The Last Embrace

Chapter 109 Nooooo!

Prince Zain entered his mother's study room. The look he saw on his parents' faces tells him that what he was about to hear will not be good for him.

"Sit down my son," the Queen said.

Prince Zain settled comfortably on the sofa facing his parents.

The royal vampire couple was looking at each other as if they were debating who will talk first. The King nods his head to his wife... for her to start talking.

The Queen took a deep breath and looked at her son in the eyes.

"My son, your father and I have something to tell you. It's all about your brother Adam..."

A line appeared between Prince Zain's brows. "What about him, Mother?"

"He is alive," the Queen answered.

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Prince Zain's brows snapped together, his eyes were clouded with confusion. "But...he died! We buried him at the back of the mansion, I saw it with my own two eyes, you saw it too, Mother, then why are you telling me that he was alive?" he said, he doesn't like where this conversation is going.

The Queen resumed her talking...

"On the night your brother died was also the same night Jessy was transformed into a powerful crossbreed. I have instructed and prepared Nana Aida for that time to come, all she needs to do is to feed Adam with Jessy's blood, I was hoping for a miracle that somehow her blood can resurrect your brother's life, although there was no guarantee. During that time we buried him below the ground I already loses hope that he can be saved. After a few days of waiting I already know he was alive, I meet him secretly and I forbid him to see Jessy because I don't want him to come between you and Jessy's wedding. Jessy doesn't want to marry you because she loves Adam. We both know that we can't force Jessy to do what we want because she was more powerful than all of us combined. So, I erase her memories and feelings for Adam so that she will be willing to marry you..."

Prince Zain winced in pain. So... his brother is alive! His rage was already boiling inside him. The brother that he hated so much is still alive!

"Who is more powerful now? Jessy or my brother?" he asked.

"They both have the same power, Adam will be as powerful as Jessy," the Queen answered.

"Now, it finally dawned on me why I become a useless mortal since my brother drunk Jessy's blood first... he got all the power that should be rightfully mine," Zain gritted his teeth.

"You are right, my son. I'm so sorry I orchestrated all this, I don't want to lose your brother, being his mother I will do anything to save him, hope you understand why I did all this..."

"But it's so unfair! You love him more than me!" Zain said.

"No! You are wrong. I love all my children!" the Queen was fighting back tears.

"Because of your love for Adam, I now become the useless Prince with no power! I hate you, Mother!" he shouted.

The King's face turns dark. "Don't you dare say that to your mother, Zain. She's still the one who gives birth to you, where is your respect for her?" he chastised his oldest son.

"Father, how can you tolerate my mother's wrongdoing?" Zain's eyes pleaded with his father.

"Son, your mother acted based on her maternal instinct, if you are the one on Adam's shoes and needs saving, she will do the same thing to you. Zain, you got to understand where your mother comes from!" the King said.

Zain's face was blazing with anger. "But I was robbed of my power by my very own mother and brother! How am I supposed to feel? Do I have to shout for joy that my brother is alive and shout praises to my mother that she is the best mother in the world and treated all her children fairly? Do I have to bow and kneel in front of my powerful brother... or... "

There was a moment of silence.

"You have to return Jessy to Adam," the King said. "Since you are no longer a powerful vampire, Adam and Jessy belong to one another, together they will become a power couple and they will give birth to the next vampire race..."

The King's words were the last straw.

Zain's anger was now reaching the highest boiling point.

"Nooooooooooo!" his fury filled voice vibrated around the room. "I will never give up my wife because of that opportunist brother of mine! Over my dead body! You have to kill me first before you can take Jessy away from me!" he raved like a lunatic man. He destroys and throws everything that his hand touches, the books, the flower vase, the magazines, and the center table... sending it crashing into the floor.

"Please calm down, son!" the Queen screamed, her face was already wet with tears.

"My brother robbed me of Jessy and my power, now that Jessy is already my wife, I will never give her up, she's the only thing I ever have! Why can you be so cruel to me, Mom and Dad? Why do you have to take away everything from me? Please leave Jessy alone... she is the only thing left for me, she's my happiness!" he begged.

Zain walks toward the door...

"Where are you going, Zain?" the Queen asked.

"I'm going to take Jessy away from this place! We will go somewhere far away!" he said, storming out of the room.

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