
As Shen Chen spoke, many armed men behind him stopped shooting, but the muzzles of their guns were still pointed at the willow tree.

However, it was a bit inappropriate to call it a willow tree, because its appearance was too miserable.

There were countless bullet holes on its body, and white and green juice was still oozing out.

The branches were bent, the vines were drooping, and they were covered with scars, as if they had exhausted their energy.


Shen Chen walked forward slowly and smiled cleverly-

"So pitiful."

Suddenly, one of its drooping vines was raised with difficulty and approached Shen Chen.


Many soldiers pulled up their guns, as if they would shoot mercilessly if it moved a little.

However, it did not seem to have the intention to attack, but stopped three feet away from Shen Chen.

The emerald green vines emitted a faint fluorescence, dispelling the darkness of this space.

Under Shen Chen's gaze, it struggled to stimulate this ray of light, and at the end of the vine -

A tiny seed was condensing and diffusing, which could make creatures unconsciously desire a breath.

The color of the seed flashed from white to blue, then to cyan, and purple.

Finally, it condensed into a red light, like the eyes of a phoenix in the dark, making people unconsciously approach and want to possess it.

It was like an oasis seen by a dying person in a lost desert.

It was a life instinct that could not help but get it from the soul level.

Many armed personnel were also distracted, looking at the blood-red seed and fell into a stagnation.

There was an impulse from the depths of their genes that drove and bewitched them to rush up and eat it...

The birds in the sky also became restless, as if stimulated by this breath.

The willow branches danced gently, and the trunks bent down, as if they were bowing their heads to Shen Chen and surrendering, as if they were offering their most precious gems to seek a way out.

Shen Chen raised his hand, and at this moment, all eyes were focused here.

The people present used reason to suppress their instincts, as they knew that such a great opportunity would not belong to them.

The vine deliberately lowered a few points, as if respectfully waiting for him to pick it.



A stinging red light drew a beautiful arc in the night and fell to the ground.

The hearts of the people present suddenly trembled inexplicably.

Shen Chen slowly retracted his palm and sneered——

"A-level talent seed? Sending away beggars?"

The scene fell into dead silence, and even the vine paused for a moment, as if stunned.

Suddenly, a flying bird suddenly flew quickly from the darkness, and wherever it went, it was the red seed.

The next moment, it was shot wildly and fell to the ground.

An armed man tiptoed forward two steps, looked at the blood-colored seed lying on the ground, swallowed his saliva, and a trace of greed flashed in his eyes.

Then he rushed forward, but stopped just before his hand touched the cotton seed.

He looked down in disbelief, and a blood-red hole had already appeared on his chest.

Lan Xi kicked him lightly, and he fell to the ground, lifeless.

When the others saw this scene, they shuddered as if they had just been awakened by a cold wind.

They could only watch Lan Xi put away the red cotton seed, not daring to move.

At this moment, Shen Chen suddenly grabbed the trunk of the branch with one hand, and a gentle smile appeared on his face.

"Keep going, how come this is only an A-level talent, don't hide it!"

The three-meter-tall willow tree seemed to sense the danger and began to twist wildly, trying to get rid of Shen Chen's control.

However, as Shen Chen's right hand diffused a trace of deep crimson mysterious aura, it began to hum in fear, and the sound was violent and harsh.

Everyone watched in panic, and saw that the willow tree withered at a speed visible to the naked eye, the swollen trunk gradually shrank, and the vines became thinner and shorter.

It was as if all the energy in the body was concentrated on the small ball next to Shen Chen's hand.

And its voice gradually became weaker and hoarse from the initial irritability.

It even made people feel that it was begging.

It was a humble begging for mercy.

Hoping to get a way out.

That was the desire for survival engraved in the instinct of any living being.

But unfortunately, Shen Chen's eyes were still indifferent, as if he was examining his prey.

Until the end, the whole body of the willow tree seemed to be weathered and dried up, and it looked horrifying and miserable.

And in the palm of Shen Chen's hand, a touch of golden light finally lit up.

Although it was extremely weak, it was so conspicuous and dazzling in the dark night.

The moment this sacred breath was emitted, the space seemed to be quiet.

What... what is this? !

Everyone present widened their eyes, as if they had witnessed a miracle.

Shen Chen's face finally revealed the joy from the bottom of his heart -

"It actually... succeeded."Shen Chen held the pale golden seed in his hand and looked at it carefully.

It was indeed --

S-level talent seed!

Even though the price was to completely consume the life breath of this high-level tree demon, and perhaps it would never produce seeds again in the future.

Shen Chen did not feel sorry at all.

After all, this is a real S-level talent seed!

It can make an ordinary person become a top awakener in the end times.

What's more, Shen Chen himself will also awaken S-level talent after the end times.

Double S-level talent --

This is exactly one of Shen Chen's plans.

How rare are S-level awakeners in the end times, and each of them is a well-known figure.

And double S-level, at least I have never heard of it in my previous life.

Shen Chen was in a very good mood after getting what he wanted.

Looking at the dying tree demon, Shen Chen smiled and said, "It's okay. Don't underestimate yourself." Facing Shen Chen's teasing, it didn't have the strength to respond at all. It could only shrink its half-meter-long trunk and crawl very slowly and hard towards Shen Chen... dragging a charred trail. Until all its breath was exhausted, it completely lost its life and fell to the ground. Everyone was silent, watching the terrifying tree demon being tortured to death by Shen Chen as if playing with it, and their hearts trembled. "Is it dead?" Shen Chen kicked its trunk with an indifferent look. "It's dead." A beast that should have stood at the top of the apocalypse in the future and was crowned king in the primitive forest, died completely on the day of awakening in this life. In addition, its samples and data will also appear in the Dongdu Research Institute for cloning and breeding by the empire's top professors and scholars...


Lan Xi walked forward slowly and presented the blood-red seeds in her hand.

After Shen Chen received them, he set his sights on Chu Qingyang, who was unconscious.

"Master, what should we do with him?"

Lan Xi asked.

"Let's escort him to the Dongdu Academy of Sciences. I remember that they have just made a breakthrough in memory shearing technology.

"He has a lot of valuable information on him..."

"I am also very interested in where Jiang is hiding..."

As soon as Shen Chen finished speaking, he suddenly seemed to realize something.

He turned his head and looked at a bush in the night.

A light breeze blew, the branches creaked, and there was no one in the open.

Only the grass was a little messy, and the broken flowers and plants were swaying, as if they had just been pressed by something.

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