The Last Embrace

Chapter 115 There She Is!

Back in the pool area...

Gavin's heart was beating faster in his rib cage, he knows well the identity of the woman watching him from the balcony of his condo's no other than...Jessy!

He immediately steps out of the water and went to the shower room area and change into dry clothes.

Then he teleported himself into his condo unit right into the living room.

There she is!

They locked eyes.

"Jessy!" he still can't believe it, how did she found him?

She just looks at him without saying anything. This is frustrating, the old Adam that she loves so much is forever gone! The guy standing in front of him is a perfect stranger!

"You've changed a lot!" she commented dryly.

"Yes, I did change a lot. After I was feed with your blood by Nana Aida I was resurrected and my curse skin is gone. Thank you so much for your blood, Jess, I'm alive again," he said softly. "Come here, let me hug you, I miss you so much!" he said excitedly, he was overjoyed with her presence, his smile was as wide as the vast Pacific ocean.

But Jessy steps back away from him. "So're no longer the same Adam that I used to love," she said her voice full of sorrow.

Gavin's forehead furrowed. "Huh? Look... I'm still the same person... only my outside look has changed. I'm still the same Adam you know before. I'd never change," he said.

Jessy shook her head. "I want the old Adam! Change yourself into the old Adam!" she demanded.

Gavin's brow snapped together. "I'm sorry I won't, I like my new look a million times compare to my old look, my look before was horrendous you have no idea how I hated the way I look before. I can't even look longer in the mirror..."

Jessy's face grows sadder.

She felt like she already loses Adam. She took another step away from him.

"Don't follow me!" Jessy shouted.

She suddenly disappeared from his sight.


Gavin was stunned!

How did their reunion come into this?

Where did Jessy go?

There will be two places she would go...

In the mansion or on the beach?

He will try the mansion first...

He teleported into the mansion, right into the living room, surprising Nana Aida who's currently resting in the living room watching her favorite television show.

"Adam...Gavin! My gosh, you kids always give me a heart attack!" she scolded the boy.

"Nana, did you see Jessy arrived here?" he asked with a worried look in his eyes.

"Yes, she's crying when she appeared her, she was in her room right now, are you two having arguments?" Nana Aida asked.

Gavin scratches his head in bewilderment. "Just a misunderstanding, Nana," he explained. "I will go upstairs now and talk to Jessy," he said.

"Okay, nice to know that you two were finally together once again, I'm happy for you and Jessy," Nana Aida said.

Gavin smiled and then proceed to climb the stairs. It's been a while...he was busy with his modeling jobs and forgot to visit Nana Aida more often here in the mansion.

He arrived at the top of the stairs and strolled in the hallway while his mind was bombarded with so many memories of the past, this mansion holds so many of their memories in the old days. That was the sweetest days, the age of innocence, the nostalgic age of young sweet love.

The time is changing...

They were getting older...

Jessy and him, they were no longer the same person, did they changed that much? Were they?

The change can be a good thing as long both of them can learn to adapt to each other changing personalities.

He halted in front of Jessy's bedroom door and knocked three times.

"Jess...please open the door, let's talk!" he said.

No response from the inside, it's a clear indication that she's not in the mood to talk to him. But he can't let this night go to waste, he teleported inside the room, and there she was lying in the bed covered by a blanket....hearing her sobs made his heart...ache for her.

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"There you are... why did you leave all of a sudden and why are you crying?" he asked.

"You're not the same Adam anymore," she replied between sobs.

"Silly girl, I'm still Adam inside," he uses his power to change his image back into his old self, for her he can do anything, he knew...right now... it's his old image that can make her happy.

"Go away!" she shouted.

"Okay I will go away, just look at me for the last time..." he said.

She obeyed and removed the blanket from her face.

There he is....her old ugly Adam! The ugly look that she was accustomed to---how lovely!

Smiling...she catapulted into his waiting arms.

"I miss you so much, Adam!" she murmured, giggling.

Gavin smiled and embrace her tightly. "Jessy, why do you love my ugly face so much?" he chuckled.

"It's so you!" she replied with a wink.

They come down crashing into the bed just like the good old days. They have a lot of things to talk and discuss, but for now, they can't help but claimed each other's lips for a passionate kiss that took their breath away.

The rest can wait.

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