The Last Embrace

Chapter 196 Time Is Running Out!

Jessy went back to the clinic for another round of blood transfusion since she woke up late she can only do three or four blood transfusion today. Well not bad, the other day she completed six.

Three hours later, she exited the clinic and steps into the hallway walking straight ahead towards the queen's study room.

She knocked on the door twice.

"Come in..." a woman's voice said.

Jessy pushed the door open and entered the study room.

The queen was looking at her visitor's face with interest. "Oh, Jessy...what's up with the blood transfusion?"

Jessy sat down on the sofa facing the queen. "The blood transfusion is doing well, Mother. I come to see you because I want to report two important things to you today."

The queen peered at Jessy's face upon hearing the word-important. "Tell me what is it?" she asked, interested.

"Mother, before we proceed to those important things. I want to talk with you first about Hannah, she told me that the royal family allowed her to visit Zain twice a week. I'm a bit worried though considering that Zain will resort to violence sometimes," Jessy said.

Queen Margaret rose from the sofa and put back the book she was holding in the cabinet, she returned to the sofa and faced Jessy again. "The King and I visited Zain the other day and we have decided to erase your memory in our son's head so that he can finally forget about you. Unfortunately, he cried hard 'coz he doesn't want your memory to be taken out from his mind, instead, he offered that he will announce to everyone that he will let you go as his wife. Then he told us that he wanted to see Hannah again and get acquainted with her just for the sake of the baby. We told him that if we see that he is serious with his commitment to change then we are going to set him free so that he and Hannah can start growing a family of their own."

Jessy was feeling happy with the news. "Mother, when will Zain announced the news of the abolition of our marriage?" she asked excitedly.

The queen smiled at the younger woman.

"He said in a few months, right now he was learning slowly to accept that you will never love him back. He had been loving you since his teenage life and looking forward to the wedding and spending the rest of his life with you, his devastation was great upon learning that his brother had an affair with her future wife and then also comes your betrayal with Hannah and he was having a hard time accepting and reconciling with everything that happens in his life. Let's give him more time to heal," the queen said.

"Okay," Jessy said no longer wanting to pursue the matter about Hannah and Zain. Since the royal couple already decided their fate then it's no longer her concern."

"So, tell me about these two important news, what is it?" the queen asked.

Jessy took a deep breath. "In the last few days, I was stressing much of the safety of the ex-vampires that were now living in the Habitat, since they're already mortals I was thinking if they are safe to be vaccinated with the anti-vampire vaccine. After obtaining the vaccine from the outside, I asked one volunteer from the old woman...her name is Alicia if she will volunteer to be vaccinated with the vaccine, she said yes and I brought her in the clinic. The doctor injected the vaccine into her arm and she was still alive until harm comes to her. I can finally confirm that the residents of the Habitat are safe from the anti-vampire vaccination just in case the government's people will come and demand all residents to be vaccinated with the vaccine," she said.

The queen was stunned the whole time the younger woman was talking. "Jessy, next time you should ask our permission first, what if something bad happens to the old woman? It will send everyone in a panic," she said.

"I'm sorry, Mother," Jessy said.

"On the other hand, it's genius of you to think that way because honestly, we haven't think of that idea about testing the authenticity of the ex-vampires new identity as converted human beings. You did the right thing, I'm so proud of you!" the queen said with gratitude in her eyes.

Jessy smiled humbly at the queen. Their relationship indeed comes a long way, there's no more hostility between them, only understanding and respect for each other.

"And next—?" Queen Margaret asked.

Jessy folded her hands on her lap. "I went outside to find Hannah, I was thinking she ventured outside the Facility. I have come far and wide to search for her, until I come to this mountain and saw vampires entering a cave's entrance so I followed them into the deepest part of the cave, we arrived into the clearing and more vampires are huddled together, about fifty of them, they look feeble and weak, their bones nearly sticking out from their bodies, their cheeks sunken due to starvation, looks like they have not consumed a decent amount of blood for a long time," she narrated.

The queen's face looks glum.

Queen Margaret knows that there are still displaced vampires scattered everywhere, but she was also aware that sooner or later they will perish because of starvation. She and the King were just a bit lucky that they stumbled on the gold mines under the Facility thus providing them all they needed including their safe hideout underground. But the rest of the vampires were not so lucky compared to them.

"Mother, I think we should save them," Jessy suggested. "We need to save them before it's too late, we still have plenty of vacant room here in the Facility, their numbers were only fifty, they won't take much room and since the rest of the six hundred ex-vampires were already residing in the Habitat I think we can accommodate them," Jessy paused for a bit. "What do you think with my suggestion, Mother?"

Queen Margaret stared at the younger woman's face. "I dunno, Jessy. But rest assured I will discuss it with the King after he gets back from his tour in the core. I will let you know about his decision later...I will send someone to inform you in the clinic," she said.

"Okay, thanks, Mother. I will go back to the clinic now," she said.

"Go ahead child..." the queen replied.

Jessy rose from the sofa and went to the door opening it and closing it gently behind her. She sauntered towards the direction of the clinic for another round of blood transfusion. Deep inside, she was hoping the royal couple will consider saving the fifty dying vampires and would not delay their decision because time is running out for those poor vampires.

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