The last building on earth

Chapter 727 Challenge Taiyi

Tang Ruoyu's soul now incorporates the soul of the Ancient Mother.

The heart of the Ancient Mother was partially fused with Tang Ruoyu's body. After the Ancient Mother was resurrected, she did not separate the heart from Tang Ruoyu's body, but decided to continue the fusion, including the fusion of body and soul.

Now that Wang Xuan's soul merged with Tang Ruoyu's soul, the Ancient Mother felt the same. Her soul also merged with Wang Xuan's soul at this moment. The feeling produced by this combination was far beyond the physical union.

Perhaps in her long life, the Ancient Mother has never merged with the soul or body of any living being. This feeling is the first time for her.

Tang Ruoyu's face showed a look of horror at this moment, which was the expression of the Ancient Mother, but her body hugged Wang Xuan as if out of control, and unprecedented ancient power surged in. Wang Xuan's body.

For the first time, Wang Xuan felt such a powerful ancient power. The surrounding time and space were changing, and the entire world was dyed green. It turned into an independent green world. Wang Xuan watched Tang Ruoyu actively entangle himself. On his body, both parties were in a state of soul fusion. He felt Tang Ruoyu's soul, and even felt an extremely powerful soul. Now that the souls of both parties were combined, the ancient power poured into his body continuously, constantly Strengthening every inch of Dai Ye's skin and flesh.

For the first time, Wang Xuan knew that after merging with the Mother Goddess, the Mother Goddess's power was equivalent to sharing with him. With the help of the Mother Goddess's power, his body could be amazingly strengthened and improved.

Originally, his body was already extremely powerful after refining the four beasts, but now the power of the Ancient Mother has further strengthened his body.

His body already carried the power of several mother goddesses. He could only feel the energy in his body surging like a boil. It was so powerful that he couldn't help but feel unhappy. He let out a long roar, hugged Tang Ruoyu, soared into the sky, rushed out from the gap again, and took the initiative to move toward It hit the Mother of Savagery above the darkness of the void.

At this moment, a big black hand manifested by the Mother of Wilderness kept slapping downwards, and below there was a white light, which continued to move upward from Gu Manyao's body.

It was the Mother of Origin who used Gu Manyao and her body to activate the power of origin and resist the power of the Mother of Wilderness.

Wang Xuan suddenly rushed out with Tang Ruoyu in his arms, volleyed upwards with a bang, and hit the big hand of the Mother of Wilderness above.

Under this collision, with an earth-shaking loud noise, a huge gap was opened in the big black hand of the Mother of the Wild, and the roar of the Mother of the Wild could be faintly heard from inside.

The Mother of Wilderness was angered by Wang Xuan. For her, being hurt by an ant like Wang Xuan was unbearable.

Immediately, a huge will came with anger. A space-time channel above was opened, and more wild behemoths were projected from the time-space channel. The more wild behemoths there were, the more power the Mother of Savagery could bear. The more powerful it is.

Each wild beast can withstand a ray of her power. The combined power of so many wild beasts can form a wild force that cannot be underestimated.

Wang Xuan watched the swarms of wild beasts being projected over. Around them, two big black beasts were taking shape. The next moment, one of the big black hands grabbed it and came towards Wang Xuan. The other big black hand Catch Gu Manyao below.

The ability to reveal two big black hands at the same time represents a further increase in the power of the Mother of the Wild, and the number of wild beasts that are projected through the time and space channels is still growing. The greater the number of these giant beasts, the more powerful the Mother of the Wild can be. The power exerted is also stronger.

Wang Xuan faced the attack from the Mother of Wilderness head-on. The power of Mother Menghong and Mother of Yuanshi in his body were fading rapidly. It seemed that the two mother goddesses were not willing to lend him more power to fight against the Wilderness. mother of.

However, Wang Xuan didn't care at this moment. He, Tang Ruoyu, and the Ancient Mother's souls were in a combined state. In this case, he and the Ancient Mother shared power, and he could exert the ancient power to the limit that his body could bear.

The green ancient power continued to hit the two big black hands above. The anger in the Mother of Savagery's consciousness became stronger and stronger, because the two big black hands she condensed were quickly defeated by the ancient power.

The power of origin released from Gu Manyao's body is also getting stronger and stronger, and now it has become the power of the Mother of Antiquity and the Mother of Origin to join forces to besiege the Mother of Wilderness.

The Mother of the Wild couldn't bear it. The bodies of the wild beasts she sent over were exploded by the more powerful force, and blood splattered all over the sky. As the wild beasts died one after another, the power of the Mother of the Wild was further destroyed. weaken.

"Just wait..."

The Mother of the Wild sent this message in anger, and then the wild beasts began to retreat, and the Mother of the Wild had to retreat.

These surviving wild beasts retreated into the time and space channel, and the power of the descending Wild Mother also quickly retreated.

The original fighting scene became quiet, the power of origin in Gu Manyao's body was converging and disappearing, and the mother of origin was taking back her power.

Wang Xuan breathed lightly and looked at Tang Ruoyu in his arms. He and Tang Ruoyu had finally released their soul fusion state. However, he saw that the other party's face was still flushed and his expression was intoxicated. He seemed to be enjoying the process very much.

Wang Xuan looked at Tang Ruoyu in front of him with a somewhat complicated mood. Tang Ruoyu now, from body to soul, is no longer the Tang Ruoyu she once was. Her body is fused with the heart of the Ancient Mother, and her soul is also the soul consciousness of the Ancient Mother. Combined.

It can be said that what is in front of him now is the combination of the former Tang Ruoyu and the resurrected Ancient Mother.

Wang Xuan did not expect such a combination, and he even benefited from it. His body received a strengthening from the ancient power, his body's endurance became stronger, and his strength improved again.

It is precisely because of this that the ancient power can burst out with more powerful power in his body and successfully repel the Mother of Wilderness.

"The Mother of Wilderness...will not give up...we have completely...broken with her...we need to find a way to take the lead..."

The voice of the Mother of Origin sounded in Gu Manyao's body.

"But even if we join forces, if the other party is huddled in the Wilderness Tower, I'm afraid there's nothing we can do against her."

Wang Xuan thought that although the Mother of Savagery was defeated by them and left just now, if they go to the Tower of Savagery, which is the home ground of Mother of Savagery, the situation will be different. Even if they join forces with the Mother of Origin, it will be difficult to overpower the Mother of Savagery.

"That Taiyi... as long as you defeat him... you will be able to strip away the wildness in his body and the approval of the Taiyi Mother Goddess... At that time, even if the Wilderness Mother hates you again, she will be helpless against you..."

Hearing what the Mother Goddess said, Wang Xuan nodded slightly, understanding that if he could kill Taiyi and win the approval of the Mother of Wilderness and the Mother of Taiyi, under the rules, even if the two Mother Goddess hated him, they would only be able to suppress him. Accepting oneself with a pinched nose can also help one improve the way of heaven and refine the soul of wildness and the soul of Taiyi.

By that time, he will have become the eighth level of Heavenly Dao, and with the five Heavenly Dao he possesses, the combined power will probably not be inferior to that of the Mother Goddess of the Supreme Heavenly Dao.

Thinking of this, Wang Xuan's heart was filled with excitement. Now that he only lacked four souls, he would perfect the way of heaven and be promoted to the true supreme way of heaven. He believed that the Mother Goddess would only be at this level.

"Okay, then I will go find that Taiyi immediately. Last time he challenged me, this time it is my turn to find him."

As for Tang Ruoyu, her body and soul have been integrated with the Ancient Mother. It can be said that she is the new generation of the Ancient Mother. Now the Ancient Tower has not been completely restored. She needs to stay in the Ancient Tower, so Wang Xuan took Gu Manyao. Enter this boundless dark world and look for another building where Taiyi is.

According to the guidance of the Mother Goddess, the building where Taiyi is located is the Taiyi Building of the Mother of Taiyi.

"This Taiyi should be the descendant of Taiyi's mother... who lives in Taiyi's Tower... and you can find it if you follow this direction..."

Under the instructions of the Mother Goddess, Wang Xuan took Gu Manyao and flew towards the dark depths in the distance at full speed. He penetrated a time and space channel in this dark world, and then emerged from the other end of the channel, arriving at a seemingly huge building. Incomparable building.

This building seemed to penetrate the heaven and earth, standing in this dark world. Wang Xuan sensed the familiar breath of Taiyi from a distance, and understood that this was the Taiyi Building where the mother of Taiyi lived.

"Taiyi... you and I are both qualified as Father God. Do you dare to come out... to fight me?"

Wang Xuan's spiritual consciousness penetrated in, and through his spiritual consciousness, he sent a message to the countless creatures in the building, letting all the creatures in the building understand that someone was coming to challenge Taiyi.

He believed that as long as Taiyi stayed in the Taiyi Building, he could hear his voice and knew that he was challenging him in front of countless creatures.

Wang Xuan did this intentionally, hoping to force Taiyi to lose face, agree to his challenge, walk out of the building, and fight him.

Wang Xuan is confident that his strength must now surpass Taiyi.

Just as he had guessed, Taiyi was indeed cultivating in the supreme world on the ninth floor of the Taiyi Building. Over the years, he has not challenged other Father God-qualified people, but has devoted himself wholeheartedly to the teachings of the Mother of Taiyi. Slow gradients are powerful.

Originally, he only refined three souls from the way of heaven. Over the years, with the help of the Mother of Taiyi, he has refined one soul, which means that his cultivation realm has been promoted to the fourth level of the way of heaven.

Wang Xuan's voice penetrated into his mind, and he immediately opened his eyes while meditating, with a trace of surprise and anger on his face.

He didn't expect that Wang Xuan back then would dare to challenge him today. He didn't take Wang Xuan seriously at all. He immediately wanted to reply with a good word, and then rushed out to teach Wang Xuan a lesson. He didn't want to keep comparing himself in his mind. The silent Mother of One spoke.

"You are no match for him now..."

"Mother Goddess? You said I'm not his opponent?" Taiyi was stunned. His impression of Wang Xuan still remained when he took the initiative to challenge him. At that time, Wang Xuan did not dare to fight with him alone. Not to mention accepting the challenge.

"Yes...he is...very powerful now..."

What kind of existence is the Mother of Taiyi? Her huge will was already glimpsed when Wang Xuan appeared in the distance. He had reached the sixth level in his cultivation of the way of heaven. But now Taiyi is only at the fourth level. There is a two-level gap between the two sides. , so the current Taiyi is not Wang Xuan's opponent at all.

Although Taiyi was a little unconvinced, he understood that the Mother Goddess would not deceive him, so he could only murmur: "It's true that people cannot be judged by their appearance. Could it be that his strength has improved faster than me over the years?"

He received the full help of the Mother of Taiyi, and his improvement in cultivation level was terrifying. After all, although some Father God-qualified people were recognized by several Mother Goddess, it was only a simple recognition and had nothing substantial.

And what is the origin of this Wang Xuan that he can improve faster than himself?

Taiyi was dubious. Even if the mother goddess said it, he still couldn't believe it, but he still decided to leave the building first and see what happened.

Wang Xuan landed on the top of the building and looked at the top of the building below. A gap appeared. Taiyi slowly rose up along the gap, and his whole body was filled with the strong energy of Taiyi. He was not stupid. The Mother Goddess warned him like this. He He appeared to be very careful, just in case.

As soon as he looked up, he immediately saw Wang Xuan and Gu Manyao behind him. Taiyi frowned.

In order to prevent the other party from being too frightened to leave the building, Wang Xuan deliberately displayed the power equivalent to the third level of heaven.

Taiyi saw that Wang Xuan was at the third level of heaven, one level lower than himself now, but why did Taiyi's mother warn him that the guy in front of him was hiding his strength?

With his mind spinning, Taiyi said: "Back then, when I came to you, you didn't dare to challenge me. How come you dare to come here now? You don't know that once you leave the Tower of Origin, even the power of the Mother of Origin will be greatly weakened, and you will be unable to do so." I protect you, how can you have the courage to challenge me?"

Taiyi was not stupid either. He was not deceived by the third level of heaven shown by Wang Xuan. Instead, he inquired curiously and wanted to know the reason.

Wang Xuan watched Taiyi hovering in the gap in the building below. Even if he suddenly attacked now, Taiyi's mother would definitely protect Taiyi. It would be difficult for him to kill him. Only if several mother goddesses joined forces could he be able to surrender. Mother of Taiyi, otherwise the Mother of Taiyi in the building is basically invincible.

"It would be great if we could trick him away from the Taiyi Building, but Taiyi is not stupid. Trying to trick him out of here would be even harder than directly challenging the Mother of Taiyi."

Wang Xuan had countless thoughts in an instant and launched another challenge at the same time. Just as he had guessed, Taiyi was not moved at all. He just looked at him with a half-smile, then looked up and down carefully, as if he wanted to see through Wang Xuan. .

"I heard that you have been recognized by the four mother goddesses? How did you do it?" Taiyi looked at Wang Xuan carefully. Just now he received the information from Taiyi's mother again, and now Wang Xuan in front of him has received it. The four mother goddesses recognized that their strength surpassed the fourth level of Heavenly Dao and they were not able to match it.

Over the years, Taiyi has stayed in the building to practice, and Taiyi's mother has not told him about the Land of Taichu, so Taiyi still doesn't know that he has entered the Land of Taichu to practice. Naturally, he can't understand why Wang Xuan's strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and now Become so powerful.

Wang Xuan frowned slightly when he saw Taiyi was unmoved, and then decided to take action forcefully. He now had the support of four mother goddesses behind him. Even if the opponent had the protection of Taiyi's mother, he would still dare to give it a try.

At this moment, a strong wave suddenly came from the distance.

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