The Last Embrace

Chapter 168 Revenge Driven

Captain Mercado was feeling sad, he tried his best to help the crossbred, but he will be going against the command of the two most powerful men in the whole's a futile effort.

"The General knows about the Facility, Sir?" the captain asked.

"Yes. We have a spy in there, the only reason why it takes us so long to attack that Facility is because of the 5k human shields. Everything needs careful planning to avoid killing the innocent. As you can see...General Smith is a decorative war hero, one of the finest military officials I ever known in my whole life, that is why it's a waste of talent if the crossbred will easily kill him just because of her desperation to save her clan from total annihilation."

The captain sighed deeply shaking his head. "'s a dead end, Sir?" he said.

Colonel Brown pressed his mouth. "Well...what could make the General changed his mind? The hatred he felt towards the vampires are so much as I tried to understand the crossbred's desperation to protect her clan...still...we are up against the General and the President here who shared the same hatred towards the vampires in general."

"Can we let the crossbred finished transforming her entire clan before we proceed in attacking the Facility, at least give them a chance to escape somewhere far?"

Colonel Brown looked at his junior shaking his head. "The General wants result...body counts of dead vampires after the attack to convince him that the vampires were finally driven to extinction in our country. How the hell can we produce 5k fake dead vampires? Unless the crossbred has a powerful magic that can allow her to produce 5k fake vampire bodies for the General to see with his own two eyes..."

They looked at each other...their brain cells were exhausted just thinking of ways to help solve the crossbred's dilemma.

"Just want to ask this...Sir...if one day all the vampires were fully transformed into mortals do we still need to capture them and kill them?" the captain asked.

"If you asked my opinion and I'm the one in-charge in this operation my answer is no need to kill them, what for? they are no longer a threat to the society but if you asked the General he might answer differently," Colonel Brown said. "But I don't want the General to be killed either, we are good classmate in college, he is one of the few good men left around in our society," he added.

The two officers were silent for a moment.

"Ah, Captain, I think you need to go home now, you need to rest. Let's discuss the crossbred's topic some other time, maybe I can find a solution later on. Regarding your retirement let's talk about it some other day, okay?" the colonel said.

"Yes, Sir!" the captain responded.

"You can go now and rest well," Colonel Brown said.

"Thank you, Sir!" Captain Mercado performed the hand salute to his superior and left the office to go home and rest.


In a penthouse, overlooking the busy streets, situated in the 20th floor of an expensive apartment building, the Mole was sipping whisky from a half-filled glass in a luxurious living room, he knew already what happened to the men he hired for the kidnapping, the second transaction ended in failure and the men were caught by the military or police officers.

It doesn't matter though, Aston only knew him as The Mole, that guy had not seen his face and he had many aliases, to begin with, The Mole is just one of the many.

He doesn't have a permanent address...

He had many identities.

He likened himself to a shadow, always moving and blending well in the dark, very elusive!

He put the glass in the center table and reached for his phone.

He called someone...

"Hello, Phoenix...I want you to check Mr. Garcia's circle of friends, relatives, business associates and everyone related to him. I want to know who could help him rescue his two daughters and help him sabotaged my plan. Take your time, I'm not in a hurry, I will go for a vacation in the Caribbean. I will be staying in Hilton Aruba Caribbean Hotel & Casino, Palm Beach in the next two months, so don't rush your investigation, I want the complete report. Can you do it for me?" The Mole said.

"Yes, Boss! I will forward everything to you by fax machine or email, I will let you know if I'm already done with my investigation," Phoenix said.

"Good! The advance payment will be wired to your bank account next week," The Mole said.

"Thank you, Boss!" Phoenix said.

"Bye Phoenix," The Mole said.

"Enjoy your vacation, Boss! Bye..." and the line went dead.

The Mole went to the bathroom and took a long shower.

A few minutes later.

Done showering, he called another number from his phone.



"I think Aston screwed up this time...too bad I like that guy he is easy to work with. Look for any news tomorrow or in the coming days and see if he talks a lot about know the usual...if he starts talking nonsense to the police authority you know what to do, kill his entire family including his alcoholic and drug addict parents...make it look like an accident...leave the babies alone!"

"Yes, Boss!

"Make no mistake!"

"Yes of course. You know me, I always work to perfection, Boss!"

"I will call you again some other day. I will call you...don't call me!" he said.

"Got it, Boss!"

The Mole ended his conversation with the Executioner. He had hired the Executioner to clean up the mess of the people he works with. Executioner always makes things easier for him, when things get rough on his side and needs some tidying up he can always depend on him to make things smooth and clear for him allowing him to work efficiently again.

He tried calling Aston's number one last time, but it's still the same thing, his phone was dead, time to give up and expect the worst, hope Aston won't tell the police much about him or else it's gonna be a bloody mess on Aston's side. Before he hired him, Aston already knew the consequences of their failure, it's gonna be total a silence or total annihilation of his entire family, he took the offer bravely knowing what's in the store for him once he failed on their operation.

Well...time to find another guy for hire!

That can wait though after he comes back from his two months vacation in the Caribbean.

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