At this moment, in a room in the meeting hall.

Shen Chen is looking at the distribution of the major areas of the Free City today.

In front of him is a huge display screen, which shows the regional division pattern of the Free City today.

Among them, the most core locations are the meeting hall and the East Capital Research Institute, both located in the center of the Free City, surrounded by several military divisions to ensure that the armed forces can arrive at any time.

Then around the core area is the high-end residential area, where the residents are either rich or noble, and are all family members of the big bosses of the meeting hall or senior military officers.

In addition, some high-level awakeners also have free properties here, and others are individuals who have earned huge contribution points and can buy them freely here.

Its population density is very close to that of the old empire, neither empty nor crowded. It is equipped with large and small supermarkets, medical stations, community centers, gymnasiums, museums, and recently newly built cinemas and theaters.

After all, after the end of the world, people generally have great psychological pressure. If they do not rely on entertainment projects to alleviate it, I am afraid that many violent incidents will arise.

Further out, there is the ordinary residential area, which is about three times the size of the high-end residential area, but has more than ten times the population.

Mainly workers who sell labor in major factories and facilities in the Free City.

And ordinary hunting teams who get free tickets outside and enter the Free City.

This place is bustling and noisy almost 24 hours a day. Although there is good public security and order, there are occasional fights.

But compared with the situation outside the city where people lose their lives from time to time, this place is simply a paradise. Many ordinary people who enter the Free City for the first time are so excited that they burst into tears, as if they have returned to the embrace of the old empire.

Their quality of life is naturally not comparable to that of the old empire. If they want to continue to stay in the Free City, they must show their value and create benefits for the city.

Selling cheap labor is naturally the easiest to be replaced. Most people work in some workshops and farms.

Get a small amount of contribution points every day, and even eat and drink carefully.

But they are already very satisfied. After all, being able to stay in the Free City is the biggest reward. There are countless people outside the city who are eager to replace them.

The more advanced ones are to sell their brains and work in various places in the city that require research and brains.

The contribution points are naturally much higher, enough for them to go to some entertainment venues to relax after a period of time.

And every time at this time, they often get drunk, between sobriety and unconsciousness, as if they can see the bubble of their old life.

The marginal areas are various industrial production areas to ensure sustainable production.

It can be said that after sufficient preparations before the end of the world, the Free City is fully capable of standing firm in the end of the world.

Looking at the huge display screen, there is a professor wearing glasses next to him introducing Shen Chen one by one.

"Chen'er, do you see if there is anything missing?"

Shen Fei came behind Shen Chen at some point and asked lightly.

Shen Chen thought for a while, and then slowly replied-

"Education base."

Shen Chen raised his head and looked at the overall pattern of the Free City.

"Although this is a sector that will not get returns in the early stage, if you want long-term development, continuous and lasting talent replenishment is essential."

Shen Fei nodded slowly.

"Indeed, although we are now issuing "freedom vouchers" in batches and constantly replenishing talents, this is not a long-term plan. After all, after a period of time, there will be several waves of zombies and demons, and there will probably not be many survivors left outside.

"The matter of the education base should be put on the agenda as soon as possible."

Shen Chen looked at Shen Fei's eyes and suddenly laughed-

"Then what do you think, father, what kind of education method should we adopt..."

Seeing Shen Chen's appearance, Shen Fei's mouth corners were also slightly raised-

"What are we father and son still playing? I don't believe we can't think of the same thing..."

Shen Chen said: "After the end of the world, the education system of the old empire is obviously no longer suitable for the Free City. I think it's time for us to restore the obsolete, ancient but extremely useful education system."

"I will start to arrange it. ”

In the old empire, education was free and loose, encouraging education and happy education, which was the choice after democracy.

But policies always change with the times.

Their revived education system must fit the tone of the end of the world.

“By the way, father, is the network system established?”



The end of the world is coming, allThe infrastructure of the Internet was destroyed.

The information technology that can be used at present is only the internal network between the high-level officials of the Free City.

Many people miss the old empire, and one of the most important reasons must be the network system of the old empire.

If only we could go online after the apocalypse...

This is the inner wish of many survivors, but they also know that this is probably an impossible dream.

After all, their lives are hard enough. The survivors living in the camp outside the Free City are worried every day when they sleep, fearing that they will never open their eyes again if they close their eyes one night.

Needless to say, the quality of life has plummeted to the feudal period.

There is no water and no food, and many people starve to death in the camp. Some people would rather starve to death than go to a distant place to hunt zombies.

Although some hunter teams can exchange crystal sources for food and resources, only they know the degree of danger.

Almost every few days, new members have to be replaced. Some hunter teams established early have no one who is the earliest founder.

Life after the apocalypse is bleak, and there are more and more violent incidents in the camp. The only remaining order has gone out of control.

In order to protect themselves, many people are forced to join large teams, or leave the camp and find a place to live alone.

The walls of the Free City are still so majestic and tall, as if they can stand for a hundred years without changing.

They really want to go in, at least they can find a partner and give birth to children in peace, and continue their bloodline in this damn apocalypse.

But as time goes by, the issuance of "freedom tickets" is getting less and less, and the price in the black market is getting higher and higher, so high that ordinary people are desperate.

It has been two weeks since the "black fog tide", and many people still remember the miserable situation that night. If there is another wave of magic tide that night, they dare not guarantee that they can survive.

This life is really worse than death!

This is the psychological state of many humans outside the camp at this moment.

Suddenly one day, a piece of news came from the city of freedom. The news rang through the radios of every survivor, and countless numb hearts began to beat.

This news——

is the "Guardian Selection Program".

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