The Last Embrace

Chapter 186 Glittering Gold

Jessy went down to the core in his father's workplace. She found her father conducting a meeting with his men in the holding point of the mining ground.

She sat down on the chair at the back.

Fifteen minutes later, her father was done with his talking and dismissed his men.

Hector saw his daughter and approached her. "Jessy, where's your mother?" he asked.

Jessy greeted his father with a quick hug. "It's just me, Father."

"You want to see me in action mining the gold, eh?" Hector smiled at his daughter fondly.

"Not really, Father. But if you allow me I can spare a few minutes watching you while you work, that would be pretty interesting," she said.

"Okay, let's go!" Hector said.

Jessy walked beside his father as they go deeper into the tunnel of the mining site.

"How many years before the supply of gold will run out, Father?" Jessy asked curiously.

Hector looked at her daughter pondering about her question. "I have no idea, if we can no longer see any gold deposits around here then that will be the end of the mining business here. So far so good, every time we dig new tunnel there's always gold everywhere, the supply of gold here is endless, but I know that one day it will end somehow...somewhere."

"Dad, the reason why I'm asking you about this is we need huge money to sustain the clan's needs, once the rest of the 5k vampires will relocate into The Habitat, the population will explode, the more people living in that place the more the financial strain will balloon up. And you know... those single vampires will marry one day and have children of their own. You understand what I mean, Father?" Jessy said.

Hector nodded his head. "Of course I understand what you mean my child. The King, the Queen and I already discussed that matter two months ago. The royal couple had invested a lot of money in several business ventures run by Ruth and Ruby's company through the years just for this single purpose. Once the royal couple finally turned into mortals and acquired mortal identity then those businesses will be transferred into their names. The profits from those businesses will fund The Habitat to keep it sustainable in the long run, besides, as long the gold will exist in this ground we will keep mining it so that we can have enough gold reserve for future needs," Hector explained.

"There's also new building being currently built in The Habitat and it will serve as a school building imitating the human beings school so that the children can have a proper education and they can easily be integrated into the mainstream society," Hector added. "The classes for children will start in the next five months and Ruth's company hired humans teachers to educate our kids. Once the children will start high school and go to college they will be attending the normal school, that would be six to seven years from now."

Jessy smiled. She never had normal schooling when she grew up, she learned a lot through reading, browsing the net and with one on one teaching from her teacher online. That's the only exposure she had when it comes to proper education.

"So, Father...what will happen if the outside world will know of the gold deposits down here?" Jessy asked in a worried voice.

Hector wore a grim face. "The core is a top-secret among the vampires, only trusted individuals know of the gold deposits here. Once this information will leak into the outside and will reach the greedy individual's radar, everyone will be clamoring to find this place and they will start raiding this mining site and you already know what's gonna happen next, we will have more enemies than we can count on our fingers, chaos will ensue for sure. It's has been known that humans have a greedy nature, they will do anything for money."

Jessy was silent for a moment.

"When everyone is relocated to The Habitat, will you and your men continue mining this gold site?"

Hector nodded his head. "Yes, of course. As long there is gold underground and there is a demand for gold then the mining continues until no more gold left to harvest."

"But you and mother will go back to the mansion and travel the world, how can you still work here?" she said.

"I won't be traveling the world every day, only a few days, probably three to four times in a year...then the rest of the days I will still be working here. I will train someone to supervise the mining site while I'm on vacation. When that time comes, I will be implementing the new rules, they will only work five days a week so that the workers can have two days rest to spend with their family and loves ones. As of now, we are working round the clock here in rotation because there are too many idle vampires who love to work, they're getting bored out of their minds, the mining site is one place they love to flex their muscles with."

Talking with her father is entertaining but Jessy has to go back to the clinic 'coz her break time is already over. "I love talking to you, Dad, but I can no longer continue sightseeing within the tunnels because I need to go back to the clinic. I'm actually here to ask something from you Dad..."

Hector gave her daughter a quizzical looked. "What is it, child?"

Jessy whispered something into her father's ears. "I need some gold father, the finished product... the polished ones," she said.

"Why?" he raised his brow.

"I'm going to give them to Adam so that he can bring the gold to the jewelry maker and make a gold bracelet for my hands and my know girls stuff," she grinned.

Hector smiled. "Ah, okay, no problem. Come with me to the polishing area. There are lots of gold in there ready for sale or be made into a piece of jewelry," he said.

They went back to the holding area and entered a door. Inside the room, there were bags and plastic storage boxes were the refined gold products were stocked.

Above the table are golds of different sizes that glittered under the light.

"Wowww!" Jessy's jaw dropped. She'd never seen so many golds in her lifetime. They looked golden and shining dazzlingly beautiful! She ran her hands on the polished metals.

Hector picked up a small black pouch and placed it in his daughter's hands. "Here you go, you can put many golds as you can in that pouch, it's all yours," he said. "You can come back for more if you want..."

Jessy grinned from ear to ear. "Thank you so much, Dad!" She began filling the pouch with gold until it nearly burst out from its content. Jessy put back the excess gold in the table, she looked at the pouch, feeling satisfied she's ready to leave.

"I will go back now to the clinic, Dad, bye!" she said.

"Bye daughter!" Hector said.

She planted a kissed on her father's cheeks and teleported into her room in the facility. Inside her room, she placed the golden pouch beneath her clothes. She will give some of the gold to Aston's family so that it can help sustain them for the time being because Suzanne still has no permanent job.

It's the least she can do for Aston's family.

She went out of her room walking briskly towards the clinic.

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