Su Mingshuo did not pay attention to Su Qingying's abnormality, but continued to speak.

"Shen Chen has arrived in Jiangcheng now, and will come to our Su family in two days."

Hearing Su Mingshuo's words, everyone nodded stiffly.

It was because this news was too unexpected.

At this time, a thought came to their minds, making them tremble physically and mentally.

If they could establish a relationship with the Shen family, or even form an alliance...

Then their Su family would really be able to ascend to heaven in one step!

Thinking of this, even Su Xiao, a young man who usually ignored political affairs, had his pupils dilated and was ecstatic.

"Let's postpone tomorrow's regular meeting and send invitations to the Li and Wang families.

"Prepare to hold a welcome banquet for Shen Chen of the Shen family. "

Su Mingshuo spoke calmly, with an unquestionable tone.

Su Changsha nodded repeatedly, sweat on his forehead.

Although tomorrow's regular meeting has been prepared for two months.

Many important reports and financial plans about Jiangcheng must be reported in it.

Even many public officials have worked overtime for many days and nights, nervously waiting to appear at such an important meeting tomorrow.

But some things are just a matter of Su Mingshuo's words.

For example, cancel the meeting and hold a banquet instead.

He also didn't think there was anything wrong, after all, he was in their position .

But you can tell which is more important.

And any movement of the Shen family is a major event that cannot be delayed for the imperial dignitaries!

When Su Qingying lost her composure and called out Shen Chen's name for the first time, Su Mengning glanced at her without leaving a trace.

Su Qingying's obsession with Shen Chen has actually been exposed very clearly.

It's ridiculous that she didn't notice it in her previous life...

But this time, sister!

I won't do anything stupid again.

After Su Mingshuo announced the adjournment of the meeting, Su Qingying pulled Su Mengning aside.

"Mengning, it's Shen Chen!"

"It's him, he actually came to Jiangcheng!"

Su Qingying did not hide her excitement, but smiled softly at Su Mengning.

Su Mengning carefully recalled her temperament in her previous life, and then pretended to be naive-

"Shen Chen, I seem to have heard of him somewhere, who is he! "

Hearing Su Mengning's ignorant words, Su Qingying's eyes flashed with contempt, but she still smiled and knocked on Su Mengning's head.

"You! Pay more attention to the outside world on weekdays. That's the eldest son of the Shen family! The most noble young man in the empire.

"If you can get close to him, our entire Su family will benefit from it."

Although Su Qingying instigated Su Mengning to get close to Shen Chen, she was not worried at all.

Because she deeply understood her sister's temperament.

She was pitifully simple and feared everything unknown.

Not to mention that he was a strange man who existed in rumors. Even if he was boasted to the sky, he would not arouse her favor at all.

Su Qingying continued to joke--

"Do you know how good-looking Shen Chen is? The so-called young handsome guys in the Empire's entertainment industry can only be crushed into scum in front of him, not to mention that he is the pride of the Imperial Capital University...

"At such a young age, he already has several large companies with a market value of hundreds of millions. There is no man more perfect than him in the entire Empire!"

Su Qingying's beautiful face was teasingly smiling--

"I think you and Shen Chen are a perfect match, Meng Ning! How about trying to get in touch with each other? "

Looking at Su Mengning's dreamy face, which was enough to make the men of the empire infatuated.

Thinking of the almost fanatical pursuit of her by countless men in Jiangcheng over the years.

A trace of jealousy flashed in her eyes.

But thinking of her brainless character, she was slightly relieved.

However, the next moment, Su Qingying's brain suddenly stagnated for a moment.

Because she heard Su Mengning tilt her head as if thinking for a while and said--

"It seems, not bad!"


Shen Chen just opened his eyes from the bed and didn't see Lan Xi's figure.

When he stood up and looked up, he found that the girl had changed into a new purple and gold short skirt and was standing in front of the bed waiting for Shen Chen.

"Master, what do you want? "

Shen Chen looked at the dazzling sunlight coming in through the glass window and raised his hand to cover his eyes.

The sun had already risen high in the east, and at this time in the morning, Jiangcheng was already bustling.

Countless office workers took the subway and took a break at this time.

Some white-collar executives drove their private cars and talked and laughed on the way to the company.

Everything was so vibrant, full of brightness and sunshine.

Although behind the glamorous empire today, it is still full ofSome darkness and corruption.

The extravagant lives of many powerful people are enough to exhaust the imagination of ordinary people for a lifetime.

But under the cover of the rapid development and improvement of productivity today, the contradiction is not sharp.

Moreover, in the past hundred years, under the leadership of the Shen family's ideas, the empire has used resources such as oil to bind a group of small countries around it.

Continuously harvesting cheap labor from them to supplement the production of the empire.

So although the imperial class has almost solidified in recent years, the powerful families headed by the Shen family have controlled most of the resources.

But the lives of ordinary people are still stable and improving.

Countless ordinary people still have a hope since childhood, eager to enter the top universities in the empire for further studies, and then enter the top 100 companies in the empire to get a high-paying job...

Shen Chen looked at the scenery outside the window, slightly lost in thought.

The last time I came to Jiangcheng seemed to be...

Twelve years ago.

At that time, a serious derailment occurred on the train from Jiangcheng to the imperial capital, causing nearly a hundred casualties.

He happened to get off the plane at the adjacent airport with several elders of the Shen family and witnessed the tragic scene with his own eyes.

The eight-year-old seemed to be somewhat touched, so he took the candies and snacks on the plane and distributed them to the wounded waiting for rescue one by one.

This was an unexpected incident that had not been rehearsed, but the elders of the Shen family behind him still seized the opportunity.

Countless media rushed to take pictures of this extremely touching scene, which shocked the empire and won great political reputation for the young Shen Chen.

Until now, the photos of that day are still hanging high on the empire's wall of honor.

The subject in the picture is a calm and handsome boy, and the upward angle makes him look like a savior god.

The wounded is in the corner of the picture, with only half of his face exposed. There is no memorable point and he is forgotten at a glance.

Just like that accident, the attention and touch of the empire were given to the noble son of a noble family who was compassionate, while the victim of the incident was silently licking his wounds in a corner forgotten by the empire.


"It's so late..."

Shen Chen muttered, ignoring the reddening ear of the girl in front of him.

"Say hello to Su Mingshuo, we'll be there soon."

Hearing Shen Chen's words, Lan Xi nodded immediately, without asking why it was so quick.

Not long after, the two had left this top luxury suite.

When leaving the hotel, the general manager of Crystal Night-

a chubby businessman smiled and showed goodwill to Shen Chen, completely ignoring the shocked look of the crowd behind him.

After all, as the general manager of Crystal Night, he is also a well-known figure in the business world of Jiangcheng, and even has interests with many dignitaries in Jiangcheng.

After all, he is a well-known big shot, but he actually showed such a flattering attitude to the young man.

It was really shocking, and many people looked at the black car without a license plate going away.

I began to wonder which powerful young man in Jiangcheng he was.

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