The last building on earth

Chapter 643 The Ancient Giant Sword

Fumoli Zhitian's mouth came out with a vague chant. Wang Xuan couldn't hear what he was chanting. It seemed to be some kind of spell or rune. His body burned with more and more intense energy. flame.

These flames merged with the giant sword, and soon his entire body disappeared and turned into a giant flame sword that reached the sky. The sword path he came out of had been pushed to the limit that he could achieve.

A huge flaming sword seems to have descended from ancient times, spanning ancient and modern time and space. This endless dark time and space seems to have been split by the flaming giant sword. The guardianship formed by the Green King, the Deer Saint and the Stone Ape has withstood unprecedented challenges. .

This is the ancient giant sword he walked out of.

The small universe guarded by the three-headed and six-armed giant was split open by the flaming ancient sword. Wang Xuan saw the danger and let out a long roar, and the power of nothingness accumulated in his body completely exploded.

Although the current Wang Xuan's divinity belongs to the Great Transformation of Freedom, he has combined the power of the three complete beasts. In terms of energy level, it has surpassed the level of Great Transformation of Freedom, and his power of nothingness has also increased to a terrifying level. level.

Wang Xuan understood that Fudomoli Zhitian's swordsmanship was too terrifying. He concentrated the accumulated void power into his fist, teleported down, and hit the ancient giant sword horizontally with his fist.

This is the true fist of nothingness, which can reduce everything to nothingness.

The ancient giant sword that was chopped off shook violently, and then began to disappear from where it hit the fist.

Even the supreme swordsmanship cannot withstand the strongest fist of nothingness that Wang Xuan has accumulated.

The power of nothingness wants to turn Fudomoli Zhiten's kendo into nothingness, but to turn this kendo into nothingness, the energy that needs to be lost is simply terrifying. Wang Xuan feels that the energy in his body is disappearing crazily.

The three six-armed giants formed by the combination of the Green King, the Deer Saint and the Stone Ape seized the opportunity and stepped forward. The six arms suddenly formed seals together and fell heavily. With a bang, they hit both sides of the flaming giant sword one after another.

The small universe within the six arms was completely shattered. One-third of the flaming giant sword was reduced to nothingness and disappeared by Wang Xuan's punch. Wang Xuan fell down like a kite with a broken string.

It was as if the power in his body had been completely drained. This was the limit of his void power.

The remaining two-thirds of the flaming sword's power immediately weakened. It was struck by the six seals of the three-headed and six-armed giants, and it immediately dimmed. There was a faint humming sound from Fudo Mori Shiten and the crisp sound of the flaming sword breaking. .

After the attack of the three-headed and six-armed giant, the body also shattered, and countless gears fell downwards.

The remaining power of the sword exploded, also severely injuring the three-headed and six-armed giant.

"Let's go..." Lu Sheng's voice sounded and was passed to Tie Jun.

Tie Jun saw Wang Xuan and a large number of gear fragments falling onto the boat on the other side, and immediately sensed the boat on the other side, carrying the falling Wang Xuan and these gear fragments, and fled down at full speed.

Although he could not intervene in such a series of battles, he could see that Wang Xuan, together with the Green King, the Deer Saint and the Stone Monkey, fought against the Fudo Moli Zhitian in a battle that would hurt both sides. This time, no one would be able to take advantage of it. Cheap.

The boat on the other side turned into a rainbow light and fled at full speed, heading towards the bottom of the building below.

Sure enough, just as he had guessed, the dimmed and incomplete flaming giant sword was also falling into the darkness and did not catch up. Apparently Fudomoli Shiten was severely injured and was unable to catch up in a short time.

Tang Ruoyu watched Wang Xuan fall and hurriedly stepped forward to hug Wang Xuan. She found that his face was pale and his breath was weak, so he immediately hurriedly channeled his power in continuously.

When she sensed Wang Xuan's body, there seemed to be a terrifying suction force, greedily devouring the energy in her body.

She was greatly surprised. If this continues, Wang Xuan will soon drain all the strength from her body, and she will die of exhaustion.

But at this moment, she was holding Wang Xuan, and their bodies seemed to be connected together, and they couldn't be separated.

When she was anxious and homeless, Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei, Bai Yan, Yu Shanshan and others gathered around her. Everyone stretched out a hand and put it on Wang Xuan's body, pouring out the power in his body. Transport it in.

Over the years, their strength has improved a lot, especially Bai Yan.

He has already reached the limit of true god. Over the years, he has been quietly breaking through to the heaven level. Although he is not yet the true heaven level, he is infinitely close.

And Tang Ruoyu, Zhang Haofei, Zhao Lei, Yu Shanshan and Lin Baiyu have all reached the limit of true gods.

Of course, the most powerful among them is naturally the Iron Army, which has completely mastered the power of the past Buddha, and is already a "Great Heaven" level existence.

At this moment, they all sent their power to Wang Xuan continuously, which made Wang Xuan take a breath, opened his eyes, and immediately sat cross-legged on the ground, and began to meditate, absorbing the energy of the surrounding time and space to replenish his physical strength.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but saw that the fallen gear fragments were also gathering together, re-forming the Green King, Deer Saint and Stone Ape.

However, they all seemed to be severely injured. They were all sitting on the ground, barely able to sit cross-legged and entered meditation.

Everyone on the boat was very nervous. Now Wang Xuan and the three guardians were seriously injured, and they didn't know when they would recover. If another enemy appeared at this time, they would be unable to resist it.

Wang Xuan entered into meditation, activated the infinite devouring ability of the monster, and continuously absorbed the energy of the surrounding space and time. While replenishing the energy that had just been lost, he sensed his own divinity, hoping to go further.

Just after activating the power of nothingness, he suddenly had an idea and concentrated the power of nothingness on his fist. The power of the fist of nothingness was beyond his expectation.

You need to know what kind of existence Fudomo Lishiten is. Although he has not completely broken through the Great Transformation of Freedom and become the true way of heaven, he has walked on the way further than the previous three guardians of Daikoku Zhishantian and Green King. Profound.

His swordsmanship has truly taken on the immature form of Heaven's Dao, and he has been refined into an ancient giant sword.

There are various ways in this world, which are all called heavenly ways, and his swordsmanship is also one of these many heavenly ways.

Being able to achieve the immature form of Heaven's Way is no small matter, because it means that he has taken the first step towards achieving Heaven's Way.

With just this step, countless powerful beings have been stumped in the past and today.

Wang Xuanneng punched one-third of this immemorial ancient sword into nothingness in an instant. What a power it was. It also allowed the Green King and other three guardians to seize the opportunity and strike with all their strength, shattering the Fudomoli. Zhi Tian's ancient giant sword gave Tie Jun a chance to control the boat on the other side and take them away.

"The way of swordsmanship of Fudo Moli Shiten...the way of guardianship formed by the Green King and others, including the way of perfection of the Great Black Perfection... My divinity also needs to go out of its own way if it wants to break through the Great Transformation of Freedom." …”

"The divinity has reached its limit when it reaches the Great Transformation of Freedom. At this time, it is no longer possible to naturally break through by absorbing or refining more energy... Whether it is Huang Quan, Chi Gui, or Jiu Feng, they all have their own original power. , I also have the power of the origin... If there is something fundamental, I am afraid it is the power of the origin. If you calculate it based on this..."

"The path I need to take...could it be the path of nothingness..."

While Wang Xuan was meditating, his mind was like lightning and thunder, and he suddenly understood.

Just after that blow of the Fist of Nothingness turned a third of Fudomoli Shiten's great ancient sword into nothingness, he suddenly understood what path he was going to take.

Compared with these existences, as the son of the Mother Goddess and an innate god, it is much easier for me to walk out of my own way than other creatures, because their origins already represent the way.

"In other words, when we were born, our actual origin represented the path we needed to take..."

"As long as I perfect my own power of nothingness and walk out of the path of nothingness that truly belongs to me, the natural divinity will be able to transform, break through the Great Transformation of Freedom, and become the way of heaven."

Wang Xuan's mind became more and more flexible, and the magical beasts were continuously absorbing the energy of the surrounding time and space. When these energies entered his body, the power of nothingness in his body became more and more active. Gradually, his whole body was shrouded in nothingness. in the power.

In the eyes of everyone, Wang Xuan, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly disappeared, and his body turned into nothingness.

Everyone was surprised, but they didn't dare to disturb and could only watch silently.

The Green King seemed to have some enlightenment while recovering. He opened his eyes and looked at where Wang Xuan had just been sitting cross-legged. Although Wang Xuan had disappeared now, in the Green King's eyes, he seemed to see some kind of eternity. exist.

This surprised the Green King.

"There is this kind of eternal momentum... This is a sign of the Tao... He actually started to understand the Tao during the fight just now?"

The Green King was shocked. Wang Xuan's rapid improvement made him suddenly feel inexplicable fear.

Suddenly, the fleeing boat on the other side shook violently again, and then slowed down.

The surrounding darkness was suddenly shrouded in flames, and the boat on the other side seemed to suddenly fall into the endless sea of ​​fire.

The Green King, Deer Saint and Stone Monkey all had their hearts beating wildly and stood up instinctively.

They were heavily injured and had not fully recovered, but feeling the flames around them, they all understood, and Fudo Maritsuten chased after them again.

Obviously, Fudomaritsuten's injury was not as severe as theirs. He recovered in a short time and caught up again. This time he was in real trouble.

Just now, the three guardians joined forces with Wang Xuan and tried their best to fight against Fudo Mori Shiten, but both sides were injured. Now that they have not recovered from their injuries, Fudo Mori Shiten has fully recovered, and they even feel that the flames around them are stronger than before. It was just scarier.

"Is this Fudomoli Shiten a monster? Is it even more terrifying than before?" Shi Yuan murmured: "The gods of this Father God are simply more terrifying than the last... What should we do now?"

They were injured and did not recover, but Fudomaritsuten appeared again. They watched the flames sweep in, and the shield of the ship on the other side was activated again, fighting against the flames.

Just as they had guessed, Fudomaritsuten descended in the flames again. A pair of eyes stared coldly at the people on the boat on the other side below. Flames were gathering from all directions. The strongest swordsmanship, the ancient giant sword, was about to take action again. .

Everyone looked up and watched as Fudomoli Shiten disappeared in the flames, followed by a giant sword that spanned ancient and modern times and seemed to have descended from ancient times, slowly appearing.

The terrifying ancient aura suppressed the entire time and space, and even the boat on the other side seemed to be stagnated in time and space, unable to move.

All the creatures on the boat on the other side felt the trembling from the depths of their souls.

The ancient giant sword that is about to appear at this moment is actually more terrifying and domineering than the previous one. If this sword falls, the boat on the other side and everyone will be destroyed together.

The Green King roared: "Combined——"

With his low roar, the Deer Saint and the Stone Monkey turned into countless gears and combined with the Green King to form three six-armed giants again. Although they knew they were defeated, the three six-armed giants still roared loudly and launched their own ways of protection to fight against The immemorial giant sword is about to come.

Tie Jun also shouted loudly: "Everyone takes action to support them——"

Tie Jun, as a giant with extraordinary eyesight, knows that the three-headed and six-armed giant is no match for this ancient giant sword. Now he can only exert his own power with all his strength. Although the effect may not be great, it can only be better than nothing.

As the iron army shouted fiercely, the gods of the ship on the other shore exerted all their strength and concentrated their efforts to help the three-headed and six-armed giant.

The three-headed and six-armed giant took a deep breath, looked down at the gods below, and watched the gods send out their own energy. With this breath, he sucked in all this energy and strengthened his way of protection.

Now, he has something that he really needs to protect, which is the boat on the other side and the people on it.

"When there is something that needs to be protected, the Tao has meaning. With the protection of meaning, no one can destroy it -"

The three-headed and six-armed giants roared, and their six arms opened together, turning into six rainbow lights, surrounding the boat on the other side and covering it.

These three-headed and six-armed giants continued to stretch and grow larger and larger, and finally turned into a dome, surrounding the entire ship on the other side.

The power of guardianship enveloped the entire ship on the other side. This guardianship, which gathered the power of the three guardians and the gods, actually reached an unprecedented level. Even the Green King, Deer Saint and Stone Ape were surprised. They felt this for the first time. With confidence, it is enough to fight against the ancient giant sword of Fumoli Zhitian.

With the completion of the protective dome, the ancient giant sword that was the incarnation of Fudomoli Shiten finally arrived and slashed down.

The giant sword shrouded in flames fell on the guardian dome, and the power it erupted was enough to sweep across all realms and destroy the endless universe and space. The harsh sound continued to sound, and the entire ship on the other side continued to shake violently. Everyone felt it. The pain, including Tie Jun who had reached the Great Heaven Realm, couldn't help but cover his ears, but he felt the tearing from the depths of his soul.

The stronger the strength, the more intense the feeling, and soon they will fall down one after another.

The dome formed by the three-headed and six-armed giants began to show cracks after holding on for a few seconds. However, the ancient giant sword continued to burst out with more powerful power. At the tail of the giant sword, a space-time channel appeared, containing the ancient power. Coming continuously.

And deeper, there was a long feathered snake flying in the darkness.

It turned out that there were actually a large number of Quetzalcoatl and Demon-faced Spider Tens gathering, and they all lent their power to Fudomari Shiten.

That's why Fudomari Shiten was able to exert such a powerful force at this moment and use the ancient giant sword that was unprecedentedly powerful.

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