The Last Embrace

Chapter 148 Cornfields

The two hours journey went smoothly.

They were now traveling outside the city... entering the specified area where the secret location was currently being chosen as the meeting place.

Jessy surveyed the surrounding area of the warehouse. It's just a vast area of cornfields that spans in every direction. The corn plants were nearing harvest time, the heights of the corns were as tall as six to seven feet. The crumbling warehouse stood in the center of the cornfields, the roof and the walls of the warehouse were laden with holes.

The black van stopped at the entrance of the warehouse...

A total of ten menacing-looking men wearing a black skull mask on their faces armed with M-16 rifle and assault rifle were guarding the entrance of the warehouse.

Captain Mercado, his two men, and the driver exited the vehicle, the masked men approached the captain and his team.

"Put your hands above your heads!" the leader of the masked men shouted.

The captain and his men do as ordered, they immediately raised their hands above their heads.

The five men inspected the newcomers' body for any concealed weapon or mobile device, they found none.

"Clear!" one of the masked men shouted to his leader.

"Only three-person is allowed inside, leave the driver outside!"

One of the masked men pointed a gun at the driver's head.

The door of the warehouse opened.

Three masked men escorted Captain Mercado and his men inside the warehouse while the rest of the seven men stationed themselves outside the warehouse and were patrolling the area scanning for any possible threat.

Jessy followed the captain inside the warehouse hovering in the air.

Inside the warehouse, another ten men wearing the same skull mask on their faces were on standby mode pointing their guns at the newcomer. They look like they are ready to kill, their skull mask looks terrifying, the horrendous looking mask has three holes, two for the eyes and one for the nose. If this is a Halloween party, their mask would look cool in a costume party.

On the right corner, Jessy saw a body whose hands and feet were bound by a rope, and the mouth was covered with duct tape...must be one of the girls! The girl looks alive though as she keeps moving her body trying to free herself from the rope but to no avail.

Out of the corner of his eyes, Captain Mercado saw the girl lying on the floor, she resembles one of the girls in the picture, he breathed in relief after seeing the girl alive and moving actively. Now, all they have to do is to return the girl safely to his parents, that...if these armed men won't do something stupid tonight. He and his men were an easy target because they were not carrying any weapons with them, they can't defend themselves in case the masked men will fire their guns mercilessly at them and slaughter them like pigs.

"Bring that attache case here!" the leader of the masked men commanded in a loud voice.

The captain's men that were holding the attache case steps forward and walked towards the wooden table, it's the only furniture inside the warehouse and they placed the attache case above the table.

"Open it!" the leader ordered.

The captain's men opened the attache case.

"Return to your position," the leader ordered the two men to return to Captain Mercado's side.

The two men obeyed.

The leader of the kidnappers and his men stared at the bundle of crisp money inside the attache case, lots of mouthwatering money for them to see and admire, majority of them had not seen such huge amount of money in their lifetime, together with his three men the leader began inspecting the paper bills from top to bottom to see if it's fake or not.

The leader paused for a moment and looked directly at Captain Mercado. "If I see one single fake money from this attache case, you... your companion and that girl over there will die tonight!" then together with his men they resumed inspecting the paper bills.

Their inspection of the authenticity of the money lasted for a total of twenty minutes.

The leader and his men nodded at each other confirming that the money is real.

Another two masked men came forward... each holding a black bag and began transferring all the money into the bag.

Captain Mercado was observing the masked men's movements.

The leader of the masked men signaled his men to move out of the warehouse. "Let's go!"

They all walked towards the entrance of the warehouse.

"Wait!" Captain Mercado shouted. "Where is the other girl?" he just wants to be sure that the other girl is alive.

The leader of the masked men turned his head over his shoulder and looked at the captain. "She's alive!"

Then the rest of the masked men exited the dilapidated building leaving the captain and his men inside the warehouse.

Captain Mercado's men walked towards the squirming girl on the corner and began untying the rope from her hands and feet, then they gently took the duct tape away from her mouth.

The moment the duct tape was taken out of the girl's mouth, she screamed and shouted. "Please help me!" she began sobbing uncontrollably.

"Shhh, calm down, we are military officers assigned to save you, you can relax now, you're safe with us," said one of the captain's men.

The girl feels relieved and stopped crying, she wiped the tears from her eyes with her hands.

"Where is your sister? Is your sister still alive?" one of the men asked.

The girl nodded her head. "Yes, she's still alive."

"Can you take us to the place where they hide your sister?" the guy said.

The girl shook her head. "They blindfold us every time they take us out of the r-room where t-they imprisoned us. They only took the b-blindfold from our face if we a-are inside the room, the only thing we can see day and night is the white p-painted wall of the room and there is a b-bathroom in there, that's all that I can r-remember, I h-have no idea where t-they took us," she explained in a trembling voice.

Jessy was watching the girl talking to the captain's men.

She wants to follow the kidnappers and trail them behind wherever they will go but she can't leave the girl and the captain's men, she was worried that the kidnappers will come back and massacre the people inside the warehouse now that they already had the ransom money in their hands. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

She feels happy after seeing the girl alive, she might as well guard them and make sure no harm will come to them, she will stay inside the warehouse, as for the kidnappers, there always next time, their path will cross again.

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