The Last Embrace

Chapter 209 New Companion!

The couple was lying in the bed in Jessy's room in the mansion.

"Jess, just want to ask this why did you decide to offer a gardening job to Grandpa Waldo?" Adam asked.

Jessy shrugged her shoulders. "After seeing him again I realized that his life will stay the same in the streets for many years, I don't want the day to come that the next time we will see him again he will be lying dead in the cold cemented pavement, that is an awful way to die, I did it out of pity, and besides I also think of Nana Aida, it's very lonely living in that huge mansion without someone to talk to, just think about it—Nana is already old, one day she might feel ill and no one can help her, then there is much work in that house, she can't do all the chores on her own. Putting Grandpa Waldo in the mansion can be a good thing, they can become good friends...for companionship purposes, they have each other to talk to everyday and sharing the workload in the house will be much easier for Nana Aida's side. What do you think?"

Adam hugged Jessy fondly.

"I think your idea is brilliant, for a homeless man who's life is not so promising and suddenly offered with a decent job, his life will finally have a new purpose, his remaining life on earth won't be so dark anymore, I must say that with you're wonderful thinking you were able to kill two birds with one stone and that is changing the life of one homeless guy forever and then give Nana Aida a friend that she can talk to every day in that lonely place," he said.

"I just hope that they will click well together, what do you think?" Jessy said.

"That is one thing that is out of our control, let's wait and see. I was thinking—maybe you are trying to ship the old folks?" Adam grinned.

Jessy shook her head. "Not really. Two people of the opposite sex can still be good friends without romance attached. As for Nana Aida and Grandpa Waldo...what they need is to be kind and understanding of one another and work together with harmony every single day, that's not difficult to do, right?"

"Agree, shall we go downstairs now and explained everything to Nana Aida," he said.

"Ok," she answered.

They exited the room and went downstairs.

They found Nana Aida in the living room watching TV.

"Nana, we would like to tell you something..." Adam spoke.

Nana Aida paused the show she was watching and faced the couple. "What is it, guys?"

Jessy sat beside Nana Aida and hold her hands. "Nana, I'm hiring a gardener for my rose garden and he will be someone you can talk to every day like a friend. He will start working next week, as of now he is in Adam's condo unit. Nana, please be kind to him, he is close to your age, much older than you, we call him Grandpa."

Nana Aida's brows drew together. "Where did he come from?"

"We first met him last two years ago in the dark alley rummaging food in the garbage can, he looks so hungry, Adam and I took pity on him so we give him food. Then we saw him again earlier, nothing changed, he was still this pathetic homeless guy, we treat him to a decent meal and it's his birthday. So I'm thinking that this house is so huge for someone like you to live alone, you need a companion here, a friend. Adam and I won't always be around to visit you, so...yeah...having someone to talk to every day is a good thing for you," Jessy explained.

"So you offered a gardening job to a homeless man?" Nana Aida said.

"Yes, is there any problem, Nana?"

Nana Aida shook her head. "Not really, I had to admit that having another extra person here is welcome...but are you sure this man can be trusted? As long he is not a psycho, killer or a thief then I'm okay with him living here," she said feeling skeptical with the whole thing.

There was a momentary silence between them.

Jessy scratches her head she didn't think about that factor. Can they trust Grandpa Waldo? She looked at Adam, he looked back at her, they did not discuss these things beforehand they were just acting on impulse and Nana Aida just raised a critical issue to consider before going ahead in hiring the old man they took from the street.

Adam was thinking deeply about the issue being raised by Nana Aida. "Hmm, good point you raised, Nana. Although I'm not a good judge of character I can sense that Grandpa Waldo is a good man. He can't be a psycho be a killer you need to have all kinds of resources, house, jobs, money or permanent jobs to be able to allow you in buying killing tools and have enough time to hunt for victims, as you can see Grandpa is already weak and has been living in the streets for many years, most homeless people living in the street their primary and immediate needs is how to find foods to sustain their hunger to continue living and survive another day, I know the feeling because I also live a homeless life for a few months. Anyways, Grandpa will live with Caden and me for one week in my place so we will be able to observe his character, if I see something wrong with him, we will put him back in the street, no question ask," he said.

Nana Aida nods her head. "That's a good idea, as for me, as long his character is okay, I have no problem working with him here in the house. As long he is a good person I will take care of him," she said.

Jessy and Adam smiled at each other.

"Regarding your secret guys? How you will explain that to him?" Nana Aida added.

Jessy's mouth twitched. "We won't tell him about us...not yet. If he can prove to us that he can be trusted, then one day he will know our secret but what really important right now is that we are willing to give him a new life direction, a brand new start, let's just hope that he will value our good intention and live peacefully with you Nana, the moment he will give problems to you we won't hesitate to bring him back to the street," she said.

"Okay—I guess you kids have already planned everything, so let see..." Nana Aida said.

"Thanks for your cooperation, Nana, we will go back upstairs now," Adam spoke.

"Are you guys gonna sleep here?"

"Yes we will, but tomorrow morning I will be back to the condo for work commitments. But Jessy here will spend breakfast with you, Nana," Adam explained.

"Okay, goodnight kids!" she said.

"Goodnight, Nana," Jessy said.

Adam and Jessy suddenly looked at each other.

The couple raced to the stairs, Adam was already at the top of the stairs in minutes. Jessy was laughing hard at the foot of the stairs.

"You cheated!" Jessy shouted at Adam.

Adam shrugged his shoulders.

Nana Aida looked at the young couple smiling while shaking her head, well...some things never changed.

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