"At 3 pm on November 11, the 23 of us were dropped off at the outskirts of Dongling City. We were not informed of the content of the trial or any related information. We only knew that we needed to go to the north of Dongling City.

"Then, I went to Dongling City alone, searching for more information as I headed north. At around 7 pm, I accidentally ran into the signal left by Xuan Mu, and met him in an abandoned shopping mall in the north of Dongling City, and reached a cooperation agreement.

"After that, we expanded the search area separately. At 5 am on the 12th, I accidentally discovered a military factory and obtained enough explosives from it. At the same time, I received Xuan Mu's signal and met him at an observation tower. At this moment, there were three other contestants who reached a cooperation agreement.

"It was also here that we discovered the weirdness of this shelter.

"After that, three members including me sneaked into the shelter. At this time, there were already five contestants inside. Xuan Mu and others used the information we conveyed to install explosives around the shelter and other places."

"Then, after we successfully tested the leader of the shelter, we planned to threaten her with explosives to obtain more information, so as to have a more accurate control of the situation..."

Shen Chen raised his hand and interrupted the snake girl's narration.

"This is your first mistake. First of all, let me ask you, why did you enter this shelter?"

"Because... because this shelter is very abnormal. In Dongling City, where there are so many monsters, the defensive fortifications that can be observed visually are obviously not enough."

"Okay," Shen Chen put down his hand and continued to ask: "Then have you figured it out? Before preparing to threaten Miss Xia."

The girl in the white dress slightly side-eyed, glanced at Shen Chen with her peripheral vision, and then immediately retracted her eyes, as if she was afraid of being discovered.


"That is, you are ready to use force without knowing the strangeness of this shelter. As for the result, there is no need for me to continue to talk about it."

The snake girl lowered her head.

Shen Chen turned his eyes to a bookish man.

"Xuan Mu."

"Master, I'm here!"

"How were you discovered?"

"At 4 pm on November 13, I accidentally found an old woman when I was placing explosives under the shelter through the underground passage. She was in the dungeon at the time, and I communicated with her through bone conduction.

"From her, I learned some secrets of this shelter. According to her, everyone in the shelter is mentally ill, crazy and willing to sacrifice their lives for a certain concept, and will severely exclude anyone who does not agree with this concept.

"That concept seems to be - something about harmony, peace and happiness..."

"Harmony, happiness and happiness."

A voice suddenly sounded, and everyone looked at it. The girl in the white dress immediately shifted her sight and looked elsewhere.

Xuan Mu continued: "During the conversation, I can conclude that the truthfulness of what she said is as high as 90%, so I asked for more information on the condition of saving her.

"At 5 pm on the 14th, she told me that she would take the oath in the evening, and the meeting time was changed to the next morning. So at 4 am on the 15th, I went to find her as agreed, and then..."

Xuan Mu paused.

"Then I was arrested."

"Puff! "

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice again, and the girl in the white dress quickly suppressed her smile.

Shen Chen did not sneer, but said lightly-

"In essence, it is because you lack knowledge of doomsday mysticism. Even if you are exposed to superpowers, your thoughts and strategies are still stuck in the old empire. You have never considered the existence of means that can control people's thoughts...

"If the old woman had not been assimilated by Miss Xia, your judgment would be good. She would not betray your existence for the sake of her life."

After Shen Chen finished his comments, Xuan Mu continued:

"In the dungeon, the plan of explosives was exposed. I looked for an opportunity to escape and accidentally entered a dilapidated laboratory. I found some special residual corrosive liquid in it. I found that the corrosive liquid can melt the superpower handcuffs and restore my superpowers."

Hearing this, some contestants were shocked.


Is this also something you can say!

Damaging superpower handcuffs and restoring superpowers, isn't this cheating?

Shen Chen remained calm, and said calmly:

"Indeed, the lowest-end power locks were given to you during the trial, and there is indeed a chance to destroy and restore the power."

"A few days later, I successfully restored my power and went to the shelter. I happened to observe the confrontation between the snake girl and the leader of the shelter, so I burst out my power and caused the monsters to riot..."

Shen ChenHe raised his hand again to interrupt him, and laughed softly:

"There is a little strategy, but that's all. First, as I said before, you are stuck in the past empiricism. I admit that you would be an excellent killer and strategist in the old empire. Unfortunately, in the doomsday, all kinds of supernatural powers and abnormalities occur frequently, and you are obviously not prepared for this.

Second, you and the snake girl are in a cooperative relationship. After you were exposed, you never conveyed any information to her. Although it was for self-preservation, at least she fell into a passive position because of this information gap.

"If all your partners died, do you think you can turn the tide by yourself? Obviously, you don't have this ability at present.

"Third, it's also a problem for all of you. You have never explored the truth of the incident from beginning to end, but just acted rashly based on experience."

Shen Chen didn't seem to be interested in talking anymore, and waved his hand to let him leave.

At this moment, under Shen Chen's sweeping eyes, many people were sweating.

What shocked them was that Shen Chen did not mention Xuan Mu's deliberate destruction of the supernatural lock. What shocked them even more was that Xuan Mu, one of the most capable people among them, was criticized so harshly. Shen Chen did not speak, but continued to look at the people present, his eyes lost in thought. "Zhuang Shengxu." "Ah, I'm here." Hearing his name being mentioned, Zhuang Shengxu's expression tightened, and he stepped out with his fists clenched. Shen Chen sighed and looked Zhuang Shengxu up and down. This was also the first time Shen Chen looked at him closely. He had a handsome face and was not very old. At this moment, his face was visibly nervous and he did not dare to look Shen Chen in the eye. "You are an A-level awakener..."

Shen Chen said slowly, "Did you awaken unexpectedly during the Battle Royale trial?"

"Yes! I...I accidentally discovered that I awakened my A-level domain ability during the Battle Royale trial, and then I cooperated with Zhou Sique and let him lead me to win the trial, while I hid my ability."


"Then, then we passed the first level, and then...then the second and third levels, I successfully passed them by myself and my own strength."

Zhuang Shengxu swallowed his saliva and continued:

"In this trial... Zhou Sique and I..."

"You sneaked into the shelter in a daze, and then you experienced the confrontation between the snake girl and others and Miss Xia in a daze.

"Finally, you finally couldn't help it and burst out the A-level ability that you had hidden for a long time. I thought you could bring me some surprises, who knew..."

Shen Chen paused and considered his words-

"You made a big mistake. "

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