She doesn't crave romance.

She doesn't need constant concern.

She doesn't even care if Shen Chen has a place for her.

As long as she can hide in the dark and clear all obstacles for him.

She will be satisfied.

Father? Sister? Family?

She felt relieved when she gave up.

And her only goal for the rest of her life is to help Shen Chen ascend to the supreme throne.

Su Qingying stopped and looked at a floating lantern in the river with a swaying look in her eyes.

Under the starlight and the moonlight, some fragmented memories were evoked.

Twelve years ago, she and her mother were on their way to the imperial capital when an accident occurred and the train derailed.

Her mother died and rescue did not arrive. When she was only eight years old and shivering in the cold wind with her baby in her arms, she received candy from a little boy.

The boy looked calm and his pupils were indifferent. Behind him were more than a dozen flattering adults.

The lights of the cameras around her were so bright that she couldn't open her eyes.

The boy didn't offer any condolences, but quietly handed over candy to everyone one by one.

She didn't tell Shen Chen -

That was the sweetest candy she had ever eaten in her life of luxury...


"Mengning, come back to the capital with me."

Shen Chen said.

Su Mengning suddenly raised her eyes.

Shen Chen smiled and said, "Your dream may be of great use."

Su Mengning blinked, with stars in her eyes.

"Of course, wanting you to be with me is also a reason."

Hearing this, Su Mengning couldn't suppress the smile on her lips and nodded heavily.

"Master Shen Chen, I will always, forever and ever be loyal to you!"


After the incident in Liaojiang Park ended.

It instantly triggered a sensation of public opinion on the Internet.

The sudden blockade, the strange gunshots, and the videos shot by many people.

Each of them can trigger a lot of conspiracy theories.

Many people were discussing it heatedly on the Internet, and those who were closer to Jiangcheng were discussing it even more heatedly.

Many pictures and rumors were circulated on the Internet.

The shooting incident in Jiangcheng reached a climax.

It was not until a few days later that many accounts, pictures and videos were banned.

However, the ban could not stop the mouths of netizens. In many deep dark webs.

Such videos and pictures can still be viewed at will, not only in Jiangcheng.

There are also mysterious events that have occurred in many countries and regions in the past two years.

Discussions in the dark web are more sensitive and more unscrupulous, because no one can know your true identity in it.

Many people in the empire who know how to enter the dark web were deeply shocked when they saw that part of the video.

And those who are sensitive to current affairs have been shrouded in a vague sense of uneasiness in recent days.

Some of them have even begun to hoard goods.

Because they have already felt that the empire-

The storm is coming...


After dealing with Chu Qingyang and the tree demon, Shen Chen returned to the Governor's Mansion of the Su Family that night.

After knowing that Shen Chen was about to leave Jiangcheng and return to the imperial capital.

Su Xiao also specially held a night banquet and invited many powerful young people in Jiangcheng to attend.

At the banquet, many young people drank together and raised their glasses to Shen Chen.

Some women from aristocratic families were flirting and showing off their beauty.

However, when they heard that Su Mengning would follow Shen Chen to the imperial capital to study at the Imperial Capital University.

They all turned off their anger.

In addition to jealousy in their hearts, there was more regret.

Sure enough, only a beauty like Su Mengning was qualified to catch Shen Chen's eye.

When the powerful young people knew the news, although they felt secretly painful in their hearts, they had to smile and express their blessings.



Third Ring Road Xueyu District.

In a building.

A pockmarked boy checked around, then closed the windows and turned off the lights, and then carefully turned on the computer.

The computer is the latest version released by the empire, with the top configuration.

After turning on the computer, he began to perform complicated operations and entered a mysterious website.

Finally, he jumped to a page that showed a special password.

He hesitated for a moment, then entered it according to the instructions in his memory and clicked to confirm.

The computer fell into a long jump interface.

And the boy's heartbeat was also beating wildly.

It is estimated that he was not as nervous as he is now when the scores of the Empire Higher Education Examination were released.

Because he was about to be recognized and be able to enter that organization...

To get in touch with greater secrets and conspiracies hidden in the empire.

His name is Yang Ziwen, a sophomore student at Jiangcheng University.

He is also the pockmarked boy who went against the flow in the Liaojiang Campus and successfully photographed the supernatural event.

After successfully escaping, he couldn't wait to enterHe entered the forum where he was often active in the dark web.

And posted the terrifying video under the review of the administrator.

He thought he could gain huge attention with this, but the video was blocked two hours later.

It was the mysterious forum owner in the forum who personally blocked it.

He never dreamed that he could attract the attention of that big shot!

His ID name in the dark web is——

Hong Ye.

No one knows his gender, real identity or IP address.

He rarely makes a move in the dark web, and is so low-key, but no one dares to question his strength.

Because his most recent move was to pull down the dark emperor King, who had been calling the shots in the dark web for more than ten years, three years ago.

So far, Hong Ye has become the new emperor of the dark web.

After contacting Hong Ye, Yang Ziwen told him the whole story.

Then, he was excited!

Hong Ye told Yang Ziwen that he was setting up a loose organization similar to the European Freemasonry.

Ask him if he is interested in joining.

With almost no hesitation, Yang Ziwen excitedly agreed.

And today is the time for him to report to this organization.

And as far as he knows, this organization is just being established and needs talents.

Yang Ziwen was so excited when he thought that he was about to become a veteran of this mysterious organization.

After a long time, the computer finally entered a simple chat forum.

The background was simple black and red, and there was only a gray and white chat box left.

However, Yang Ziwen did not despise it at all, because this was built by Hong Ye -

It means that this chat room will now be absolutely hidden and isolated.

Suddenly, a message appeared in the black and red background box.

"Welcome to join."

When he saw the message, Yang Ziwen was so shocked that he almost jumped up.

Because the avatar in front of the message was a white skull, and the ID name was -


Unexpectedly, the former dark web emperor who disappeared in the past three years was quietly recruited by Hong Ye.

"Very good, the seventh person is here, so everyone, maybe we should decide on the name of our organization."

Hong Ye sent a message, still with his maple leaf avatar.

"Yi Yao, do you have any suggestions?"

Yang Ziwen's heart skipped a beat, "Yi Yao" was his ID in the dark web.

While Yang Ziwen was hesitating, he didn't even notice that a dazzling black color suddenly flashed across the depths of his pupils.

Then he began to type like a puppet -

"Why not call it -

"Ghost Meeting."

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