The last building on earth

Chapter 715 The First Father God (Happy New Year)

"Yes...if based on the current situation...I'm afraid it will be too late..."

The voice of the Mother Goddess slowly became lower, as if she was deep in thought.

The Mother of Origin is constantly weakening, and the time she can delay cannot make Wang Xuan, Gu Manyao and Tang Ruoyu strong enough to fight against the Mother Goddess at her peak.

"Now, there is only one way..."

The voice of the Mother Goddess soon sounded again.

"That is to go to the land of the beginning..."

"The Land of Absolute Beginning? Is that where the Three Giant Gods were sealed? Going there will allow us to improve quickly?"

Wang Xuan thought that he had entered the land of Taichu and recovered Gu Manyao's true spirit. He also saw the three giant gods beaten into a two-dimensional state and sealed there. He had thought about helping the three giant gods before, but the Mother Goddess thought that with their His current strength was still unable to help the three giant gods, so he gave up.

But in that land of the beginning, apart from the endless sea of ​​true spirits, Wang Xuan did not find anything special. Of course, they were not strong enough at the time and were afraid of the legendary Father God, so they did not dare to investigate further.

"Yes..." The voice of the Mother Goddess continued to ring in his and the two women's minds.

"The final destination of all life is the Land of Absolute Beginning... God the Father's greatest mission is to protect the Land of Absolute Beginning and ensure the safety of the Sea of ​​True Spirit..."

Wang Xuan nodded slightly and said: "So, there must be something wrong with this generation of Father God, otherwise it would be impossible for me to be able to sense and observe the sea of ​​true spirits so easily and bring Manyao back when I went in last time. But no protective Father God was found.”

As he became more and more powerful, Wang Xuan also learned more and more about various secrets, such as that the Father God rules everything, including the Mother Goddess, but needs to be recognized by the Mother Goddess, and that the Father God is not eternal, as long as Obtaining the approval of the two mother gods will have the qualifications to become the next generation of father gods. This means that the father gods are constantly changing, and each generation of father gods may face challenges from the next generation of father gods.


"The Land of Taichu is the place where Father God protects, but it is also the place where Father God sleeps. It is said that the Land of Taichu comes from the first-generation Father God. This first-generation Father God... is regarded as the true source of everything. The earth comes from the name of this first-generation Father God..."

Wang Xuan hummed, and then he realized that the name of the first-generation Father God was Taichu, and the place of Taichu was derived from this first-generation Father God, Taichu.

"This is another reason why the father gods of the past generations chose to regard the land of Taichu as a forbidden area. It is said that the first generation father god has always been sleeping in the land of Taichu, and his power formed the fruit of Taichu... The father gods of the past generations wanted to To find the Fruit of the Beginning and gain the power of the First Father God..."

Wang Xuan understood and said: "Mother God, do you mean to let us enter the land of Taichu, search for the Fruit of Taichu, and take a chance?"

"Yes... Although the chance is slim, everyone who is qualified to become the next generation of Father God will go to look for this opportunity. Originally, I wanted you to refine all three kinds of Tao souls before going... But now the time has passed It’s too late...I can’t delay that long..."

Hearing the words of the Mother Goddess, Wang Xuang snorted. In this case, no matter what risks there are in going to the land of Taichu, he will give it a try.

"Father Gods in the past have not been able to obtain this Fruit of the Beginning. Even if we go in, I'm afraid it will be difficult to succeed, right?" Gu Manyao said, after all, a being who can become a Father God will never be weaker than a peak state. Mother Goddess, what even such a being cannot obtain, what will they gain if they go there?

The voice of the Mother Goddess sounded again: "Searching for the Fruit of the Absolute Beginning is the ultimate goal... It does not mean that you can only find the Fruit of the Absolute Beginning... After all, the Land of the Absolute Beginning is said to be the body of the first-generation Father God, and there are endless things hidden in it. Mystery...Father Gods of all ages can have their own understanding there...My child, I believe you...will definitely find the way to become the true Father God there..."

"I understand, then I will go immediately." Wang Xuan made a decision and decided to go immediately without delay.

Gu Manyao and Tang Ruoyu will naturally accompany them. According to the Mother Goddess' opinion, Wang Xuan can only hope to enter the land of Taichu if he can refine all three kinds of Tao souls. Now Wang Xuan has not completely condensed even one Tao soul. It's too dangerous to enter alone, but it's different with them accompanying you. Even if they encounter any danger or enemies, they can fight together if they join forces.

The Mother Goddess also agreed that the two women would accompany Wang Xuan to the land of Taichu.

"The land of Taichu was transformed by the first-generation Father God Taichu. The body of Taichu is a world of its own. It is said that even we cannot fully understand how vast this world is... As for the Sea of ​​True Spirit, it is just a transition into this world... …”

During the introduction by the Mother Goddess, Wang Xuan took Gu Manyao and Tang Ruoyu and left the Building of Origin, gathered his aura, and rushed towards the dark distance in the distance.

Wang Xuan currently knows two ways to enter the Land of Taichu. One is to find the Sky Beast and enter the Land of Taichu through the Gate of Origin in the body of the Sky Beast. The other method is to find the ruins of a building that the Sky Beast took him to. , the ruins of the building also have a passage leading to the land of Taichu.

That building, like an ancient building, basically completely collapsed. As for the origin of this building, Wang Xuan didn't know, nor did he know who the fallen mother goddess was. Fortunately, he remembered the location of his eyes and body, and now he has He grabbed the two women and headed towards the ruins of the building at full speed.

There are a large number of dark creatures wandering in this boundless darkness, and the three of them try their best to avoid them, not wanting to cause trouble, although these dark creatures can no longer harm them now.

Fortunately, there was no danger along the way. When he finally arrived at the ruins of the building, Wang Xuan immediately sensed the Mother Goddess and wanted to ask her about the origin of the ruins of the building, which Mother Goddess world it once belonged to, and what kind of world it once belonged to. What kind of civilization has there been?

"This is the ruins of the Taichu Civilization..." The voice of the Mother Goddess sounded again, with a slight sigh in her tone.

"Taichu Civilization? Is there a Taichu Mother? Or is this a civilization that belongs to the original Father God Taichu?" Wang Xuan asked.

"The civilization of Taichu is too ancient, older than the prehistoric times, and even older than the ancient times... When I became conscious, this place was already in ruins... I don't even know if there is a Mother of Taichu... But this Civilization must be related to the first generation Father God, so there is a passage to the land of Taichu..."

Obviously, the Mother Goddess also knew that the ruins had a passage into the Land of Absolute Beginning.

Wang Xuan had been here once, and when he came again this time, he was naturally familiar with the road. He quickly led the two women to find the two metal doors in the ruins.

These two metal doors are also called the Gates of Origin. When Wang Xuan pushed open the two metal doors, what appeared in front of him was the seemingly endless sea of ​​true spirits.

The two women were slightly shaken when they saw it, while Tang Ruoyu was busy looking up.

According to Wang Xuan and the Mother Goddess, the three giant gods are in a two-dimensional state here, and the "heaven" among the three giant gods is her father.

What can be seen above are the five-pointed star, the six-pointed star and the seven-pointed star that represent the three giant gods, frozen in the void like eternity.

Wang Xuan thought of the legend that the three giant gods were children born from the union of the mother god and the father god, while the ten first-generation gods such as Chaos, Holy and Warcraft were all born from the mother god alone. The situation was different.

It's just that the Mother God has never told the origin of this Father God, or which generation of the Father God, and Wang Xuan didn't dare to ask more.

At this moment, Wang Xuan once again saw the three giant gods in a two-dimensional state above, and his curiosity arose again.

This land of the beginning seems to be empty except for the Sea of ​​True Spirit, and the Sea of ​​True Spirit is endless and seems insurmountable. This is the final destination of all living things. In the legend, every generation of Father God needs Guarding the Sea of ​​True Spirits.

"Only through the Sea of ​​True Spirit can you enter the true beginning... This Sea of ​​True Spirit is the original source of life. Only when you understand the original essence of life can you pass through the Sea of ​​True Spirit, otherwise you will never be able to Crossing the sea of ​​true spirits and entering the true beginning..."

The Mother Goddess was reminding Wang Xuan, and Wang Xuan and the two girls had already started walking towards the Sea of ​​True Spirit.

Now he finally understood why the last time he entered here, he saw nothing but the Sea of ​​True Spirit. It turned out that the Sea of ​​True Spirit was just an appearance, a passage into the true beginning.

Wang Xuan stepped into the sea of ​​true spirits in one step, feeling the endless true spirits churning in the sea of ​​true spirits. Some true spirits were struggling, some true spirits were constantly dissolving, and some true spirits were transforming...

This sea of ​​true spirits has various shapes and forms, but in the end, all true spirits will unite into one.

The two women followed Wang Xuan closely, and the three of them shuttled forward in the sea of ​​true spirits. They all wanted to understand the essence of life that the Mother Goddess said. Only by seeing through the essence of life can they pass through the sea of ​​true spirits.

"We have all become the Dao of Heaven, and even the Dao soul has been refined. How can we not know the essence of life? But why can't we pass through the sea of ​​true spirit." Gu Manyao couldn't understand.

"It shows that our previous understanding was not thorough enough, and there must be areas we ignored." Wang Xuan was relatively calm, feeling that the tsunami set off by the power of the true spirit became stronger as he moved forward, as if he had endless life here. But it seems that there is no real life at all, and all life is a unified whole.

"The Sea of ​​True Spirit, the meaning of life...the original essence..." Tang Ruoyu frowned and murmured softly.

The three of them continued to cross along the Sea of ​​True Spirits. With their speed, they could pass through multiple universes. But now, they were still trapped in the Sea of ​​True Spirits, surrounded by endless True Spirits in all directions.

Even if Gu Manyao asks the Mother Goddess for help, it won't work.

"At least... one of you must be able to comprehend before he can lead the remaining two in... I can't help you..."

The voice of the Mother Goddess became lower and lower, and finally disappeared.

Tang Ruoyu had already sat cross-legged, whispering and thinking about the nature of life.

Wang Xuan stopped talking and sat down cross-legged, feeling the endless true spirits from all directions with his heart, trying to understand the secrets of this sea of ​​true spirits.

"Instead of thinking about the essence of life, it is better to see through the essence of the Sea of ​​True Spirit. At our speed, it is absolutely impossible to cross the Sea of ​​True Spirit until now. This means that the Sea of ​​True Spirit has no real meaning. The boundary above has no probability of being long or wide, so when we enter here, no matter how fast we are, no matter how long it takes us, we will not be able to cross the Sea of ​​True Spirit..."

"Just because we are distanced in the traditional sense, it doesn't make sense here..."

Wang Xuan's eyes slowly closed. If he could see through the essence of the Sea of ​​True Spirit, he would actually understand the essence of life, and he would naturally be able to walk out through the Sea of ​​True Spirit.

Seeing Tang Ruoyu and Wang Xuan sitting down cross-legged to meditate one after another, Gu Manyao could only sit down and meditate like them, but all she could think about was what the essence of life was, and she came up with countless answers. But it all seemed wrong. After all, she was still trapped here and couldn't get out.

While Wang Xuan was sensing the Sea of ​​True Spirit, the five great avenues in his body sounded slightly together, and then the Warcraft, Huang Quan, Jiu Feng, and Red Ghost all came one after another and sat cross-legged around his body. He and the four beasts and five others One body, forming a unified whole.

In his perception, his consciousness continued to expand, and the sensing area became larger and larger, extending in all directions along the sea of ​​true spirit.

In the end, Wang Xuan felt that he should have reached the limit of what he could sense, but the sea of ​​true spirits was still endless, and he could not sense the boundary of the sea.

"Just a sea of ​​true spirits can trap us here... How can we challenge the past God Father and become the new Father God..."

Wang Xuan was a little restless. He opened his eyes and saw that the two women had entered a deep level of meditation and seemed very quiet. The four beasts around him also opened their eyes with him. Each beast seemed to be a little ferocious and looked very quiet. anger.

Wang Xuan knew that they were infected by him and that was why they behaved like this.

With a gentle breath, Wang Xuan calmed down again, and the expressions of the four beasts gradually became calmer.

"The sea of ​​true spirits is actually a unified consciousness, which can differentiate into countless true spirits. Only with true spirits can these lives have meaning. After that, these creatures are born, grow, age, and eventually die, and the true spirits return , return to this unified body of consciousness, and continue to cycle like this over and over again, maintaining a balance in the universe..."

"Yes, if there is a problem with the circulation, this balance will be broken..."

Suddenly, the Mother Goddess, who had not spoken for a long time, suddenly responded to Wang Xuan's thoughts.

"Mother Goddess?" Wang Xuan was startled for a moment, then responded: "When will this kind of cycle cause problems?"

"For example, if you find Gu Manyao's true spirit, this true spirit cannot be integrated into the unified consciousness... Or for example, as the strength becomes stronger and stronger, those powerful beings who gradually become the way of heaven, they do not fall, and their true spirits are How to return?"

Wang Xuan was startled.

"Of course...the biggest problem among the Father God...and the Mother God..."

Wang Xuan opened his mouth slightly and said in surprise: "Mother Goddess, you mean...your existence has affected this cycle and broken the balance?"

"Yes, that's why...there is eternal dusk..."

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