The Last Embrace

Chapter 213 The Mysterious Guy

After a few minutes of walking deep inside the cave, she finally arrived in the center of the clearing.

As usual, the place was deserted not a single soul was present.

It's dark inside. But with the help of her power, she can see everything.

She walked towards the center of the clearing where the bonfire was burning brightly last night. What was left were just the embers.

She looked around her...

She was surrounded by the same rocks everywhere.

Hmm...looks like that entity who was responsible for the bonfire last night isn't here at this moment.

She was about to leave the place but suddenly the bonfire was lit again!

She was taken aback by surprise!

The fire was now burning brightly...

She looked around her—still, no one is inside—except her!

What kind of wizardry is this!?

Then the fire died down...

Then after a few minutes, it was burning bright again.

Then died again...

The bonfire was turning off and turning on its own, like an automatic lamp. Whoever did this knows of her presence? They are waiting for her to reveal herself and capture her—?

She stayed in the darkness in her invisible form, she won't be the one to reveal her identity first! She will wait for them to reveal themselves no matter how long she has to wait inside the cave.

She waited for a few minutes, and she felt like she was already in the cave for almost two hours, her break time is already finished!

Damn! she needs to go back to the clinic and resumed the blood transfusion!

If she will remain inside the cave to play hide and seek with the mysterious being, she won't be able to finish her blood transfusion today!

But she can always come back later after she's done with the blood transfusion, she will have plenty of time to play with the mischievous being. Right now her priority is the blood transfusion, the rest can wait!

She teleported into the Facility outside the clinic.

She wastes no time and went inside the clinic to get ready for another round of blood transfusion.

Her mind was preoccupied while lying in bed. This will be her 4th blood transfusion for the day. She can't stop thinking about the bonfire, the way it turns on and off, only a powerful vampire with the power to manipulate the fire can do something like that.

How many vampires that have that kind of power still exist in this world?

Probably a dozen?

She only knew that the royal family is powerful...but how about those savage vampires and their leader? How powerful are they?

She is yet to face a powerful enemy—aside from the government that had nuclear powers and weaponry at their disposal that can pulverize an area of target—lunching those attacked from a remote headquarters with just a quick press of the button in the control panel with the aid of the satellite images—then there are also other powerful vampires which are the arch-enemy of the royal family.

Looks they are not alone.

She was about to discover another type of enemy—lurking—just a thousand miles away from the facility.

If those enemies are deadly she needs to eliminate them once and for all—before they can create chaos and damage against the Habitat and the Facility!

These entities must be no ordinary being because they had awareness of her presence even if she was in her invisible form.

As long they can't see her, they can't do anything against her!

But she wanted them to reveal themselves first so that she will know who the enemy is.


After the 4th blood transfusion ended, she's back in the cave.

The bonfire was still burning brightly in the center of the clearing.


How about if she will lure them with a trap? If it's the only way to know who are the beings she's dealing with? It might work.

She went to one of the rock and work her power on it, creating an image of a woman, a beautiful image of a model she saw in a magazine long time ago, she blew air into the image of the woman giving it a lifelike aura...then she dressed the puppet according to the same likeness of her clothes. She made the woman stood up manipulated by her power. She made the woman stood near the bonfire and make her visible.

This time the bonfire was no longer turning on and off, it was burning brightly illuminating the entire clearing.


There's a gush of wind coming from all directions and soon enough it slowly materialized into a form of a man wearing a black cloak, she can't see his face because it was concealed by the black hood he was wearing.

The man walked towards the woman...

Jessy instantly put the puppet woman into an invisible form.

"What the hell? Are you are teasing me—eh?" the man spoke in a loud voice. "Come on sweetie! show me yourself woman! Don't hide and tease me!" he demanded.

Jessy manipulated the puppet woman and put her a few meters away from the man's reach, then she made it visible again.

The mysterious man lunged at the woman, but Jessy was quick enough to make the puppet invisible again placing her in another area of the cave.

This time the man is pissed off!

"No one would dare play such a trick on me! You get out where you are hiding bitch and I swear I will eat you alive!" his thunderous voiced vibrated inside the cave.

Jessy's eyes widened when she saw fire growing in the guy's palms! Dang! He can grow and manipulate fire like her and Adam!?"

He must be a powerful vampire!

She knew what the man is going to do next, he will burn the cave with the fire in his hand! He was going to destroy the beautiful formation of the cave, although the cave is not her home it's a waste of natural wonders if she will allow him to do just that.

As the fire was getting bigger in his palm...

Jessy made the puppet invisible with the hope of destructing the mysterious man...

The man faced the woman and the fire suddenly disappeared from his palm. "There you are, sweetie! How dare you play hide and seek with me! You are gonna pay for it dearly!"

Before Jessy can anticipate his next move...

The man was quick and waved his hand on the puppet woman...

WTF! Jessy recognized the power he released on his hands, it's the freezing power technique!


He freezes the puppet!

"Got you! Sweetie!" his mouth released a burst of thunderous laughter.

Jessy was dumbfounded.


Holy! He also had the power of freezing!

This is getting interesting—this man is not an ordinary being!

It only means one thing he could be a vampire!

Jessy watched the man hoisted the frozen puppet she carved from a rock unto his shoulder.

"Eh—Why you are so heavy, sweetie!? You weight like a rock!" the man commented and proceeded to go outside the cave.

Jessy fought the urged to laugh while following the man from a safe distance.

Where is he going?

Does he have another home?

Well...she'd better follow where he is going...she might discover something new in the location where he's heading.

She was thinking to teleport right at the entrance of the cave and just wait for him there but she might lose him if she will do just that, the best thing to do is not let him out of her sight.

The mysterious man keeps going until he emerged from the mouth of the cave, from there the guy did something to the puppet...

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