The last building on earth

Chapter 734 The Ancient Titan

As the power of the two mother goddesses disappeared, the black-winged man immediately shrank to the top of the building. With only the power of him and the Mother of Savagery, he could not resist the ancient lord who had gathered the ancient giants.

Wang Xuan gathered the power of Origin, Taiyi and the Mother of Origin to still fight against the Ancient Lord.

Although this ancient lord borrowed the power of a group of ancient giants, he was still suppressed by Wang Xuan. It was just what happened to the Supreme Mother that made everyone uneasy. No one knew what happened to the Supreme Mother.

"Ancient Lord, what happened?" Wang Xuan shouted angrily again. This time he concentrated his strength. Six lotuses representing the way of heaven floated around his body, concentrating all his strength.

These six lotuses representing the six heavenly paths exploded, causing the Ancient Lord's body to shake and let out an earth-shattering roar. A large number of holes appeared on the surface of his body, and blood flowed like a fountain.

Even if it borrowed the power of a group of ancient giants, it was still unable to defeat the current Wang Xuan.

" will...understand..."

Although the Ancient Lord was injured, he opened his big mouth and let out an almost mocking laugh. Then he took long strides, still staggering, and headed towards the Savage Building.

It knew that it was no match for Wang Xuan now, so it simply gave up attacking Wang Xuan and went to attack the Wilderness Building.

At this moment, the surface of the Savage Building is covered with black energy. The woman in black, who is the incarnation of the Mother of Savagery, is in this black energy. The man with black wings is standing next to her, both of them looking ugly.

The man with black wings has been secretly sensing the mother goddesses such as the Mother of Daluo, hoping that they can come, but unfortunately these mother goddesses have become silent.

There was an earth-shaking loud "boom", and the giant arm waved out by the Ancient Lord fell down, hitting the Savage Building. Although the Savage Building was protected by black energy, it was still shaken.

Wang Xuan's attack from the rear also hit the Ancient Lord again.

The Ancient Lord's body was also swaying, his back was covered in blood, and a huge blood pit was blown out, with bones and internal organs exposed inside.

But the Ancient Lord ignored it and continued to attack the Savage Building. It seemed that destroying the Savage Building was its primary goal.

However, the Ancient Lord had been seriously injured after being attacked by Wang Xuan several times, and his strength had weakened. Now he could no longer break the black energy protection outside the Savage Building.

Wang Xuan stretched out his hands, and an endless stream of power went towards the ancient lord. Now the three mother gods are equivalent to using his and Gu Manyao's bodies to concentrate their power together, all contained in the six heavenly ways of him and Gu Manyao among.

These six heavenly paths merge together and look like a universe, emerging from the void and constantly coming towards the ancient lord.

The Ancient Lord realized that something was wrong and wanted to dodge, but found that his body was completely sucked in. This fusion of the six heavenly paths that looked like a universe was already coming towards him. It had no way to avoid it and could only block it head on.

With an earth-shattering roar, the ancient lord understood the terror of the six heavenly ways that resembled the universe, and released a stronger divine light from his body. The power of the surrounding ancient giants was concentrated into his body as much as possible, and then with the most powerful force The powerful ancient power can fight against Wang Xuan's six heavenly powers that combine the three mother goddesses, himself and Gu Manyao.

The ancient power turned into the divine light reaching the sky, resisting the descending fusion of the six heavenly ways that resembled the universe.

Upon contact, the divine light reaching the sky was obviously no match, and was quickly bent. A large amount of divine light shot out in all directions along with the cosmic power of heaven, and the dazzling light tore through the endless darkness all around.

The Ancient Lord let out an earth-shattering roar, and his raised arms could not withstand the power and began to break and shatter.

On the top of the Savage Building on the other side, a man with black wings and a woman in black, the embodiment of the Mother of Savagery, are floating on the top of the building, surrounded by surging black energy.

The Mother of Wilderness still looked cold. Seeing that Wang Xuan was now powerful enough to suppress the Ancient Lord, she was relieved of her siege, but she was not grateful. What she was thinking now was that if Wang Xuan killed the Ancient Lord, what would happen? I am afraid that it will attract the attention of the mother goddesses from all sides, and maybe a new mother goddess will take the initiative to recognize Wang Xuan.

Wang Xuan will take a step further in the fight for the future Father God, and at least compete with the black-winged man.

How should she help this man with black wings get the credit for killing the ancient lord?

Seeing the ancient lord's arms shattered, and the power of the six heavens crushing down, the Mother of Savagery understood that after this blow, the ancient lord would be severely injured even if he did not die. This was the time when his power was at its weakest. If you take action at the right time, you may be able to get the credit for killing the ancient lord.

She was just about to alert the man with black wings when she suddenly sensed something. She looked up and saw a huge black shadow.

This black shadow covered the void above, and a huge palm stretched out, slamming down from top to bottom.

The sudden incident shocked even the powerful Mother of the Wild. Her first reaction was to activate the power of the wild in the Wild Building, and seal it towards the palm grabbed from above. She also took action at the same time, rushing towards the top. go.

The man with black wings was in it, feeling as if his body was being squeezed by an invisible force, and was about to be torn apart. In surprise, he rushed away at full speed to one side.

As soon as he rushed out, he saw the giant hand appearing above the Savage Building slamming on the top of the building. Just now, the Mother of Savagery and the force of Savagery that shot out only blocked this big hand for a moment, and then The woman in black who appeared as the Mother of Wilderness and the top of the building were smashed to pieces by giant hands.

The Mother of Wilderness screamed in terror. Even Wang Xuan, who had originally attacked the Ancient Lord with all his strength, couldn't help but be distracted and looked towards the Wilderness Building, and saw the beast protruding from the dark void above. His giant palms had already pressed down on the Savage Building. The entire building was crumbling down from the top like a piece of rubbish, and the powerful Mother of Savagery had no ability to resist at all.

"How is it possible?" Wang Xuan felt shocked. The energy contained in the giant hand stretched out was so terrifying, even more than his own who had gathered the power of the three mother goddesses. That day, the ancient lord borrowed the energy of a group of ancient giants. With such power, one blow only destroyed one-third of the Taiyi Building, and was unable to destroy the entire building in an instant.

And now, this mysterious giant hand has done it.

At this moment, Wang Xuan understood what happened to the previous Supreme Mother.

The Supreme Mother must have also suffered a sudden attack from this giant hand. The building could not withstand it and collapsed instantly. The billions of time, space and creatures in the building were destroyed.

Everything about the Mother Goddess comes from the building and the endless creatures inside. Once the building is destroyed and these creatures perish, the Mother Goddess will no longer exist.

It can be said that this giant hand suddenly destroyed the foundation of the Savage Building and wiped out the creatures inside. The Mother of Savagery lost the root of her existence. Even if she is an eternal existence, she will no longer be able to exist.

"Run away!"

The voices of the Mother of Origin and the Mother of Taiyi rang in Wang Xuan's mind, and their voices became more dignified and shocked than ever before.

Wang Xuan is not stupid either. The power displayed by this mysterious giant hand is beyond what he can resist now. If he stays here any longer, he may be the next one to suffer.

With almost just a thought, he grabbed Gu Manyao, opened the space-time channel, and fled here at full speed.

Even the Ancient Lord didn't care to continue attacking.

Wang Xuan instantly opened the space-time passage to Taiyi Tower that was closer to here. When they appeared again, they appeared above Taiyi Tower.

The Mother of the Origin has quietly withdrawn her power, and the scene just now shocked several mother goddesses.

"Mother Goddess, what is the origin of that giant hand? It's so... so terrifying." Wang Xuan immediately asked the Mother of Origin and the Mother of Taiyi, hoping to get the answer. As for the Mother of Wilderness, I'm afraid it's more likely to be a disaster. .

"Ancient... giant god..."

The mother of Taiyi's voice became a little astringent as she spoke the name.

"The Ancient Titan?" Wang Xuan was startled and immediately thought of the legend. Before the ancient times, there was the even more ancient Ancient Era. The ruler of this Ancient Era was called the Ancient Titan.

According to legend, the ancient giants are the descendants of the ancient giants. The ancient lord is the most powerful among these ancient giants. It was the ancient giants who gave him the power to dominate the ancient era.

It can be said that the ancient giant is truly living in the history of an extremely ancient past era, and it is also an existence that makes all living beings awe and fear.

"The ancient giant finally came back to life... It seems that the Supreme Mother was also attacked by the ancient giant, so she fell... The mother of the wilderness is also in danger..."

The Mother of Origin sighed slightly, first the ancient giant was resurrected, and now even the ancient giant who was more afraid of the situation was alive. The situation has become more and more serious.

"Even if the ancient giant is resurrected, why would it attack the building..." Gu Manyao couldn't help but ask.

"Because our mother goddess and they belong to different inheritances... As long as the ancient giants and ancient giants are resurrected, they will definitely kill us... and create their own system and inheritance..."

Gu Manyao was startled for a moment, then said: "Then what should we do now? What if the ancient giant comes and attacks the building where we are?"

Seeing the terrifying attack power of the giant hand that just appeared, it is obvious that the strength of this ancient giant is even greater than that of the ancient lord who has gathered the power of ancient giants. It can't be resisted by just a mother goddess and a building.

"Send this news out immediately... The Ancient Titan is resurrected and wants to kill all the Mother Goddess... We need to unite the power of the Mother Goddess..."

The mother of Taiyi's voice became calmer: "As long as the mother gods unite, even the ancient giants will not be our opponents."

"That's right... not only the Mother Goddess, but also the Father God... The mission of the Father God is to protect the Mother Goddess when foreign enemies appear..."

Suddenly, a voice sounded, and Wang Xuan looked up, only to see a space-time crack appearing in the void, and a familiar breath came from the crack.

This breath, with a sharp energy, is the power of Daluo that is said to be able to cut through everything.

The mother of Da Luo actually arrived.

"Without the former Father God, we Mother Goddess will unite to create a new Father God... Now it seems that you are the only candidate."

From the power of Da Luo, a woman wearing a blue gown was born. This was the incarnation of the mother of Da Luo. She stared at Wang Xuan as she spoke. Obviously, she had identified Wang Xuan.

Wang Xuan thought of the black-winged man she had identified before. According to the rules, the Mother Goddess could only recognize one Father God-qualified person at the same time.

As if she knew what Wang Xuan was thinking, Da Luo's mother said: "In principle, it is not possible, but that person who is qualified as Father God has admitted his failure, so I will also withdraw my original approval of him. Now, I will I approve of you..."

"Why are you still dazed? Hurry up and accept my power. We... don't have time..."

As the mother of Da Luo spoke, she stretched out her hands, and a vast force of Da Luo fell from the sky.

Wang Xuan was shocked, knowing that the ancient giant might come at any time, or kill other mother goddesses. He had to become stronger as quickly as possible in order to stop it.

Wang Xuan gathered his thoughts and immediately sat cross-legged. Four beasts appeared around him, and seven divine rings appeared behind them. Now he began to accept the power of Da Luo. He needed to rely on the recognition and strength of Da Luo's mother to condense the eighth path. Divine ring.

The Mother of Origin and the Mother of Taiyi are silently guarding the side. It can be said that the appearance of the Ancient Titan has shocked all the Mother Goddess. In the past, it was not easy for Wang Xuan to gain the approval of the Mother of Da Luo, but now, Da Luo's mother had no choice, so she took the initiative and chose Wang Xuan.

An endless stream of Da Luo power poured into the bodies of Wang Xuan and the four beasts, and began to help them condense the fifth Tao soul.

Once this soul is completed, Wang Xuan will reach the eighth level of Heavenly Dao, his strength will be further improved, and his physical strength will also be strengthened, allowing him to withstand more energy.

Gu Manyao stood aside anxiously. What she was most afraid of was that before Wang Xuan could condense the eighth divine ring, the ancient giant would arrive first, and everything would be over.

Now they cannot stop the ancient giant.

"The building cannot be moved, and the Mother Goddess can only passively defend... If the resurrected ancient giant is not killed... the Mother Goddess will gradually fall..."

The Mother of Origin whispered, and the Mother of Taiyi said: "Let's start, let's send out the news here... I hope he can get the recognition of more mother gods. Only in this way can we have hope by gathering the power of our mother gods. Kill the ancient giant..."

The two mother gods began to use their special methods to resurrect the ancient giants, and the news of killing the Supreme Mother and the Mother of Wilderness spread out. At the same time, they informed these mother gods of Wang Xuan's existence. Now the only way to let the king Only when Xuan is recognized by the mother gods and becomes the new generation of father gods can he kill the ancient giant and protect all the mother gods from harm.

At this moment, behind Wang Xuan and the four beasts, the eighth divine ring is slowly emerging.

A muffled thunder came from the depths of ancient darkness, and with this muffled thunder, an ancient giant appeared, shaking its huge body, and began to approach.

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