The last building on earth

Chapter 623 The Ancestor of Hell

Now Jiu Feng and Chi Gui both have great combat power. Especially Chi Gui has super self-healing power. He is not afraid of being injured at all, and even takes the initiative to use a desperate fighting style that hurts both sides.

Although Jiuqi has manifested five heads and controlled the power of the five elements of thunder, fire, wind, water and light, he still failed to gain the upper hand. Instead, Jiu Feng and Chi Gui slowly approached.

The legendary Jiuqi was once one of the ten guardians created by the Mother Goddess. His strength far surpassed that of Lei Xi. He was the master of the elements. At his peak, he controlled the power of the nine elements. It can be said that he was so powerful that it is incalculable.

But it also has a weakness, that is, its body is relatively fragile, and it is dangerous once the enemy gets close to it.

So when Jiufeng and Chigui were slowly approaching, Jiuqi's sixth head immediately popped up.

It was also the head of a huge giant snake, with a dark mist spitting out from its open mouth. There was a buzzing sound in the mist, as if there was some terrifying monster hidden inside.

Wang Xuan immediately understood that this was the power of the dark element among the nine elements.

As the dark mist dispersed, black chains appeared inside. These black chains extended in all directions, and soon wrapped around Jiufeng's open wings, and began to wrap around the wings, trying to lock Jiufeng up.

Jiufeng's fan flapped violently, and the dark chains wrapped around it were breaking. The flames around it changed again. This time, the flames separated from it, forming two flames of different colors. The one on the left was a white flame. , the one on the right is the black flame.

The black and white flames rose together and burned fiercely. Wherever they went, they actually burned the space and time of the dark hell into a huge channel, approaching Jiuqi.

This is the "fire of yin and yang" in the secret of Jiu Feng. Its power is still higher than that of immortal fire and immortal fire. As Jiu Qi showed his sixth head, Jiu Feng felt great pressure and was forced to show more powerful yin and yang. Although the fire of Yin and Yang is powerful, the energy consumption is also increasing.

A light curtain appeared, protecting Jiuqi to resist the approaching Yin and Yang fire.

The yin and yang fire in two colors, black and white, burned into the light curtain and made a hissing sound. Soon the light curtain began to melt. This light curtain with strong defensive power could not withstand the yin and yang fire.

The red ghost on the other side let out a huge roar and activated "Ghost Reincarnation" to reverse the flood that poured down from the sky upwards. Ghost Shura seized the opportunity and punched in while the light curtain melted.

Jiuqi's six heads roared together and rushed upward one after another. Wang Xuan finally saw that the six heads were connected to the same thick snake body. The snake body had no scales on the surface and looked like it had been skinned. The python looked indescribably weird.

"Sure enough, this Jiuqi really has nine heads." Wang Xuan watched the giant python rise into the sky along the darkness and saw that there were three more heads on the other side of the nine heads.

However, the eyes of these three snake heads were closed, as if they were resting. Until this moment, the eyes of these three snake heads finally opened.

The previous Jiuqi did not wake up all nine of its heads, thinking that Wang Xuan was not worthy of using his strongest state and wasting energy in vain, but now it finally realized that Wang Xuan was far more powerful than it thought.

The appearance of nine heads together means that Jiuqi is finally about to unleash its strongest power, and the power of the nine elements is awakening.

At this moment, Jiuqi will once again transform into the true master of the elements. The power of the nine elements is gathering, and this area of ​​time and space is affected. With Jiuqi as the center, nine independent worlds begin to appear, each of which is Transformed into an element.

Wang Xuan saw that there was a realm of thunder, a realm of fire, a realm of wind, a realm of water, a realm of light, and a realm of darkness...

All this happened in an instant, and Jiuqi's huge body also fully appeared. It was an extremely huge python. The body was coiled together, as big as a mountain, with nine heads. At this moment, these heads were stretched out, and then With roars, the nine elemental worlds it manifested began to converge towards Wang Xuan.

In the earth-shattering loud noise, the world condensed and manifested by thunder and lightning crashed down on its head.

Wang Xuan launched Huangquan's absolute defense to resist.

This thunder and lightning world was blocked by Huang Quan's defense, and above, the fire and water realms appeared at the same time, suppressing them.

Although the yin and yang fire activated by Jiu Feng was powerful, it could not deal with the coming fire and water realms at the same time. Jiu Feng flapped its wings and flapped upward.

The nine elemental worlds collided from all directions one after another. Each world that collided was like a big explosion in the universe. The energy caused was so powerful that it could no longer be measured in detail.

Jiu Feng and Chi Gui stood on the left and right. Jiu Feng's secrets and Chi Gui's secrets were used to fight against the squeezing elemental world.

Above Wang Xuan's head, a pair of giant arms of the Warcraft and part of Huang Quan's true body also emerged.

The power of Jiuqi forced Wang Xuan to take it seriously. No matter how powerful Jiufeng, Red Ghost, Warcraft, and Huang Quan were, Wang Xuan's true body would always stand in the center. When the thunder world was blocked by Huang Quan's absolute defense, Wang Xuan The figure soared up into the sky, raised its five fingers, and suddenly swung it out in the air.

The power of nothingness in the body exploded, and the powerful thunder world was instantly reduced to nothingness and disappeared without a trace.

Gaining the power of the space worm, Wang Xuan's divinity broke through the Great Transformation of Heaven and achieved the Great Transformation of Heaven. In addition, at the same time, he stimulated the potential of a more powerful innate body. His original power of nothingness was also improved, and now it became more and more powerful. fear.

A thunder world disappeared in an instant. Wang Xuan kept moving, approaching the many elemental worlds facing him, locking on the Jiuqi hidden in it. The power of nothingness swept everything, and the target was Jiuqi.

Countless trees appeared in front of Wang Xuan. These trees grew at an alarming rate and turned into towering trees, trying to prevent him from approaching Jiuqi.

This is the Wood World in the world of nine elements. Wang Xuan stretched out a finger and moved a little away. The power of nothingness exploded again. The Wood World blocking him suddenly disappeared silently. Wang Xuan approached Jiu Qi.

Jiuqi's nine pairs of snake eyes all showed a look of shock. Wang Xuan's origin and ability to return everything to nothingness shocked it.

The nine elemental worlds, the Thunder World and the Wood World disappeared in an instant. Jiufeng and Chigui each suppressed two elemental worlds. The arms of the Warcraft and Huang Quan's incomplete true body each suppressed an elemental world, and are now guarding Jiuqi. Only the earth boundary is left.

Sides of earth and stone rise up in the air, turning into thick earth and stone walls, protecting Jiuqi. This earth realm has the strongest defense among the nine elemental worlds, and it is also the means Jiuqi uses to save his life.

The giant walls of earth and stone manifested in the earth realm have various complex runes on their surfaces, making the defense of these giant walls of earth and stone even more powerful. They can block even Dahua's attacks from the sky.

Wang Xuan looked at the huge walls of earth and stone that suddenly appeared in front of him. These huge walls were so huge that they isolated the world from all directions. If he wanted to kill Jiuqi, he could only destroy the huge walls in front of him.

Clenching his hands into fists, Wang Xuan just thought, and the claws of the red ghost emerged one after another, grabbing at the giant walls around him.

Claw marks were immediately left on the surrounding giant walls, but even with the strength of the red ghost transformed into the sky, he could not destroy a giant wall.

Seeing this, Wang Xuan flipped his right hand and activated the power of nothingness again.

This force of nothingness came into contact with the giant wall of earth and stone in front of him. The runes on the surface of the giant wall of earth and stone immediately began to glow. It seemed that he wanted to resist this power of nothingness, but he only lasted for less than a second. The giant wall in front of him suddenly began to disappear and was attributed to nothingness.

Turning a giant wall into nothingness, Wang Xuan felt a faint feeling of difficulty in his heart. Obviously the defense of this giant wall was stronger than he imagined, so if he wanted to turn this wall into nothingness, he would have to waste a lot of energy. unbelievable.

Not only that, the biggest problem now is that after this wall disappeared, another wall with runes appeared behind it.

This time, Wang Xuan did not return the entire wall to nothingness. Instead, he moved his right hand forward and passed through it instantly. He penetrated the rune-patterned wall and only reduced the small area in the center to nothingness. This was much simpler. .

It's a long story, but it actually happened in an instant. Wang Xuan penetrated three walls with rune patterns in a row, and when he saw Jiuqi, the power of nothingness burst out.

Jiuqi realized something was wrong and retreated violently.

This force of nothingness exploded silently, and almost no movement could be felt. However, Jiuqi, who was retreating, suddenly roared, because one of its nine heads was suddenly missing, and it truly disappeared.

Jiuqi's body is relatively fragile, and the disappeared head cannot grow back in a short time. Wang Xuan is faster than it, and the power of nothingness is activated again, and at the same time, the power of time is activated to slow the passage of time around him.

Behind him, with an earth-shaking loud noise, the nine wings of Jiu Feng covered one of the elemental worlds and shattered it. The red ghost on the other side also succeeded at the same time. Ghost Shura shattered the other elemental world with one blow.

The energy in Wang Xuan's body was continuously transferred out. He, Jiufeng, and Chigui were three in one, and each other's strength was increasing, becoming more and more powerful, and began to gradually crush Jiuqi.

The power of nothingness was activated again, and this time Jiuqi's three heads were reduced to nothingness. It originally had nine heads, but now only five are left.

After losing four heads, Jiu Qi's strength immediately declined severely. Jiu Feng and Chi Gui appeared one on the left and one on the right. Jiu Feng's wings fell down and covered one of Jiu Qi's heads. When the wings opened, the head had already flown away. The ashes are extinguished.

This Jiuqi, who was many times more powerful than Lei Xi, ended up like this. It couldn't believe that Wang Xuan would be so powerful. Unfortunately, it was too late now.

Chi Gui's claws fell and shattered one of Jiu Qi's heads again. With only three heads left, Jiu Qi desperately fled towards the dark palace below.

Wang Xuan didn't give it a chance to escape at all. With a stretch of his right hand and a thought, Jiufeng silently blocked it in front of it. Its nine wings spread out together, blocking Jiuqi. The red ghost behind him probed with his claws. He activated the secret of the red ghost's soul-seeking secret, hoping to destroy Jiuqi's soul in one fell swoop.

At this moment, Jiuqi has lost six heads, his soul is broken, and he is already vulnerable. The red ghost will surely kill Jiuqi when he comes out.

Seeing that Jiuqi could not escape this disaster, to Wang Xuan's surprise, Jiuqi suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

"Huh?" He was slightly startled, and his eyes immediately shot out two rays of light and glanced around.

Jiuqi has been immobilized by him. This blow can be said to be foolproof. He never expected that it would suddenly disappear without warning.

Surprised, Wang Xuan's spiritual consciousness immediately enveloped all directions, and his divine power was raised to the limit. Jiufeng and Chigui stood on the left and right, ready for battle.

Because Jiuqi disappeared so strangely, Wang Xuan felt a little uneasy.

The next moment, he caught the disappearing Jiuqi aura and appeared in the dark palace below.

It seemed that at the moment it was about to die, it teleported to the dark palace below.

However, he has already imprisoned it, how can it teleport away?

Unless there is help from outside.

With this idea, Wang Xuan suddenly shivered and teleported away.

He faintly smelled danger.

Unfortunately, just like before, his teleportation was intercepted midway, as if it hit some invisible force and was stopped.

Before, he thought that it was Jiuqi who intercepted his teleportation, but now Jiuqi was severely injured and six of the nine heads were eliminated by himself. Even if he wanted to recover, it would take a long time. It is impossible for Jiuqi now. Still have such ability.

"Could it be that it wasn't Jiuqi who stopped me at the beginning, but the guy hiding behind the scenes..."

Wang Xuan's eyes shot out a terrifying light.

"Who are you--"

He showed great will and roared his anger, which represented Wang Xuan's anger.


Finally, a vague consciousness came up from the dark palace below. It seemed very weak, but this consciousness seemed to be everywhere, covering this dark hell.

"Are you also a guardian?" Wang Xuan asked again.

He can now confirm that Lei Xi and Jiu Qi are one of the five guardians who betrayed and fell. This means that the remaining three guardians have not appeared. The other party is very likely to be one of the five guardians, and the strength may still be nine. Above the differences.

It was the one who had just stopped teleporting twice, and it was also the one who rescued Jiuqi.

And I didn't know about its existence until now. From this alone, I can imagine its horror.

Wang Xuan, who is as powerful as he is now, has a solemn look on his face, but unfortunately now he can't teleport away even if he wants to.

" of this hell..."

This Ruowuowu will came again, and Wang Xuan took a breath of air.

Sleeping in the dark palace below... turned out to be the strongest guardian in the legend. According to the legend, it was it that led half of the guardians and law enforcers to resist the Mother Goddess, but ultimately failed and fell into the hell at the bottom of the World Tree.

Although it failed, no one dared to underestimate its power. According to legend, it even had power close to or rivaled that of the Mother Goddess. Even if it fell into hell, it became the master of hell and was revered as the ancestor of hell.

"You are...the Prison Ancestor..."

Wang Xuan exhaled softly, feeling that the vague will around him was slowly becoming stronger. He knew that this time he was in danger.

If the other party is really as terrifying as the legend says, I am afraid that I am not a match for the Prison Ancestor now.

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