For the first time, a trace of astonishment appeared in the eyes of the black crow.

The white dot grew larger at an extremely fast speed. It was not a white dot, but a beam of light, carrying extremely strong energy.

The speed was so fast that the crow could only barely avoid it.

Before it could make a second reaction, the eternal domain had already enveloped the space here. In the stagnant space, the black crow wanted to flap its wings and take off, but was completely blocked by pure white chains.

This scene was too sudden, so fast that Jiang Tian was caught off guard.

He could only watch the ancient creature that was originally high above being controlled in an instant. Who was the one who made the move?

Jiang Tian's eyes were fixed on the stairs, and he saw a figure slowly walking up.

The figure was dressed in dark gold, with a bronze mask on his face. His temperament was extremely mysterious and his aura was unfathomable.

"Yuanshi?" Even though it was controlled, the crow's voice was still low and arrogant, "Are the lowly bugs in the abyss also delusionally dreaming of my master's inheritance?"

"Ah, my!" A sweet voice came from behind the dark golden figure, and in his sight, another masked man stepped on the stairs.

"It's just a bird that survived from the ancient times by chance, how can you be so arrogant! Can't you see that the one in front of you is a god who has truly begun to revive?"

Xia's words were shocking, like thunder exploding in Jiang Tian's ears, making him look up with fear.

The always cold eyes of the black crow fell on Shen Chen several times in a state of exploration.

"Revived god? I wonder who it is?" Black Crow asked.

Xia walked to Shen Chen's side, his eyes curved, and his hands went up and down to "show" Shen Chen.

"Hehe! His name is Adam! Why, you haven't heard of it?"

Black Crow's face showed a "stunned" expression similar to that of humans for a moment, and he shook his head stiffly under the gaze of several people.

"Well, of course you haven't heard of it. I thought about it for a long time a year ago!"

Black Crow's eyes returned from stiffness to indifference, pulling the muscles around his beak-

"A naive and pitiful monster, and a ridiculous person who tried to pretend to be a god, it's a match made in heaven!"

"Thank you!" Xia responded, and was about to say something else, but was pulled by Shen Chen.

Under the mask, Shen Chen's mouth corners could no longer be suppressed, and his eyes flashed with a look of joy at seeing the prey.

Shen Chen knew this kind of life.

It was not a monster, nor a demon beast, but a creature that existed in ancient times. After a long period of slumber, it began to revive only after the end of the world.

This type of creatures, with extremely complex species, is collectively referred to as special creatures. Their number is also extremely rare after the apocalypse, and the upper and lower limits are also very large.

The powerful ones are stronger than the top blood monsters, and the weak ones have weaker vitality than zombies.

And these special creatures guarding the God's Land are usually extraordinary. Shen Chen had encountered them in his previous life.

For example, in a certain ancient site in his previous life, there was a human-faced lion beast guarding the inheritance. It spoke human language and had extraordinary intelligence. Its strength-

even reached the terrifying eighth level!

At that time, all the top awakeners were silent and did not dare to go deeper.

This kind of creatures left over from ancient times carry a natural contempt for all life in the world. Whether it is zombies, monsters, humans or monsters, it seems that they are not qualified to attract their attention.

Many top awakeners speculated that it might be because they had witnessed the gods with infinite power in the ancient times when they lived...

Although Shen Chen had never entered the ruins of the gods, he had already guessed that such creatures existed in it.

Out of caution for unknown life, Shen Chen planned to have Chu Qingyang trick Jiang Tian into entering it and test the strength of that special creature.

And the result also made Shen Chen feel relieved. Although it was good, it was only the third level, not some terrifying life forms that quickly recovered to the fifth and sixth levels when the doomsday came.

So Shen Chen quickly took action and blocked and controlled it with the eternal domain.

"Ridiculous?" Shen Chen looked at the black crow and laughed, "Aren't you now reduced to fish on the chopping board?"

In the dim space, the white light that appeared around Shen Chen overshadowed the dark yellow light. Above the kerosene lamp, the strange-shaped black crow was still fearless, and his eyes even carried a sneer-

As if it was born to be superior to all the life in the world.

"You won't kill me," Black Crow's deep voice seemed to carry some kind of temptation, but also inexplicably firm, "Human greed will make you thirst for the blood of the gods. Human, you don't think that you can merge with the power of the gods by yourself, right?"

Black Crow suddenly laughed sinisterly again, looking at Shen Chen's eyeseyes, humming like a ghost-

"And I can make your greed become reality, guide you in the direction of advancement, and tell you the secret of the end of the world... Hehe, so you will definitely pray to me... just like a lamb bleating to its master..."

The voice of the black crow was torn and broken, making people feel uncomfortable, but also afraid.

At least Jiang Tian was confused and at a loss, and Chu Qingyang also opened his mouth slightly, as if thinking about the connotation of what the black crow said.

Xia frowned slightly and muttered "weird".

Only Shen Chen looked at the black crow's eyes from beginning to end, and the arc of the smile at the corner of his mouth did not change.

If it was not Shen Chen who stood in front of the black crow at this moment, but Wen Tianhe, or other top awakeners and leaders of forces, they would definitely hesitate because of the words of the black crow, and think about how to get more information and greater benefits.

Even if it was just for the inheritance of the god, they would be hypocritical to him.

This is a very normal thing.

Because being able to become the leader of a force, one must be a rational person, and what he thinks and considers is naturally the greatest benefit first.

Compared with killing to vent anger, it is obvious that the survival of ancient life can bring greater benefits, and one of the most important aspects is-


Although the doomsday has come for a year, humans still have a very superficial understanding of the doomsday.

Those crazy growing strange grasses, the suddenly enlarged areas, the mysterious and strange magnetic fields, the relics of unknown origin, and everything else!

Humans are clumsily exploring and know very little.

Therefore, the importance of a creature that can spit out the secrets of the doomsday is self-evident, even if it cannot be trusted.

If the number of awakened people on the surface is the biggest criterion for measuring the strength of the current doomsday force, then the degree of understanding of the doomsday information determines how fast and how far this force can develop.

Shen Chen captured Urgos, but in addition to not treating it badly in terms of freedom, he hoped to get more doomsday information from it.

Wen Tianhe and others are clearly the leaders of the northern forces, but they have no doubts about Adam played by Shen Chen. The reason is that Shen Chen used the information gap to attack them.

It is precisely because of this that Black Crow is so sure -

The human in front of him will definitely not kill it, because it can help humans integrate the power of gods and tell humans the secrets of the coming of the end of the world.

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