The Last Embrace

Chapter 216 Alive But Captive!

Jessy was about to teleport into the Facility when all of a sudden five vampires entered the clearing and went to the cages. They opened three cage housing incapacitated individuals, they looked so malnourished and their bones were nearly sticking out from their bodies. The poor souls get out of the cages in slow motions as if the mere act of walking can tear their bones apart.

"Hurry up!" one vampire was about to hit them with the spear he was carrying but the leader interrupted him.

"Hold it! Why are you so quick to hit the very same being that feeds you blood over and over again!?" the leader's eyes glowered putting the cruel vampire back on his place.

The rest of the vampires bound the mortals' hands with a rope made from abaca. Then they hold torches in their hands.

"Now we shall continue, let's get them out of here!" the leader commanded.

"Why can we just kill them and be done with them?" asked the scoundrel.

"Because it's the King's order, we will release the captive alive into the forest, no mortals should be killed!" said the leader.

"Hmph!" the savage kept grumbling while they were marching slowly away from the cave.

The leader was getting pissed! He turned around and ordered the grumbling savage. "You go back now inside the cave! You aren't needed here, you lazy bastard!" he shouted angrily at the whining savage for good measure.

The savage turned around and go back to where they come from.

The rest of the vampires and the captives were marching farther away from the vicinity of the cave.

They were traveling farther away...

Until they reached another area of the forest where there is a clearing and Jessy heard running water nearby, probably a stream!

"Released the captives!" the leader commanded.

The vampires freed the captive's hands from the rope.

"Now, let's hunt for the others!" the leader said.

The vampires scattered everywhere as if they were hunting for something!

Then a commotion took place, there was a shrieking, screaming and shouting for help!

Jessy knew—those were cries of help from human beings. Huh? How come other humans living are residing in this part of the forest?

When the vampires gathered back in the center of the clearing, three of them were grasping the arms of three helpless women.


Jessy brows knitted together, these women look healthy and clean! Where did they come from?

The leader was inspecting the faces of the new captives.

He grinned. "We harvested three healthy females today, our beloved King will surely enjoy these females blood! Tie their hands with the rope! Then we shall go back to the camp at once because it's getting late, the morning is approaching and the sun will come up anytime soon, it will be our doom if we can't go back to the cave on time while there's still darkness, let's hurry up!" there was urgency in his voice.

The savages bound the women's hands with the rope.

Jessy can hear sobbing and whimpering from the women and tears were streaming down on their faces. The women didn't attempt to run or flee, they obediently followed the savages as their captors were walking rapidly as fast as their feet can carry them.

When the savages were finally out of earshot, she sighed.

What is this place?

Where are those three malnourished men? Maybe they are already fleeing out of the place and scattered everywhere, sigh, she had forgotten about them!

The area is quiet, the silence was everywhere.

Jessy rose up in the air—higher above the trees, she can see the daylight starting to spreads out on the horizon. She was interested to see the whole place and curious to see what direction those three malnourished men were running to— and where those healthy women come from?

As the first ray of light hit the clearing, what she saw below—shocked her!

The clearing consist of towering trees surrounding the whole area about half kilometer in size, the clearing is where the skulls of humans and animals were being dumped. On the north side of the clearing stood a wooden house.

Then she saw the feeble looking men huddled together near the bark of a big Narra tree.

So—they didn't flee at all? They must be very frightened and based on their poor health they won't go far anyway, they will die along the way, bitten by insects or eaten by wild animals.

She was curious what is inside the wooden hut? She was about to enter the hut when suddenly the door opened, a middle-aged man in his early fifties steps outside and walked towards the ill-looking men.

"Welcome back brothers! Come inside the house, there are some foods inside, we happened to catch some fish in the stream yesterday," he invited them inside the hut.

The frightened men walked slowly towards the door of the hut and they disappeared inside.

Jessy followed them inside the hut.

There, she saw at least ten people inside, excluding the three new arrivals...five men and five women...they are not as healthy as the three women she saw last night. Then she saw....babies! two healthy babies! sleeping on the wooden floor aged about one year old. Whose baby are they? Did the mortals fall in love with each other while in captivity? Probably yes...and she knew already what will happen to the babies when they grow up they will also end up as the savages blood supply.

This is tragic!

"When will this ever end?" one woman was started crying, the other woman was trying to console the crying woman and rubbed her back gently.

One man released a deep sigh. "This will all end after we die, there is no escaping this place, poisonous snake and deadly wild animals are waiting for us if we escape this place. We will all die here while the savages vampires keep harvesting our blood and dumped us here to recuperate and nurse our health, then after we bring ourselves to good health they will come again to harvest the healthy ones and bring them back to the cave to be the vampires blood supply, it's a never-ending cycle. We are stuck here forever!" he blurted out.

One of the women spoke. "Let's not lose hope people, I still believe rescue will come one day, we just keep believing and hoping even though it's getting hopeless every day. I still want to see my family back home, they probably think I am already dead, I miss my children and my husband so much as well my parents and siblings," tears were flowing down her face.

Soon the hut was filled with crying and lamenting by the women while the men were silently looking at each other's hopeless estate, misty-eyed.

The middle-aged man went to the tiny kitchen and scooped fish soup into the coconut shell then give them to the new arrivals, then he also took boiled bananas and put them in front of the men. "Brothers, eat and nurse yourself back to health, as long we are alive and healthy they will keep us alive, as long we are not dead yet we can still find a way how to escape this place and report to the authorities about those people that needs rescuing inside that horrendous cave," his voice was calm and authoritative—assuring the men and women inside the wooden house that they will eventually leave the place one day, he spoke with confidence in his voice soothing the fear and hopelessness marring his companions faces.

The melancholy inside the wooden hut was dragging Jessy's mood down.

She needs to get out—leave the place immediately and go back to the Facility and sleep in her bed, she has been wide awake 24 hours already.


She still has a blood transfusion to do today! She quickly teleported inside her room in the Facility.

She looked at her clock in the bedside table, it's already 7:00 in the morning!

She sunk her body in the soft bed and shut her eyes tightly trying to block what she witnessed in the cave.

She had fallen asleep after a few minutes.

Six hours later...she woke up to see the hands of clock strikes at 1:00 in the afternoon. She took a quick shower, then rushed to the canteen for lunch and then report to the clinic to resume blood transfusion.

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