The Last Embrace

Chapter 211 Silhouette

The following day.

Jessy spends the morning eating breakfast with Nana Aida and Adam who decided to forego going home early. He just can't skip Nana Aida and Jessy's pleasant company.

Done with breakfast, the couple went their separate ways and Nana Aida is left alone again in the mansion.

Jessy teleported into the Facility inside her room. She took a quick shower and exited the room in a hurry heading to the clinic.

A few moments later.

She pushed the door of the clinic and went inside. "Hello, Doc...Good morning!"

The doctor raised his head. "Good morning, Jessy! You're finally here, have you rested well?"

A smiling Jessy nodded her head. "Yes, I am. Let's start the blood transfusion process, Doc!" she said.

"Okay, wait for a moment here I will get the recipient from the next room," he said and left the room.

The doctor comes back with the recipient.

The blood transfusion has started.

After a few hours.

The first blood transfusion for the day went well.

As usual, Jessy spent her lunch break with her mother in the canteen, then back again into the clinic to resume another round of blood transfusion.

Her day went well.

During the afternoon break after her 3rd blood transfusion, she decided to visit Zain. She teleported into his room in her invisible form. What she saw inside surprised her.

Inside the room is Hannah!

Holding a razor cutting Zain's long beard.


Finally! It's about time Zain will pay attention to his self-grooming. How did Hannah convince Zain to let go of his long beard? Hmm, interesting! Are these two in good terms—? She smiled a bit feeling excited! If Zain and Hannah will finally go lovey-dovey again, it would speed up the process of her and Zain's marriage to be nullified soon.

She did not wait for Hannah to finish the beard trimming on her lover, she left the room and went back to her room.

In her room, she went to her closet and took the pouch of gold. There are fifty pieces of gold nuggets left, she forgot to bring the gold nuggets and ask Adam to bring some of it to a jeweler shop to make a custom bracelet for her, her father would surely want to see her gold bracelet.

It doesn't matter, anyway, they will see each other after one week because they will bring Grandpa Waldo into the mansion. She put about ten gold nuggets in her sling bag so that she won't forget to bring it next time she will see Adam.

Nightfall comes.

After the 5th blood transfusion, the doctor said that she should rest early for the night 'coz they will do six blood transfusion the whole day tomorrow.

It's still 10:00 in the evening, too early to sleep, her usual time to sleep is usually at midnight and beyond.

As she was lying in her bed, she was thinking of what to do with her free time.

Hmm, she will go to Hannah! That's right! She will have a conversation with her, she will be asking her about Zain's condition.

She rises from the bed and exited her room heading to Hannah's room.

She finally reached the pregnant woman's room, she knocked three times, no one is answering, she decided to use her power and passed through the door, but when she went one is there! Hmm, where could she be?

She already had an idea where her friend would be at this time, in Zain's room! She transformed into her invisible form and teleported into the prince's room.

As suspected Hannah is indeed inside the prince's room, sleeping next to Zain. As usual, Zain didn't display any kind of affection towards the pregnant woman. He was facing the door, clean-shaven, his back was on the sleeping woman, his eyes wide awake, his gaze was fixated at the door.

What is he thinking right now?

Jessy was shaking her head, Jessy realized that forgiveness is not something that Zain can easily bestow to anyone.

It will take a long time. She chose not to show herself in front of Zain hoping he can also learn to forgive and forget her at the soonest possible time.

Since Hannah is sleeping peacefully beside her husband and seems to be okay, Jessy departed from the room and went back to her room to sleep early.

Thirty minutes past already and she can't sleep, she was feeling restless in her bed!

She decided to go outside the Facility to do some air patrolling, she transformed into her invisible form and teleported outside the Facility.

Once she was already outside the Facility, she rose in the air and hovered around the Facility then she went to the Habitat and do the same thing, patrolling the outside perimeter looking for anything that is out of the ordinary.

After a few minutes of exploring the perimeter outside the Habitat...she didn't see anything suspicious.

Then she fixed her eyes on the horizon to the direction where the mountain and the cave were located.

Hmm...what if there are still vampires that needed rescuing there?

She could visit the place again and investigate. No harm in doing so. She will just go there for a few minutes and if she sees no one—then she will go back to the Facility and retire for the night.

She continues hovering in the air towards the cave's location passing towering trees below her.

The moon above is not so bright anymore.

A few minutes later, she arrived at the top of the mountain, she hovered down until she reached the foot of the mountain, she entered the mouth of the cave, as she went deeper into the cave, silence is everywhere. The cave looks deserted compared the last time when the fifty vampires were still here, no signs of life anywhere except the faint trickling sound of the stream.

Then she reached the clearing and her eyes widened.

The crackling of the woods can be heard, there is a bonfire in the center of the clearing!

She looked around her, no one was inside the cave!

So why is there a bonfire inside the deserted cave?

Who started the bonfire?

She inspected the bonfire, the woods are still not fully consumed by the fire looks like it's freshly burnt, whoever made the bonfire, that person is still inside the cave or somewhere outside the cave.

Hmm—this is interesting!

She will wait for that person to come back to the clearing.

She waited inside...

Since she was in her invisible form no one can see her, whoever made the bonfire, that person won't be alerted by her presence.

She sat down on the corner closest to a big rock and stared at the bonfire.

She's already been waiting for about thirty minutes, still, no one comes into the clearing. Could it be that the one responsible for making the bonfire is outside the cave, probably?

She has a higher chance of catching that person if she stays inside the cave waiting patiently.

She must have been waiting so long already because the light from the bonfire was getting smaller.

Jessy was already dozing off feeling sleepy.

A few minutes later the bonfire died.

The cave was plunged in total darkness.

Jessy awakened from her slumber to see thick darkness flooding around her, she looked at the direction of the bonfire, it's no longer producing any light to expel the darkness.

She was also feeling sleepy.

Time to go!

She teleported into her room in the Facility and sunk her body into the bed and fall asleep after a few minutes.


Back in the cave.

The bonfire suddenly lighted up again.

This time a silhouette can be seen approaching the bonfire.

The figure sat down on the ground facing the bonfire.

His eyes were fixed on the rock where Jessy was sitting earlier.

A smirk curled up in his mouth.

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