The Last Embrace

Chapter 111 Solution

Jessy and the Queen were silent, both were contemplating their next move.

Then the Queen looks at her daughter who is pretending reading a book in the corner. "Abigail, can you bring Hannah here? We are going to discuss something important to her."

"Yes Mother," Abigail answered and left the room.

"What we're gonna do now?" the King asked.

"We have to come up with a solution. I pity Zain so much, but we can put one man above all. We have to decide on what's the best for the majority, that is always our responsibility from the very beginning," said the Queen.

"Yes. We can't prioritize one son's feelings and demands while jeopardizing our whole plan in the process, we have no choice, but to do the right thing given that we don't have many choices left either," the King said.

While the couple was talking to each other, Jessy was busy thinking of a solution on her own. "Mother, where is my husband right now?" she asked.

"In the meantime, we imprisoned him in a room that he can not get out. We still have no solution regarding what to do with him. We are afraid that he will start harming himself or others, he was so angry when we asked him to let you go so that you and Adam can continue your relationship freely. He was totally against it, he went ballistic and starts destroying things here inside my study room," explained the Queen.

Jessy sighed. Of course, it will be hard for her husband to stomach all, he would certainly feel abused and violated by the people surrounding him. She knew Zain would never let her go. Why does she feel guilty all of a sudden?

"Worry no more, Mom and Dad, I have a perfect solution for Zain. As long I'm with him he will be satisfied. I am the only thing that is important to him right now including the baby. So, we will just have to continue the facade, let Hannah continue pretending as me, this will create a reality in Zain's mind. I will need to talk with Zain first, I need to ease his mind and worries," she said.

The King and Queen looked at each other trying to weight Jessy's suggestion... will it work or not?

"Are we going to continue fooling him?" asked the Queen. "Things were already hard for him to accept, now we will keep pouring salt to his wound, it's kind of torture."

The King sighed.

"It's torture if he knows about it, but if not then we will be able to keep him happy for a while until such time we can no longer hide the truth, then that is the time to tell him everything," the King commented.

"There is no other way---?" the Queen asked.

"No other way, Mother. But let's not worry much, once the baby is born, maybe Zain can slowly finally accepts the truth that there was never me and him, that the marriage between us was a big lie, but let's wait for Hanna to give birth to their child first, the baby might soften his heart," Jessy said.

The door to the study room opened. Hannah and Abigail entered the room and sat down on the sofa.

Hannah bowed her head to the royal couple as a sign of respect and greetings.

Jessy placed her hands on the woman's abdomen. "How old is the baby?"

Hannah froze.

"Don't worry, I'm not angry that my husband got you pregnant, are you happy with the baby?" Jessy asked.

Hannah's face slowly registered a coy smile. "Yes..."

"Do you love Zain so much?" Jessy asked again.

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"Yes. I love him so much!" she giggles in happiness.

The King and Queen were watching Hannah with interest, all they can see right now is a woman who is very much in love with their eldest son.

"Would you be willing to continue pretending as Jessy in front of our son, Hannah?" asked the King gently.

"Yes! I love to look like Jessy because Zain loves me so much, but if he will see me with my image, he would not grant me those loving looks, he would only continue to treat me as a sister, a friend or companion. But with Jessy's looks, he loves me with all his heart and we are happy that way," Hannah answered naively.

The Queen grimaced and scratched her head. She starting to feel pity for Hannah, this woman... is hopelessly in love with my son, Hannah was stupid to continue pretending as someone else just to get the love of the man she admired so much.

The Queen sighed.

"Now that's settled, I will go to Zain to see his condition," Jessy said.

She stood up ready to leave the room.

"Wait, I want to see Zain too!" said Hannah.

"You can't go yet, Hannah. We still need to brief you on a lot of things. Let Jessy see our son first after she's done visiting our son, you can visit Zain a few times in any given day, you have our permission. Okay?" the King said.

"Okay, thank you so much, my King and my Queen," Hannah bowed her head, feeling grateful.

Jessy glanced meaningfully at the royal couple before she exited the room.

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