The Last Embrace

Chapter 219 Descending

The clock finally strikes at midnight.

Jessy just finished the last blood transfusion for the day. She exited the clinic in a hurry and went to her room to change into her black ensemble. Then she proceeds to the queen's study room. She saw Princess Abigail in there but no signs of the royal couple.

"Are you looking for my parents, Jess?" the princess said.

"Yes, where are they?"

"They are in the conference hall, discussing the rescue mission of the mortals that were being imprisoned in the cage," Princess Abigail said. "Can I go with you guys?" she pleaded wanting to go with the rescue operation.

Jessy looked at the princess with sympathetic eyes. "Did you asked your father's permission to go with us?"

Princess Abigail shook her head. "My parents don't want me to go. Mother wants me to stay here in the Facility beside her, but I wanted to go out 'coz it's so boring here! I want some action!" she said in a petulant manner.

Jessy released a deep sigh. "I understand your boredom, Abi, but try to understand that we are going on a dangerous mission. Your mother thinks that you can be a great help to her if you remain by her side just in case the Facility is under attack from other enemies," she tried to explain rationally to the younger woman. "I will go now..."

"Okay, good luck, Jess!" Princess Abigail turns her back on Jessy and picked up a random book from the shelf.

Jessy walked out of the study room and went straight to the conference hall. There...she saw about a hundred vampires sitting on the chairs while the Royal couple was discussing something in the platform.

Out of the corner of his eyes, King Antone saw Jessy entering the conference hall. "Ah, here she is...come here in the center, child. Let's discuss how to rescue the mortals and what is your plan for the rescue operation since you're the one knowledgeable in that area."

Jessy picked up the pen and began scribbling something on the whiteboard. She drew a mountain and a cave below the mountain, then trees and plants in the surrounding area, then another clearing in the forest which housed the mortals nourishing back their health.

She addressed the crowd and began her explanation based on what she saw in that area...

"This mountain here has a cave underground, it's the hideout of the savage vampires, they have Eight Point Star Symbol on their nape. In one of the clearings inside the cave, thirty cages contained thirty mortals, they are imprisoned inside the cages. They were being fed with human foods every day. These caged mortals are their only source of blood supply. Not very far from the cave is another clearing, this is where the savage vampires dumped the sick and emaciated mortals to recuperate and restore themselves to good health, then they will come again to harvest the healthy humans and imprisoned them again in the cage inside the cave for blood consumption. The cycle repeats itself. I have a theory that their leader abducts humans from the city or neighboring areas and bring them to the cave..."

Jessy paused for a moment...then she conversed privately with King Antone.

"Father, we can do the freezing technique. Since I am the one knowledgeable in the inside of the cave, I will go there with several of your men and freeze those bastards, while you and your men can do the clearing outside the cave. After we freeze them all, we can bring them outside the cave and kill them or burn them, or we can instantly kill them on the spot. What is the best way to kill them, Father?" she asked.

"Burn them all without mercy!" the king said without batting an eyelash.

"H-how about the children, women and old folks?" Jessy asked.

King Antone looked at Jessy in the eyes. "I know you are not used to killing the innocent ones, child, but those young ones will grow up and survive one day and might do the same thing to the mortals. The same cycle repeats itself, they will die anyway because we are going to take away their blood supply so why don't we just put an end to their misery?"

Jessy breathed deeply, the king indeed got a valid point. She still opposed to the idea of killing children—but what can she do? The king looks resolute in his decision.

King Antone sighed. "Jessy, all you need to do is rescue the mortals and teleport them here in the Facility, leave the rest to us. You don't need to kill anyone tonight, my men will gladly do it for you," he said in a firm tone.

She nods her head. "Okay Father, we already agreed to the plan. We're ready to go!"

Jessy saw that the vampires were holding spears and fighting knives about seven inches long encased with knife sheath on their hands, those were the only weapons that they were carrying with them. She also noticed that the King and his men were wearing white-colored cloaks, easier to distinguish themselves from the enemies who are wearing black cloaks.

The king addressed his men and divided them into two. "Men, start counting from 1 to 50, then go to Jessy's side, and the rest will follow me. We will travel in the air together. Jessy, you go first to guide us we will be following you from behind, then we will descend in the area at the same time to launch a surprise attack on them," he said. "Let's go men!"

They all go out of the conference hall.

Jessy, the king, and his men walked towards the entrance, they exited the door which leads them outside.

From there, they levitated in the air.

Jessy zoomed ahead of the others, covering a distance from the rest of her companion. She has the intention to scout the surrounding area first before they will descend into the ground.

They already passed by on the first cave where the rescued vampires were taking shelter.

A few minutes more they will be approaching the savage's hideout.

She's getting nearer to the area while her companion was tailing her from behind a few meters away.

She paused midair and gave a hand signal to the king, wanting them to standby.

The king and his men understood her hand signal, they floated in the air no longer advancing towards her. Then they saw that Jessy zoomed right into them...

"Father, I will go down first in my invincible form, I will be conducting quick surveillance around the area, once everything is clear, I will come back here and we all go down at the same time, just keep your men ready and alert," she said.

She disappeared instantly from the king's vision.

Jessy descended into the clearing where the bonfire was used to be. The surrounding area is dark. But she can see several vampires moving in the dark...

She hovered towards the entrance of the cave and entered it, she went to the clearing where the majority of vampires gathered, and then to the clearing where the thirty mortals were imprisoned in a cage. As usual nothing new in there, everything was the same when she saw them yesterday. She went to the bedchamber to see the leader of the savages, but she can't find him there!

Oh no! Where is he!?

But she can't waste her time finding him, they have to finish the mission quickly!

Jessy went back towards the entrance and exited the cave. She rose in the air and zoomed towards the location where the king and his men were waiting behind the shadows of towering trees.

Then she instantly appeared in front of them nearly startling them.

"Father, some of them were milling outside the cave. While the condition inside the cave is the same, however, tell your men that the leader is not in his bedchamber, he can be lurking somewhere and he is dangerous, I can't see him anywhere...tell them to be careful!" she said.

King Antone nodded his head and faced his men. "Okay guys, be careful, the leader can not be located! He could be anywhere, watch out for him don't let your guard down! Let's descend into the ground now!"

Jessy, the king and the rest of the vampire warriors descended into the ground...

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