The last building on earth

Chapter 657 Incubator

Wang Xuan thought about the appearance of a sealed giant beast in the city in the past. Tang Ruoyu once said that the giant beast was the origin of all beasts. Later, he learned that the giant beast was not sealed, but that there was a gap in the building. The giant beast came from outside the building and just wanted to enter the building through the gap.

A thought came to his mind, that is, the origin of the beasts mentioned by Tang Ruoyu. Could Fan be the mother of the blue beast, the legendary mother of beasts?

"Cangshou, do you know why this building was abandoned? If there is a Mother Goddess in this building, then where did this Mother Goddess go? Did she die?"

Cang Beast shook his head and said: "No one knows the real situation, but it is said that the Father God and the Mother God are hostile. If the Mother Goddess in this building really falls, I think it is possible to kill the Mother Goddess. Only God the Father.”

Wang Xuan nodded slightly, thinking that the three giant gods had previously joined forces to enter the land of Taichu to challenge the Father God. As a result, he now only saw the three giant gods who were suspected of being reduced to a two-dimensional existence. From this alone, he could imagine the terror of the Father God.

The Mother Goddess is basically the same existence as the Father God. Apart from the Father God, no one can say that they are sure to kill the Mother Goddess.

"Then do you know why the Father God and the Mother God are in a hostile relationship?" Wang Xuan was curious. Although he now has the power to rival half-step heaven, he is still full of curiosity about what kind of existence the Father God and the Mother God are. , and even more curious about why these two ancient and supreme beings became enemies.

Cang Beast said: "I know a little bit, it seems to be fighting for something, but I don't know what it is exactly..."

During the chat between the two, Gu Manyao finally let out a long breath and woke up from her deep meditation. She opened her eyes and looked at Wang Xuan and Cang Shou who were standing aside.

"How's it going?" Wang Xuan asked hurriedly. He could now feel that the power of the sea of ​​blood in Gu Manyao's body had gone silent. Her divinity had at least reached the heaven level, but because the power of the sea of ​​blood was too huge, Hiding her divinity, even his Zhoutian Eye could not see through her current true level of power.

"Only now do I know...I come from the sea of ​​blood..."

Gu Manyao said softly, with some confusion in his eyes. He stretched out his hands, and on his palms, there was a small blood-red light dancing. In the condensed blood-red light, one could vaguely see the surging blood sea, setting off huge waves.

Wang Xuandao: "It doesn't matter who you were in the past. In my eyes, you are Gu Manyao. You have mastered the power of this sea of ​​blood, and now your strength is probably even higher than mine."

Gu Manyao hummed, the confusion in his eyes disappeared, a smile appeared on his face, and said: "How could it be possible? I am definitely not as good as you."

Wang Xuan laughed and said: "What's so modest about this? I just learned from Cang Beast that the origin of Blood Ancestor is so great. It is said that at the beginning of chaos, it was born from the sea of ​​blood at the bottom of the earth. It appeared at almost the same time as the Father God and the Mother God. It is one of the oldest living beings. It has a complete way of heaven. Now that you have inherited all its power, your strength will only be above mine."

Gu Manyao shook his head and said: "I can't use this power well now, and I don't know how much power I can exert. By the way, where should we go next?"

Wang Xuan pondered slightly and said, "Let's go back to the building to find Ruo Yu and Zhao Lei."

"Ruoyu?" Gu Manyao was stunned for a moment, then realized that Wang Xuan was talking about Tang Ruoyu, with a half-smile on her face, and said, "You have a good relationship with her, and you call her so kindly."

Wang Xuan looked at Gu Manyao's look and immediately understood that she was a little jealous.

No matter how powerful she becomes and what level of divine cultivation she reaches, it seems that a woman's natural instinct has not changed and she will still be jealous of other women.

The blue beast opened its eyes and watched from the side, but it couldn't understand Gu Manyao's expression and didn't know what jealousy meant. Instead, it said: "Wang Xuan, are you going back to your building?"

Wang Xuan hummed, just in time to avoid answering Gu Manyao's words, and said, "Do you want me to come with us?"

Cang Beast shook his head and said: "Your building is protected by the power of the Mother Goddess. I can't enter. Unlike this abandoned building, there is no Mother Goddess anymore."

Wang Xuan thought about the previous situation where Da Yu Huan Luo Sha Tian and others were also blocked by the building, and knew that what Cang Beast said was true. Especially for a powerful being like Cang Beast, if he forcibly entered the building, it would most likely cause serious consequences. There is no need to force it anymore.

"I know, let's say goodbye then, Cangzhou, where are you going next?"

"I want to find the Sky Beast and our mother." Cang Beast's eyes were a little confused and said: "I have been sleeping in the coffin for many years. Everything here has changed, and I don't know that they have all gone. where."

"By the way, Blue Beast, I have never asked you, why are you locked in a coffin because you have offended God the Father?"

Cangshou shook his head and said: "No, because I am weak. My mother said that a disaster was coming and asked me to go there to avoid the disaster. And it was not called a coffin. It was an incubator that could hatch the Tao in it. Unfortunately, my The talent is not enough, and now only half of the Heavenly Dao has been hatched."

Wang Xuan was startled. Is that black coffin an incubator? Can you incubate your debut there? Can I use it myself?

Seemingly knowing what Wang Xuan was thinking, Cangshou said: "As long as there is no damage, you should be able to use it..."

"Then let's go take a look."

Wang Xuan became interested, took Gu Manyao, and followed Cang Beast, leaving the abandoned building and heading in the direction of the two black coffins.

Soon I saw the two black coffins again.

"So, these two black coffins are both incubators?" Wang Xuan asked.

"Yes." Cang Beast nodded.

Wang Xuan took Gu Manyao to the top of the black coffin where Cang Beast was sleeping. He looked down and saw nothing special about this black coffin. Why could it be hatched and debuted?

"How's it going, Cang Beast, is there any damage?"

The beast stretched out its hands, and a large number of tentacles extended out, wrapping around the surface of the black coffin. Soon, it overturned the black coffin.

Amidst the huge rumbling sound, the black coffin was opened. Wang Xuan saw that the bottom of the coffin was covered with a large number of subtle instruments and various circuits. Many of them looked similar to chips created by humans, but most of them were Destroyed.

"No wonder I only gained half of the Heavenly Dao... I understand, it's not that I'm too stupid, it's that the incubator... was damaged very early."

Cang Beast saw the bottom of the black coffin and murmured, with a look of sudden realization on his face.

Immediately afterwards, it overturned another black coffin, and found that the chips and instrument circuits at the bottom of that black coffin were more seriously damaged, and had obviously lost all functions.

Wang Xuan frowned, and it seemed that his joy was in vain.

"What kind of disaster is your mother talking about? Outside this building is the world of Father God. With Father God here, what kind of disaster can you do?"

Cang Beast said: "Because the three children of Father God want to kill their father..."

"The three children of God the Father are going to kill their father?" Wang Xuan's heart moved and he asked hurriedly: "Who are the three children of God the Father?"

"The three children of God the Father are Heaven, Brahma, and Hades...the three giant gods."

Wang Xuan had an incredible expression on his face, looking at the Cang Beast, the Three Giant Gods, Tian Fan Ming...are they the children of God the Father?

Cang Beast said: "Father God created many living beings and gave birth to many children. Even my mother was created by Father God... But among them, there are three most special children, and they are also the three most powerful. Because of these The three children were born from the union of Father God and Mother God. They were born by combining the advantages of Father God and Mother God. They have the qualifications to challenge Father God and Mother God."

When Wang Xuan heard this, he finally understood that the three giant gods, Tianfanming... turned out to be the union of the Father God and the Mother God to give birth to a child. After that, something obviously happened between the two parties, so the Father God and the Mother God They turned against each other and even the three giants wanted to kill their father.

"In this way, the three giant gods fell because they failed to challenge Father God... One of them, Tian, ​​was obviously betrayed..."

Combining his previous experiences, Wang Xuan began to vaguely understand that Ming and Brahma both fell and only the remaining souls remained, but their bodies were sealed in black coffins and buried in the mausoleum. Although Tian did not fall, he obviously also He suffered severe injuries and was even excluded from the building.

Later, he obtained Ming's Book of Giants by fate, allowing Ming's remnant soul to stay in his body. Later, Ming regained some of her power, failed in the battle with Tian, ​​and sent her true spirit to the land of the beginning.

Of course, he later understood that this was Heaven's plan to complete Ming's true spirit, and then opened the black coffin. Ming's true spirit returned, and the three giant gods once again entered the land of Taichu to challenge God the Father.

Now the three giant gods are suspected to have become two-dimensional existence, and the father god has also disappeared without a trace.

"If what you said is true, it seems that in the past, the Father God and the Mother God should have been loving... and they gave birth to the three giant gods together... but I don't know what happened later. The Father God and the Mother God They turned against each other. Among the three giant gods, Brahma and Ming should have sided with the Mother Goddess, while Tian was regarded as a traitor and should have sided with the Father God..."

Wang Xuan thought deeply: "The result of this battle should be that both the Father God and the Mother God suffered heavy losses. Brahma and Ming fell, and their bodies were sealed in the black coffin. Only the remaining souls were left. With the help of the Book of Giant Gods, they can find opportunities. I want to To be resurrected."

"Tian's situation seems to be slightly better than that of Brahma and Ming, but it is obvious that he has also been hit hard or suppressed..."

"But there is another problem here, that is, there should be more than just one Mother Goddess. The abandoned building we just saw also represents a Mother Goddess..."

"The Mother Goddess obviously suffered a worse fate. The building was completely destroyed, and all the living creatures inside should have been destroyed. The Mother Goddess should have completely fallen."

"But in the building we are in, although there is something wrong with the Mother Goddess, she has not completely fallen. She has also given birth to ten first-generation gods... I am the eleventh..."

Wang Xuan thought of this. As the eleventh son of the Mother Goddess, it seemed that the Mother Goddess could give birth to offspring by herself. The ten first-generation gods were all born in this way, including the ten guardians who were created by her alone. Yes, God the Father should have similar abilities.

Obviously, only the three giant gods were born from their union, so the three giant gods are the most special and should also have the most powerful strength.

"Originally, I thought that the Three Giant Gods and the Prison Ancestor almost possessed the complete level of heaven... Now it seems that I underestimated the Three Giant Gods... They may be more powerful than I thought."

After Wang Xuan chatted with Cang Beast for a while, Cang Beast basically told him everything he could know. Wang Xuan saw that Cang Beast couldn't tell him any more useful information, so he finally broke up with it and left here.

Cang Beast decided to search for Cang Beast and his mother in this infinite vast space. Wang Xuan took Gu Manyao to the building where he had been living.

There were his friends there, and in his mind, that building was his destination.

The journey continued smoothly. Although there were a large number of lives in this darkness, some strong and some weak, they were no longer a threat to Wang Xuan and Gu Manyao. They relied on teleportation and quickly returned to the nine-story building.

But even with Wang Xuan's current Zhoutian Eye, he still cannot see the entire building. He can only see the wall formed by countless gears, which is the outer wall of the building.

It is conceivable that this building is so huge that it cannot be described in terms of multiple universes. This building may contain infinite space and time in the universe.

Wang Xuan stretched out his hands, and the dark space and time in front of him was torn apart by him, and light shone out from inside. He took Gu Manyao's hand and walked in along with the light.

Stepping into the light, a blue sky appeared above, and a city below with dense high-rise buildings. However, this city was silent and there were no humans in sight. It was a dead city.

Wang Xuan is very familiar with this city. This is the city where he once lived, but now it has become an empty city, and even his parents can't be found.

Now his ability has been upgraded to another level. He can easily travel back here from the endless dark time and space ruled by the Father God, and then enter the building representing the Mother Goddess through the entrance passage of Longmao Square.

"Manyao, tell me...why we still can't find our parents and relatives?"

Now he has the strength to match half a step of heaven, and Gu Manyao has obtained the complete power of the sea of ​​blood, but they still can't find him.

Gu Manyao said: "There are two possibilities. One is that there is some kind of power that obscures all this, so we can't find it. The other is..."

Gu Manyao did not continue, but Wang Xuan knew what she meant. The other thing was their parents and relatives... The world that once existed no longer exists.

"Let's go." Wang Xuan said nothing more, leaning down, and soon he and her landed at the familiar entrance and exit of Longmao Plaza.

Passing through the entrance and exit, they entered the building.

Entering the building and appearing in a hall, this time the hall was quiet, no one was there, and the place became completely silent.

Wang Xuan looked at the elevator in the center of the hall, feeling both familiar and unfamiliar.

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