Late at night.

All was silent.

Shen Chen walked slowly in a dark alley.

This place is called Sihuan Alley.

It is the largest slum in Qingdu, and the stench is even worse than the previous 403 block.

And there are no people in the late night here.

After all, this is the time when violent robberies are most frequent.

Shen Chen walked slowly according to the marks on the map. There was a cement path under his feet, and ghost pictures were scribbled on the walls on both sides. In the corners of the wall, there were pornographic advertisements written with watercolor pens, indicating contact information.

The shabby and dirty rental house had almost no light, and it was all endless darkness at a glance.

Even thieves probably had to figure out which house was occupied and which was a waste and smelly garbage dump.

Occasionally, there were a few birds singing, which was particularly harsh.

Suddenly at this moment, Shen Chen's eyebrows moved, he turned over and walked into an abandoned house, squatted in the corner, and slowly closed his eyes.

There were wisps of mysterious light overflowing from the corners of his eyes.

Block 403, about thirty miles away from here.

In a soft pornographic bar called "Qimeng Old Corridor".

In a room with colorful and attractive lights.

"Bitch! Bitch!"

With a sharp and piercing voice, three or four girls with heavy makeup and revealing clothes were tearing the hair of a girl on the bed frantically.

They kept cursing and humiliating her frantically.

Until several people left with a grin and satisfaction, the woman on the bed pulled her clothes and got up.

She also had heavy makeup on her face, bright lipstick, and second-hand cheap earrings on her ears.

It was the earring sister who was an employee of "Art Line Workshop" with Mu Qingzhi before.

The earring sister tidied her hair and went out expressionlessly again.

Being beaten by a jealous and vicious woman is too normal in this kind of bar.

If you want to blame someone, you can only blame her for coming late, and no small group is willing to accept her.

After opening the door, she saw her boss, the middle-aged man who broke into her house casually.

"Que'er, hurry up, there is a big shot here today! The person from the Governor's Mansion you have been thinking about."

The man smiled sinisterly and touched her thigh when Sister Earring walked over.

Passing through the long and narrow passage, they came to another room.

When Sister Earring opened the door, she saw a young man wearing the clothes of the Governor's Mansion sitting on the sofa, and next to him——

The owner of their bar was smiling and flatteringly accompanying the wine.

In front of them, rows of heavily made-up women were already standing.

Sister Earring did not speak, but just stood quietly at the edge.

The slightly fat boss poured a glass of wine for the man next to him and said with a low smile——

"Sir! Take a look, you can choose any one."

The man wore gold-rimmed glasses, looked gentle and refined, and his eyes were calm and sharp.

After looking at the women in the row one by one, the man still did not speak, but lit a cigarette.

At this moment, in the depths of the earring sister's eyes——

a humble black light suddenly lit up.

Then, without anyone noticing, a faint sneer rose at the edge of her mouth.

At this moment, the binding spirit planted by Shen Chen in secret at that time played a role, allowing Shen Chen to control her consciousness.

As for why, of course it was the man in front of him.

Shen Chen had a slight impression that he had bowed to him in the Qingdu Governor's Mansion and was always half a step behind Huang Shao.

Huang Shao's deputy.

Come here to pick a woman?

"Now, I can give you a chance to completely get rid of your identity. If you do well, you may be able to obtain wealth that you dare not imagine in this life."

The man with gold-rimmed glasses said lightly.

Rows of women all looked up and stared at him, with eager hope in their eyes.

"Of course, the premise is that you have to sign this indenture first."

The man with gold-rimmed glasses clapped his hands, and someone behind him presented more than a dozen documents and distributed them to the women one by one.

Many people couldn't wait to browse.

However, two minutes later, many people fell silent.

"Sir, I want to ask - why do you ask for our right to life and health?"

Someone asked tentatively.

"It means literally."

The man with gold-rimmed glasses seemed too lazy to explain, and just said:

"Take a look at the reward yourself, sign the agreement if you are willing, and then follow me. The agreement states that there are accidents, but the probability is not high. If you survive, you will be free.

"As for whether you want to take this risk, you decide for yourself. ”

This time, many people looked terrified.

“It can’t be a human experiment.”

“I mean, there’s money to be made but no life to use.”

“Really? What a weird thing!”Weird. If it was a bed business, I would have signed it immediately. "

"That's right, who knows what it will be used for!"

Someone else was unwilling to give up and said softly in a charming tone:

"Sir, can't you just do something in bed? We are very skilled..."

The man with gold-rimmed glasses was unmoved.

At this moment, the figure standing at the edge suddenly stepped forward and signed his name on the agreement.

"Very good, what's your name?"

"Skylark. "


After leaving the room, Sister Earring was told to pack her luggage immediately.

At this time, she was still in a daze. She didn't know why she suddenly rushed up to sign the agreement.

It seemed that there was an inner voice telling her that she shouldn't do such a thing, it's better to take a gamble.

Although she was very impulsive, she didn't regret it much.

Suddenly, there was a sound of pushing the door.

Several girls with heavy makeup rushed in one by one, looking at Sister Earring and laughing.

"Oh, you are so brave, don't let your organs be sold by others when the time comes."

"That's right, this bitch is still thinking about climbing up the dragon and phoenix, and she doesn't even see if the good thing will come to her."

"Why doesn't the bitch say anything!"

One of the slightly fat women rushed forward and prepared to grab Sister Earring's hair.

However, the next moment, Sister Earring raised her hand.

A kick on her calf made her kneel straight on the ground.

"Ah ... "

The screams echoed in the space, and the remaining few people stared at Sister Earring in a daze, completely stunned.

I didn't expect that she would become so cruel.

It was so strange that she was like a demon.

Turning around, I saw the man with gold-rimmed glasses standing at the door, with a calm look in his eyes, and just said to Sister Earring:

"Skylark, it's time to go."

"Sister Earring" smiled and followed.

And the man with gold-rimmed glasses also felt an inexplicable emotion in his heart when he looked at her.

This woman looks a little difficult to control...

Tsk! What am I thinking, she's just a bitch, what kind of tricks can she have.

Just make do with it.

If it wasn't for completing Mr. Huang Shao's mission, how could a superior person like him come to such a dirty and lowly place.

After returning, I must order three ladies from Luanniao Tower to wash away this filth.

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