How... How is it possible!

How is it possible? ! ! !

Yang Ziwen suddenly collapsed on the ground, holding the postcard tightly.

Hong Ye... Hong Ye!

At this moment, a fear rushed to his head!

It was sent to his real address, and he knew his real identity...

Now, he seemed to understand that he had played a big game.

Join the forum, post videos, confront people online, and conduct underground transactions.

His only reliance is the anonymity of the dark web, which will never affect his real life and life safety.

It's like playing a virtual online game, constantly stimulating his dopamine, but he can withdraw at any time.

But now...

Oh my God!

Hong Ye is warning him that this is not a game, not a game that can be withdrawn at any time.

At this time, a deep regret appeared in his heart.

Why did he provoke Hong Ye!

Yang Ziwen exhaled deeply and looked into the distance, as if his every move was being monitored.

Finally, he calmly put away the lantern and business card, and sat on his sofa without moving.

He understood——

He no longer had any qualifications to jump ship.


Jiangcheng Governor's Mansion.

"Mr. Shen, let's say goodbye here."

Shen Chen sat in a black car, and Su Xiao smiled warmly outside.

"My uncle hasn't come back yet, so he asked me to say goodbye to Mr. Shen."

Shen Chen nodded slightly.

"Second Miss, I also say goodbye. I hope you have a good time in the imperial capital. My uncle and I will come to the imperial capital to see you when we have time!"

Su Xiao then waved to the girl sitting next to Shen Chen.

Su Mengning looked cold, and she didn't feel nervous about leaving her hometown for the imperial capital.

"Does Mengning have anything else to do?"

Shen Chen asked, and when he saw Su Mengning shaking her head, he said——

"Then let's go."

The black car drove all the way to Jiangcheng North Airport, where there was a special plane flying from the imperial capital to pick up Shen Chen.

As the largest international airport in the first-tier city of Jiangcheng, this place is built in a very grand manner.

After entering the airport, the noisy voices instantly drowned the eardrums.

There are countless people from the empire who go to various parts of the empire for tourism or work.

There are all kinds of people and different smells intertwined, and the exhaust fan cannot eliminate them.

However, Shen Chen and his party did not "enjoy" such "treatment". Instead, they were led to another quiet place by the airport supervisor the moment they entered the airport.

"How long will it take to take off?"

"Mr. Shen, it will probably take another hour."

Shen Chen sat on a chair and closed his eyes to rest.

Today, Shen Chen was accompanied by only two people, Lan Xi and Su Mengning.

The other followers who came with him to Jiangcheng were taking a plane to the imperial capital.

And Shen Chen's destination -

is not the imperial capital.

At least not for the time being.

After all, he brought Su Mengning with him to accomplish one thing.

He had already greeted Uncle Shen Ming, the director of the Imperial Capital Aviation Bureau, a day ago.

In order to ensure that he could arrive at that place reasonably, most flights in the country would be affected.

But it was obviously not within Shen Chen's consideration...


After waiting for about half an hour, a figure hurried to Shen Chen and others.

"Mr. Shen! Sorry, our route may have to be changed due to weather reasons."

After the voice fell, Su Mengning also surrounded him.

"What's going on? Explain it clearly."

"It's like this, Mr. Shen. There is a thunderstorm area on the route between Jiangcheng and the Imperial Capital. It is estimated that it will take many days to dissipate."

"What should we do?"

"There is a best way at present. We can go to a western city for a transfer. The thunderstorm on the route to the Imperial Capital there is weaker. Maybe it can be eliminated after waiting for a few days."

Shen Chen frowned slightly and said-

"Check which city's airport in the west can accommodate our plane when it is available."

The airport manager was sweating profusely and operating on the computer for a long time.

Finally, he stood up and said respectfully-

"We have contacted, Mr. Shen. Qingdu Airport can accommodate Mr. Shen's plane at any time."

Shen Chen turned around slowly, and finally stopped and said:

"Then we can only do this first, let's go to-

"Qingdu. "


The sudden flight problem was reported at Jiangcheng North Airport, which instantly caused a lot of scolding.

Countless people were disrupted by the sudden news.

While explaining to his family and colleagues, he did not forget to give a cordial greeting to the dog weather.

SpecialEspecially on the routes related to the imperial capital.

Even many officials were stopped here, but there was nothing they could do.

In addition to Jiangcheng, the cities near Jiangcheng were in the same situation.

Many people could not take the plane and could only spend the night at the airport.

But it was cold at night, and some kind-hearted supervisors would turn on the heat to warm up.

Some supervisors said, "What does it have to do with me? I didn't order the shutdown. Who cares? I'm going home to sleep."

And in a place where they didn't notice, a special super-large passenger plane quietly took off from Jiangcheng.

Destination -



Liaojiang Park.

In a deep forest.

It was late at night, everything was silent, and occasionally there were a few cicadas chirping, which made this place even more lonely.

Since the last incident, Liaojiang Park announced that it was closed for maintenance and no longer accepted visitors, and the guards were strengthened.

Suddenly, at this moment, a blue bird swooped down from the night.

It stopped on a branch, with oval eyes, and looked around.

There was no cry, which was strange and unusual.

Suddenly, it seemed to have discovered something and slowly flapped its wings.

It fluttered twice, folded its wings, and landed on a charred ground with unknown stains on it.

It lowered its head, and its eyes were not like those of birds.

It jumped back and forth a few times here, as if it was determining its direction.

Finally, it stopped at the end of the charred mark.

Still without chirping, it began to peck at the piece of soil with its beak.

It stopped only when its pupils reflected a glimmer of light.

I saw that buried in the soil was an extremely dry and dead seed.

The bluebird picked up the dried seed, flapped its wings and flew into the distance, leaving a long tail in the sky above Jiangcheng at night.

It was not until the figure disappeared in the skyline that a high and long bird cry was heard.

It lasted for a long time.

In a very far place, in an underground research institute in Dongdu.

The walls were snow-white, and the most advanced defense casting technology in the empire was used.

In the room, a large number of sophisticated and complex instruments were placed.

Several gray-haired figures were busy back and forth, showing their cold and efficient execution.

Suddenly, a scream sounded -

"The tracker has responded!!! The longitude and latitude numbered 1068 began to move!!!"

The moment this voice sounded, several old men in white clothes immediately pushed away the crowd and stared at the display screen above.

Everyone present showed an ecstatic look.

"Sure enough, Master has never miscalculated!"

"Really, there really is a life form coming to pick up the tree demon!"

"Uh hahahaha! After determining the spatial location of that life form, we will send the top experimental subjects there in the future..."

"When I think about that life form becoming our specimen and being dissected by us, I am so excited that my whole body is shaking!!"

"Master can actually catch such a big fish. As expected, it should be one of the earliest life forms we analyzed and studied."

"Yes, No. 0011, located at the junction of the Eurasian continent, deep in the Edge Forest, as early as four years ago, it exuded a breath of life that exceeded 20,000...ancient life form..."

"Capture, capture!!!"

Someone shouted.

The whole laboratory was filled with crazy and excited laughter...

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