this Great Transformation in the Sky is also regarded as the Sixth Heaven Demon Lord. Even the Green Dragon and the Ten First God Generation Spirits The red ghosts are at their peak, but they have not yet reached the level of great transformation in the sky.”

Wang Xuan's divinity has reached the peak state of "Dahuatian" and can successfully activate the strongest power of Red Ghost. This means that the Red Ghost who was once at its peak is the peak strength of "Dahuatian" and failed to break through and become the legendary "Great change is in the sky".

Now Wang Xuan is very curious about whether this hungry ghost can become a "great transformation in the sky". If it breaks through, it will also be the first "great transformation in the sky" that Wang Xuan has seen since entering the eighth layer of the world. ".

The fighting between groups of gears and hungry ghosts continued in the distance, and earth-shattering loud noises were heard. More and more hungry ghosts were attracted from the distance, and many of them were at the leader-level "Great Sky" level. Under the leadership of the ghost, they gathered here.

Obviously, the hungry ghost that is breaking through should be the real leader among these hungry ghosts. Once it successfully breaks through, it will become the real king of hungry ghosts, and the law enforcers are here to prevent this hungry ghost from becoming the king.

Wang Xuan's spiritual consciousness observed that from time to time, law enforcers were attacked by hungry ghosts, smashed and exploded into a large number of gears and fell. There were also many hungry ghosts cut into pieces by the huge gear sword held by the law enforcers, and fell from mid-air.

At first, the law enforcers had a certain advantage, and hungry ghosts were killed one after another. Many law enforcers were slowly approaching the hungry ghost leader who was making a breakthrough in the center.

As groups of hungry ghosts from all around came to support one after another, the situation on both sides reversed, and these hungry ghosts began to gain the upper hand, especially the "Great Sky" level hungry ghosts.

In terms of energy, the weakest of these law enforcers can reach "Big Sky" level energy, but these law enforcers cannot perfectly exert their own energy. On the contrary, these hungry ghosts who have broken through to "Big Sky" have overcome the hunger. The ghost's instinct has grown and transformed to the "Big Sky" level. Basically, it can exert its true "Big Sky" level strength. On the contrary, it can crush these law enforcers, which is comparable to the captain level among those law enforcers.

As more and more "Big Sky" level hungry ghosts appeared, the law enforcers who originally appeared in groups were killed one after another, and even the captains of some of the law enforcers who appeared were dispersed.

Although it seems that the hungry ghosts have the upper hand, Wang Xuan understands that since these law enforcers have noticed that this hungry ghost may break through to the legendary "Great Transformation in the Sky" level, the law enforcers who come this time will never be able to It’s just the level of these captains.

Sure enough, as the hungry ghosts gradually gained the upper hand, more and more gears formed from above. These gears formed clouds and gradually pressed down. Between these gears, more gears were surging. .

These hungry ghosts are not afraid of death and rush towards the clouds of gears crazily. From time to time, some hungry ghosts are cut into pieces by the gears and fall downwards. However, those great-level hungry ghosts have the ability to break through the gap in the clouds above.

Wang Xuan silently watched in the distance as several great heaven-level hungry ghosts broke through the gear clouds above, rushed to the gears, and then joined forces, seeming to want to destroy these gear clouds from top to bottom.

At this moment, a large number of gears gathered above to form a huge claw. The claw formed by the gears fell down and grabbed two "Big Sky" level hungry ghosts. With the claws retracted, these two "Big Sky" level hungry ghosts were "The hungry ghost was crushed to pieces.

A large amount of blood splashed out from the broken bodies of these two great heaven-level hungry ghosts. Wang Xuan narrowed his eyes slightly and saw the claws formed by gears in the distance constantly reaching down. This time, the target was exactly that The strongest hungry ghost who wants to break through in meditation below.

The claws formed by the gears looked familiar. Wang Xuan looked at them from a distance and saw that they looked exactly like the claws of a red ghost.

"Could it be..."

Wang Xuan thought of the green dragon formed by gears that he had encountered before. Could it be that what came this time would be a red ghost formed by countless gears?

This thought flashed through Wang Xuan's mind, but he saw groups of hungry ghosts roaring and rushing forward, trying to block the giant gear claws to grab them. The terrifying explosions continued to sound, and each hungry ghost was clawed to pieces by the giant gear claws. Immediately after another giant gear claw fell, the ground caused an earth-shaking loud noise, and the hungry ghost who was meditating was caught by the giant gear claw.

Even a group of powerful hungry ghosts cannot stop these two giant gear claws.

Wang Xuan looked at the countless gears in the void that were converging and gradually forming a huge body. Judging from its appearance, it was exactly as he had guessed, very much like a red ghost.

"It's really..."

Wang Xuan took a deep breath and became a little uneasy. The strongest hungry ghost who was meditating just now was caught by the giant gear claws. He didn't know what the situation was. Wang Xuan couldn't use more powerful spiritual consciousness to prevent him from being caught by these claws. Law enforcement is on the lookout.

Suddenly there was another loud noise that shook the earth, and one of the captured gear claws exploded. Countless gears shattered and scattered, and among them, a huge hungry ghost suddenly rose into the sky.

The roars and cheers of countless hungry ghosts suddenly came from all directions.

The hungry ghost who wanted to break through during meditation was not killed by the giant gear claws. Not only that, it also shattered one of the giant gear claws, demonstrating unimaginable power.

Wang Xuan, who was observing secretly from a distance, was also slightly shocked. He noticed the hungry ghost rising in the air, exuding a completely different aura. This aura was so unfathomable that even he felt it, and there was a faint hint of it. kind of palpitations.

This breath has surpassed the "Great Transformation of Heaven".

"Dahua is in the sky...I finally saw this legendary existence..."

Wang Xuan whispered to himself: "There will be a good show this time..."

Xuanniao on the side heard Wang Xuan's muttering to himself and couldn't help but said: "Dahua is in the sky?"

"Yes, there is a hungry ghost there who has broken through the Great Transformation Heaven and achieved the Great Transformation Heaven. Among the countless hungry ghosts, he is respected. It is not an exaggeration to call him the King of Hungry Ghosts. When he comes here, This is the first time I see Dahua in the sky."

Wang Xuan's own divinity is still stuck at the limit of "Great Transformation in the Sky". Naturally, he is very fascinated and curious about this legendary Great Transformation in the Sky.

The gear red ghost in the distance is constantly being completed, and seems to feel the terror of the other party. Countless gears roar and gather, the gear giant claw that has just been destroyed recovers in an instant, and another gear giant claw sweeps over, the red ghost's The huge head took shape, opened its mouth, and let out an earth-shattering roar.

Faced with the King of Hungry Ghosts who had reached the level of Great Transformation in Heaven, and the Red Ghost was once the King of Ghosts, the battle between the two sides was king versus king. Wang Xuan saw the King of Hungry Ghosts who had become Great Transformation in Heaven. The king rushed into countless gears and disappeared, and even his spiritual consciousness could not capture his presence.

However, the huge body of the red ghost formed by countless gears continued to cause explosions. These countless gears shattered and splashed in the explosion. Starting from the giant claws of the gears, they were detonated all the way, along the claws to the arms, and then detonated to reach On the head, amidst the loud rumbling noise, the newly formed huge gear red ghost was swaying and falling down.

Wang Xuan originally thought that there would be a fierce fight between the two sides, but he did not expect that the battle would be one-sided.

"This is the Great Transformation in the Sky... It is indeed powerful. Although the red ghost formed by this gear is powerful, at most it has reached the peak state of the Great Transformation in the Sky. It is one level behind, which is the difference between heaven and earth..."

Wang Xuan was whispering softly.

Looking at the gear red ghost in the distance, his whole body was quickly detonated, his huge body shook and fell, and the remaining law enforcers began to flee.

They failed to prevent this hungry ghost from breaking through and ascending to the throne. If he stayed, he would only die.

The only thing that can stop the legendary great transformation is the same great transformation in the sky.

As the Gear Red Ghost was completely destroyed, the King of Hungry Ghosts that had disappeared appeared again, but this time it turned its head suddenly, and its originally empty eyes shot out two harsh rays of light. Across the distance, these eyes He seemed to have noticed Wang Xuan.

"not good."

Wang Xuan immediately withdrew his consciousness and knew that he had been observed by the other party. Unfortunately, it was already too late. He had just stood up and was about to teleport away. Suddenly, he flashed in the void in front of them, and the King of Hungry Ghosts appeared in front of them.

The King of Hungry Ghosts' eyes glowed with two rays of light and were locked on Wang Xuan. The terrifying pressure made Xuanniao tremble in fear. He was unable to think of resistance and had already surrendered unknowingly.

On the contrary, Wang Xuan gave up the idea of ​​teleporting away, and instead took a step forward. His eyes also shot out two divine lights, meeting the dazzling light from the eyes of the King of Hungry Ghosts.

"Although Dahua Zaitian is powerful, he is not invincible..."

Wang Xuan whispered softly, walked forward slowly, and protected the black bird behind him. The power in his body was quietly released, resisting the opponent's terrifying pressure.

Although his divinity has only reached the limit of Dahuatian and failed to become Dahuazaitian, he has continuously refined the complete Red Ghost and Jiufeng, and his strength has long been beyond the level of "Dahuatian". It is estimated that Wang Xuan will not be afraid even if the opponent crosses the level and transforms into heaven.

Seeing that Wang Xuan was able to resist his own pressure, and was still getting closer, with the aura released from his body showing signs of being suppressed in return, the King of Hungry Ghosts was obviously surprised.

"Who are you……"

Wang Xuan sensed the consciousness released by the King of Hungry Ghosts and became the Great Transformation in the Sky. The King of Hungry Ghosts actually possesses high intelligence and powerful consciousness. Its life form has completely transcended ordinary creatures, let alone being affected by it. The life energy of this world corrodes, otherwise the Gear Red Ghost would not come and want to obliterate it.

"I'm just passing by here and want to go to hell. I have no ill intentions towards you..."

Although Wang Xuan is not afraid of the other party, he does not want to fight this meaningless war. If he can help it, he will try not to do it.

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