Southwestern region of the Empire.

If you look down from the Empire's high-altitude satellite, you can see the vast expanse of deep yellow soil in the west.

It's either a desert area with yellow sand all over the sky or a series of dry mountains.

Compared with the prosperous economy in the eastern part of the Empire, in addition to the vast land, the economy and resources here are much backward, and the gap between the rich and the poor is also the largest in the Empire.

Limited by local resources, the cities standing on this land are all built very grandly.

There are also a few cities among them that are not inferior to the first-tier cities in the east of the Empire.

And Qingdu is one of them.


Sihuanxiang District.

Although Qingdu is one of the top three large cities in the western part of the Empire, it is still full of slums.

This kind of existence is inevitable in most of the prosperous cities in the Empire.

And Sihuanxiang District is the largest of the dozens of slums in Qingdu.

The whole area is fan-shaped and distributed in the southern part of Qingdu. There are no shopping malls or real estate markets around this place, but more textile factories, electronics factories and various factories.

Not only does it discharge sewage and odor every day, but it also makes harsh noises all the time.

No one reported it to the relevant departments because the people living here are the lowest class in Qingdu.

There are almost no decent jobs. They are either unemployed at home or sell their cheap labor in the surrounding factories in exchange for a few bites of food.

On weekdays, let alone the dignitaries in Qingdu, even the middle class will not drive to such a place.

It seems that even the air has become much more smelly when you are in it.

In a shabby small rental house.

"Mu Yan! Mom can't hold on anymore..."

"Oh, what does it have to do with me?"

In the dim room, a man and a woman confronted each other.

The man had a sinister look on his face, leaning on the sofa, clicking on the computer constantly, without raising his head, and speaking in a flat voice.

The woman was dressed very simply, but still couldn't hide the stunning beauty of her face.

The color of her eyes was very light, like a pool of autumn water, her skin was as fine as white porcelain, and she was graceful, like a green lotus.

Even without any makeup, her appearance still brightened the dim room slightly.

At this moment, her face was calm, and she looked straight at the man.

The man was still laughing from time to time, and there was a live broadcast platform in the computer.

A woman with heavy makeup was laughing and whimpering in it, wearing revealing clothes, and her voice was lewd.

Finally, the beautiful girl exhaled as if she had accepted her fate and turned away.

The voice came from outside the door, with a hint of sadness -

"Why did my mother raise you, an ungrateful wolf!"


After leaving the small rental house, Mu Qingzhi's face turned slightly pale and shrank.

But she didn't look back and left here directly.

Maybe this is fate.

She didn't believe in fate very much, but recently she began to doubt...

Maybe life is like this, always having to endure endless suffering.

Her father was a worker, working in the 17th Industrial Zone of Qingdu, selling all-day labor for a meager salary. So her family lived in poverty since she was a child, and she didn't dare to compare with her peers.

When she was in elementary school, her father was hit by a drunk driver's car and died.

The driver had a backer in Qingdu, paid some money, and was released after a few years in prison.

Later, her mother fell ill and lay in the hospital with her last breath.

For many years, she worked to earn money and repay her debts.

She had a part-time job in Qingdu University. It wasn't too tiring, but she was always ridiculed and teased by some students in the school.

Of course, sometimes she would be mistaken for a student in the school by strangers.

She always thought it would be nice if it was true.

But she was not smart, and the busy work squeezed her time and overdrawn her body, leaving her no energy to think about anything else.

In school, she often heard others talk about their holiday travel experiences, various cities in the empire, and various attractions.

What scenery and check-in places are there?

She seemed to have opened up another world, a world she only knew about from the Internet.

She heard that the capital of the empire, the Imperial Capital, had the empire's top medical system.

She wanted to take her mother to see it.

One day when she found out the price of the hospital at school, she thought about it and gave up.

Just like when she originally planned to continue to sue the drunk driver, after seeing the big shot standing behind her...

Forget it.

Mu Qingzhi walked on the road in the alley. It was already night and the cold wind was blowing.

The smell of smoke and stench filled the air, and the houses were generally dilapidated.

As she walked, she felt a little wet in the corners of her eyes.

She herself felt strange that she actually cried.

She didn't cry on the day her father died, and she didn't cry on the day her mother went to the hospital.

The day when she collapsed on the street late at night after working four jobs.The sky didn't cry.

Why did it cry today?

She raised her head, wanting the wind to dry her tears.

But suddenly she saw a long tail. She thought it was a shooting star, so she put her hands together and made a wish.

As a result, she opened her eyes and looked carefully again-

It turned out to be a plane.

An airplane, I haven't taken one yet, where will it fly to?

Is the scenery above beautiful? Who are the people sitting in it?

What kind of life do they have?

But think about it, it shouldn't be too bad.

Mu Qingzhi shook her head and continued to walk forward, and couldn't help sneezing.

As for why she mistook the plane for a shooting star.

Because she had a chronic eye disease of granules, which was diagnosed not long ago.

Well, she is going to go blind, if nothing unexpected happens...


On the plane.

Shen Chen and Su Mengning sat together, the latter talked incessantly, and the former listened quietly.

Anyway, Su Mengning had nothing to do, so she wanted to continue to add details of her past life to Shen Chen.

"By the way, terrible things also happened in Qingdu."

"What was it?"

"Her name is - Eyeless Green Corpse King!"

Su Mengning pretended to be serious and said in a horror story tone.

Shen Chen smiled slightly when he heard the name.

"So scary."

Su Mengning seemed to have received a response from Shen Chen, and she was a little happy, so she continued to tell the story.

However, the events she described were very rough, which was the information obtained by ordinary people in the previous life.

Shen Chen knew that -

The zombie she mentioned left a lifelong psychological shadow on many top awakeners in the early days of the doomsday.

Eyeless Green Corpse.

A dangerous species of wisdom was born at the beginning of the doomsday.

A year later, it became the first zombie in the world to break through the fourth level.

At that time, the undead sky corpse in North America destroyed four cities, and the doomsday human beings were terrified by the news, but it was only the peak of the third level.

It is enough to imagine that when the fourth-level eyeless green corpse appeared quietly in Qingdu, it shocked many people in the southwest. At that time, Huang Shao, the controller of Qingdu, united the powerful forces around him in the name of "lips and teeth are cold", and invited many famous awakeners with the interests of secret places and ancient relics. Under the city of Qingdu, he faced the eyeless green corpse and the endless tide of corpses behind her. The fierceness of that battle is enough to be engraved in the history of the end of the world. It was also the largest group battle in Asia at the beginning of the end of the world. It can be said that at that time, except for a few forces such as the Free City, they stood aside. Many other large forces, whether it was due to the moral values ​​that the old empire had not completely eliminated, or for great fame and honor. Or... coveting the rumored soul-returning flower hidden in the eyeless green corpse. They jointly participated in the "Green Corpse War" and finally completely killed the extremely terrifying Green Corpse.

However, in the end, the top forces swept the Green Corpse's nest three times and found no trace of the Soul-Returning Flower.

Many people sneered afterwards - how could a fairy object that violates the laws of nature exist to return the dead to live? I'm afraid it was just a means for Huang Shao to gather the alliance.

However, in any case, the historical significance of this battle is extremely significant.

First, it boosted the morale of the doomsday human beings. Even if the doomsday comes, humans will not fall into the abyss.

The second is to promote the establishment of the Southwest United Council in disguise.

After the war, most forces divided the interests and left, and the forces around the southwest region followed the alliance.

Huang Shao, the organizer, was regarded as the leader of the alliance, and finally a name was decided after arguing, called -

Southwest United Council.

And in the future, it will develop into the top doomsday force, with a territory covering half of the old empire.

However, when it was established, their thoughts were very simple.

Just to relieve their growing pressure.

Deal with that has been high above and dominating the east since the beginning of the end of the world.

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