Countless survivors shouted excitedly on the Internet, venting the psychological pressure since the end of the world.

Many people's resentment towards the end of the world has been reduced a lot after the emergence of the Internet. At least for the first time, they found that the future is not hopeless.

The end of the world has just come, and the Internet has been initially restored. Maybe in the near future, the end of the world can be isolated and the life of the old empire can be completely restored!

Anyone who thinks of this will rekindle their faith in life, even though their current environment is a dark and dilapidated corner.

In addition, many people found a lot of communication traces after logging on to the forum for the first time.

Only after a closer look can we understand that they are all people in the Free City!

There will be special marks on their accounts, showing that they are the original residents of the Free City.

It turns out that the Free City has access to the Internet earlier than the outside world!

But think about it, this is normal, after all, this network system was developed by the Free City.

Facing the human survivors outside who were surprised and frightened, the residents of Free City showed their pride and superiority as city residents.

"Hey, let them in!"

"The forum is full of smoke as soon as they come in."

"The higher-ups are still too kind. In my opinion, why give these desperate people access to the Internet? Isn't it better for us to use it in Free City?"

"Oh, we should understand. After all, our Free City is the light of mankind. As long as these unmarked netizens know how to respect us when they see us, that's enough."

"Yes, if they can kowtow to us, we don't mind using the same network with them."

"After all, this is developed by our Free City. It's a great blessing to give them free use!"

Naturally, these superior remarks will inevitably lead to verbal battles.

For a time, this small forum, which had just been born, was filled with all kinds of posts and bombarding messages.

Many human survivors were chewing moldy bread in the corners of their little nests, typing furiously, arguing with others online.

From a humorous perspective, this was the first online war of words after the apocalypse.

The administrator of the Red Dragon Network in the Free City did not make any comments on these accusations and abuses, and let them develop.

After all, the pressure of the apocalypse needs to be vented, and the Internet is responsible for this important function.

When the human survivors thought of the forum war tonight, they were extra careful and cherished their lives when hunting zombies during the day.

When the laborers in the Free City thought that they could go online and fight with others after work, their arms were particularly strong.

In the gloomy apocalypse, the emergence of the East City Network was a small injection of vitality...


One day later.

The more than 4,000 human survivors who had signed up began to enter the Free City one after another with the special forces.

It is worth mentioning that about 500 people lost contact.

Whether it was death or regret, it didn't matter, no one cared.

Thousands of people were under the walls of the Free City. During the time when the gate was open, some said goodbye to their families, some formed alliances secretly, and some closed their eyes to rest.

Finally, under the gaze of countless people, they entered the Free City.

It was said that they would be airlifted to an island surrounded by dangers by transport planes, facing not only the sinister human hearts, but also the low-level monsters and zombies on the island.

In the crowd, Zhuang Shengxu stood quietly without sadness or joy.

He entered the gate with the crowd, and finally a trace of emotion appeared on his face.

I saw rows of troops patrolling in an orderly manner. On the open space on both sides of the road were parked high-end armored vehicles that were basically not seen outside, and there were several maintenance staff next to each vehicle.

Sparks of welding flashed, the smell of engine oil diffused, and countless people shuttled in an orderly manner, distributing supplies, transporting goods, and even high-precision robots were put into work.

The buildings in the distance are arranged in an orderly manner, showing a sense of orderly order.

Is this...

Freedom City?

Not only Zhuang Shengxu, many people opened their mouths wide. This was the first time they saw the scene inside the Doomsday Barrier.

Compared with the scene of the tip of the iceberg in front of them, their camp outside was as backward as a primitive tribe. No wonder countless people tried their best to squeeze into Freedom City...

"Okay, everyone! Be quiet. Let me introduce myself first. My name is Ran Cheng, a colonel in the Freedom City Military Department."

A huge loudspeaker sounded, and everyone looked at the source of the sound.At the place, a middle-aged man wearing a three-star military badge stood high in the open space, holding a big loudspeaker.

"Do you see those large transport planes over there?" Ran Cheng pointed to several large transport planes parked in the open space on the left.

"It will transport you to Devil's Island later for a week-long battle royale game..."

A smile appeared on Ran Cheng's face:

"I would also like to remind you that there are not only you participants, but also some awakened people in the Free City..."

When these words came out, everyone's eyes widened.

What, awakened people?

"But don't worry, they will be restricted in their abilities and compete with you fairly. In addition, there are some...monsters with amazing means and minds..."

Before the people below reacted, Ran Cheng had already opened his arms and said excitedly:

"Friends, our Free City has placed the fruits in front of you. Whether you can eat them depends on your ability. Enjoy this——

"Slaughter feast! "


The transport plane began to make a deafening sound, and many people covered their ears. There was a brief commotion at the scene.

Several drones hovered in the sky, casting a small shadow.

When they looked at each other, they could see a fire called ambition in each other's eyes.


Zhuang Shengxu followed a group of people on the transport plane in a hurry.

He put on the watch issued by the administrator and sat in his seat. The smell of the big man next to him made him feel a little uncomfortable.

About half an hour, everyone boarded the transport plane, and with a loud bang, It slowly took off and rose to a high altitude.

This was Zhuang Shengxu's first time on a plane, and also his first time seeing the full view of the Free City.

Only from this perspective can one deeply understand how majestic and grand this doomsday city is. The majestic city standing on the doomsday wasteland is isolated from the despair of the outside world.

Like Zhuang Shengxu, many people looked down at the Free City in a daze, and a thought arose in their hearts-

Perhaps in a few years, this place will become the center of the empire.

In a few hundred years, it may be the holy city in the hearts of all doomsday humans!


Must squeeze into the Free City!

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