
Almost everyone stood up, looking towards the center of the auction hall with trembling eyes.

The noise flooded the entire space like a tide.

This scene was too terrifying and too horrifying!

Many people were so horrified that their legs and feet softened and they couldn't even stand up.

There was chaos on the seats, and countless people stood up and ran to the exit, their eyes were so scared that they were about to fall out.

The security guard standing by also tried to suppress the horror in his heart and quickly ran forward, using all his strength to pull the man's head away from the girl's neck.

However, the next moment, the head that was pulled apart bit the security guard's neck again.

"Uh ah ah!"

The security guard was so frightened that his whole body trembled, and he tried his best to tear the man's head, but he still couldn't escape the fate of being eaten.

The security guards on the side were also scared to death when they saw this scene.

They were just security guards, and had never seen such a bizarre and tragic scene, coupled with the screams and shouts of fear from countless people in the venue.

Fear also spread throughout their hearts in an instant.

What the hell is this? ! ! !

They screamed in their hearts, their eyes widened to the maximum at this moment, and their hands and feet trembled.

"Uh ah!"

"Go! Don't squeeze me!"

"Let me go, let me go, I have money!"

Countless people blocked and screamed at the exit.

Although the people here are rich and wealthy, in essence, they are no different from ordinary people who are afraid of death.

This scene is beyond their cognition.

Out of the desire to survive and the fear of the unknown, everyone is running for their lives in panic.

On the stage in the center, several guards joined forces to finally lift up the man and control him.

Although each of them was trembling in their hearts.

"What happened to you, buddy? Are you okay?"

A guard patted his colleague's face. Half of his face was bitten and bloody, and there was a shocking wound on his neck.

When he was trembling and at a loss, a calm voice came from the intercom.

"Everyone, leave the guard who was bitten, and draw your pistol."

When the heart is panicking, any calm person will be regarded as the backbone.

What's more, the voice came from the intercom, which means it was his superior.

He hurriedly stepped back a few steps, tremblingly pulled out his pistol, and said-

"Who are you, what should I do!"

"Listen to my command, now point the pistol at the head of the man who was held, and then shoot."

The guard listened to the intercom and aimed at the man's head.

His eyes fell on his hideous face and milky white pupils.

He made up his mind and fired three shots in a row until the weird man stopped struggling.

"Very good, now point the pistol at your unlucky colleague and shoot."

The cold but calm voice came again from the intercom.


This time, someone shouted.

"He's not dead yet, he can still be saved!"

"If you don't shoot now, you will become his 'colleague' later, I don't want to say it again."

The voice was very cold, but it seemed to have an unquestionable sense of superiority.

He trembled with his hands and closed his eyes and fired a shot.

"Fire again."

The voice came again, and in the ears of the young guard it was like the devil's low moan.


He roared and emptied the magazine in the pistol.

The other guards were also sweating and shrinking their pupils.

"Don't be in a hurry to relax, there is another one."

The voice came again, and this time, it didn't even say who it was.

The four or five guards present had already loaded their guns nervously, aiming at the girl on the central stand with half her face stained with blood.

But this time, she no longer had a sweet smile on her face, only pupils that shrank constantly due to fear, and shoulders that trembled constantly due to fear.

And intermittent spasms of retching and sobbing due to fear.

Her hair was scattered on her shoulders, covering half of her tearful eyes.

The guards around were like extremely alert and frightened beasts, as if they were about to shoot in the next second.


The voice from the intercom suddenly came out, which made the neurotic guards pause for a moment.

Then, a tall and thin figure walked down the stairs, crossed the empty hall, and came to the stands.

He walked steadily, holding a silver-white intercom in his right hand.

The guards looked at him with astonishment and fear.

This is——

The man who directed them on the intercom.

He's actually a young man?

With that cold and superior tone, they thought he was some military officer.Talking to them.

Shen Chen walked straight to the girl, lifted her pure black hair with one hand, and looked carefully at her eyes.

"Not infected?"

Shen Chen murmured, frowning slightly.

"You should leave here first."

The guards were still a little doubtful, but after hearing the familiar cold tone, they immediately obeyed the command.

Shen Chen turned on his mobile phone and found that his phone had been blown up.

Huang Shao, three times.

Cui Xiaoming, seventeen times.

Wang Qiao, nineteen times.

There were also some other scattered calls, probably all of them were worried about his safety.

Suddenly, another call came in.

Cui Xiaoming.

Shen Chen pouted and answered the call.

As soon as the call was connected, a nearly heart-wrenching cry came from the other side-

"Master Shen, Master Shen! How are you? Are you hurt? I heard that there was a terrorist attack at the auction!

"Master Shen, don't scare me! Where are you now? I will contact the military headquarters in Qingdu immediately and surround the auction venue!"

"What's going on? Are you robbers? ! Let's talk it over! You must not kill the hostages! Absolutely! I will agree to whatever you want. If Master Shen loses a hair, all of your nine clans will die!"

"Do you know who you kidnapped? You are finished, do you know? It's not too late to release them now..."

"Your Excellency the Governor."

Shen Chen couldn't listen any more and had to interrupt him.

"I have nothing to do now. The situation here is temporarily under my control, but you are still needed for the follow-up work later."

"No problem, no problem! "

Cui Xiaoming shouted in surprise, and he heaved a sigh of relief after hearing that Shen Chen was fine.

"Such a vicious incident actually happened in this Xiangjiang Pavilion. I will make him unable to survive in Qingdu!"

Shen Chen didn't want to talk to him any more, so he hung up the phone.

At this time, Su Mengning and Huang Yuehan also walked down together.

Huang Yuehan's face was pale, his shoulders trembled unconsciously, and his lips were pale. It was obviously the first time he encountered such a thing.

In comparison, Su Mengning was much calmer, looking at Shen Chen and said--

"Master Shen Chen, is that--a zombie?"

Shen Chen nodded and looked around.

Thinking in his heart--

There was no sign of the arrival of black fog here, how could someone suddenly become a zombie.

It can only be that the monster did something wrong.

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