The Last Embrace

Chapter 163 Solving Two Big Problems


She's a genius!

She will be solving two big problems at the same time...

This guy suffered so much already seeing his wife become like this...

Then her wife was already a goner then why try to save her and pay big hospital bills month after month when death is already knocking at her door, why just embrace death and rest in peace...she can't see the logic why would relatives still save their loved ones in a comatose condition? and suffer hard paying mounting hospital bills month after month?


The guard went to the guy's side and whispered. "Sorry Sir, but time is up, you have to go now," he said.

The leader looked at his wife for the last time, using the back of his hand he wiped the tears from his eyes. "Thank you so much guard for allowing me to see my wife," he said to the guard feeling grateful for the chance to see his wife, this may be the last time.

"Don't mention it, let's go!" the guard said.

The guard and the leader of the kidnappers walked in the hallway heading for the entrance.

Jessy followed them.

She watched as the guy went to his motorcycle and started the engine.

Aston teared up.

He looked at the hospital for the last time, he might not be able to visit his wife again cause he will go in hiding for a long time, and as for the hospital bills...the ransom money will be enough for several years to sustain her hospital bill.

He put the helmet on his head and steered his motorcycle towards the busy highway heading for home.

Jessy followed him hovering up in the air.

She just can't take her mind away from the woman in the hospital, she will be going back to the hospital for her.

A few minutes later.

The leader of the kidnappers finally arrived home.

His sister was already waiting for him in the living room.

"Where are the babies?" he asked while putting down the helmet on the sofa beside him.

"I already put them to sleep," Emma replied, she looked at her brother's haggard face closely. "Aston, is there something wrong? Please tell me..."

Aston looked at his sister with deep sadness in his eyes. "I'm sorry Emma, I have to leave baby Oliver to you, I have to hide away for a long time but I will keep in touch with you, I will call you as soon as I have time. I will leave the money to you so that you can use it to pay the hospital bills and for your expenses here in the house."

Emma swallowed the lump in her throat. "Where did you get that money? Where did you get it!? Tell me first!" she demanded.

Aston released a deep sigh. "It's a...a... r-ransom money..." he stammered and fixed his eyes on the floor.

Emma covered her mouth with her hands. "Jesus! I was thinking you were just stealing or selling some illegal stuff, I'd never expected you're doing kidnap for ransom for a living," tears filled her eyes rapidly.

Aston was feeling ashamed of himself. "I'm sorry that the foods you had eaten come from bad money, the money I earned was never clean, just that the hospital bill is too much, I was pushed beyond my limit. I had to decide between making a clean living and let go of Suzanne or do a bad living just to make Suzanne survive a little bit longer. I tried my best, just that this fucking life of mine kept pushing me to the edge! As if I have no other means to live in this world but to do bad things just to survive! That's the only fucking option I have...I hate myself and I hate my life!"

The dam of suppressed emotions came pouring out from Aston's eyes. Tears were streaming down his face...all the pain...the agony of growing up to irresponsible parents and then do bad things in most his adult life just to survive and support his sister financially and then now his wife and son and niece. Life has demanded so much from him!

Jessy prevented herself from sighing.

The siblings were crying in front of each other...she saw their shoulders trembling with painful sobs enveloping their whole body.

And Jessy is a human being after all with a heart that knows compassion and she was affected badly of what she just witness today.

"Sis, I will leave the money for you to use. I might not be able to find another job that can give me big money, all I ask from you is to take care of baby Oliver for me," he said. He rose to his feet and grabs the helmet in his hand, he walked towards his room to rest for the night. "I will be gone tomorrow before the sun comes out," he said and entered his room.

Emma lost the strength to continue condemning her brother, what he needed right now is a total understanding and cooperation from her. She stood up and went back to her bedroom to check on baby Oliver, and her daughter Emily and then retire for the night.

Jessy had seen the siblings gone to their respective rooms.

She already knew what to do.

She will go to the hospital first and attend to his wife peacefully, then come back here to bring Aston into the warehouse and deliver him to the captain to pay for his crime.

That's what she's going to do!

She teleported into the hospital right away.

Outside the ICU where the comatose woman was lying, Jessy was still contemplating her final steps.

Does she really have to put the woman to eternal rest?

She was sure of that decision earlier but then why she was suddenly having feelings of pity for the woman, dying too soon without even seeing the face of her firstborn...sigh...such a sad way to die...what a poor woman!

But she can't waste much of her time, she has to keep moving!

She went inside the ICU passing through the glass window.

She walked closer to the bed where the woman was lying. She looked at her face, Suzanne is beautiful.

Jessy put her hands on the woman's head and murmured something in her ears. "I'm so sorry...but it takes so long to wake you up...your husband is going to jail to pay for his crime and he can no longer pay your hospital bill...too bad you have not seen your cute son...he got your have to go...go now!...rise to heaven and rest in eternal peace...goodbye Suzanne..." she was about to turn off the machine that helped the woman breathe, but she was surprised to see tears emerged from the corners of the woman's eyes...

OMG! Is she unconscious now?

She reached for the breathing machine and was about to turn it off but the woman's eyes suddenly opened!

Holy Shit!


Jessy was about to scream in shock! She got the biggest shocker of her life when the woman's eyes were staring at her?

What the hell!?

Can the woman see her?

But she is invisible!


Jesus! She just got the biggest scare of her life today!

Soon enough a loud beeping was heard inside the room alerting the nurse station.

The doctor and nurses come pouring inside the room, Jessy flees from the room and continues watching the chaos inside the room from the outside window.

"The patient has finally awakened from her coma! This is a great miracle, thank God!" one of the nurses said after getting out of the door.

Jessy's eyes grow bigger...she looked at her hands that touched the head of the woman...she was sure she has no special power when it comes to healing or bringing back comatose people to about her voice? did she wake her up through her voice? Or it was just pure coincidence that the woman wakes up during the moment she was about to end her life?


Jessy's a good thing after all!

This means baby Oliver will finally have his mother back while his father will serve a jail sentence.

She immediately teleported back into Anton's house, she found him sleeping in his room, the ransom money was on the table.

She waved her hand over the sleeping guy...freezing him...then she took the bag of money and executes the teleporting process back into the warehouse.

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