The last building on earth

Chapter 716 Meng Shi

Wang Xuan's heart was slightly shaken.

Eternal dusk will cause the mother goddess to fall. A great mother like the ancient mother will eventually fall, and the true spirit of the fallen ancient mother will also return to the sea of ​​true spirits and reintegrate into this unified whole.

"No, even if a being like you, the Mother Goddess, dies, the true spirit will not be easily assimilated when it returns to the sea of ​​true spirits." He remembered that it was unknown how many years had passed since Ming's death, and although his true spirit had entered the true spirit sea, but as its body appears, its true spirit returns again and is resurrected.

An existence like the Mother Goddess will never be inferior to the underworld, and its true spirit cannot be easily assimilated and integrated into a whole.

"This is the horror of eternal dusk...Eternal dusk will directly affect our true spirit..."

Wang Xuan finally understood.

"I see... Is all this a big cycle? Even the Mother Goddess cannot truly be eternal..."

Wang Xuan murmured: "Is this the essence of life? From the moment of birth, it will eventually lead to death... Can only the sea of ​​true spirit be eternal? No, I am afraid that the sea of ​​true spirit is just Eternity in a relative sense does not mean absolute..."

Wang Xuan was whispering, and the five great avenues in his body had been resonating. At this moment, he had a vague feeling, and he was connected to the sea of ​​true spirit. His true spirit statue and the sea of ​​true spirit merged into one, forming a unified whole. .

His Taoist heart has long been formed in his void Taoist world, and he has been promoted to the level of the lacking Taoist Tao. The first Tao soul is also vaguely showing signs of taking shape. It is just the last step. At this moment, as it interacts with the entire sea of ​​true spirits, the top of his head After that, the ring originally formed by countless void gears suddenly took shape.

His way of nothingness finally reached the true level of heaven.

This is the Dao soul condensed and formed by his original power, the power of nothingness. In addition to the Dao heart, the void Dao world also has this Dao soul. It becomes more and more like it has come to life, and even has a faint breath of life. Its power Immediately got an amazing improvement.

One method can lead to all methods. After realizing the first type of Tao Soul with the Void Heavenly Dao, Wang Xuan understood the true meaning of the Tao Soul. After that, he needed to refine the original power of the remaining four beasts into the Tao Soul, in harmony with the true meaning. In the resonance of the Sea of ​​Spirits, and with the help of the power of the two Mother Goddess, everything came together naturally.

The remaining Guardian Dao Soul, Immortal Dao Soul, Devouring Dao Soul, and Time Dao Soul took shape one after another.

Now the four beasts are sitting cross-legged in all directions. Except for the void soul behind his head, the heads of the four beasts have their own souls emerging one after another. The five souls are also resonating with each other. Wang Xuan took a deep breath and opened his mouth. Eyes suddenly stood up, stretched out his hands, took the hands of the two women, and stepped towards the depths of the True Spirit Sea.

This sea of ​​true spirit seems to be endless and vast, but at this moment Wang Xuan takes a step forward, and this endless sea of ​​true spirit turns into a plane, like a two-dimensional space, and he only needs to step through this in one step. Plane, it passed through the sea of ​​true spirits and entered the true primeval place mentioned by the Mother Goddess.

"After passing through the Sea of ​​True Spirit, you will enter the true body of the first-generation Father God, which can also be regarded as the true beginning..."

In their minds, the voice of the Mother Goddess sounded again, and the two women opened their eyes from meditation at this moment, knowing that Wang Xuan had an epiphany before them and saw through the nature of the Sea of ​​True Spirit, so they could pass through the Sea of ​​True Spirit and enter. The true place of the beginning.

Wang Xuan watched as the three of them entered a space after passing through the Sea of ​​True Spirit. In this space, they could see endless universes arising and dying in it. The dense universe made them unable to see it. Some scalp tingling.

Wang Xuan's spiritual consciousness can sense these universes in an instant. These are all real universes. Each universe has hundreds of millions of galaxies. It is simply unimaginable how vast this space with endless universes is.

"There are countless universes within the body of this Prime Father God?" Gu Manyao was also a little surprised.

The voice of the Mother Goddess sounded again: "Each of these universes is a cell in the body of the first-generation Father God. These countless cells constitute the body of the first-generation Father God."

"These universes are constantly born and dying, which means that these cells are constantly dying, and new cells are being born. Is the body of the first-generation Father God still alive?" Wang Xuan looked at the endless universes in all directions and couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, the first generation Father God is regarded as the origin of everything. Even if its true spirit is gone, its body is still alive and immortal..."

"In these universes... there are all kinds of opportunities hidden. Of course, whether you can get any kind of opportunities here... depends on everyone's luck..."

At this moment, Wang Xuan's consciousness had been released, and he was exploring the surrounding universe one by one. He soon made a discovery. He noticed that deep in the core of one of the universes, there was a figure. The figure was so huge that it was almost Occupying half of the universe, this figure is invisible to the creatures in this universe, but it is real, just like the dark matter in the universe.

Wang Xuan observed the figure sitting in the depths of the universe and found that its face was blurred, as if shrouded in a faint cloud. Behind its head, there were three round wheels looming, which represented the three kinds of souls, indicating the figure's His cultivation level is still below Taiyi.

"That is also a creature that has obtained the qualification to become the Father God..." The Mother Goddess also noticed it and immediately told the origin of the ambiguous person.

Wang Xuan immediately withdrew his spiritual awareness of exploration, not wanting to alarm his opponent. It seemed that the opponent had the same purpose as himself, they both wanted to enter the land of the beginning, look for opportunities, and watch him sit and meditate in that universe, maybe there. What's gained.

"Let's go, let's take a chance."

Wang Xuan took Gu Manyao and Tang Ruoyu and shuttled through the countless universes. As the Mother Goddess said, this opportunity is hard to come by, and they have no better way, they can only sense it from universe to universe.

As for the universe where the faceless person sat, they avoided it because they did not want to conflict with each other.

Soon, Wang Xuan and the two women came to a universe that was being destroyed. This universe was collapsing, and a huge black hole had been formed in the center of the universe. Countless stars were attracted by the gravity of the black hole and came towards the black hole. The galaxies are being destroyed, and endless planets are being destroyed. This scene looks very tragic.

Of course, this scene is not uncommon in space with its endless universe.

Wang Xuan witnessed the complete destruction of the universe soon. In the end, all matter was attracted by the black hole, forming a singularity with infinite density, waiting for the next big explosion to evolve into a new universe.

Wang Xuan witnessed the destruction of this universe, thoughtfully, and was about to leave. There was a surge of energy coming from the distance.

The three of them looked up into the distance with some surprise, and immediately saw that the place where the energy exploded was the universe where the vague-looking being was sitting. This energy explosion came from this person.

Wang Xuan looked towards the direction of this universe, only to see that the universe was also rapidly destroyed and collapsed. In this destroyed universe, the figure that originally occupied half of the universe began to move and stand up, and then took a step, crossing a few steps in one step. This universe is heading towards them.

"Are they coming for us?" Gu Manyao asked.

Wang Xuandao: "It seems that they noticed us." He frowned slightly. He didn't want to cause trouble, but he didn't want trouble to come to his door. Judging from the speed of the opponent's movement, they couldn't avoid it even if they wanted to.

Since the other party also has the qualifications to become a father god, he must at least be recognized by the two mother gods. I just wonder which two mother gods recognize him?

This thought passed through Wang Xuan's mind, but he saw the huge figure approaching. As it continued to approach, the huge figure quickly shrank and became smaller, and finally changed to about the same size as them, and appeared in the distance of everyone. At this moment, it was seen that it His appearance is like that of an ordinary human being, except that his face is still covered with a faint cloud, making his face vaguely visible, and he barely looks like an ordinary man in his thirties.

There were three round wheels behind this man's head. His eyes swept across and shot out two cold bolts from the clouds and fell on Wang Xuan. As for the two women, he simply ignored them.

"Only with the approval of the Mother God and the qualification to become the Father God can you enter here... How did you appear here?" The man's consciousness fluctuated, and he was a little surprised that Wang Xuan brought the two women into this place.

"If you can enter this land of the beginning, we can naturally enter too. Who stipulates that only those who have the qualifications of the Father God can enter?" Gu Manyao said with a slight smile.

Only then did the man look at Gu Manyao, his eyes flashed over, and he said: "Only one Dao soul has been achieved?" Looking at Tang Ruoyu and Wang Xuan again, he shook his head slightly and said, "You have failed to achieve three Dao souls, how can you pass through it?" It’s strange to cross the sea of ​​true spirits and come here.”

Wang Xuan saw that this man's eyesight was so powerful that he could see through their current state. And he saw that this man had three Tao souls, and he still relied on the three circles that the other party took the initiative to appear behind his head.

Of course, this man obviously has not seen through that Gu Manyao and Tang Ruoyu actually represent the two mother gods, nor does he know that he has been recognized by the Mother of Antiquity and the Mother of Origin, and has the qualifications to compete for the Father God.

"You must be recognized by at least two mother gods to be qualified to become the future father god. I wonder which mother gods you have obtained?" Wang Xuan took the initiative to speak. He was most curious about this, and he was also more curious about this. How many mother goddesses are there in the world?

Hearing Wang Xuan's inquiry, the man's eyes flashed with a thoughtful look on his face. He did not answer Wang Xuan's inquiry and said, "Could it be that you have the approval of the two mother goddesses?"

His eyes suddenly shot out two rays of light again, falling on Wang Xuan, obviously trying to see through Wang Xuan.

Wang Xuan frowned. The other party's behavior was very impolite. He immediately activated the avenue to form a barrier, but the other party obviously had special abilities. Although this divine light could not harm the enemy, it could scan some information he needed.

Soon, the man withdrew these two glances, took a deep breath, and said: "You actually got the approval of the two mother gods. A guy with only one Taoist soul can actually get the approval of the two mother gods." , it’s really strange.”

Wang Xuan saw the strange light in the other person's eyes and understood that this man was greedy when he saw that he had only one Taoist soul. After all, according to the rules of this world, if he could kill him, he could To seize the recognition of the Mother Goddess they have, for those of them who want to become a new generation of Father Gods, the more recognitions they get from the Mother Goddess, the closer they will be to becoming a true Father God. In order to gain more recognition from the Mother Goddess, Granted, they can do whatever it takes.

"You can call me Meng Shi. I am recognized by the two mother gods, Meng Hong and Yuan Shi. Since we have both been recognized by the two mother gods and have the qualifications to become father gods, now I will officially You challenge, and if one of you fails, how about you become the other person’s god?”

The man who claimed to be named Meng Shi stared at Wang Xuan with slightly glowing eyes. He had refined three Dao souls, and Wang Xuancheng had only one Dao soul. He believed that it would be easy to defeat Wang Xuan. As long as Wang Xuan agreed, once Wang Xuan failed, Wang Xuan would be defeated. It will become his god. At that time, he will be recognized by the four mother gods, and his strength will be greatly improved. Then he will have the courage to hunt more people who have the qualifications of the future father god, and finally succeed in climbing to the top. .

Wang Xuan frowned slightly, thinking about the arrival of Taiyi in the Building of Origin, carrying the power of the two mother goddesses. He and the two women were no match for them. Later, they still used the building as a carrier, and Taiyi's two However, the Mother Goddess was limited by the fact that Taiyi's body could not fully exert its power, so she was unable to defeat and retreat.

The strength of Meng Shi in front of him was obviously not inferior to that of Taiyi, and now that he was in the land of Taichu, without the Tower of Origin as a carrier, it was impossible for him and the two women to be their opponents together. This time, they were in big trouble.

"Although there is no Tower of Origin, the other party cannot borrow the power of the Mother Goddess to come..."

The voice of the Mother Goddess suddenly sounded in Wang Xuan's mind.

Wang Xuan was startled before he hurriedly responded secretly: "The other party can't borrow the power of the Mother Goddess to come?"

"Yes, this is the Land of the Beginning... It is a forbidden area designated by the Father God. Unlike the outside, the power of the Mother Goddess cannot be transferred in. All he can exert is the power of the Mother Goddess currently stored in his body, but outside The Mother Goddess cannot help him any more..."

When Wang Xuan heard what the Mother Goddess said, he immediately understood. It turns out that when entering this land of the beginning, the power of the Mother Goddess cannot be like in the outside world. She can open time and space channels and come here in an endless stream. This means that Meng Shi can now exert his power. What comes out is the power he possesses. Even if he is recognized by the Mother of Menghong and the Mother of Yuanshi, he cannot instantly summon the two mother goddesses like before, and the power can come from a long distance away.

Unless these two mother goddesses also personally passed through the Sea of ​​True Spirit, entered the land of the beginning, and came here.

But he is different.

Tang Ruoyu and Gu Manyao followed him into the land of Taichu. The heart of the Ancient Mother was hidden in Tang Ruoyu's body, and the power of the Ancient Mother existed in her body. Gu Manyao also inherited part of the power of the Mother of Origin, including the power of the Origin at this moment. Mother's true spirit consciousness also entered the land of Taichu with the help of Gu Manyao's figure.

"This means that by joining forces with them, I can hope to defeat him."

Wang Xuan felt confident.

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