The last building on earth

Chapter 635 Beyond the Great Transformation of Freedom

Wang Xuan stood aside silently and saw that the Divine Master did not take the Deer Saint seriously. He was once the second among the top ten guardians, and his strength was only lower than that of the Prison Ancestor. He was obviously qualified enough to look down on the Deer Saint.

Deer Saint was not angry either, he just sighed and said: "Today is different from the past, God Lord, you used to be the second guardian, with the ability to challenge the Prison Ancestor, but now you are just a lackey of the Prison Ancestor, lost. If you lose your courage, I'm afraid your strength will decline instead of increasing..."

The Deer Saint exhaled as he spoke. There was a faint sound of thunder in the breath he exhaled, and thunderclouds gathered in all directions, quickly isolating the entire green world above.

If the God Lord wants to enter the Mother Goddess's nest, he must first break through these thunderclouds.

"Wang Xuan, if we join forces, we should be able to stop the God Lord."

Lu Sheng's voice came to Wang Xuan's mind.

"Okay." Wang Xuan responded, but saw that the Lord of God had already taken the initiative to move towards the dense thunderclouds above. Thunderous sounds continued to sound around Deer Saint, and dazzling lightning continued to burst out of the thunderclouds.

The Deer Saint, with only one head visible until now, is slowly emerging from the thundercloud. As its huge body emerges, the terrifying thundercloud has affected this time and space.

The God Lord was blocked, and the twelve black wings behind him covered him and cut through the thunderclouds.

The Holy Deer was roaring, but no matter how hard it tried, the thunder clouds could not stop the Lord of God. They could only watch as he kept cutting through the thunder clouds and rising upwards.

Obviously, although the Deer Saint is powerful, there is still a big gap compared with the Divine Lord.

In Wang Xuan's eyes, the Deer Saint is unfathomable, but the God Lord is even more terrifying. From the fact that he just knocked down the ancestor of Asura into the dark abyss of hell with one blow, it can be seen that the God Lord's strength is not just the Great Transformation. It's so simple.

"Wang Xuan——" Lu Sheng's anxious voice sounded, hoping that Wang Xuan would help.

Wang Xuan originally had a conflict with Hell and even killed Lei Xi, although now Lei Xi has been resurrected again.

If it weren't for the divine help, he would have become the puppet of the Prison Ancestor. Even if the Deer Saint didn't say anything, he would not sit idly by and ignore it.

Chi Gui, Jiu Feng, and Huang Quan appeared silently. The three were all existences of the Great Transformation of Freedom. They shared their power with each other and descended together to surround the Divine Lord. They cooperated with the Deer Saint to besiege him.

"Innocent..." The Lord of God spoke lightly and glanced at Wang Xuan. His hands were always hanging at his sides, as if the existence in front of him was not enough for him to take action.

He was not afraid of the coming of the second-ranked god among the top ten first-generation gods. What's more, whether it was Huangquan or Red Ghost who came before him, they were far less sacred, not to mention that they were not the true first-generation gods.

The black wings seemed to be flapping slightly, and with a snap, Chi Gui was hit first, and his huge body was knocked away. The next second, Huang Quan's absolute defense was activated, and the other black wing was blocked by the absolute defense, but Jiu Feng did not. Absolute defense, unable to block the attack of black wings. The moment he was hit, he flew into the air like the red ghost.

Wang Xuan watched silently, with a solemn look on his face. After achieving the Great Transformation of Freedom, this was still the most powerful existence he had ever encountered. In his opinion, the strength of the God Lord seemed to have exceeded the level of Great Transformation of Freedom.

As Wang Xuan took action, Deer Saint's pressure decreased slightly. It let out a low roar, and the antlers on its head began to release thunder and lightning. Compared with the thunder and lightning it released, the thunder and lightning controlled by Lei Xi or Jiu Qi was nothing to mention.

At this moment, the thunder and lightning it released transformed into various animals in the void, including ligers, elephants, crocodiles, bears, leopards, eagles and cranes...

Wang Xuan looked over and found that these animals formed by thunder and lightning were all rushing towards the Lord of God. The Lord of God waved his black wings to block them. The thunder and lightning animals that hit the Lord of God's black wings immediately exploded.

The power of each explosion did not look very scary, but feathers began to fly off the black wings of the God Lord, and his body began to shake.

Wang Xuan only took one look and understood that these animals transformed by thunder and lightning must be some kind of mysteries of the Deer Saint. They looked ordinary, but they must be incredibly powerful, capable of shaking the God Lord.

The twelve black wings of the God Lord immediately flapped in succession and began to release black rays of light, attacking these thunder and lightning animals from a distance and detonating them in mid-air to prevent them from approaching themselves again.

Obviously, the power of these animal explosions caused by lightning made the Lord a little afraid.

"This Deer Saint doesn't look simple." Wang Xuan made a move with his right hand from the air. The Red Ghost and Jiu Feng who were originally blown away came again. This time they stood around him, forming four figures. Combining each other's strength, Wang Xuan punched out from the air again.

This is a punch that combines the power of him and the three beasts. The power of this punch has been pushed to an unimaginable level. It must not be simply regarded as the Great Transformation of Freedom.

The God Lord still flapped one of his wings to block Wang Xuan's punch from the air.

But this time his wings suddenly collapsed, revealing a punch pit, and a large number of black feathers fell out of the surface.

The God Master suddenly turned his head and glanced at Wang Xuan. A black divine light shot out from his eyes, splitting time and space, and instantly went straight to Wang Xuan. Obviously, the punch just made the God Master pay attention to him.

The "power of the underworld" broke out and immediately launched absolute defense to block this black divine light.

Wang Xuan used his left fist again, confronting the black divine light that followed.

This punch hit the black divine light. Wang Xuan was shocked and saw blood oozing out from his fist. Just a black divine light hurt him. The power of this divine master was simply unbelievable.

The Divine Lord was even more surprised. It was not unusual for Wang Xuan to rely on Huang Quan's absolute defense to block his attack, but it was strange to be able to block his attack with his own strength.

Because even Dahua Zizaitian cannot stop his attack.

Turning around slightly, the twelve wings behind the God Lord spread out together, and each wing shot out a black divine light. Only two of the twelve black divine lights were attacking Deer Saint, and all ten were attacking Wang Xuan.

Obviously at this moment the God Lord judged that Wang Xuan was more terrifying than Deer Saint.

Ten black divine lights resembled heavenly punishment. Wang Xuan's continuous Absolute Defense of Underworld could only block half of them. He could not avoid the other five black divine lights and could only bear them.

Wang Xuan looked at his newly injured left hand and was finally sure that the strength of a being like the Divine Lord surpassed that of Dahua Zizuitian.

Although he is the deity of Dahua Zizaitian, his combat power is not as simple as that of Dahua Zizaitian.

With a low roar, Wang Xuan clenched his hands into fists. The red ghosts, Jiu Feng and Huang Quan who had descended around him suddenly disappeared. All the power flowed back into his body, and he punched out with his fists against the five black divine lights.

Silently, the five black divine lights shattered and disappeared. Wang Xuan's body was filled with terrifying power, and the time and space around him was distorting. He stepped towards the divine master.

Although the five black divine lights were destroyed, Wang Xuan's fists looked dripping with blood. Although the blood disappeared in an instant and the wounds healed, it already meant that this black divine light could hurt him.

The passage of time around him is constantly changing. Super self-healing can heal his injured hands instantly. The infinite devouring of the monster allows him to merge all powers into one. Jiufeng's power of time allows him to control the time around him. As time goes by, Huang Quan's absolute defense continues to activate, which can help him block most of the attacks.

Deer Saint roared fiercely, but only two black divine lights severely damaged it. Wang Xuan blocked ten black divine lights, but what greeted him was more black divine lights.

The twelve black wings behind the Lord of God continue to emit more black divine light.

These black divine lights were like lasers, continuously shining towards Wang Xuan.

Wang Xuan still relied on the power of Huangquan to block most of the black divine light. The remaining black divine light could be dodged if he could, but he could only bear it if he couldn't dodge it.

Both fists were thrown out, and each punch was a concentrated blow of the strongest power in his body, with overwhelming power.

Although his attack has surpassed Dahua Zizitian, Wang Xuan still fell behind when faced with the existence that truly surpassed Dahua Zizitian.

The continuous black divine light forced Wang Xuanzai to retreat gradually. He and Deer Saint joined forces, but it was difficult to match the divine master.

The divine light is constantly approaching the Mother Goddess's Nest, and may completely avoid the thunderclouds at any time and enter the green world above.

Wang Xuan has retreated to the intersection of the Mother Goddess's Nest and the Kingdom of Heaven. If he retreats again, he will retreat into the Mother Goddess's Nest.

However, the Divine Master was unscathed and did not even raise his hands. He could continue to attack and harm Wang Xuan and Lu Sheng with just the black divine light emitted by the twelve black wings behind him.

Suddenly, huge round wheels appeared one after another in the Mother Goddess's nest at the back.

These huge round wheels are formed by countless gears. These huge round wheels are constantly rotating and moving towards the God Lord.

Seeing the appearance of these huge round wheels, the Lord God did not seem surprised. He just smiled lightly and said: "It should have appeared a long time ago. It is not easy to endure it until now."

His hands had been hanging by his sides, and this time he finally raised his right hand.

With a "chi" sound, he raised his right hand and pushed it through the air. The covered round wheel vibrated violently, and there was a crisp sound of "chicking" on the surface, and finally broke into pieces.

The old round wheels shattered, and new round wheels appeared again. These round wheels seemed to be endless, constantly covering downwards.

The Divine Lord was surrounded by this round wheel, and Wang Xuan could clearly feel that the power of the black divine light attacking him was weakening.

"This is Chakravartin among the ten guardians."

A message appeared in Wang Xuan's mind, and he immediately knew the identity and origin of the huge round wheels that appeared one after another. He was none other than Zhuan Lun Tian, ​​one of the ten guardians.

The strength of this wheel-turning sky is obviously not inferior to that of the Deer Saint, or even stronger. Although each of these round wheels cannot really hurt the Lord of God, it forces the Lord of God to continue to attack, taking away part of his strength and reducing the risk of damage. The pressure from Wang Xuan and Lu Sheng.

As soon as the pressure was lightened, Wang Xuan immediately took action with all his strength, and the power of nothingness that had been contained in his body suddenly activated this time.

Silently, the power of nothingness swept across, and one of the divine master's black wings retracted slowly, and a small part of it immediately disappeared and was returned to nothingness.

Discovering that one of his twelve black wings was missing half of it, the Lord of God was shocked and his eyes suddenly widened, as if his own scales had been touched. He actually abandoned the Chakravartin and the Deer Saint above him, and suddenly He rushed towards Wang Xuan and used both hands to capture Wang Xuan in one fell swoop.

Wang Xuan showed no fear. He had already accumulated powerful void power in his body, which was like the God Lord himself coming to his door.

As he evolved to the Great Transformation of Freedom, the power of nothingness controlled by Wang Xuan became more and more powerful. Even if the opponent was the God Lord, he could turn the smaller half of his wings into nothingness. This was because the God Lord was able to restrain himself quickly.

The divine master who rushed over suddenly seemed to sense something, and quickly retreated, widening the distance from Wang Xuan, flipping his hands, and shot out two thick black divine lights.

Compared with the previous black divine light, the power of these two black divine lights is so huge that it is simply inestimable.

Wang Xuan immediately launched Huang Quan's absolute defense.

He knew that there was a time difference between the two black divine lights, and Huang Quan's absolute defense could only block one. The other would take advantage of the instantaneous time difference and could not be blocked by Huang Quan's absolute defense.

He could only bear this attack forcefully.

"Not just matter, even energy can also return to nothingness..."

Wang Xuan murmured in a low voice. Just as he had guessed, the first black divine light was offset by the absolute defense, and the second black divine light that followed fell in front of him. He turned his hands, and the void in his body The force spurts out.

Wang Xuan has not tried whether he can turn this black divine light into nothingness. This is the first time.

But looking at the terror of this black divine light, he was indeed unable to resist or dodge, so he could only give it a try.

The power of nothingness spurted out, hitting the black divine light that shot towards him. Wang Xuan watched the black divine light quickly dim and disappear, and then he breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he had guessed it right.

The power of nothingness can not only annihilate various substances or creatures, but also pure energy can return it to nothingness.


The Divine Lord let out a low roar, obviously completely irritated. The wings behind him shook violently, and suddenly they swept out like a horse. A huge black divine light spread out, and it seemed to drown everything. This time , he shrouded Wang Xuan, Lu Sheng and Zhuan Lun Tian in this black divine light, and wanted to completely obliterate them in one fell swoop.

Wang Xuan's expression changed, but he saw that Zhuan Lun Tian quickly retreated and landed on top of Deer Saint, and the two sides actually merged together.

Wang Xuan thought that these guardians could be combined with each other to increase their strength. Even the combination of Thunder Rhinoceros and Jiuqi could resist the Flame Chi Heavenly King, and the combination of Deer Saint and Chakravartin, their strength was immediately improved astonishingly.

They retreated to the boundary of the Mother Goddess's Nest, and relying on their combined strength, they actually blocked the spreading black divine light, as if they were in a wave. Although they were shaken violently by the impact, and it was very hard to block, But he barely managed to hold on.

Wang Xuan relied on the continuous activation of Huangquan's absolute defense and the power of nothingness to resist. It was also very difficult to resist, but he could barely block it.

However, the black divine light released by the Divine Lord seemed to be endless and continuous, and they soon could no longer hold on.

Once they are unable to hold on and are swept by the black divine light, neither Wang Xuan nor Deer Saint nor the Wheel-turning King will be able to survive.

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