The Last Embrace

Chapter 139 End Your Life

Colonel Brown looked at his subordinate's face keenly his eyebrow knitted together. "So, how exactly you will attack the vampire's fortress without harming the human workers?"

"I got snipers and my elite men will destabilize the guards who were patrolling around the dome then my men will lead the human workers outside for safety, when all the workers are already out, we will start launching bombs on the facility to annihilate the remaining vampires hiding below the ground, that's my plan, Sir!" Captain Mercado said.

Colonel Brown looked at the files in his hands. "Your plan sounds easy, how much percentage of success you are expecting?"

"I'm expecting a 95% success rate, Sir, although there's no such thing as perfect plan considering that we are dealing with vampires here who still have superhuman powers and can strike back anytime, I'm just trying to limit the casualties when it comes to the human workers the best way I can, Sir," Captain Mercado answered.

Colonel Brown looked at the captain's face. "Recently, how many attacks have been made by vampires against civilians?" he asked.

"So far, I heard nothing, Sir," Captain Mercado responded.

"I guess, the vampires were now down to their last So the vampires who were hiding in the Facility, they were probably the remaining ones alive?"

"Yes, Sir! Based on our intelligence report, the vampires' last stand is inside that Facility, Sir!"

"Okay, once you and your men successfully annihilated the last of the vampires, this will become a close book. Captain...I wish you good luck with your operation. I will no longer deploy the warplanes, I want you to save as many human workers as you can inside that dome, allow only a few casualties as possible and pulverize the target, I will give you all my support and assistance..."

"Thank you, Sir, for believing in me," Captain Mercado said.

Colonel Brown continues staring at the captain, he still needs one important thing to finish tonight.

"But before you resume the operation against the vampires, I want to entrust you with an important mission, this is a personal matter for me," Colonel Brown said. He took a brown envelope from the drawer of his table and gave it to the captain. "Inside are important details regarding that mission I'm talking about, once you succeeded on this mission I can help you with your promotion. As you know, Major Miller's position is vacant as of now, my words of recommendation can help you take that position, only if the result of the mission I'm giving you is satisfactory. Accomplish the mission quietly as possible and try not to get your men killed while doing the operation. Is that clear, Captain?"

"Yes, Sir!"

"You are dismissed!" Colonel Brown said.

Captain Mercado stood up and execute the customary hand salute in front of the colonel before going out of the office. Holding the brown envelope in his right hand he went down the stairs into the ground floor, he walked towards the parking lot and found his car then he inserted his keys opening the car door and entered the vehicle.

He was about to insert the key to start the engine but he can no longer move his hands, not only his hands but his entire body! as if he was being frozen! He saw the car keys floated in the air and landed on the seat next to him. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.


The crossbreed is here inside the car and was freezing him, dammit he can't even talk!

The next thing he knows, he was being teleported into the park, sitting on a concrete bench. The park was already deserted during that time because it's already midnight.

Then he finally saw her...the crossbreed sitting on the bench in front of him.

The young woman walked towards him and sat down beside him.

"Hi there Uncle!" she said and looked at him. She unfreezes his mouth so that he can reply.

"Unfreeze me right now!" Captain Mercado commanded.

Jessy sighed and shook her head. "I'm so sorry uncle, I can't."

"Why did you bring me here?" he asked.

"I brought you here to kill you," she said casually as if she was just commenting about the weather.

Captain Mercado's blood turned cold. "Did you kill Major Miller?" he asked in a hoarse voice almost like a whisper, he was already dreading her confirmation.

Jessy shifted her eyes on the empty streets on the left side of the park. "I don't know what you are talking about, I don't know of any Major Miller," she lied.

"Were you the one who save that baby inside the mall earlier?" he asked again.

Jessy shook her head. "I haven't gone into the mall for a long time, I don't know about the baby," she lied again.

"Then why are you bringing me here, do you want to kill me today?" he asked again.

Jessy nodded her head.

"Because you are going to kill the remaining vampires and I can't allow you to do that...before you can bring destruction to my clan I will eliminate you first," she said.

Captain Mercado snorted. "You will kill me, then how long you will keep killing military officials just because you want to save the vampire race from extinction? Do you know that even if you kill me, there will always be new people who will take charge of the operation and continue where I left off, you just have to accept the fact that the vampire race is not worth saving, your people will eventually die, there's nowhere to run and hide in this world where human's rule, all vampires will have to die!" he said gritting his teeth.

"You just say that because you are not a vampire, what if our situation will reverse and you are on my shoes, the vampires rule the world and the remaining human beings hide in that facility just to continue surviving how would you feel?" she asked.

The Captain smiled. "That will never happen, humans are powerful and intelligent beings, no one can defeat us!" he said.

Jessy smirked. "You forgot that I'm human too! Anyways, let's end everything here. What kind of death you like, I want you to choose your preferred death, it's the least I can do for you, how about the death of drowning, burning, suffocation or buried alive ten feet below the ground?" she said in a cold voice.

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