【In the year of Doomsday, two months after the "Black Fog Tide".

Most of the former imperial cities have become ruins, with zombies and monsters wandering on the ruins.

In addition, some cities have established doomsday bases under the leadership of some outstanding humans, continuing the survival of mankind.

Shelters and doomsday bases have become the main living units, the traditional concept of the country has gradually disintegrated, and the newly emerging doomsday class has replaced the old national government and assumed the responsibility of maintaining order.

Resources are scarce, and paper money has lost its value. Material exchange has become the main economic form.

Of course, there are exceptions. For example, within hundreds of miles of the super-large doomsday base Free City, the contribution point economic system promoted by Free City has been widely spread and recognized.

The issuance of an economic currency obviously requires a super strong and convincing force to endorse it, and Free City, as a large force that has been at the forefront of mankind since the doomsday, can naturally assume this responsibility perfectly.

A new social structure began to take shape, during which a small group of humans called awakeners reaped the greatest benefits. The most famous event was the "Guardian Incident" in Free City.

According to the author's research, the seven first-generation guardians all successfully awakened S-level abilities, and quickly helped the Free City to open up the surrounding roads and successfully recovered the territory of the eastern half of the area.

This step is often considered to be the first typical representative event of the expansion of the Free City.

At the same time, at this point in time, the other doomsday bases were also developing slowly, exploring the doomsday with youth and caution, and became famous forces in later generations.

In order to write this book, the author read a lot of information about the early days of the Free City, and had to sigh at the sacredness of the Free City. Just like all historians who pay attention to that period of history are shocked.

We can't imagine-at the beginning of the doomsday disaster, under such a chaotic and unpredictable situation, how the predecessor of the current Holy City, the Free City of that era, took every step as perfect as if written by God. 】

-Excerpt from "Age of Disaster Volume 1"


Free City.

In the Freedom Building.

The first Free Parliament of Free City is now being held.

Originally, Shen Fei wanted Shen Chen to come on stage in person, but Shen Chen refused and sat in the corner of the stage.

However, the strange thing is that although Shen Chen has been keeping a low profile, all the senior managers who came to the scene sat up with Shen Chen as the core.

So the central position that was originally in the core has become a second-level position, and the elders of the Shen family, Xiao family, and Bai family, the bigwigs of Free City, all sit around Shen Chen.

This Free Parliament is the highest parliament of Free City. All the bigwigs will attend, including the rest of the shelters under the rule of Free City, which will also send representatives to participate.

It has been two months since the doomsday, and Free City has successfully formulated a system and order that adapts to the doomsday society from its initial establishment to now.

Cleaning up monsters and zombies, building an awakened army, absorbing doomsday talents into the city, launching high-end combat power guardians, annexing large, medium and small shelters around Free City, and successfully building an Eastern Alliance with Free City as the core.

Until now, the Free City has finally achieved stability, has the capital to gain a foothold in the doomsday, and has the prototype of the light of humanity.

The top floor meeting room of the Freedom Building.

Countless bigwigs and high-level people attended in their best clothes, and they couldn't help but straighten their chests when they stepped into the room.

Because being able to participate in the Free Parliament is a supreme honor, a capital that countless people look up to, which means that they have been recognized by the Free City!

When they saw a handsome young man sitting quietly by the window at the back, everyone's eyes unconsciously showed surprise and admiration.

If the bottom layer doesn't know Shen Chen, how can they not know him!

That is the true soul of the Free City-the only S-level second-level awakener at present.

It can be said that Shen Chen has half the credit for the Free City to be what it is today!

If you can get his appreciation, you will soar to the sky and rise to prominence in the power structure of the Free City.


Half an hour later, everyone was seated.

Shen Fei stood on the stage, and as the first speaker of the Free Parliament, he began to speak.

This parliament lasted for about five hours, but no one felt impatient, instead, they were excited as if they were injected with chicken blood.

Shen Fei talked about the establishment of the Free City to the current situation, affirmed the powerful actions taken during this period, and praised the people who made contributions to the Free City during this period.

For example, Li Er, thisThe deputy commander of the military and the head of the Wing of Freedom was praised by Shen Fei and received a medal of freedom on stage.

This is the highest honor of the Free City!

In addition, Shen Fei planned the future development of the Free City and reserved some time for everyone to express their opinions.

In this small room, the vast Free City is slowly moving on the right track.

Countless people expressed their opinions eagerly.

Discussions, seminars, consultations, debates, an atmosphere full of civilization and hope filled the room.

At this moment, all of them firmly believed that even if they were in the end of the world, they humans, they Free City, each of them!

They can live proudly and straighten their spines!

After the meeting, some people left with their legs and feet shaking with excitement.

Shen Chen returned to his room.

He secretly talked to Qingdu Huang Shao and learned about the recent situation of Qingdu.

Huang Shao's methods were extremely cruel. He almost used force to promote the establishment of the Southwest United Council. In that area, several large doomsday bases joined forces.

Small shelters had little breathing space and had to rely on the Southwest United Council.

"Is Mu Qingzhi still not awake?"

"Not yet."

"In two months, I will send someone to take her to the Free City."

"Okay, I will pay attention to cleaning up the traces."

Shen Chen hung up the phone and then turned on the electronic tablet.

It showed the recent situation of the seven guardians.

The fusion of the talent species was unexpectedly smooth. All seven of them became S-level awakeners and possessed the top S-level superpowers.

And what surprised Shen Chen was that --

I don't know if it was because Zhuang Shengxu originally had an A-level domain superpower, but he actually possessed the S-level domain superpower Rising Sun.

Although its strength cannot be compared with his own, and even inferior to Shangguan Changyu's Frost Moon, it is a domain-based ability after all. Given time, it should only be a matter of time before he surpasses Li Er and becomes the third strongest person in the Free City.

Everything is finally settled!

Even Shen Chen, looking at the scenery of the Free City outside the window, couldn't help but sigh.

At present, he only needs to move forward slowly along the prescribed road. At least in the future for a long period of time, no accidents will occur that require his intervention.

He can finally take a break for a while.


There is another extremely important thing at present.

Shen Chen dialed the phone of another place. That place is a place in the Free City that is secretive and mysterious enough to rank in the top three. It is called——Shelter!

"I want to see S-002 tomorrow."

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