The last building on earth

Chapter 629 Super Life

After Wang Xuan hesitated, his consciousness reached out and entered the gear door, wanting to have a glimpse of what was going on inside.

All he saw inside the Gear Gate were gears.

Countless gears of various kinds, some big and small, as big as mountains, as small as dust, and the colors are also different. There are black gears like hell creatures, white gears shrouded in halo, and gears with a metallic luster. , these gears are rotating at different rates, and the speeds are fast and slow.

Wang Xuan was slowly attracted by these gears, and when he approached the gear gate, he found that these gears were constantly converging, and soon they condensed into a green dragon. It roared, rushed out of the gear gate, and tore towards him. He bit and rushed over.

The big bloody mouth opened and spewed out the most powerful venom in the world. Green venom poured out from the sky, pouring down towards Wang Xuan.

Wang Xuan did not move. Huang Quan's power had already spread all around, completely refining Huang Quan's true body. The power of Huang Quan was so powerful that it was immeasurable. He hardly needed to think about it. Absolute defense sealed the surrounding areas, allowing him to be the most powerful person in the world. Even the most powerful venom on the body was easily blocked, making it impossible to get close to Wang Xuan.

The next moment, Red Ghost appeared silently next to the gear green dragon. The Red Ghost's claws grabbed out, grabbed the green dragon's head and tail, and then pulled it to the left and right, immediately tearing the green dragon apart.

The newly formed gear green dragon once again exploded into gears all over the sky. These gears were flying and rotating, and soon condensed into the appearance of the red ghost.

Two red ghosts appeared in front of Wang Xuan. One was made of countless gears, and the other was made of his refined and fused flesh and blood.

Seeing the two red ghosts facing each other with their four claws, they began to kill each other in front of him.

Wang Xuan swayed and suddenly moved sideways. Instead of entering the gear door, he used both fists to target another space point and hit it with all his strength.

Punch after punch, hundreds or even thousands of punches were punched out in an instant. All the energy was concentrated, causing the space to fluctuate violently. Cracks soon appeared, and the cracks continued to expand, and a large number of gears also appeared in them.

Wang Xuan dodged and entered the crack. He found that at the end of the surrounding gears, a door formed by gears appeared again.

"It doesn't make sense. I remember that the outer wall of this building is made of countless gears. With my current strength, if I really open a gap in space and there are so many gears, what I see when entering the gap should be the world outside the building. How could this happen? Another door made of gears?"

The first door formed by gears appeared before. Wang Xuan could understand it as a special situation. Now a second door with the same appearance appeared. For Wang Xuan, this was completely unreasonable.

"That doesn't make sense!"

He let out a low roar, suddenly selected the third space again, attacked crazily, and superimposed a layer of energy. When the energy reached the limit, a gap was opened in the space again, and a large number of gears also appeared in this gap.

At the end of these gears, there is still a door formed by gears.

Wang Xuan roared again, opened the gear door, and found that there were still various different gears inside. These gears gathered together, and soon a green dragon appeared. The green dragon roared and rushed out of the gear door. come out.

Wang Xuan's face became increasingly ugly. All of this was so real and could never be an illusion, but it was so outrageous that he couldn't believe that it was all real.

"Nine Phoenix——"

With a low roar, Nine Phoenix descended, its nine wings spread out, and flew out in succession. All kinds of flames rose up, swallowing up the green dragon that jumped out.

Wang Xuanze continued to attack new spaces. Suddenly, his body swayed, soared into the sky, and rushed toward the darkness above.

At the end of this time and space is endless darkness, and there is hell.

He rushed into the intersection between hell and the blue-falling yellow spring below, and stopped. He was half in the dark hell and half in the blue-falling yellow spring at the end of the world. Looking down, his mind was vaguely confused.

Although he has almost endless energy in his body, his divinity is limited to the sky and has never been able to break through. Although his current power can create gaps in this green space, gears appear in every gap. The door, and the gears inside can be condensed to form the first generation of gods.

"This is outrageous—"

Wang Xuan roared and used his strongest power again, but no matter how powerful he was, the most he could do was create a gap in time and space. A large number of gears appeared in the gap, and these gears could be condensed to form a powerful first-generation god.

As soon as Wang Xuan fell, he suddenly flew down again and returned to Huangquan City.

Standing quietly at the place where Huang Quan's true body was found, his face showed contemplation.

Suddenly, Wang Xuan raised his hands and suddenly dropped them. With a loud bang, he slapped the place where Huang Quan's true body was found.

Amidst the terrifying noise, the ground did not move at all, and no cracks appeared.


Wang Xuan roared low, increased his strength again, and struck downwards. This time, the ground was shaking, but there were still no cracks.

Punch after punch, Wang Xuan continued to punch, and finally he made a gap in the ground. A gear also appeared in the gap. At the end of the gap in the gear, there was still a gear door.

Seeing the gear door, Wang Xuan suddenly showed a look of relief, smiled slightly and said, "As expected."

After finishing speaking, his mentality suddenly calmed down, he sat cross-legged on the spot, closed his eyes, and entered meditation.

He had just made several space cracks in space, and there were gears and gear gates inside. He was not completely sure yet, but when gears and gear gates appeared on the ground, he finally understood.

He was still affected by his inner demons, and everything he saw and experienced was unreal.

When he understood it completely and entered meditation with his legs crossed, his mind suddenly shook. The space and time around him also vibrated. The divinity that had been unable to break through suddenly rose and expanded infinitely.

At this moment, he finally succeeded, breaking through the Great Transformation in the Sky, and achieving the highest level of the Great Transformation in the Heaven.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw that everything around him was still silent. Above his head, Huang Quan's body was still suspended there, half-refined by him, and the space-time cracks and gear gates that originally appeared were all gone.

Once he achieved the Great Transformation of Freedom, Wang Xuan's divinity and divine consciousness expanded at a terrifying level. He could even use his divine consciousness to sense the entire dark hell in an instant.

However, Wang Xuan did not really sense it. After all, there is a prison ancestor in this hell. Once discovered by it, it will cause disaster.

After reaching the realm of Dahua Zizitian, the speed of refining Huangquan's remains immediately increased tenfold. Thinking back to the inner demons he had just experienced, Wang Xuan was still frightened. The realm of Dahua Zizitian was indeed mysterious and magical, but if he wanted to break through the inner demons, it would be extremely difficult. Not an easy task.

Thinking of his inner demons, Wang Xuan suddenly stopped again. Is everything he is experiencing now real or is it influenced by his inner demons?

"I experienced the first level of inner demons before, and I thought I had solved the inner demons. In fact, there is a second level. Now is this the real reality, or have I entered the third level of inner demons?"

At this thought, Wang Xuan's mind was shocked. Everything around him suddenly shattered again. He saw him sitting cross-legged in the center of Huangquan City. Most of the remains of Huangquan's true body were still above his head. His divinity was shocked. It's endless, but it has not yet broken through to the realm of freedom.

"Awesome, there are indeed inner demons on the third level..."

Wang Xuan's face was covered in cold sweat. It can be said that as long as he is not careful, he will be doomed. The biggest question now is, is this real or has he entered a more terrifying fourth level of inner demons?

After pondering, Wang Xuan calmed himself down and no longer thought about the inner demons. Instead, he continued to refine Huang Quan's true body as before, while refining the power into his body to hit the limits of his divinity. May breakthroughs and great changes come from heaven.

As the remains of Huang Quan's true body were continuously refined, his divinity finally reached its limit, breaking through the Great Transformation in the Sky, and once again achieved the Great Transformation in the Sky.

After becoming the Great Transformation of Freedom, he was able to refine Huang Quan's true body body ten times faster than before. He felt that the energy in his body was constantly expanding and changing more and more powerfully. Finally, he completely refined Huang Quan's true body body. Transformation, feeling the power of the energy in the body, has reached an incredible state.

"Awesome, the former Huang Quan was at least the Great Transformation of Freedom..."

Wang Xuan whispered softly, if Huangquan is the Great Transformation of Freedom, and he has now broken through to the Great Transformation of Freedom, it means that he can completely grasp its origin power and understand its profound meaning.

Wang Xuan was still meditating cross-legged, constantly feeling the energy and divinity in his body. Finally, he opened his eyes and looked up into the void.


Following his voice, the black bird landed in front of him.

Wang Xuan raised his right hand, pointed a finger in the air, and hit Xuanniao's forehead. He once again instilled his insights over the past few days into Xuanniao's body to help it make further breakthroughs.

Now that he is a Dahua Zizaitian, he can directly help Xuanniao reborn and make it stronger.

While he was helping Xuanzang reborn, he was also observing everything inside Xuannio's body. If all this was due to the inner demon, he didn't believe that Demon Lian Xuannio could imitate everything.

He quickly withdrew his hand, and Xuanniao accepted his initiation and began to meditate, seeking further breakthroughs.

Wang Xuanze is still digesting the energy in his body, and gradually his mind is immersed in the deepest part of his body, feeling the realm and mystery of Dahua Zizitian, and the incredible divinity.

After a long time, Wang Xuan opened his eyes, and he was finally sure that he had really refined Huang Quan's true body and achieved a breakthrough to achieve the Great Transformation of Freedom. This was no longer an inner demon, but reality.

The black bird opened its eyes and let out a low whistle. It finally fully understood the secrets taught to it by Wang Xuan, and now it can basically fully utilize its energy.

"Let's go, let's go to the Nest of the Mother Goddess." Wang Xuan's eyes shone slightly. Now the true bodies of Chi Gui, Jiu Feng and Huang Quan have been completely refined, and his divinity has reached the level of Dahua Zizaitian. Realm, now only the true body of the last and most powerful monster remains.

The remains of the Warcraft are not in Biluo Huangquan, but most likely in the Mother Goddess's Nest.

No matter what, Wang Xuan had to get the Warcraft and could only go to the Mother Goddess's Nest.

Xuannio nodded slightly, indicating that he understood that Wang Xuan's terrifying consciousness spread and could perceive the entire hell in an instant, which meant that he could travel through the entire hell in an instant.

Almost as soon as he sensed the entire hell, Wang Xuan took Xuanniao through hell and arrived at the top of hell.

Strangely enough, Wang Xuan sensed the entire hell in an instant, but failed to sense the existence of the Hell Ancestor. It seemed that the hell was empty and the Hell Ancestor mysteriously disappeared.

However, Wang Xuan couldn't take a closer look. Although he had refined Huang Quan's true body and reached the level of divinity, he was not absolutely confident whether he was the opponent of the Prison Ancestor. At least for now, he had not yet I would like to meet the Prison Ancestor.

Passing through hell in an instant, he entered the kingdom of hungry ghosts, and Wang Xuan immediately sensed the entire world of hungry ghosts.

Unlike when he sensed the world of hungry ghosts before, his divinity was now so powerful that he could sense the entire world of hungry ghosts in an instant. When he sensed the entire world of hungry ghosts, he suddenly found that his consciousness had suffered a heavy blow, and his mind There was a buzz inside.

In surprise, Wang Xuan's eyes shot out two rays of light and looked into the depths of the world of hungry ghosts.

What kind of existence can notice itself the moment it perceives the entire Kingdom of Hungry Ghosts, and even fight back?

Could it be that there is a being like the Prison Ancestor hidden in this country of hungry ghosts?

In Wang Xuan's astonishment, his divine eyes had seen through the entire Kingdom of Hungry Ghosts, and he was shocked to find that the entire Kingdom of Hungry Ghosts actually looked like a super creature.

It was this super creature that suddenly attacked him just now.

Because the current Wang Xuan is too powerful, he can spy on the entire Kingdom of Hungry Ghosts in an instant. For this super creature, it is equivalent to being spied on, so he reacts and fights back.

On the contrary, some beings who have not reached this level cannot see the entire country of hungry ghosts in an instant, and will not cause a reaction from this super creature.

The shock in Wang Xuan's heart was indescribable. He never imagined that this entire country of hungry ghosts was actually one living creature.

When his divine eyes saw through all this, a vague but terrifying consciousness was already resurrecting and was fighting back against him.

Obviously, Wang Xuan's peek angered it, or it reacted to a powerful existence like Dahua Zizitian.

Wang Xuan wanted to pass through the entire Kingdom of Hungry Ghosts in an instant, but unfortunately failed. Obviously, if he did not defeat this awakening super life, he would not be able to pass through the Kingdom of Hungry Ghosts, let alone go to the Mother Goddess at the top of the World Tree. nest.

Squinting his eyes slightly, Wang Xuan raised his right hand, and Chi Gui, Jiu Feng and Huang Quan came quietly behind him. With the improvement of his divinity, now the combat power of Chi Gui, Jiu Feng and Huang Quan has increased. Reached the state of great transformation and freedom.

The arrival of these three people quietly means that there are at least three Great Transformation Freedom Heavens. If Wang Xuan's true form is added, there are four Great Transformation Freedom Heavens.

With such strength combined, Wang Xuan is confident that he can defeat all the strongest men in Dahua Zizuitian.

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