The Free City has sent a lot of information to Shen Chen.

Especially about the people of the Jiang family in the Buried Dragon Valley.

Xiao Luoke hid in the Jiang family's outbound team and secretly obtained a lot of information.

First of all, it is certain that -

The information in Chu Qingyang's memory is correct. After the Jiang family fled the imperial capital, they did flee to the Buried Dragon Valley and settled down.

Before the end of the world, the empire ruled by Shen Chen was extremely powerful.

The Jiang family could not find any opportunity to overthrow the rule of the Shen family, so they had to lie dormant in secret.

And the end of the world is obviously a crazy opportunity.

At least the Jiang family has gained a lot of benefits in the end of the world, and their power in the Buried Dragon Valley is not weak.

From the information sent by Xiao Luoke -

There is only one hidden clan in the Buried Dragon Valley, the Jiang family, and the rest are all kinds of monsters.

They were originally ordinary beasts in the Buried Dragon Valley. After the apocalypse, they evolved and became monsters. What is surprising is that --

The Jiang family did not know what means to coexist peacefully with the manic monsters and share the Buried Dragon Valley.

Not only that, there are also some extremely ancient secrets in the Buried Dragon Valley, which contain many opportunities and treasures.

For example, the extremely terrifying space transfer ceremony is probably one of the opportunities in the ancient monuments.

They used space transfer to transfer the bodies of the ice wolf and the King Flash Monster without anyone noticing. The whole body is full of treasures.

In addition, they also used some special means to detect that the timeworm is now in a serious state, so they sent a team to arrange the space transfer ceremony.

The timeworm was also transferred to the Buried Dragon Valley.

It must be said that --

The Jiang family did give him some surprises.

The ability of space transfer must involve the rules of the space system, which is at the same level as the rules of the time system, which made Shen Chen amazed.

They even wanted to go to the imperial capital to get their hands on the time borer...

Of course, even if Xiao Luoke didn't find them, with the mental abilities of those second-level humans, they would inevitably fall into Bai Lingyao's hands in the end.

However, Xiao Luoke later sent another message about the real purpose of the Jiang family's trip.

After Shen Chen knew about it, he decided to make the imperial capital a stage for a drama and perform it according to the perfect script in Shen Chen's mind.

According to Xiao Luoke -

The reason they wanted to transfer the time borer was to try a certain combination of time and space, so that the space-time gravity that appeared would distort the door of a very ancient relic and allow them to enter it.

And in that most ancient relic, there was something that was worth the Jiang family going crazy for.

Xiao Luoke only said three words -

"God's blood."


In the imperial capital, there were two super awakeners, Bai Lingyao and Xiao Luoke, and those few second-level humans would not have any chance of turning the tables.

Shen Chen's eyes were focused on the northern border.


The North is not the territory of the Free City, otherwise Shen Chen would have led the Free Wings to flatten the Jiang family, and violently crushed all the ancient monuments and conspiracies.

Here, the only force Shen Chen can use is the Adam Church founded by Xia.

And this force is a bit reluctant to fight against any doomsday base, and it is obviously unrealistic to use it to attack the Buried Dragon Valley.


The performance on the Double Camel Mountain began to be planned.

His plan is to use the joint power of those doomsday bases to break through the defense of the Buried Dragon Valley.

But it is difficult to get a group of stable doomsday bases to attack a force together, and it is also very simple.

Generally speaking, only two "enough" are needed.

Enough threats or enough... benefits.

Shen Chen chose the latter. Benefits can move people's hearts and turn impulsive people into devils.

Unfortunately, none of these base leaders are stupid, they are all gloomy. Sufficient benefits can indeed make them crazy, but the premise is that they must believe that the benefits are real.

So, Shen Chen chose to walk in front of them as "Adam".

As long as they believe that Adam is a truly resurrected god, then all the words from Shen Chen will become the truth of the new world!

Anyone would think it is a fantasy to pretend to be a god in front of the top awakeners of the doomsday.

But Shen Chen does have the capital.

He really has some of the power of the gods. The aura and level of that power are more clearly perceived by the higher-level awakeners.

He also has the experience of being a top awakener of the doomsday for five years in his previous life. His knowledge and conversation far exceed those of the current top awakeners.Awakened.

Just telling them some secrets of the doomsday is enough to scare them.

With the help of Xia, a high-level monster in the abyss, the existence of "Adam" will only be more real and credible.


If anyone else on the double camel humps saw this scene, they would be horrified.

I saw that the leaders of the dozen doomsday bases, the absolute big shots in the entire northern region, and the most powerful group of awakened people at the moment, actually knelt in rows on the snow.

Who is qualified to make them kneel? !

The answer is - the god Adam.

Shen Chen's feet were suspended, his eyes were level, and he didn't say a word.

Xia made them kneel straight for more than three minutes before he smiled softly -

"If you disrespect Lord Adam, you deserve to be hanged..."

Xia paused for a moment and continued -

"But Lord Adam is compassionate, and... he has just recovered... and is at his weakest..."

Xia glanced at everyone, revealing an expression that you all understand, and then snorted coldly:

"That's why I spared your lives."

Despite being ridiculed and mocked like this, the kneeling people had no complaints, and even felt a little fortunate in their hearts.

Recovered not long ago...

They are not fools, and they can all hear the hidden meaning of the messenger.

The revived god... Revived... Weak...

Between heaven and earth, all things are balanced. Gods are certainly scary, but revived must have some limitations. It is at its weakest time, and it must be when people are needed.

If you hold a thigh at this time, wouldn't it be... Wouldn't it be a step to heaven? !

Thinking of this, many leaders were so excited that they trembled wildly.

This time... maybe it's an opportunity? An opportunity to get close to the gods, understand the truth of the end of the world, and stand at the highest peak and look down on all living beings!

Even when the god in front of him was at his weakest, his power just now was far beyond the third level. If his strength is restored in the future, how terrifying it will be.

Just thinking about it, their scalps tingled.

"I am willing to serve Lord Adam!"

Wen Tianhe took the brunt of it and bowed his head with a loud voice.

Seeing this, the other leaders were not to be outdone, and they quickly bowed down to show their loyalty in front of Adam.

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